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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. THAT is the problem with mainstream conservative movements. They are run by people who care about power only for power's sake like Joe Clark, Mulroney and Charest.
  2. She and others REFUSE to answer the basic question as to when does abortion become murder? They resort to insulting men as a gender.
  3. Wow dirty dirty Democrats. There is really nothing they haven't tried. Although legal in some states, I can't imagine that a modern country allows other people to hand off someone's voting package. In Canada we are crossed off the voting roll, and the poll watcher watches as we put the ballot in the box.
  4. Yes, the US economy is in recession. That is why they are pushing Roe V Wade for the midterms. Americans are puzzled by this man with clear dementia.
  5. Problem is by fraud the Democrats control the election system.
  6. I've read Marx. The 2 out of 3 is based on the voting percentages for the 4 Marxist parties - Liberal, NDP, Green and Bloc.
  7. I really really want to murder George Soros right now. Should that be my right? After all this is all about denying rights to people. So I feel I have a right to murder George Soros. And Noam Chomsky. Throw Hillary Clinton in there. I have a right to terminate these people.
  8. So at how many weeks should a mother be allowed to murder their children? In your perfect world? Minus 5 months to leaving the womb. 3 months? 2 months? 1 day? Plus 1 day?
  9. ....... so saying one cannot murder is dictating rights to others?
  10. Except Canadians are NOT the center. 2 out of 3 are Marxists.
  11. Except we are talking about something Pierre excreted from his pores. Justin is a Trudeau as much as what comes out of Harper's sweat glans is his prodigy.
  12. Who I gather our milquetoasts who would govern to the left of Trudeau?
  13. So I was too cheap to pay the $30 but the trailer mentioned voting drop boxes? Why would there be unsecure drop boxes? That seems like a VERY bad idea. The only drop box we have in Canada is the one at the polling station that can only be accessed during voting hours. The idea of people being able to unmonitored push things into a drop box seems like a cheat waiting to happen.
  14. Really? What sort of amendments could the state's propose? Nothing affecting other states I am guessing?
  15. Yes but the only way I see hope is a civil war. Florida and Texas would need to forge a new confederacy out of the South. Not sure they are up to it.
  16. Ford became the worst fascist of the bunch.
  17. Do you think there is hope? I personally don't see any for Canada and the USA - which means the entire world is screwed. Our basic freedoms will be a memory by 2100.
  18. I noticed the exact same thing. When I grew up in the 70s and 80s black culture was pretty much in line with mainstream American culture. The past seemed to be the past. But then Democrats had to ruin everything with the race card. The cop hating of the last decade is the absolute worst of it.
  19. Yes I ended up cancelling Fox News for being so anti-Trump and producing fake polls about Trump's performance.
  20. And Florida. Trump did great in Florida. And I suspected to see that translate into the rest of the country. Indeed in Ohio and PENN it looked like Trump was doing great. Then the voting was stopped. And 200,000 Biden votes appeared out of nowhere. There is a rumor that True the Vote is going to dump the addresses to the mule locations. Fox News, like I expected, won't play the film. I wouldn't be surprised if they canned Tucker.
  21. The Ukraine made its bed when it sided with Democrats to make a false profile on Trump.
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