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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. One possible solution to the shortage of doctors and closing ERs would be to change the system to having walk-in clinics with several doctors in each clinic plus several nurse-practitioners. Have them open for sixteen hours a day at least. The patient would see a nurse-practitioner and under certain conditions, would be referred to the doctor during the same visit if necessary. Having these clilnics would reduce the demand and pressure on ERs. Also, have doctors and nurses required to temporarily post to ERs for so many days per year. Also, require them to travel temporarily to ERs in towns which are short-staffed for several days at a time. Move away from the independent doctor's office. Doctors should not have to run their own office and employ their own staff. Do it all through health care clinics.
  2. Why doesn't the government move some doctors and nurses from one location to another when there is no ER doctor available then, even on a temporary basis instead of shutting down the Emergency Rooms? They could put them up in motels and pay for expenses until they find replacement staff. Looks like they don't move anybody. Unions and medical associations won't allow it. Doctors and nurses can refuse to go and their contracts may give them that power. Patients in need of emergency care who find an ER shut down have to be transported maybe an hour or two to another ER putting their lives at risk. People will die because of this. Doctors and nurses cannot be inconvenienced. They have powerful unions to back them. In other jobs, if people are required to travel to another location for a couple days, they have to go. There is no choice. It is obvious who calls the shots in the medical professions and it's not the employer or health care management.
  3. We know you're a union wacko who thinks it's ok to beat a scab. You said stuff like that already. All you think about is the union but you're not capable of thinking about a major railway shutdown would be disastrous for businesses and Canadians across the country. Farm grains from across the prairies depend on the railway to ship their grains. They cannot just hold the grains somewhere. It would go bad. Many other things would not be able to be shipped causing shortages and drive up the prices for the whole of Canada. It affects billions of dollars worth of goods. It is so stupid to believe a strike like that is ok. It should never be allowed and the government should not wait until a strike happens to try to stop it. It takes days for government to be called to take action to get people back to work if there is a strike. What's the point when an arbitrator can impose a settlement. Canadians are being held hostage by union and left wing wackos.
  4. Cost of railway shutdown will be ‘borne by all Canadians,’ Ottawa warns | Watch (msn.com) NDP and their union comrades could care less about all Canadians.
  5. We have a health care system that is run by politicians, that is, elected governments. In the case of B.C. the public health care system is run by the NDP, particularly NDP leader and Minister of Health, Adrian Dix. The Unions are one of the largest donors to the B.C. NDP party. The fact the unions have a large number of members working in the health care system and they donate a lot of money to the party that runs the health care system seems like a conflict of interest to me. The fact the party gets a large part of its support from that segment of society and yet as government, they are supposed to be governing for all residents equally. This situation would tend to make one think the government is somehow beholden to one of their largest supporting groups. Meanwhile Emergency Rooms are shut down for a day or more at a time in various towns in B.C. and the government seems unable to take action to stop the shutdowns. Is there a union factor there that prevents the government from taking action to keep the ERs staffed and open?
  6. Unions are among the NDP's biggest supporters and always have been. If anyone doesn't know that, they must be living in dreamland. Unions dominate list of NDP’s biggest donors | Vancouver Sun While it's reasonable to have unions, they should not have the ability to shut down major industries that thousands of businesses and millions of Canadians depend on and that could cost the economy more than a billion dollars a day. It is the responsibility of government to ensure no group is able to harm Canadians in that way. A reasonable approach would be for government to enforce binding arbitration. That is what governments are for. Law and Order should be number one priority.
  7. NDP leader Jagmeet Singh says the NDP opposes government intervention in the labour dispute and looming strike of the Canadians railway system. A shutdown of this type could have devastating effects on Canadian businesses and the economy. This could cost over a billion dollars a day in lost business. This would be worse than the closure of the seaports when we had the port strike. The NDP is more interested in backing the unions than the population and businesses of Canada who they were elected to represent. Once a party is elected they are supposed to represent the interests of all Canadians, not just their core supporters, the unions. Singh urges Liberals to stay out of rail dispute as deadline to avoid massive shutdown looms (msn.com)
  8. quote In attempts to discredit the reliability of the Bible, many skeptics claim that the Bible depicts a flat earth. Further, there are more than a few Christians who believe the Bible teaches the earth is flat. Even further, there are some people who simply question the scientific consensus and the seemingly overwhelming scientific evidence and/or see some sort of conspiracy to deceive humanity that the earth is spherical when it is, in fact, flat. Regarding the biblical evidence, references such as Revelation 7:1 are cited, which speaks of “four angels standing at the four corners of the earth.” Some also point to Psalm 75:3, which says God holds “the pillars” of the earth firm. Other passages they claim teach a flat earth are Deuteronomy 13:7; Job 28:24; Psalm 48:10; and Proverbs 30:4; all of which reference the “ends” of the earth. So, are they correct? Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? The truth is, the Bible does not comment on the shape of Planet Earth. It does not say that the earth is flat, and it does not say that it is spherical. Let’s take a closer look at some of the commonly cited passages that supposedly depict a flat earth: Revelation 7:1 says, “I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth.” In writing this, the apostle John was using idiomatic language—the “four corners of the earth” refer to “every distant location.” We use the same idiom today; for example, when we speak of Olympic athletes coming from the four corners of the earth to compete in the games, we mean they are coming from all over the world. The book of Revelation is full of non-literal descriptions and symbolic language. To press Revelation 7:1 into a hyper-literal interpretation makes no sense. John simply says that, at one point during the tribulation, God will cause all wind to stop blowing. The “four corners” encompass the cardinal directions—north, south, east, and west. All wind will cease at God’s command. Psalm 75:3 quotes God saying, “When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who hold its pillars firm.” Other passages also refer to the earth’s “pillars,” such as 1 Samuel 2:8, but in no case should the language be taken literally. The book of Psalms and Hannah’s song in 1 Samuel 2 are poetry. The writers liken the founding of the earth to the constructing of a house, and their descriptions are comparative (i.e., metaphorical), not literal. The point is not that the earth is flat but that the earth belongs to God; it is His construction, and He guarantees its stability. God’s “pillars” will not move, and His “roof” will not cave in. Even when the moral order of the world seems to have crumbled and people are overcome with fear, God will not fully withdraw His sustaining power. What about the Bible’s references to the “ends of the earth” in Deuteronomy 13:7; Job 28:24; Psalm 48:10; Proverbs 30:4; and other passages? Does a reference to the “ends” of the earth teach that the earth has an edge and is therefore flat? We’ll take Deuteronomy 13:7 as representative of all the passages: here, Moses warns the people of " 7 Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you, nigh unto thee, or far off from thee, from the one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth;" KJV A couple things can be said about the phrase the ends of the earth to show that it does not refer to a flat earth. First, that phrase, like the four corners of the earth, is idiomatic. We don’t expect people to take us literally when we speak of going “back to the drawing board”; neither should we force a literal interpretation on “the ends of the earth.” When biblical writers speak of the “ends of the earth” (28 times in the KJV), they are simply referring to “the farthest reaches of the inhabited world.” Second, the phrase the ends of the earth at times refers to people, not to land. For example, Psalm 67:7 says, “May God bless us still, so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.” In this verse, the ends of the earth references the people who inhabit remote and distant places (see also Psalm 98:3 and Isaiah 45:22). Obviously, in this context the phrase is metaphorical and cannot be used to depict the earth as having a physical edge. The same phrase, used elsewhere, should also be considered figurative. The Bible does not teach that the earth is flat. The references to the “earth” in the Bible are often not references to planetary earth but to a portion of dry land bound by water. For example, Genesis 1:10 says, "10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good." KJV . “Earth” is mentioned as distinct from “Seas” and cannot refer to Earth as a planet; the same Hebrew word for “Earth” is used in Deuteronomy 13:7 and the other passages listed above. While the Bible does not teach that the earth is flat, neither does the Bible explicitly teach that the earth is spherical. Some passages do allow for a spherical earth, such as Job 26:7 and Isaiah 40:22. And Job 26:10 makes reference to God’s drawing. "10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end." KJV, a description suggesting two hemispheres. In any event, the Bible is far from affirming a naïve or unscientific understanding of the earth and the solar system. There is simply no basis for the charge that the Bible teaches a flat earth. Biblical passages that could be interpreted to present a flat earth are better understood symbolically. unquote Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? | GotQuestions.org There are some things in the Bible that are meant to be taken metaphorically, not literally. The Bible does not attempt to define the shape of the earth. It is not meant to be a science book. That means your claim that the Bible states the earth is flat is a nonsensical false statement. The reason you so loosely make statements like that is because you know nothing about the Bible and are simply grasping for straws to try to discredit it. Again it is not claiming to be a science book. It is a book about the supernatural which is something that cannot be analyzed from a science point of view. One either believes in the supernatural or they don't. There is a material universe and a supernatural realm apart from the material universe which God created.
  9. To have children or not have children boils down to one's relationship with God. If there is no relationship, then the person or couple is on their own and likely to decide on purely selfish reasons. Abortion is common and is used as a form of birth control. This deprives a baby of it's life and is wrong. God recognizes the pre-born as persons and human life belongs to God. So abortion is an extreme violation of the Biblical principle of the sanctity of human life. As for birth control: quote Modern birth control methods were unknown in Bible times, and the Bible is, therefore, silent on the matter. The Bible does have quite a lot to say about children, however. The Bible presents children as a gift from God (Genesis 4:1; Genesis 33:5), a heritage from the Lord (Psalm 127:3-5), a blessing from God (Luke 1:42), and a crown to the aged (Proverbs 17:6). God sometimes blesses barren women with children (Psalm 113:9; Genesis 21:1-3; 25:21-22; 30:1-2; 1 Samuel 1:6-8; Luke 1:7, 24-25). God forms children in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16). God knows children before their birth (Jeremiah 1:5; Galatians 1:15). The closest that Scripture comes to condemning birth control is Genesis chapter 38, the account of Judah’s sons Er and Onan. Er married a woman named Tamar, but he was wicked and the Lord put him to death, leaving Tamar with no husband or children. Tamar was given in marriage to Er’s brother, Onan, in accordance with the law of levirate marriage in Deuteronomy 25:5-6. Onan did not want to split his inheritance with any child that he might produce on his brother’s behalf, so he practiced the oldest form of birth control, withdrawal. Genesis 38:10 says, “What he did was wicked in the LORD’s sight; so He put him to death also.” Onan’s motivation was selfish; he used Tamar for his own pleasure, but refused to perform his legal duty of creating an heir for his deceased brother. This passage is often used as evidence that God does not approve of birth control. However, it was not the act of contraception that caused the Lord to put Onan to death; it was Onan’s selfish motives behind the action. Therefore, we can find no biblical admonition against the use of birth control in and of itself. Contraception, by definition, is merely the opposite of conception. It is not the use of contraception that is wrong or right. As we learned from Onan, it is the motivation behind the contraception that determines if it is right or wrong. Married couples use contraception for a variety of reasons. Some feel called to put off childbearing until they are in a better position to care for children. Some, such as missionary couples, may feel their service to God overrides the desire for children at a particular point in time. Some may be convinced that God has a different plan for them. Ultimately, a couple’s motives for delaying childbearing, using contraception, or even having numerous children, are between them and God. unquote What does the Bible say about birth control / contraceptives? Should Christians use birth control? | GotQuestions.org If the couple do not know God, through the Savior, then they are living on their own and what they do will be determined by purely secular humanist reasons not what is best between them and God.
  10. Perhaps you meant "non-Catholics". Protestants are supposed to be Christians within the Protestant denominations. I think most, if they are really genuine, would oppose abortion, and the woke agenda. There are a couple denominations which are somewhat liberal but they are divided on same-sex marriage and possibly abortion. But evangelicals are opposed to the liberal ideology and are more Bible-oriented. But there are exceptions in every Protestant denomination. Protestants generally agree on basic beliefs. However, as you mentioned these days there is a falling away by many churches. Protestantism is not a top down controlled belief system. They are made of independent denominations and independent churches. That is why there is more variation in beliefs about some things. Many Protestant churches also have more control over their finances than the RCC. They hold annual general meetings where a statement of income and expenditures is given to everyone. They can question spending and speak to issues. I understand in the RCC nobody is given the financial information and the people are not permitted to be involved in that.
  11. No, I don't hate Catholics herbie. I believe in knowing the truth in the Bible, the world, and what really happened in history. Having a false concept of things doesn't make one free. And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free. " During World War II in Yugoslavia, the Ustaše went on to perpetrate the Holocaust and genocide against its Jewish, Serb and Roma populations,[23] killing hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Jews, Roma, as well as Bosniak Muslim and Croat political dissidents.[24][25][26][27] The ideology of the movement was a blend of fascism, Roman Catholicism and Croatian ultranationalism.[24] The Ustaše supported the creation of a Greater Croatia that would span the Drina River and extend to the border of Belgrade.[28] The movement advocated a racially "pure" Croatia and promoted genocide against Serbs—due to the Ustaše's anti-Serb sentiment—and Holocaust against Jews and Roma via Nazi racial theory, and persecution of anti-fascist or dissident Croats and Bosniaks. The Ustaše viewed the Bosniaks as "Muslim Croats", and as a result, Bosniaks were not persecuted on the basis of race.[29] The Ustaše espoused Roman Catholicism and Islam as the religions of the Croats and condemned Orthodox Christianity, which was the main religion of the Serbs. Roman Catholicism was identified with Croatian nationalism,[30] while Islam, which had a large following in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was praised by the Ustaše as the religion that "keeps true the blood of Croats."[31][page needed]" Ustaše - Wikipedia
  12. This is from Wikipedia: " Phayer wrote that just after becoming dictator of Croatia and "after receiving a papal blessing in 1941, Ante Pavelić and his Ustaša lieutenants unleashed an unspeakable genocide in their new country."[9]" Catholic clergy involvement with the Ustaše - Wikipedia Photo of Ustashi leader Pavelic meeting with Archbishop Stepinac in 1941. - Wikipedia
  13. Wikipedia does mention genocide that went on, but doesn't give much detail about who was behind it. "This nation lasted from 1918 to 1941, when it was invaded by the Axis powers during World War II, which provided support to the Croatian fascist Ustaše (founded in 1929), whose regime carried out the genocide of Serbs, Jews and Roma by executing people in concentration camps and committing other systematic and mass crimes inside its territory.[9]" -Wikipedia "The Independent State of Croatia (Serbo-Croatian: Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, NDH) was a World War II–era puppet state of Nazi Germany[6][7][8] and Fascist Italy. It was established in parts of occupied Yugoslavia on 10 April 1941, after the invasion by the Axis powers. Its territory consisted mostly of modern-day Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as some parts of modern-day Serbia and Slovenia, but also excluded many Croat-populated areas in Dalmatia (until late 1943), Istria, and Međimurje regions (which today are part of Croatia). During its entire existence, the NDH was governed as a one-party state by the fascist Ustaša organization. The Ustaše was led by the Poglavnik, Ante Pavelić.[note 2] The regime targeted Serbs, Jews and Roma as part of a large-scale campaign of genocide, as well as anti-fascist or dissident Croats and Bosnian Muslims.[9] " -Wikipedia To see the actual details of this and find out who was involved, one would have to read parts of the book I mentioned by Avro Manhattan. The page I posted with the photo says this: "The Nazis, who for a time were posted in Croatia,. were so horrified at the Ustashi atrocities that they set up special commissions to investigate them. The Orthodox Church of Serbia, in fact, appealed directly to the Nazi General Dulkeman to intervene and stop the Ustashi horrors. The Germans and the Italians managed to restrain the Ustashi while these were under their supervision. When the Nazis left Croatia, however, the Ustashi multiplied their atrocities, unreprimanded by the Government. Since the latter's policy was one of total elimination of the Orthodox Serbian population via forcible conversions, expulsion, or straightforward massacre. Victims were executed in groups without trial on bridges and then thrown into the river. In May 1941 the Ustashi beseiged Glina. Having gathered together all the Orthodox males of over fifteen years of age from Karlovac, Sisak and Petrinja, they drove them outside the town and killed 600 of them with guns, knives and sledge hammers."
  14. For many of them that may be true. However, remember, truth is not a popular thing and as Jesus said, many are called but few are chosen.
  15. We're not talking about the crusades. This is 20th century history. Read chapter 8. CATHOLIC TERROR TODAY AVRO MANATTAN(1969) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive We all need to face up to the truth of this world. Not doing so would mean we are living in a fantasyland or make-believe.
  16. While it is true what you say about the Christian west being under attack by these various other cultures and beliefs, we cannot ignore what has been going on in the world with the Vatican. " The ordinary individual cannot accept as yet the startling facts that only a few years back, for instance, the Catholic Church advocated forcible conversions, helped to erect con¬ centration camps, and was responsible for the sufferings, torturing and execution of hundreds of thousands of non-Catholics. Deeds coolly perpetrated by her lay and eccles¬ iastic members. Furthermore, that many of such atrocities were carried out personally by some of her Catholic priests and even monks. One of the main purposes of this book is to relate where, when and by whom such atrocities were committed. Many will reject as sectarian falsification, if not pure invention, what have been justly reckoned the greatest religious massacres of our century. They will not be the first to have done so. It took the author almost half a decade of painstaking investigation before he accepted what seemed unbelievable. The result is this account, documented from as authoritative and as varied sources as possible. Among them, people with whom the present writer became personally acquainted. Some of these played no mean role in the religious, political and military events herein narrated. Others were eye¬ witnesses. Indeed, not a few even victims of the incredible atrocities sanctioned and promoted by the Catholic Church." CATHOLIC TERROR TODAY AVRO MANATTAN(1969) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive The fact is people generally get very worked up about their religion and will do horrible things to their fellow man in the name of it.
  17. Here is a part of the Forward to the book Catholic Terror Today. quote To the readers of the paper-back editions: This book has been criticised, condemned, banned, mutilated, destroyed and even burned as frequently as it has been quoted, recommended, reproduced and praised in many parts of the world. Because of the events and revelations it describes. These have never been published before as a co¬ herent, integrated narrative of contemporary history. Catholic, Protestant and lay publishers alike, not to mention the Press, Radio and Television Agencies, have main¬ tained a mighty wall of silence around many of the facts mentioned in this work. Several of which, although by now a matter of public knowledge, have more often than not been purposely distorted and greatly minimised, when not partially suppressed or even ignored altogether. We have heard a great deal about modem Dictatorships. About their curtailment of liberties, their concentration camps and their warmongering policies which were to cul¬ minate in the outbreak of the Second World War. Yet we have heard next to nothing about the exertions of an ecclesiastical Authoritarianism wielding as much in¬ fluence as the sundry contemporary Dictatorships of the Right, of the Left and of the Centre. We are referring to that of the Catholic Church. Engaged upon the promotion of mighty political interests behind the walls of the Vatican and as responsible for the catastrophic events of the last few decades as are the paramount nations of the Earth. unquote CATHOLIC TERROR TODAY AVRO MANATTAN(1969) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive This might explain why most of his books are "out of print" and the ones that do exist, are extremely rare and expensive now. It wouldn't surprise me if Rome has worked hard to ban them.
  18. According to the information in Avro Manhattan's books there has been a lot of serious things going on in the 20th century involving the Vatican. Here is another book I just discovered. CATHOLIC TERROR TODAY AVRO MANATTAN(1969) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
  19. Yes, I understand what you are saying. But you should be aware that Catholicism won't help you receive salvation. That is why it is important to understand the subject. Do you have a Bible? You should be getting your information on religion from the Bible, not from fallible men who wrote catechism, etc. There may be a false religious system developing to create a one-world religion too. Many are working to bring all Christianity back under the control of Rome. That will not be Christianity either. As I said before Avro Manhattan wrote quite a number of books on the Vatican in the world. There has been a struggle still going on between the Irish Republic and Northern Ireland as they have been trying to drive the Protestants out of Northern Ireland and bring it under the control of the Catholic Republic of Ireland. The I.R.A. have been at the centre of it. You can read the book on this called "Catholic Terror in Ireland" by Avro Manhattan. Catholic Terror in Ireland : Avro Manhattan : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
  20. There are probably many things in science that are flawed. The theory of evolution is still taught in schools as if it is fact. It has been shown to be flawed by many. The claim of many that man is the cause of global warming is nothing but a big fraud. The claim of man-made climate change has not been proven by it has been accepted by millions of people as a fact. There is true science which is based on the scientific method involving experiment and demonstration of something. Some things can not be proven because they simply cannot be repeated. Since the claimed evolution occurred over millions of years, it is impossible to repeat and prove. Man-made climate change cannot be proven either because of the size and complexity of the earth. There is no experiment that can simulate that. It is all built on speculation. That is not science.
  21. Yes, I understand where you're coming from. It would be pointless to try to debate the history. I am not saying there were no atrocities against Catholics in history, but I think the overwhelming oppression was by Rome because they controlled much of Europe for most of the past 1,500 years. They had the backing and support of kings, church clergy, priests in the various countries of Europe. They controlled everyone's lives to the extreme degree. You should look up Avro Manhattan and read some of his books on the internet at archive dot org. The books are out of print now and very rare. But many of them can be read on the internet. Check the book "The Vatican Billions" and see how they accumulated such great wealth over the past 1,500 years. When the Reformation occurred, it led to wars as countries struggled to be independent. Wars lasting about a hundred years. There is lots of information in many books on the history of what went on through the centuries. Part of what fueled the Reformation was the discovery by Martin Luther that what Rome was teaching and doing, selling indulgences to get time off in purgatory for sins committed in the past and in the future. The whole system of Rome was discovered to be unbiblical. The Bible says salvation is not by works or sacraments or indulgences or anything but by faith alone in Christ alone. The church cannot give a person salvation and a person cannot earn it by his good works. That was the central message of Martin Luther from the Bible.
  22. That's because some scientists are more rational than the science worshipers. Many great scientists believed in God. How often have we heard someone say they would believe science over the Bible? Even yourself says things like that. You just did. You say the Bible is fiction which shows you know nothing about it. Many great scientists in history would disagree with you. But you know better.
  23. I am not so sure. Science is not a god and science is not infallible, but lots of people think it is infallible. They say science proves evolution is a fact. But that has been disproven and debunked. I don't believe science is always correct.
  24. Right. I am just saying that science is not perfect. I have watched a video of some people who lost loved ones from the vaccine. I know it probably saved millions of lives, but it is not absolutely perfect. There is some small risk albeit very small. Authorities didn't mention that. They don't want to scare people away from it. I am not talking about anti-vaxxers. I know there are those kind of people that exaggerate the risks. But if you are one of the people affected by it, it is a big deal.
  25. The vaccines for Covid overall probably saved a lot of lives, but they also reportedly killed some people. They were invented by scientists. Just another example to show scientists don't know everything. Some people worship science and think scientists are infallible. I have heard many comments on here about how people believe science over the Bible. That is a nonsensical comment because the Bible is not meant to be science book. It is speaking about the supernatural. Some people don't believe in the supernatural or God and try to use science as an excuse. Well, true science is useful and probably correct about some things. But they don't have all the answers about many things. They can't make a perfect Covid vaccine for one thing. They can't build a perfect space vehicle that will never blow up. That's my point.
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