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Everything posted by Yakuda

  1. So you dont know what the quotation marks mean. Where do any of those passages say, "faith alone"? "Whoever believes AND is baptized will be saved" Jesus. Look I understand how hard this must be for you to realize that what your cashier turned pastor has taught you isn't biblical. It has to be devastating since they have filled you with the lie that you're a "bible believing" Christian therefore you know better. You know only what they tell you. You have the verses memorized and you think they mean what the cashier turned pastor has told you they mean. In order to do that you have to ignore Jesus and you happily do it.
  2. AGAIN you ignore me. I will tell you AGAIN i don't recognize your non biblical source. AGAIN volume does not equal accuracy. If it's ignorance to ignore you and listen to Jesus then I'm happily ignorant. I didnt say anything about who is saved. I am reminding you what Jesus said. Scripture also says that "faith alone" does not save. See you STILL lose.
  3. Appealing AGAIN to non biblical sources Show me where the Bible says "we are saved by faith alone". I meant the quote from scripture not a website you like to copy and paste from. I quoted Jesus words directly from scripture. I thought you people say catholics are the non biblical ones. Make sure your scripture passage for salvation by faith alone says "faith alone". The quotation marks are there for a reason. I can quote directly from scripture where it says "faith alone". AGAIN heed the quotation marks.
  4. So Jesus says "Whoever believes AND(my emphasis) is baptized will be saved...". Blackbird says, "Baptism is recommended as a sign of being born again. It dos not save anyone." Why in heavens name would I believe Jesus? You say salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ but when he says whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, that's not true.
  5. You ignore Jesus so why should be I surprised you don't listen to me. I will keep trying though because I know God put a brain inside your skull. Here's a few questions actually answer them 1. How many times did God say "Let there be light" before there actually was light? 2. How many times does Jesus need to say something in order for it to actually be true? 3. How does what Jesus say contradict what is said elsewhere about faith? 4. Do you know what the word "and" means?
  6. Written revelation huh? Like where Jesus says, "Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved"? The revelation you ignore?
  7. Kind of like how climate change nuts react when they are challenged?
  8. Oh it's coming. It's going to have to in order to decide this thing one way or another. The question is are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to make sure that men who "feel" for like they are women can wear dresses and use the ladies room?
  9. The best part is how hysterical people get about this. One of the best days of my will be the day trump gets elected again as president. If that happens i will actually tune into MSNBC and all the other leftist propaganda outlets to watch their reactions. I shouldn't be so thrilled by the prospect of other peoples misery but I can't help and they brought it on themselves.
  10. Not commies. Communists are children compared to American leftists. Communists at least had an idea, a perverted one, but an idea nonetheless to build something. American leftists aren't that ambitious. Their goal is to tear everything apart.
  11. Unarmed woman murdered in cold blood. Filthy leftists An unarmed woman murdered in cold blood. Filthy leftists
  12. Oh I see no one was convicted so she wasnt unarmed and she wasnt murdered in cold blood. That's only true after a conviction. You can't make up this shit.
  13. An unarmed woman murdered in cold blood. You can have a hissy fit all you like, that's what happened. An UNARMED woman was shot down and killed. Period. Nothing happened. You people are boring after a while.
  14. Yes trespassing. An unarmed woman was murdered in cold.blood that day but you're entirely fine with it. Forgive me if I ignore your feigned outrage but it means nothing to me. You people have worked a bullshit narrative for 4 years. Your whining and pretending is boring because you all you nitwits know how to do.
  15. Oh wait I get it, you think I give a shit. You're a leftist nitwit with the brain power of a rock.
  16. Woke isn't the same. It's not targeting a specific group. Using the the term Christian nationalist is targeting Christians who support trump and it suggests that they are dangerous or a threat to democracy. As if leftist is give a shit about democracy. You have to prove it's nuts. But govts dont guarantee them. They violate people's rights every day and sadly many American nitwits happily sure def their rights to the govt. Govts are insured to secure rights not guarantee them. When the govt is taking away my rights who do I complain to? The govt? Really?
  17. How people identify doesn't require the rest of us to play along. There are people who really struggle with this but the VAST majority of people who are "trans" are playing.
  18. Gender dysphoria night be, yes. "Being trans" isn't. It's based on the bogus idea that because a tiny number of people are born intersex that's means gender MUST be in a "spectrum". There is no evidence for it and there is even less evidence for the 37 or whatever number of "genders" which supposedly exists.
  19. I don't have a definition as it's a phrase made up by leftists to marginalize people they disagree with. What's clear is they used the word, creator. If they meant cis they could have written cis. They didn't. You know what else they didnt write? That govt are the grantors of rights. Irrelevant. Government doesn't grant rights to it's citizens. If i have to explain to you why it's a bad idea to think that then we dont need to say anything more to each other.
  20. Yes they have. They know bidens a putz.
  21. And an unarmed woman was murdered in cold blood. You know what's insane mongrels that think what happened in Jan 6 was an "insurrection". Trespassing at best. Political prisoners being punished for supporting a political candidate the elite ruling class of leftists don't like. It's sad what you people have done to America
  22. Careful the lefties will feed you to the dogs if you speak poorly if you blaspheme their supreme ruler.
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