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Everything posted by QuebecOverCanada

  1. Kevin McCarthy, who is the first Speaker of the House to be ousted, was a Republican with more or less Centrist views that could find agreements on many issues with the Democrats. He has been ousted with an unanimity of the votes of the Democrats, who voted alongside 8 Republicans. The 8 Republicans are considered to be at the far Right of the GOP in general. This isn't the first case of Democrats making life easier for the extremists of the opposite party. In 2015, many Democrats helped Trump win the GOP nomination, leading to the victory of the GOP in the 2016 election. They thought, at first, that giving the spotlight to the extremist contender would guarantee an easy 2016 bid for Hillary Clinton. It was an obvious mistake. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/11/hillary-clinton-2016-donald-trump-214428/ Now, History seems to rhyme again. We have seen an unanimous vote from Democrats to further radicalize the GOP. Will it be a winning strategy, this time? Will it help ordinary Americans? Will the GOP implode more than it already is? Are we about to witness a second coming of Ross Perot?
  2. By the way, I'm not implying that you have a role to play in trying to right the others, or that you must talk to people you don't wish to talk to, especially if you don't feel like you have the energy too. Freedom of speech is also freedom to not talk to who you don't want to talk to and you don't have to justify yourself for that. But I think in many ways discussing with opposite sides help. It helped me. My personal political opinions changed a lot from a few years ago compared to now for example as my life changed a lot for the better, making me much less of the extremist on many positions that I was. I debated many new people and encountered people from many walks of life to tell you that I grew, personally, by being confronted by individuals with different opinions that I held.
  3. How One Man Convinced 200 Ku Klux Klan Members To Give Up Their Robes https://www.npr.org/2017/08/20/544861933/how-one-man-convinced-200-ku-klux-klan-members-to-give-up-their-robes Why I, as a black man, attend KKK rallies | Daryl Davis | TEDxNaperville https://www.ted.com/talks/daryl_davis_why_i_as_a_black_man_attend_kkk_rallies?language=en
  4. To the contrary, cockroaches fear the light and reproduce themselves much more efficiently without the sunlight. Extremism comes a lot from a lack of conversation, or mockery, from the other side of the political spectrum.
  5. Yet, the only thing we do is kill Arabs and intervene in poor countries through black ops. Our military is not used for defensive purposes right now by our leaders. China and Russia won't invade Canada, this is preposterous. We have virtually no enemy at our borders. If you consider Russian submarines threatening to our sovereignty, it is a very mild threat to be frank, and a full scale invasion would be deterred by the US.
  6. I don't actually get why Canada should have that big of an Army. We don't have many enemies and a military invasion against Canada is... unlikely. Not only that, but the most probable invader would be the US, and we wouldn't stand a chance to defend ourselves against them.
  7. The fact that we, as a country, created this Holiday but still kept the "INDIAN" status unchanged is extremely hypocritical. Not only is the term derogatory, but having 2 classes of citizens based on someone's ethnic background shows that equality isn't what Canadians value, truly.
  8. Das ist gut mein freund. Es ist lecker natürlich, güten abend. Ich wünche ihnen einge gute reise.
  9. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/poverty-homelessness-and-social-stigma-make-addiction-more-deadly-202109282602 Poverty, homelessness, and social stigma make addiction more deadly --- This article shows how poverty is also a major health crisis issue, maybe the biggest contributor to many individuals' health decay. A major contributor to said poverty is the incredibly unaffordable housing, which increases homelessness. Many studies show that poverty increases the likelihood of dying of overdoses, as poor people buy cheaper drugs which are worse in quality.
  10. Because we have an economic system which is owned by literal oligarchs who'd rather let people die on the streets than letting the government tax them and their multiple investment properties, and obstinately refuse any kind of development for housing to keep their 'investments' grow in value artificially at the expense of everyone else. The worse province in terms of housing is indeed BC. This is the worse province in terms of living costs, while salaries aren't that much higher compared to the cost-of-life index. This is the worse province in terms of drug addictions. This has been the case for many years already. People are desesperate and repression has never worked. The war on drugs is an obvious failure, and our economic system is failing us completely, especially those with lower pay or who had the misfortune of growing up living abuse and are left abandoned by the system.
  11. Hello to you, totally organic newcomer to this forum with no interest in defending India on many forums, how is the pay? How many rupees did you receive for this thread that is obviously not motivated by India's interests in soiling Canada's international reputation? I hope you will be able to afford meat this week. I sure hope you do.
  12. This was an extremely sad and depressing thread to read, for many reasons. Not the ones OP think though. I think he is very depressing as a person to get mad like that because someone insulted him anonymously on the internet against his online anonymous persona. I hope he recovers from this hellish experience.
  13. We discussed and are discussing all about that in the other thread... This is just petty and makes the conversation hard to follow if everything is spread in different threads. But that's great that you're protecting your favorite Fox. (pun intended) The scandal wasn't so big of itself that we have to make 2 threads for the same topic in less than 72 hours... like you said, we must make another thread just to say the exact same thing once again.
  14. Many in France said the same as to why they sympathized with Hitler and collaborated with the Nazis. They said that since France had a Socialist government (Front Populaire), that they were legitimate in their collaboration with the Nazis. This is extremely dubious in the case of France. For Ukraine, Soviets caused Holodomor, which caused millions of dead Ukrainians.
  15. @betsy David Cohen now admits the intelligence community from the Five Eyes did provide the information to Canada. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/shared-intelligence-from-five-eyes-informed-trudeau-s-india-allegation-u-s-ambassador-1.6574265 He's the US ambassador in Canada.
  16. 1. Saying that antisemitism is belonging to the far right only and denying a single ounce of antisemitism exists on the extreme left is preposterous. 2. Using the term guerrilla refers mainly to warfare. Which war are you on about?
  17. Modi, the PM who was on an US terrorist watch list and banned from flying to the US? The PM of the government who suddenly acts very suspiciously since Canada came forward publicly with the allegations?
  18. It's a complex issue, many wokes are clearly antisemites as well as people on the far right, despite being quite well paid for the activism they do. Also, I think the language is important here. When you're talking about guerrilla groups, are you meaning that these demonstrations on a weekday at working hours is guerrilla warfare, rather than a moral panic protest at worst?
  19. The anti-woke movements in Canada don't have a leader or really someone representing the movement for many, so you see people in the streets who are basically the reflection of the average voter and average person, not someone who's been trained to speak to media. Plus, they do it on a week day during working hours. The woke movements, on the other hand, receive public funding, are well organized and have many media trained personalities to spread the ideology. The average person doesn't do well when it comes to dialoguing about politics or expressing their values. It's a reflection of our society. Many anti-wokes have many different reasons to congregate together, from many walks of life. Funnily enough, the association between the far right and muslims is really a surprise. If you said a few months ago that Muslims and the far right in Canada would be on the same side for a societal issue and would hold demonstrations together, you'd be called a kook too.
  20. Nobody is indoctrinating anybody's kid, ever, about gender ideology folks. (see exhibit above) This picture was taken in Countryside Village Public School, in Brampton, allegedly from an ex-teacher in Ontario who witnessed this board. I especially like the term "Aromatic", I thought it was a flavor of some sort. When an ideology gets too far, it's like a rubber band, it widens up until it breaks. This is preposterous from the Left Wing. It's not useful in any way for the learning of the students. They'd be better off teaching maths, english, history, etc. rather than this.
  21. Exactly. The Indian democracy has deep flaws, one being that ethnic groups really vote for their ethnic party rather than a national party uniting them all. That, and the fact that there are so many discrepancies throughout regions when it comes to education, income, sanitation, that it is unlikely that many in the slums have the same access to voting but also to knowledge in general. A society where a majority earns less than $300 a month might not make the most enlightened democratic political choice compared to one with higher income, education, etc. Modi was literally on a terrorist watch list and banned from flying to the US due to his encouragement of riots/killings of minorities in the 2000s. Is he trustworthy?
  22. There are legitimate causes which require masking up and covering up one's face. When you deal with a tyrannical government, when you are fighting a cause in which you might lose everything by being recognized, it's normal to act like that. But this kind of behavior is purely cowardice. No one is in danger from these protesters who are expressing their opinions about gender. I just wish that people who are demonstrating will not be cowards themselves and would defend themselves if attacked by the activist groups who seem to have impunity to assault from many police departments across Canada.
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