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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. The US military brass is more concerned about coddling the LGBT community than actually fighting a war. It would be a bloodbath for the USA if there is a war for China. Imagine a troop of cross dressers lined up against well trained chinese soldiers.
  2. China is most definitely a totalitarian system. I'm guessing you work there?
  3. LOL China is a total pushover in NORMAL times. The reason the USA doesn't move on China is huge pay days. Congressman Amash for example hated Trump because Amash owns a tool company that makes their tools in China. I would gander that more than half of BOTH parties in the USA are rewarded one way or another for playing nice with China.
  4. I think one thing we will ALL agree on figuring out what happens next is completely impossible. And that has a direct role in my life looking to load up on some stocks. Don't want to buy oil stocks for peace to break out next week.
  5. I want my 50s back. Seriously. Things were better.
  6. Their service sucks. Out of biscuits or wedges or donuts all the time. But they ARE cheap and I love the fact they have biscuits.
  7. We might like to think so, but in the end it is always transactional when it comes to our spouses. Love at first sight is a delusion sadly too many young men fall into, as I did when I was young. We yearn to have those feelings we had when we first met, but that utopian feeling we once had does not last long and doesn't generally repeat. Instead we love our spouse based on a list of who they are and what they do for us. The closest thing to altruistic love would be the love we have for our children.
  8. Hillary murdered Vince Foster, Epstein and Seth Rich.
  9. Canadians are total pikers - the daycare version of politics while the Americans are grown ups.
  10. He is a dead beat dad crackhead who got payoffs from the Ukrainians.
  11. I really can't opine on this bio weapon thing. But I do distrust the US military leadership and most certainly distrust the CIA, as well as the Xiden administration.
  12. The LPC is the fiefdom of the Chinese Communist Party.
  13. Canadians sadly just don't have skepticism about their media. They should.
  14. I am not particularly fond of Zelensky and his association with some of the worlds' most evil people - Zuckerberg, Soros, the Clintons, the Bidens
  15. really? Because I consider PQ the most left of all the provinces. I mean 85 to 15 right? 85% of the vote federally goes to one lefty or the other - NDP, Greens, Liberal, Parti Quebecois?
  16. No of course not. They just share principles and narratives, but no, it doesn't mean they are in cahoots. But I really wish we had a SKEPTICAL media. If we did they would slay nonsense such as the heat dome or increase in hurricanes is due to global warming rubbish.
  17. ROFL. Pray for us? But not engage us? Oh please. I'm just glad we are finally past the insanity of the reaction to COVID 19 that was clearly an over reaction. I mean when God REALLY comes for us with a disease we will know it. COVID managed to wipe out a whopping 1/20th of 1 percent of the world population. Yes, I got the damn shots and the vaccine cards - just to function. But I think we lost a lot in the process.
  18. Problem is the LPC has incredible efficiency in its votes. The CPC really needed to get an even higher amount of votes in. We need a champion that will cut programs and cut corporate welfare. And bring the budget back into balance.
  19. Well honestly I don't bother with the Weather network, but I do recall them pushing the global warming stitch.
  20. Would that make the person then a populist? Have a hard time seeing Charest as having a vision.
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