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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. Nonsense. Never read or heard anything like that. Just pure imagination.
  2. Yes, a percentage of the population oppose the death penalty and probably many for that reason. In the U.S., which is the only western country that still uses the death penalty, a majority of the population still support it. "The US is one of 55 countries in the world that still allows the death penalty and is the only western nation to utilize it still. To some, capital punishment seems outdated and barbaric, but to others, it is a crucial aspect of a fair criminal justice system. For perspective on how Americans view the death penalty, as of 2021, 60% favored it and 40% opposed it." Pros and Cons of the Death Penalty – eLawTalk Everyone has their opinion on it. Nobody should get their shirt in a knot over debating it. It won't change anyone's opinion. What is needed is concrete reasons that make a lot of sense why one should be for or against it. Personally, I believe the Bible and believe God teaches that capital punishment is in order for murder in Genesis 9:6. The idea of the powers that be wielding the sword against evil doers is also supported in the Epistle to the Romans in chapter 13 of the New Testament. God is completely sovereign over the universe and mankind and completely understands everything concerning right and wrong. Therefore God is the expert on anything to do with it. He is our Creator and we should be listening to him first rather than the opinions of men who can't be trusted to have the right answers. God is also all merciful and just and we should keep that in mind and pay attention to what he has said in his revelation. The concern that some innocent persons would be unjustly executed is a strong argument against it and deserves serious consideration. Whether more people are murdered when there is no capital punishment is also something to be considered. That is, the question of capital punishment serving as a deterrent should be weighed or determined somehow. Not sure if it is possible to know exactly. Would we really have all the shootings and stabbings we have if the perpetrators knew they could soon face the death penalty? What if far more people are murdered when there is no capital punishment than are unjustly convicted and executed? In such a scenario, are we really better off without capital punishment? Having more innocent people killed by murderers is not a good trade-off either. I would like to see the justice system changed somehow to prevent any errors from occurring. That would probably require major changes and might be complex. Perhaps some serious enquiries and studies should be done and legislate from there.
  3. I just watched an interesting documentary video on the historical connection of Iran as part of the historical Persian empire and the Old Testament. There are quite a few references to Persia in the Old Testament. A number of important historical events related to Israel happened. This video shows the links between Persia (Iran) and the Bible you might find interesting. Bing Videos
  4. Look down through history. The job of government has always been to maintain law and order and that often has included capital punishment. Not having capital punishment is just sending the wrong message to society. It is telling potential murderers they will not lose their life if they murder someone. They know they might get a number of years in prison if they are caught but they also know the justice system looks at their background, upbringing, race, etc. and is often very lenient. They believe they stand a good chance of getting out on parole. I still haven't figured out how criminals often only have to serve half of their sentence. This is another message to potential murderers. All this has to stop and capital punishment brought back. Humans have a tendency to want to be lenient about capital punishment and not implement it, but that is just what criminals are hoping. They rely on the softness of a large segment of population. The system is disaster.
  5. No I didn't lie. I forgot the post regarding Melanie Joly. I admitted I forgot that. There are so many comments and posts on here it is impossible for my poor memory to keep up with it. Anyway here is a video you may want to watch where John Lennox tells how science doesn't explain what you think it does. Bing Videos Here is another video that I haven't seen yet but looks interesting. May watch later. It is called Iran in the Bible. Bing Videos
  6. Trudeau's whole approach has been to spend, spend, spend and run up massive debt. He spent massive amounts of money on everything he could think of that might buy some votes. He hasn't changed his attitude about that. That is why he and Christia Freeland parted ways. She just believed his latest spending sprees were merely gimmicks and could see the writing on the wall that it wasn't going to help the Liberals. He couldn't see that. His time is up, but it may take until next October to get him out.
  7. Not sure what you are referring to. The term "conscientious objector" is a vague general term that could be used for anything one disagrees with. I is a phrase that seems to be trying to appear righteous. But if the phrase is used to oppose things that should be done, then it is just a clever way to oppose something but it is illegitimate.
  8. OK, I stand corrected. You have finally found the posting I made. Yes, I disagree with Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly. I disagree with her statement about not sending military aid to Israel, if that is what she said. I support Israel. How else could they continue to survive in a part of world where they are surrounded by hundreds of millions of people who want them destroyed? You stated your opposition to the Bible earlier and now say you don't reject. But you also intimate you don't accept it. There is no middle ground. One either accepts what the Bible says or they don't. You say it is your choice not to accept it. That might be true. But it means you are in opposition to the one true God, who inspired men to write the Bible and you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior at this point. You need to study the New Testament so you know what you are making such an eternal decision on.
  9. How is what I said false? You are the one that stated how you reject Christianity and the Bible. You said it. The truth is the Bible was written under the inspiration of God. You have not studied it and don't know anything about it. Yet you have the nerve to dismiss it. That is a very dangerous stance to take. The Bible is dealing with eternity and our souls, nothing to dismiss or take lightly without knowing anything about it.
  10. I don't recall that statement. I am not saying absolutely that I never said it because I don't remember. You could have been talking to someone else. The fact is Iran and all the various terrorist groups in the middle east want to destroy Israel and the west must continue to support them with weapons and whatever other support is needed. This is historically how it has been. The west must either defend Israel or it will be destroyed. Do you have a problem with that?
  11. You sound like a classic liberal, which is basically anti-Christian and anti-Bible. That means you are on the side of unregenerate humankind. You are a lost soul unless you repent and turn to Jesus Christ as your Savior. Since you understand nothing at all about the Bible or your condition, you should really do some studying before spouting more nonsense.
  12. No, I support Israel. I simply don't recall saying anywhere we need to send them more arms, which is what you claimed. Look in the mirror. As for Christianity, you don't know the first thing about it. So how can you be a judge of Christians? People are either believers in Jesus Christ or they are under the dominion of Satan and his demons. Which one are you?
  13. Poilievre is an expert in singling out the failures of the Trudeau government and Liberals. He is focused and keeps hammering them as strongly as possible. He is doing an excellent job. The Conservatives are now so far ahead in the polls it is amazing. Nobody would have believed this would be possible a few years ago.
  14. Nothing is perfect in this imperfect world. We still give police guns to do their job. The outcome of their job is not perfect and people get killed occasionally. We don't disarm them because of the deaths that occur occasionally. We shouldn't take capital punishment off the table because the justice system is not 100% perfect. We need to do everything humanly possible to fix the system. Convicted murderers still need to receive capital punishment. We just need to do it very carefully and scientifically to ensure there are no errors. The medical system sometimes makes mistakes. They did with me and with my sister seriously affecting our hearts. We don't stop providing specialized medical care because some make mistakes. We carry on and do the best we can as a society. We don't shut down the highways because people get killed on them sometimes. In fact, we still let a lot of people drive who are reckless and break the traffic laws constantly. Another case of failing justice that costs thousands of lives. In fact if a drunk under influence driver kills someone, he only gets a few years and then he is out free again while his victim is dead and their family suffers. That should be the same thing with the justice system. Don't let convicted murderers escape what they are due.
  15. So says the liberal who claims to be a Christian conservative but rejects the basic tenets of Christianity and the Bible. Seriously, get a grip. Have you ever posted anything other than trying to appear to be on both sides of an issue?
  16. Canada must strive for a criminal justice system that makes no errors. Instead of thinking negatively, think positively. In cases that are iron-clad where there is scientific evidence such as DNA or other things, there should be no question. It should end in capital punishment. Every case needs to dealt with on its own merits. If there is serious doubt, then of course there should be no capital punishment. Allowing murderers to escape capital punishment is no solution. It is a capitulation to evil of the worst kind. We have hundreds of murders in Canada and people do not feel safe in many cities, parks, etc. This is because nobody has confidence in the justice system. How could they when known dangerous offenders are repeatedly arrested and released on bail or parole? How could they when criminals are given lighter sentences because of their racial background? If there is anything positive about the idea of medical assistance in dying, it may be the idea of using if for convicted murderers. There is no other justification for MAID. Making MAID available to people with mental illness and people that suffer housing problems, financial problems and handicapped people just shows how degenerate our society has become. Allowing murderers to escape capital punishment is a serious form of mental degeneracy. It is not protecting the law-abiding citizens.
  17. I already said quite clearly a number of times the system needs to be changed so there are no errors. You chose to ignore that. Abortion is clearly killing people. Not sure how you live with yourself. Want to kill innocent humans but no capital punishment for murderers. Yet you don't see the contradiction in your thinking.
  18. Not necessarily. That is your claim but is a lie. It is hypothetical. They were eventually released, correct? The justice system needs to be improved so that errors do not occur. That is the answer. The authorities need to find ways to ensure that verdicts are 100% correct. Not giving capital punishment for murder, is letting them off and punishing the victim's families. That is not justice.
  19. The Bible teaches the pre-born are people. The Bible also murderers should receive capital punishment. How do you manage to oppose what God says? Do you believe in God and do you believe in the Bible? Deal with it.
  20. You want to avoid the subject because you know you don't have a leg to stand on. You are ok with killing pre-born babies, but oppose capital punishment for convicted murderers. Very warped. Again, you show your mental state. You're ok with killing babies in the womb, but want murderers to escape capital punishment which God ordained in Genesis 9:6.
  21. What governs your conscience? If not God's written revelation, then what? Demons?
  22. Since the Bible teaches a pre-born baby is a human from conception, how do you square that circle? Who are you to say a pre-born baby is not a human at any point and killing it is acceptable? You are saying your own thinking comes before what God says in his written word, making yourself a higher authority. Isn't that how Satan thinks?
  23. So you pick which commandments you will accept based on whether they fit your left wing ideology or conservative ideology. We know who your god is and it isn't the true God of the Bible. The god of left wing ideology, or Marxism/Socialism is Satan and his host of demons.
  24. You said killing is wrong period. Now you're admitting police do it sometimes. What about "a woman's right to choose", i.e. abortion? Do you support that?
  25. And these same nations, like Canada, brought in catch and release so we have the disaster of a justice system now with dangerous offenders being constantly released into the streets. Over a thousand tent cities across Canada with crime and drugs out of control. Plus rainbow flags and crosswalks. The new woke culture. We have a generation of heathen and woke. Canada is a disaster now.
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