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Everything posted by Faramir

  1. Exactly as I say to americans this is not the reagan era. People were far more conservative then. My conservatism has never changed but now I would be regarded as Goebbels himself.
  2. No but it was the stupid idea that priests that should be celibate that sent them to diddling little boys. You are not even willing to throw me a bone and at least say sodomy is no more a sin than fornication? It is just NOT a sin at all to you? Is from a left wing perspective? Are you a Sojourners suscriber?
  3. You are? But you think sodomy is NOT a sin? Where did you get that idea?
  4. Should the lunatics run the asylum? Hell no. It is quite clear that school boards want to push every woke idea that is in fashion these days. Thank God my kids are in Christian private school - but they still push woke ideas like global warming and a bit of nonsense like cultural appropriation.
  5. Well were off the topic a bit, but seems like the COVID question will not go away. Interesting conversations since I have discovered an element of conservatism that can actually tread the middle ground without becoming some Heath loving surrender monkey. With COVID, with gun rights, with prostitution and illicit drugs, I have moved a bit away from Libertarian positions and I think I can do that without sliding into the same pigeon holes that left wing fanaticism resides. I will concede that the powers seemed to relinquish their COVID emergency powers once the outbreak started sorted itself out. I was never fully convinced that they would cede power back, and was alarmed, maybe incorrectly, that Ford in Ontario was apparently quite draconian with his measures. Though we did not go the Australia new zealand route of curfews - good God.
  6. Canadians sleep walking to tyranny. The only way some think (and they may be right) to defeat Turd o is selecting a limp wristed milquetoast as CPC leader. I generally don't pay much attention to this thread because the outcome is likely dire no matter what. Anyone remember the turtle and rabbit analogy from The Hunt? Any outcome will do nothing to stop speech codes and other restrictions on free speech. Harper let the kangaroo courts continue under his watch some call the Human Rights Commission.
  7. Canada doesn't have truly conservative towns. At best the most conservative canadian is just right of Mitt Romney.
  8. How is it so many are worried about guns when a diapered senile old man has nuclear codes?
  9. I'd like to know why its OK for terrorist groups like antifa and blm to protest in Ottawa but not the truckers?
  10. Relative to those currencies yes. The issue for me is what happens when the US population figure out they are a banana republic and no better than Mexico. The value of the US dollar involves that the USA is suppose to be a lawful nation with a stable political system. What happens when that is no longer reality? Well, I think it IS reality. We have an FBI that is totally politicized and increasingly arrests without warrant. We also had 3 elections stolen by massive cheating. The federal election and 2 Georgia run offs.
  11. It's all a rigged scam. FDRs America for instance bailed out all the lenders and did NOTHING to bail out the deposits of the average American. The system is rigged. Wall Street takes massive risks .... and yokels like GW Bush bail them out, claiming they had no choice. But if WE make those same errors no one gives a damn.
  12. sharkman I am going to try to seperate the politics from the financial, but I get its hard with diaper in chief down in the usa. This week we see the start of a rally. I think the chances are 80% this is only a bear market rally. The USA is officially in a recession. What also is interesting is the set up in the oil charts. Fundamentally I don't think the oil prices now make any sense. But the chart is indicating a very good chance for a break out on the oil prices. THAT affects pretty much everything. Cruise ships. Airline stocks. Even Amazon needs to use gas to ships its products. It's hard to reconcile the fact that we are in a recession but oil prices keep surging. If anyone has figured this out let me know.
  13. Crypto is likely a bubble. Keep in mind all world currencies are based on a subjective value to one another. Their objective value would be how much bread or apples can a dollar buy today compared to 1975? Pretty much all currencies have lost objective value.
  14. I would like to know where things sit in reality. If I am honest I make sure I drive well in the US, and never cut anyone off less someone guns me down on the freeway. But how likely is that? I also worry about leaving my 9 year old in a car if I run into the pet store. How likely is it someone kidnaps him and sells him into the sex trade? Is it more myth than reality?
  15. It is the same argument between liberals and conservatives as the COVID issue. Conservatives think the number of COVID deaths is inconsequential and liberals think the number of deaths was the worst international disaster in mankind's history. Same with gun related deaths. Personally, I love the second amendment from a liberty standpoint. But of course here where I live don't see there is a need for guns in particular. I rarely even lock my door. In fact buying a security system is simply a waste of money. Violence in suburban Canadian locations is just practically non-existent. And the same for minor crimes like B&Es. But I get the point. The first thing the Kings of France did was outlaw weapons to their citizens.
  16. No that is just your delusion. 41,000 people die each year from falling in the USA.
  17. Problem is liberals want a totalitarian state whereby your freedom of speech is constantly monitored and "corrected" in whatever fashion they deem needed to "protect" certain feelings. You see this constantly in how much the media complains about forums that allow posting from Jill Sixpack. You would think the media would champion free speech, since they make their living on it, but in fact they only care about the free speech of Columbia trained journalists.
  18. Because Francis is a rogue hard left leaning pope who puts his political stances before his faith.
  19. Glad I don't live in your totalitarian world.
  20. The number of shooting deaths, most of which are lawful, are dwarfed by the number of people who die each year from falling.
  21. So we keep getting more and more excuses from the Federal government. I'm not even one of those unlucky souls in the line ups. But applied in person on March 12. They promised the passport by April 11. Still waiting. The last excuse I saw in the news is we should see passports in 40 days from application. So even using 40 BUSINESS days that would bring me into the second week of May. Nope. Why didn't I renew during COVID? Because I have a family of 6 and didn't want to fork out $900 if COVID meant I was going nowhere. Besides their website promised 20 business days. And even FASTER if I had expedited the process for an extra fee.
  22. I'm puzzled because for 60 years the Russians were the good guys according to the left. But now they are not?
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