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Everything posted by QuebecOverCanada

  1. Justin Trudeau is acting on Federal jurisdiction. If you can't comprehend how your country works, we don't need to read your opinion of how a province works. Opinions are like a*sh*les, everyone has one, not everyone has to share theirs.
  2. Do you know anything about this subject? https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/asylum-claims/asylum-claims-2022.html https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/immigration-fuels-quebecs-biggest-population-boom-in-50-years A backward province with two universities in the top 100 in the World, an unemployment rate around 4.5%, a cost of living much lower than almost all provinces, a free market economy with less regulations than Ontario sounds very good to me. By the way, we protect our culture. There is absolutely no shame in that, we are proud, and we will remain proud. You proclaimed the right of Israel to exist based on the Jewish religion and their needs to have their homeland. Why couldn't the French Canadians have this right? You seem quite hypocritical, or worse, hateful about French Canadians. Did we bully you in High School? If so, probably not enough.
  3. I rarely ever read something so far from the truth. This has to be some sort of satire, Quebec has the most amount of refugees in Canada and one of the biggest urban center this country has. There is absolutely no ethnic cleansing in Quebec, and Quebec is taking a lot of undocumented immigrants because Canada doesn't want to control its border with the United States. We're talking about Quebec, not Ontario or British Columbia.
  4. It's worse than that. They view women, the LGBT and ethnic groups which are not White as inferior, hence the fact they need to make sure the White heterosexual man speaks last.
  5. Prop up the real estate market, as much as possible. A major part of the portfolio of the wealthy elite in Canada, especially in big cities, is real estate. If you invested in real estate in 2015, you would be much richer than if you invested in stocks or assets that are productive. To make sure the rent goes up and the price of houses/condo goes in the same direction, you need to have a lot of desesperate people who will sacrifice their livelihood/privacy to agree to pay such astronomical prices as 3K/month for a 1 bedroom apartment. Immigrants tend to accept that much more than the locals. And it shows in for example Mississauga where you have sometimes 3 mattresses on the ground for a one bed room apartment, for 3 different couples. The real estate prices going up is benefitting the economic elite in two ways; their portofolios go up, while the workers have to work longer and longer, thus becomes more desesperate himself for work. This is on purpose, to create an economic subclass like in Brazil, where you'll have very rich people here vs those who own nothing, and they will be happy, or else...
  6. I think he is quite knowledgeable and has quite a judgment on many issues. Not everyone thinks like you.
  7. Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned a small group of lawmakers last week that his department is tracking the possibility that Azerbaijan could soon invade Armenia, according to two people familiar with the conversation. The call indicates the depth of concern in the administration about Azerbaijan’s operations against a breakaway region in the west of the country and the possibility of the conflict spreading. Read all the source here; https://politico.com/news/2023/10/13/blinken-warned-lawmakers-azerbaijan-may-invade-armenia-in-coming-weeks-00121500 --- This decade started with Covid, the Ukraine war, then the Israel-Palestine War, now we have Armenia invasion by Azerbaijan. This is one of the worse decades we've had in many since during World War II. The 1990s were heavy, but I feel like we're heading to something much bigger. We would just need an invasion of Taiwan to put the cherry on top.
  8. We all do as Humans actually. I do not believe that part, respectfully, because I think we can all be subjects of propaganda.
  9. What do you think it could be? Didn't you say there was a sign saying "I love terrorism" in a Palestinian protest? May you just send the link to that? By the way, I think Kathy Griffin had many contracts cancelled and lost a lot of money for what she did about Trump.
  10. Look, I didn't see that happen, do you have links? But it is a display of pure hatred and dishonoring themselves... without any interaction needed. I'm all for free speech. Cockroaches flee when the light comes, just as public opinions goes away when they see that kind of extremism.
  11. They literally destroyed the most advanced tanks in the World in their first wave. All Hamas wants is a ground invasion, which they will get, trust me. But it will be bloody. Hamas have at least 25 000 troops, inside a civilian population it holds hostage.
  12. This kind of rhetoric will not give way to any moderation. If any pro-Palestinian expression is already amalgamated to Isis or Hamas, it's radicalizing the other side, also you are dehumanizing them in a way as you put them in a box they could not belong.
  13. All options are on the table, but a durable peace could come through a destruction, occupation and total reconstruction of Palestine by the Israelis. It is not going to be easy, thousands of Israelis would die. I said earlier that Gaza could be the new Stalingrad or Bakhmut. Mark my words. It will be. More Palestinians would die, but it wouldn't be a fun walk in the park for the Israelis to occupy Gaza. It could also cause a conflict of enormous proportions, but realistically, the American domination would mean the pro-Palestinian countries would look like Syria after the war. Israel and the West would lose trillions; Arab countries would do a 1973-style export embargo, until they can't handle the embargo. When the Allied nations attacked Germany and Japan, they had to raze many cities to the ground. But they had a Marshall plan after, which made the Germans and Japanese pacifists after WWII. A similar plan can be in place for Palestine. We need to make sure Palestinians live decently and have means to trade with Israelis and vice-versa. But it means de-nazification efforts. Boots on the ground at all times for decades.
  14. And that's why we must stand against any kind of censorship. If people can't resort to telling what they think, what they desire as a society, other means will soon ensue to make sure the message will be understood. And it's not going to be pretty.
  15. What we could predict though is that if Israel decides to occupy Gaza, it would be a blood bath on every side. It would be another Bakhmut times 10 or even a Stalingrad.
  16. Not necessarily. You may manifest a preferrence for a side without inciting genocide/hate of the other protagonists. EDIT: I misread, I thought you were telling me that they were going to be prosecuted for taking a side at a protest.
  17. France decided that pro-Palestinian protests were prohibited by law. Imagine my shock. The evening that law is adopted, a pro-Palestinian protest happened. You can't ban ideas. Right wingers who are pro Israel are wrong about silencing those Pro-Palestinians, just like the Left wingers are dead wrong about the censorship they promote for almost any opinion they are against.
  18. In Montreal, the only ones who attacked physically demonstrators for protesting either sides are pro Palestinians, 100%. Same thing happened a few years ago when pro Israeli demonstrators were viciously attacked; https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3133711/police-use-tear-gas-pro-israel-and-pro-palestinian
  19. BUT If Pro-Palestinians use violence as a means of protests, jail them immediately. Shut down their bank accounts. Give them a taste of criminal justice.
  20. I find Hamas supporters and those who make up excuses to kill civilians to be very bad people, but I wouldn't prevent them from speaking up for their beliefs which I find disgusting. After all, many view my support of Israel as being horrible as well, and we're not in a state of total war against neither protagonists in the region.
  21. Was this money available or not to the Iranians, answer this question.
  22. This video is not really contradicting Donald Trump. What Trump says is the Biden Administration 'gave' 6 billion to Iran during a prisoner swap by unlocking 6 billion that was previously unavailable due to sanctions. The Democrats excuse this by saying this 6 billion will be used for 'civilian purposes', just like the Iranian nuclear program is only officially 'civilian' when in reality is to develop nuclear weapons. The fact that US taxpayers didn't pay directly for those 6 billion is pure hypocrisy, a weird talking point to gaslight us into thinking unlocking this money to Iran was impactless. It's not what matters. What matters is that Iran has 6 billion dollars more as a result from this administration. Antony Blinken again showed the world his incompetence. Under his last tenure as a Secretary of State, the world burned. It is even worse in his current one. He will go in the History books as one of the worse, if not the worse Secretary of State of all time.
  23. They can buy us already as they're doing currently. 75% of our exports go to them.
  24. But our secret maple syrup traps will stall the US tanks from moving across our border, and beavers will cut trees to make a barrage, when we destroy the barrages, the enemies will be overflowed and drown. Our doctrine is defense first, never forget that.
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