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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. The Bible was given to men by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. You either believe the Bible or you don't. Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Study the Bible if you want to have faith. " 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Hebrew 11:6 KJV
  2. No, I don't have the same problem. Genesis tells us God created everything. That revelation was given to Moses by God the Holy Spirit who recorded it in the book of Genesis which we have today. That is the first book in the King James Bible (1611) which is inspired and inerrant.
  3. Here is a long list of evidence. quote A Statistical Improbability Some Bible scholars suggest there are more than 300 Old Testament prophetic Scriptures completed in the life of Jesus Christ. Circumstances such as his birthplace, lineage, and method of execution were beyond Christ's control and could not have been accidentally or deliberately fulfilled. In the book Science Speaks, Peter Stoner and Robert Newman discuss the statistical improbability of one man, whether accidentally or deliberately, fulfilling just eight of the prophecies Jesus fulfilled. The chance of this happening, they say, is 1 in 1017 power. Stoner presents a scenario that illustrates the magnitude of such odds: The mathematical improbability of 300, or 47, or even just eight fulfilled prophesies of Jesus stands as evidence to his messiahship. Prophecies of Jesus Although this list is not exhaustive, you'll find 47 messianic predictions clearly fulfilled in Jesus Christ, along with supporting references from the Old Testament and New Testament fulfillment. 47 Old Testament Verses About Jesus as Messiah Prophecies of Jesus Old Testament Scripture New Testament Fulfillment 1 Messiah would be born of a woman. Genesis 3:15 Matthew 1:20 Galatians 4:4 2 Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1 Luke 2:4-6 3 Messiah would be born of a virgin. Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:22-23 Luke 1:26-31 4 Messiah would come from the line of Abraham. Genesis 12:3 Genesis 22:18 Matthew 1:1 Romans 9:5 5 Messiah would be a descendant of Isaac. Genesis 17:19 Genesis 21:12 Luke 3:34 6 Messiah would be a descendant of Jacob. Numbers 24:17 Matthew 1:2 7 Messiah would come from the tribe of Judah. Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:33 Hebrews 7:14 8 Messiah would be heir to King David's throne. 2 Samuel 7:12-13 Isaiah 9:7 Luke 1:32-33 Romans 1:3 9 Messiah's throne will be anointed and eternal. Psalm 45:6-7 Daniel 2:44 Luke 1:33 Hebrews 1:8-12 10 Messiah would be called Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:23 11 Messiah would spend a season in Egypt. Hosea 11:1 Matthew 2:14-15 12 A massacre of children would happen at Messiah's birthplace. Jeremiah 31:15 Matthew 2:16-18 13 A messenger would prepare the way for Messiah. Isaiah 40:3-5 Luke 3:3-6 14 Messiah would be preceded by a forerunner. Malachi 3:1 Matthew 11:10 15 Messiah would be rejected by his own people. Psalm 69:8 Isaiah 53:3 John 1:11 John 7:5 16 Messiah would be a prophet. Deuteronomy 18:15 Acts 3:20-22 17 Messiah would be preceded by Elijah. Malachi 4:5-6 Matthew 11:13-14 18 Messiah would be declared the Son of God. Psalm 2:7 Matthew 3:16-17 19 Messiah would be called a Nazarene. Isaiah 11:1 Matthew 2:23 20 Messiah would bring light to Galilee. Isaiah 9:1-2 Matthew 4:13-16 21 Messiah would speak in parables. Psalm 78:2-4 Isaiah 6:9-10 Matthew 13:10-15, 34-35 22 Messiah would be sent to heal the brokenhearted. Isaiah 61:1-2 Luke 4:18-19 23 Messiah would be a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 5:5-6 24 Messiah would be called King. Psalm 2:6 Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 27:37 Mark 11:7-11 25 Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a donkey. Zechariah 11:12 Matthew 21:4-5 26 Messiah would be praised by little children. Psalm 8:2 Matthew 21:16 27 Messiah would be betrayed. Psalm 41:9 Zechariah 11:12-13 Luke 22:47-48 Matthew 26:14-16 28 Messiah's price money would be used to buy a potter's field. Zechariah 11:12-13 Matthew 27:9-10 29 Messiah would be falsely accused. Psalm 35:11 Mark 14:57-58 30 Messiah would be silent before his accusers. Isaiah 53:7 Mark 15:4-5 31 Messiah would be spat upon and struck. Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67 32 Messiah would be hated without cause. Psalm 35:19 Psalm 69:4 John 15:24-25 33 Messiah would be crucified with criminals. Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38 Mark 15:27-28 34 Messiah would be given vinegar to drink. Psalm 69:21 Matthew 27:34 John 19:28-30 35 Messiah's hands and feet would be pierced. Psalm 22:16 Zechariah 12:10 John 20:25-27 36 Messiah would be mocked and ridiculed. Psalm 22:7-8 Luke 23:35 37 Soldiers would gamble for Messiah's garments. Psalm 22:18 Luke 23:34 Matthew 27:35-36 38 Messiah's bones would not be broken. Exodus 12:46 Psalm 34:20 John 19:33-36 39 Messiah would be forsaken by God. Psalm 22:1 Matthew 27:46 40 Messiah would pray for his enemies. Psalm 109:4 Luke 23:34 41 Soldiers would pierce Messiah's side. Zechariah 12:10 John 19:34 42 Messiah would be buried with the rich. Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:57-60 43 Messiah would resurrect from the dead. Psalm 16:10 Psalm 49:15 Matthew 28:2-7 Acts 2:22-32 44 Messiah would ascend to heaven. Psalm 24:7-10 Mark 16:19 Luke 24:51 45 Messiah would be seated at God's right hand. Psalm 68:18 Psalm 110:1 Mark 16:19 Matthew 22:44 46 Messiah would be a sacrifice for sin. Isaiah 53:5-12 Romans 5:6-8 47 Messiah would return a second time. Daniel 7:13-14 Revelation 19 These and many other Old Testament verses about Israel's Messiah were fulfilled in the New Testament life of Jesus Christ. Collectively they form the leading proof of Christ's deity. As Jesus went about his ministry, he knew that he was fulfilling these prophecies, and therefore, used this knowledge to confirm his claims of being the Son of God in the flesh: unquote For the rest of the article: 47 Old Testament Prophecies About Jesus (learnreligions.com)
  4. The King James Bible (1611) is full of evidence of the supernatural. There are many prophecies given in the Bible which came true much later in history proving the authenticity and supernatural origin of the prophecies. Many prophecies concern Jesus Christ. You can find them simply by googling Bible prophecies prophecies concerning Jesus Christ. Everyone has to decide whether they will believe the Biblical evidence or not. It is a personal choice. "The Bible teaches the existence of an immaterial, spiritual reality, unseen by human eyes. The physical reality is evident for all to see—although some doubt the existence of a material universe, too! The Bible says that the spiritual realm consists of both good—God and the holy angels—and evil—the devil and his demons. Demons are most likely fallen angels who rebelled against God and were thrown out of heaven (see Ezekiel 28:11–17; Isaiah 14:12–15; Revelation 12:7–9). The Bible also teaches that humans were created by God in His image, which means we have a spiritual component (Genesis 1:27). We are more than physical entities; we possess a soul/spirit destined for eternity. Even though the spiritual realm is invisible to the physical eye, we are connected to it, and what goes on in the spiritual realm directly affects our physical world. In our culture, the most commonly accepted form of evidence for proving the existence of something is empirical evidence, which involves using the scientific method of observation and experimentation. Is there empirical evidence for a spiritual realm? It doesn’t take much research before one realizes there is “evidence” both for and against the existence of a spiritual realm. It comes down to which studies one wants to believe. The best, and most prevalent, evidence available proving that there is a spiritual realm is testimonial evidence. We can look at the sheer number of religions around the world and the billions of people who focus their lives on the spiritual realm. Is it likely that so many people would report encounters with the spiritual and it not be real? The best testimonial evidence for a spiritual realm is the Bible itself. Historians, both Christian and non-Christian, agree that the historical authenticity of the Bible is strong. Jesus claimed to be God’s Son, the One who came down from heaven. He made this fact quite clear: “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world” (John 8:23). The Bible recounts numerous encounters that people had with the spiritual realm. Jesus cast demons out of people regularly, healed the sick by speaking to them, miraculously fed thousands of people, and spoke with people who should be dead: Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:1–3). These are all indicators that the spiritual realm is real." What evidence is there of a spiritual realm? | GotQuestions.org
  5. So you two want to turn Canada into a Communist state by having the government totally change society by destroying the fossil fuel industry and creating a green industry/economy. That would take what in effect would be a Communist revolution much like the Russian Communist revolution. How did that work? There were widespread shortages of everything right up until the system collapsed about 1989. The Communist created almost a century of misery for the people, while the leaders lived in relative comfort and had everything they needed. Government can't just pass a law to create an vast economy and prosperity. That Socialist or Communist idea has been tried and shown to be a failure. You are talking about business and companies to provide jobs and the products we all need. Yet you are willing to surrender your freedoms to allow government to implement what is in effect a Marxist or state run country.
  6. How is that possible without even knowing how every person will hold a good-paying job to support his family? We live in expensive times with high rent, high mortgage payments, groceries, etc. And radical environmentalists and NDP just want to shut down the energy industry without any equally high-paying jobs to go to. It's nuts. We have to be practical. Private industry creates jobs and prosperity, not government by government decree. Let's see all the good jobs created by private industry before shutting anything down or doing any kind of harm to what we have. When the railways were built, they didn't try to destroy other industries to build them. So you are comparing apples to oranges.
  7. Canada is a very large country geographically with a relatively small population compared with many other countries. Many large populations are concentrated in smaller geographical areas in the world. Because Canada is large many people in rural area must travel long distances for obtain groceries, medical appointments, etc. They are not able to stop travelling to live. Why should they be blamed for climate change. Also, because Canada has large areas of forests, we have more forest fires than much of the rest of world. Forest fires emit millions of tons of greenhouse gases. That is just nature doing what it does. Why should that be assumed to be a bad thing because it happens in this part of the world? It is natural. In fact, forest fires probably emit far more CO2 than Canadians emit with their motor vehicles per year. So it is silly to claim that per capita emissions matter. Some people in some countries must emit more CO2 to live. If people in poorer countries don't own cars, they probably don't emit much CO2. So what? Claiming Canadians emit more CO2 is just a normal part of life and is just the nature of the world. Why should Canadians be punished for just living? It's nuts. But what makes it all nonsensical is the fact there is no proof man is causing global warming. There are many natural factors that determine global warming. So how is it even possible to demonstrate man is the cause of it? It isn't possible. That means climate alarmism is a hoax and a fraud.
  8. You don't really have any understanding of what the Bible teaches and are making nonsensical claims. What the Bible states as literal record of the creation should be accepted as a supernatural event. Since God created everything including mankind and gave man the knowledge about science, the subject should be approached with due respect to God. It is foolishness to say the Bible is fiction. Atheism has no answers about why man is here, what man's purpose is, and ultimately what happens to man. These are things that only the Bible answers. Yet they are the most important subjects of all. If you reject the Bible and those questions, you end up with nothing, no purpose for existing and everything is just an accident of the cosmos. That is completely nonsensical and leads to despair and hopelessness.
  9. Any kind of transition of society has to happen naturally by society itself, not by government decree. Government cannot transition society just by waving a magic wand. During a process of transition, which would likely take a very long time, things would have to happen in a way that would keep society fully employed, earning a good income, and remain prosperous. That would require companies to be at the forefront and changes would have to make sense. Companies would have to be profitable along the way. There is no such thing as a government just decreeing that everything shall change on a given date. That is impossible and would never happen.
  10. I doubt you could find any Biblical Christians who supported that sort of thing. The world was ruled by Rome for over a thousand years and many bad things happened under that system. Only in the past couple hundred years has the western world in general turned away from burning witches. Perhaps after the Reformation, more people began to realize that superstition is something to be shunned. Faith in the truth as stated in the Bible is not superstition. But it should be stated not everything about the supernatural is false. It is a fatal mistake to think it is. Science will never tell you truthfully how life began. For one thing nobody was there to observe it and it cannot be repeated. The Biblical account makes sense because the complexity of everything required an intelligent designer we call God.
  11. The fact China can produce goods at a far lower price than Canada just proves we shouldn't be trying to compete in those areas. Our wealth and prosperity is in natural resources in this modern world. That's another reason it doesn't make a lot of sense to put a 100% tariff on EVs from China. That only favours the EV manufacturing sector in north America, which is mainly in the U.S. at the expense of ordinary Canadians who need to buy motor vehicles. How is cutting off low cost EVs from China going to benefit the average Canadian? It will ensure the EVs Canadians buy will be very expensive and most Canadians won't be able to afford them. Why are Canadians being forced to help the U.S. EV manufacturing sector at the expense of Canadians?
  12. That's true. Big business wanted the government to establish trading relations with countries like China that have vast numbers of people providing cheap labour so they could invest in manufacturing in places like China to produce low cost goods. Since Canada imports all these low cost products, companies know they cannot do the manufacturing in Canada because labour costs and other costs are far higher. They just can't compete by manufacturing a lot of things in Canada. That's why when we order things from Amazon, they often are made in China. So many things are made in China now that we are dependent on them. The few things that we can make money on are our natural resources. Canada has vast natural resources, energy products like oil and gas, minerals, and agriculture that the rest of the world needs. That is where we can make money and where we have good-paying jobs. No use trying to compete in manufacturing things that Asians can make for peanuts. I would not blame the people for wanting cheap stuff. The people only have a limited amount of money and with the high cost of living, of course we need to purchase wisely to save money when we can. The lower cost of goods from other countries is what has made life much better in Canada. Politicians like to pontificate about the poor working conditions in places like China, but they can't change that and they are enjoying all the low cost products that come from those countries too. But I suppose they are trying to look good and score a few brownie points. The fact is if we did not purchase the goods from China, either somebody else in the world would buy them, or those people would have no jobs at all and be in dire poverty. But if you ever saw the present day cities in China on television, you would see they have countless huge apartments buildings, modern highways, and countless motor vehicles. The country seems quite well developed even with the vast population they have.
  13. As much as many hate to admit it, we live in a fallen, sinful world. It all began when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden. From that moment on, mankind broke his relationship with God and became rebellious. The world became a fallen place. Death entered the world as well as disease, sickness, wars, crime, and corruption. That is the state of the world ever since the Fall of man as it is called. While democracy sounds like a noble aim, because of the state of the world, it has it's weaknesses and cannot solve all the problems. When people are voted into power, that does not suddenly change their character, ability, or honesty. They struggle with the temptations and evils of the world the same as others. They may be more knowledgeable or better equipped to govern than many others, but they are still not perfect. Nobody is perfect in this world. But it is vitally important to choose the right people to lead a country, people with good morals, character, and abilities. What they do can have lasting effects for the people they govern, good and bad.
  14. Do you understand there always has been climate change? It is a fact of the natural world we live in. Man had nothing to do with it. Why now all of sudden is it man's fault? There is no proof; just speculation and a cultish like belief that man causes it.
  15. That is where you're way off base. I noticed that you climate alarmists, doomsday cultists have one thing in common. You believe your understanding of the universe grants you the right to impose your ideology and measures on everyone else. Kind of like Marxist or Communist dictators. There is no such thing as man-made climate change. It has never been proven and never will be. Therefore what you feel you have a right to impose on everyone else is wrong. You have no right. The vast populations are the ones paying for your insanity. Fortunately some of us are capable of bearing the carbon taxes, harm to industries, and the war on climate change. However there are many people who are struggling to make ends meet and they are the ones that suffer the most. Many may lose their jobs in such things as the energy industry and their families will suffer. But the lunatics don't care. They still force their agenda on everyone as Trudeau has done. He has lots of money and never had to really work for a living. So he can pursue his dream of fighting climate change at no cost to himself. Everyone else is not so fortunate.
  16. Yes, humans are imperfect, fallen sinners. That is the problem in a nutshell. That is why democracy is a seriously flawed system. Some people believe democracy will be a perfect and fair system. But that has proven a myth. We cannot change the people. However, the reason why the people prefer democracy is the alternatives would be worse, which is true. Most countries are not democratic and many are dictatorships of one kind or another. We just need to be aware that our system can be used by dictatorial-minded politicians to impose their own personal agendas.
  17. You're probably correct. But there doesn't seem to be any democracy in Canada. Trudeau and his government imposes all kinds of things that Canadians never had a say in; like carbon taxes. While we get to vote for a government every four years, that has little to nothing to do with the laws and decrees Trudeau brings in. He is chosen by a clique of elites in Ottawa, Toronto, and Quebec. So we vote for an MP but it doesn't seem to make any difference. The liberal hacks in Quebec keep voting for the PM and liberals and they don't seem to care or have any idea what they are voting for. Long as a son of Quebec becomes PM they are happy.
  18. Just read another article that says EVs from China are not sold in Canada yet because they are not up to standards yet. They will probably be built to meet standards so they can be sold more easily in more countries. The news item I saw on CTV or CBC news the other day did say they were about $17,000 or $18,000, but they must have meant that was the price in China because they are not being sold in Canada yet. The price will probably be higher when they improve the quality of them to meet western standards. But with the 100% tariff applied by the Canadian government, they will make them quite a bit more expensive. However, they could still end up being a lot less expensive than north American made EVs.
  19. The strange thing is governments in Canada handed out tax breaks and grants to buy EVs. They claimed to be fighting a war against climate change and believe EVs are a big part of the solution. Then when China comes along with low cost EVs, they suddenly start worrying about the auto industry in Canada and give them special protection by imposing a whooping 100% tariff on EVs from China. Since EVs from China were reported to be only $18,000 while north American EVs, which are made mainly in the U.S., average about $75,000, how can they still claim they are serious about getting Canadians to switch to EVs? The whole thing is political. They are catering to their base just as they did when they cut carbon taxes in the maritime provinces for home heating. The federal government deputy PM Freeland also claimed they want to defend the workers in China who are being exploited for cheap labour, etc. If that were true, what about all the other goods made in China that Canadians buy? There are countless products filling the Dollar stores and other stores throughout Canada. Canada does several billion dollars worth of trade with China per year. They are Canada's second largest trading partner after the U.S. When many Canadians are struggling to make ends meet with high mortgage payments, high rent, and high grocery bills, I don't think they will be able to afford a U.S. made $75,000 EV. If anyone has some money for a new car it will most likely be a gas vehicle for a fraction of the price. Or is the government trying to reduce all motor vehicles on the roads in their blind crusade to fight climate change? At present that seems to be the most logical conclusion. Of course we should not forget the liberal elites will always be able to afford vehicles for themselves and government jets for the PM and his entourage to jaunt around the world creating tons of greenhouse gas.
  20. " Next up, the Liberals are exploring options to bring in environmental regulations for clothing. The cost of clothes has actually gone down in recent years, so leave it to Ottawa to look for ways to bring the cost back up and to limit options. There is also the plan to essentially force Canadians to purchase electric vehicles, that nobody would otherwise want, through government mandates to phase out the sale of gas-powered cars and trucks. On a larger scale, the government is attempting to restrict the kind of work people do, specifically work in the oil and gas industry, through steep emissions targets, which will close off lucrative job opportunities in western oilfields. It will also limit the kinds of fuels people will be able to use to heat their homes. There are also policies that the Canadian government hasn’t implemented, but which green activists have endorsed, such as the banning of gas stoves and the ludicrous suggestion from some academics that “climate lockdowns” be implemented to help cut emissions. It is possible to be supportive of all these policies, despite their paternalistic and job-killing nature, but pretending that no one is trying to, or that no one wants to, interfere with our liberty is not a credible position to take. Of course, it isn’t just environmental policy where governments are invading private spaces and limiting personal liberties. The proposed Online Harms Act would allow anyone to make a human rights complaints about “hate speech,” or, practically, any speech they find offensive. Supporters may try to say that only the most egregious forms of expression would be targeted, but the fact is truth is no defence in this legislation and the definition of hate speech is highly subjective. What’s more, human rights law is less rigorous than criminal law for determining “guilt.” I guess we should be thankful the government didn’t do what it initially wanted by banning “misinformation,” which has quickly come to mean anything the Liberals disagree with. Even so, the political nature and the speech-chilling potential of the Online Harms Act are clearly evident. And, there’s more. The federal government’s national daycare plan is currently making it difficult for private daycare owners to operate, thereby limiting not only business opportunities and jobs, but the options parents have. The same is true for health care, where even the slightest hint of privatization is met with progressive rebuke, even when it means limiting choices that would save someone’s life. Finally, at the provincial level, schools have or once had policies in place to withhold health information from parents, specifically when children may be suffering from gender dysphoria. Mandates from the Alberta and New Brunswick governments to require parental notification of, or consent for, changes to a child’s name or pronouns have been met with progressive face melting. Activists think such information should be withheld absent any evidence of abuse. Despite what the preening, raging, social media mobs say, parents have the right to raise their children free of state interference. Teachers and administrators do not have the right to withhold health information. Of course, children are not the property of parents, but we don’t grant autonomy to children, especially younger children. The people best placed to make decisions for minors are their parents, and unless there are signs of abuse, teachers and school administrators should not be assuming that role. It is kind of bewildering that this even needs to be said. A generation ago, the culture wars centred around a handful of issues that were met with resistance from mostly religious advocates, specifically abortion and gay rights. Today, the culture wars are pitted between those who want to impose ever more restrictions on individuals and those who are tired of it." National Post Carson Jerema: Progressives want to control our lives, and Canadians have had it (msn.com)
  21. "Chief Justice Richard Wagner, writing for the majority, said the federal government is free to impose minimum pricing standards because the threat of climate change is so great that it demands a co-ordinated national approach." I see several flaws in his reasoning: 1. How is he qualified to declare "the threat of climate change is so great"? On what basis does he make this claim? Climate change is a normal part of history and has always occurred down through the ages. 2. Canada's fossil CO2 emissions are only about 1.5% of the global fossil fuel emissions. So whatever Canada does is not going to make any difference at all to the global emissions. 3. His reasoning also is flawed because a tax is not going to make any significant difference to CO2 fossil emissions by Canada. So his ruling is flawed and it is punishing Canadians for something they have no control over. Supreme Court rules Ottawa's carbon tax is constitutional | CBC News
  22. Wonder if this is a violation of the Charter of Rights somehow because Trudeau has been hammering us with carbon taxes on the one hand ostensibly to encourage us to reduce fossil fuel emissions; now they are doing the opposite by denying us the right to buy affordable EVs that would reduce fossil fuel emissions. How do they justify that one? Wonder if someone could challenge this in court? Probably have the union mafia after you.
  23. Railways are an essential service for millions, nay, tens of millions of people across the country. A union should not be able to take advantage of its unique position over the economy of Canada and use it as a tool to force the employer to give in to outrageous demands. This goes for seaport workers or longshoremen. These are essential services. Some workers who go on strike only effect that particular business. It does not harm the population in general. That is why there should be no such thing as an option to go on strike in essential services. Contracts should all be determined by binding arbitration.
  24. At the present time, most north American EVs are manufactured in the U.S. The average price of an EV made in the U.S. is about $75,000. People are shunning them because they are so expensive. Yet an EV made in China is about $17,000. The tariff is designed to protect the Canadian and American auto manufacturing industry. The government has put timelines on the future purchase of gas powered vehicles and requires a majority of new vehicles to be EVs by a certain date. So my question is how is this going to work when the price of EVs is so high in Canada and many people are already struggling to put food on the table or make the high mortgage or rent payments? Many younger Canadians cannot afford to buy their own home and probably never will be able to. How is trying to force Canadians to shift to buying EVs going to work when they are so expensive in Canada and people simply can't afford them? While the federal government has been attacking the energy industry, they give billions of dollars in grants to EV battery companies. They are great at picking winners and losers. They have no interest in allowing the natural flow of supply and demand to takes its course. Intervention based on some questionable ideology is the rule, like the farcical war on climate change. This is just another example of how badly the federal government is out of touch with Canadians and how they believe they are the ones who should decide how the world should work. This is another reason why Canada's economy is in the mess it is in.
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