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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. The COP15 and their U.N. backers are calling for 30% of a country like Canada to be set aside or preserved. Trudeau and his cohorts are going along with this. Preserved for what? God has given man dominion over the earth. That does not mean prohibiting man from using 30% of a country's surface area or water. How does that serve the well-being of mankind? It doesn't. All it does is eliminate that area from being used to extract or develop natural resources, grow food, and provide a place for humans to live. This makes no sense. People like Trudeau, Guilbeaut (minister of environment or similar) and environmental radicals simply pulling a figure like 30% out of thin air and saying this is the solution to the problems of the environment make no sense at all. It is a very childish, simplistic way of looking at the environment and man's place in it. If waterways and land areas are being polluted with garbage, then stop polluting them. Stop dumping plastic into the rivers, lakes, and oceans. That is the approach that should be taken. Not locking up 30% of the country and saying we can't live on it or use the natural resources. That is more harmful and an easy way out of their responsibility to do things properly.
  2. "Desertification cancelled: Climate Change won’t make the deserts grow After a thousand headlines told us Climate Change would make deserts grow, a new study suggests it won’t. It’s a finding that shocks no one who knew that climate models have no predictive skill with rainfall, and that a warmer world means higher global precipitation. Plus there’s the awkward clue that for the last forty years the arid regions of the world have been getting greener instead of more deserty." Desertification cancelled: Climate Change won’t make the deserts grow « JoNova (joannenova.com.au) "Does a warmer climate mean more dry land? For years, researchers projected that drylands—including deserts, savannas and shrublands—will expand as the planet warms, but new research from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) challenges those prevailing views." Climate change may not expand drylands (phys.org) The fact is the climate changes over time and always has. Man cannot control it. When the climate changes there may be some changes on earth. Man cannot stop that. The U.N. is a denier and thinks otherwise. They want the developed nations to send their money to the third world to allegedly compensate them for the changing climate and they blame the west for the changing climate. This is why we see all these COP conferences which include protesters of all sorts. They want to make you and I pay for the changing climate. The U.N. discovered this clever scheme some time ago and is exploiting it for all its worth.
  3. "Trudeau announces $800M for Indigenous-led conservation initiatives" Where does Trudeau get the authority to just throw out nearly a billion dollars for his personal pet projects without Parliamentary approval? Sounds like a total dictatorship. Trudeau announces $800M for Indigenous-led conservation initiatives (msn.com) Notice he is doing this at the start of COP15 as a purely virtue-signaling initiative. 800 million dollars could go a long way to help the failing health care system.
  4. The government website which would have up-to-date figures says: "About 89% of electricity in Alberta is produced from fossil fuels– approximately 36% from coal and 54% from natural gas. The remaining 10% is produced from renewables, such as wind, hydro, and biomass." CER – Provincial and Territorial Energy Profiles – Alberta (cer-rec.gc.ca)
  5. Making good people helpless won't make bad people harmless. There are likely quite a few people driving around Toronto carrying illegal loaded handguns and maybe in Vancouver as well. The police found a pile of guns when they stopped one car in Toronto the other day. Just be very careful when you are driving in Toronto, Vancouver or other places because if you cause road rage with some thug with an illegal gun or accidentally have a fender bender, you never know what could happen. Trudeau and the left don't believe you have the right to defend yourself. But the criminals are allowed to have guns and the courts give bail to people charged with gun offences.
  6. What? Where did you get those figures? I think you need to check into that further. According to this website Alberta generates 16,330 megawatts. Alberta is the third largest producer of electricity in Canada. You stated 10,000 megawatts which is quite a bit less that the actual amount. "Alberta is the third largest producer of electricity in Canada and has an estimated generating capacity of 16 330 megawatts (MW). About 89% of electricity in Alberta is produced from fossil fuels– approximately 36% from coal and 54% from natural gas. The remaining 10% is produced from renewables, such as wind, hydro, and biomass." This is from the Canada Energy Regulator CER – Provincial and Territorial Energy Profiles – Alberta (cer-rec.gc.ca) Wind, solar, hydro and biomass combined generates only about 10% of Alberta's power. According to a 2020 CBC news article, Alberta produced about 1.9 GW of power with wind and solar and was expected to rise: "According to the data that Rystad tracks, Alberta's current renewable capacity includes 0.1 gigawatt (GW) of solar and 1.8 GW of wind. By 2025, it expects that to grow to 1.8 GW of solar and 6.5 GW of wind. " Or 8.3 GW. Now 1.9 GW is equal to 1,900 MW. Alberta generates 16,330 MW (megawatts) mainly from fossil fuels. The amount of wind and solar electricity generated would appear to be 12% of what Alberta generates which is mainly from fossil fuels. This 12% figure may be at the peak time of wind and solar power. We know it varies greatly depending on sunshine and how much wind is blowing. It would not be consistent. It would appear Alberta is nowhere near 50% with wind and solar. More like 12% and perhaps only at peak times when the sun is shining, and the wind is blowing.
  7. I don't think that all the provinces are a creation of the federal government. B.C. for instance was a British Colony. They joined confederation in 1871, four years after confederation began or Canada was formed. They joined under the agreement of the division of powers with the province having jurisdiction over its natural resources and other things. Canada is a confederation with a division of powers between the provinces and the federal government. There is nothing that says the federal government can unilaterally change that constitutional agreement or transfer provincial powers to the federal government. Any changes to the constitution must be by the agreed upon formula. The withdrawal of a province from the confederation is an unknown matter. Quebec came the closest to starting that process and the vote to separate was very narrowly defeated if 50% was the deciding number. But that would be the beginning of the process and I am not sure how it would work out. The separatists might not get all the land they think they could have. The geographic area of Quebec was surrendered to the British crown in 1759 or 63. Perhaps that is why the Bloc Quebecois don't want to swear allegiance to the King. Prior to 1867 the land was part of British North America and under the jurisdiction of the British monarchy. I am not sure the forming of Canada changed that because Canada is still a constitutional monarchy. I would not be too anxious to abolish the monarchy because that could make it easier for a province to say they are not under the authority of the crown.
  8. Possibly the public service was told to get the pandemic aid out to everyone who needed it ASAP. But the civil service was not set up properly for such a task and perhaps did not have the framework to check on every applicant to see whether they were really entitled to aid or not. The need to get it out to those who really needed it was paramount of course. This was an expensive lesson to be better prepared for these events.
  9. CTV is just reporting the auditor general said the federal government paid 4.7 billion dollars in pandemic aid to people who were not entitled to it. They are reportedly having trouble getting it back. Another 27.4 billion dollars is under investigation. That a lot of taxpayer money. Seems they at least were fast in sending out aid, but not very good at determining who should receive it. There should also be scrutiny of the millions of dollars Trudeau doles out every day or two. When are they going to fix the failing health care system?
  10. Unfortunately, this COP15 cult conference will be just another brainwashing session supported by the Liberal-NDP government to brainwash more people into the radical agenda they have of opposing Canadians and the world using the earth to live on. The thing that makes it even worse is Canadians will be paying millions of dollars or tens of millions to pay for this gathering of radical environmental cultists. When the governments of the world gather in something like this sponsored by the U.N. and governments who are member states, many people automatically believe whatever they say. This is how climate change alarmism works and became such a big deal. It was constant propaganda by the U.N., and their obedient liberal left governments led by people like Trudeau. Who in his cabinet would even think of questioning his carbon tax agenda or net zero goals when they were appointed to the cabinet by Trudeau himself? The result is they are continually brainwashed with the line that man is to blame for the changing climate and must be made to pay. Nobody has ever actually seen any evidence that would support this assumption. The whole thing is just a cultish dogma. These COP cult conferences are like a snowball rolling down a long hill. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and picks up more naive followers along the way. We should not forget there will be many Marxist-leaning, environmentally radical professors and claimed experts present to help spur and motivate these followers and government representatives along. After all they believe they are out to save the world from mankind. A rolling snowball is a good simile of how brainwashing and propaganda is spread by these conferences and governments. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=picture+of+giant+snowball+rolling+down+hill&&view=detail&mid=EC17F24E6DD546E7E53EEC17F24E6DD546E7E53E&rvsmid=44BFE2D8026E73D5830944BFE2D8026E73D58309&FORM=VDQVAP
  11. What lefties and liberals don't seem to understand is our economy and life operates on the principle of free enterprise capitalism. Corporations and investors don't just drop what they are investing in such as the oil sands and natural gas extraction and put their money and resources into solar power, wind power, or nuclear power at the drop of a hat because a group of environmentalists say they should. They have to invest in things that give a reasonable return and today that is the existing oil and gas industry. Most of the world runs their vehicles on oil products. Most of the goods require oil in the manufacturing process. Aircraft, ships, transport trucks almost all use oil to operate. Corporations cannot make money if they simply stopped investing in the existing energy industry because Liberals and NDP think they should do something else. That is not how the free world operates. Liberal and NDP governments solution is to put heavy regulations and carbon taxes on the energy industry and on the general public thinking this will force them to stop producing and using oil and gas. When there is no ready alternative to oil this is not going to work. All that is happening is the price of oil and gas all other goods is increasing. The price of everything simply goes up. Companies have no choice but to pass the costs on to the consumers. Investors and corporations must continue to earn a profit or they cannot exist and society cannot function. Unfortunately for the populations that depend on these products, governments do not understand and will continue to punish everyone for using oil and gas.
  12. When most of the countries of the world send representatives and Canada sends hundreds of people in its delegation to the U.N. sponsored COP conferences, then you know the world has been infected by the radical environmentalist cult. You also must be aware that a large part of the world's population as for example in India, and some neighbouring countries do not believe in eating meat. They worship countless gods of Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. and allow cattle to walk the streets untouched while vast numbers of people are starving and living in poverty. That example proves how easily hundreds of millions of people, maybe billions are so easily deceived by cults such as the environmental cult and Mother Earth worshipers. Yet the British Conservative government elected a practicing Hindu as their PM and statistics tell us the number of Christians in Britain has now fallen to less than 50% of the people. This is just one example of why more and more people are falling for the environmentalist cult of Mother Earth worship. In Canada there are people who want to bring native spirituality into the public school system now. That means smudging ceremonies, and worship of spirits of the creatures and Mother Earth would be taught to school students. When a Christian mother in BC went to court over her daughter being forced to be in a classroom when a smudging ceremony was being held, the judge ruled the smudging ceremony was not a religious practice (if you can believe that).
  13. If you speak of a "sky wizard" it demonstrates a problem you have of a bias against the God who created us and everything we have and who we depend upon. Here is an article which explains the difference between the cult that worships Mother Earth and proper stewardship of the earth for the benefit of mankind. The first thing you should understand is that the Mother Earth cult wants to set aside 30% of Canada to prevent man from developing it or using it for man's benefit. God created the whole earth for the use of mankind. quote Answer by Peter Geyer It’s easy for us to adopt the language the world uses when we come to speak about environmental matters today, but we should resist the temptation to do so. Nowhere in the Bible will you find the earth referred to as our mother! Jesus taught us that we relate to the God who created both us and the universe in which we live, as our Father, and our Father in heaven certainly didn’t need a wife in order to bring all things into existence. God alone is our Father, and the earth we live on certainly isn’t our mother! The fact that people speak of ‘mother earth’ and ‘mother nature’ panders to the evolutionary idea that everything originated by natural processes from the earth over billions of years. This thinking has been popularized in recent times by the Gaia hypothesis which notes the connectedness and inter-dependence of all living organisms with their environment. The idea is that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings are so closely integrated as to form a single self-regulating complex system that maintains life on earth. Also, the idea of ‘mother nature’, comes from pagan belief that the earth itself is a god. Perhaps you remember the film Avatar, where all life on the planet was an expression of the goddess Eywa. According to the film, all life came from Eywa and returned to Eywa, and continues on in a spiritual realm. As Christians, we know that the earth is as much a creation of God as we are ourselves. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness therefore” (Psalm 24:1), and it was intended for man’s use to God’s glory. Genesis 1:26 states that God gave mankind dominion over the earth. That doesn’t mean the right to exploit and pollute the earth, but to exercise the same caring dominion over the earth that parents have over their children. Genesis 2:15 shows how Adam exercised this dominion in the Garden of Eden, “…to work it and take care of it”. The earth is God’s gift to human beings. The wonders, beauties, and intricacies of creation declare the qualities of God who put a little of himself into his creation (Romans 1:20). “The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech” (Psalm 19:1). But the basic point is a simple one; the earth is God’s creation, much like the Mona Lisa is the creation of Leonardo DaVinci. It has no personality as to be referred to as our mother, sister, brother or any other such thing. The earth provides food and resources for us much the same way as a cow provides us with milk, and a sheep with meat, and we would hardly refer to a cow as our mother, or a sheep as our sister! The evolutionist may wish to claim the pig as his cousin, but the Christian knows that man alone was created in the image of God unique and unrelated to any other creature. Even speaking of the creation as ‘the realm of nature’ and ‘the natural environment’, can be misleading. There’s no such thing as ‘the natural environment’, since we know that nothing came about by itself ‘naturally’, but that everything was the special and intentional creation of God. Perhaps in place of using terms like ‘the natural environment’ and ‘the realm of nature’, it might be more appropriate for Christians to refer to the earth and all that is in it simply as God’s creation. It’s too easy to adopt secular terms when we could use language that witnesses to Christ as Creator. Enjoy the creation and give praise to God and God alone! Were you helped by this answer? If so, consider making a donation so we can keep adding more answers. Donate here. Tagged:environmentalismgaiaGenesispaganism About The Contributor Peter Geyer Peter Geyer is a pastor of the Lutheran Church of Australia, and has served in New Zealand, and among the indigenous people of Australia and Papua New Guinea. He currently pastors three congregations in the Fassifern district of southeast Queensland, Australia. He is married to Kayleen and has two married daughters. His passion has always been for Gospel outreach, and he recognizes just how important the literal understanding of the Word of God is for a correct grasp of doctrinal truth, and for the certainty of salvation. MOTHER EARTH? People talk about Mother Nature & Mother Earth. What is a Christian view of Earth? – Ask John Mackay | Creation Questions & Answers
  14. I know how politics works. What you don't understand is politics and our government has been hijacked by environmental radicals. Why else would Trudeau appoint a known environmental Greenpeace radical who illegally climbed towers for environmentalism and Greenpeace? This article explains a bit about the difference between good stewardship of our environment and what we are witnessing with these environmental cults like Greenpeace and the COP people and governments. You realize that the COP cult wants to remove 30% of the country from the use of mankind and leave it natural? The earth was created for man's use, not to be set aside and prevented from the use and development for the benefit of mankind. quote MOTHER EARTH? People talk about Mother Nature & Mother Earth. What is a Christian view of Earth? The original question was: With so much talk about Mother Nature and Mother Earth these days, what is a Christian view of the earth? Answer by Peter Geyer It’s easy for us to adopt the language the world uses when we come to speak about environmental matters today, but we should resist the temptation to do so. Nowhere in the Bible will you find the earth referred to as our mother! Jesus taught us that we relate to the God who created both us and the universe in which we live, as our Father, and our Father in heaven certainly didn’t need a wife in order to bring all things into existence. God alone is our Father, and the earth we live on certainly isn’t our mother! The fact that people speak of ‘mother earth’ and ‘mother nature’ panders to the evolutionary idea that everything originated by natural processes from the earth over billions of years. This thinking has been popularized in recent times by the Gaia hypothesis which notes the connectedness and inter-dependence of all living organisms with their environment. The idea is that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings are so closely integrated as to form a single self-regulating complex system that maintains life on earth. Also, the idea of ‘mother nature’, comes from pagan belief that the earth itself is a god. Perhaps you remember the film Avatar, where all life on the planet was an expression of the goddess Eywa. According to the film, all life came from Eywa and returned to Eywa, and continues on in a spiritual realm. As Christians, we know that the earth is as much a creation of God as we are ourselves. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness therefore” (Psalm 24:1), and it was intended for man’s use to God’s glory. Genesis 1:26 states that God gave mankind dominion over the earth. That doesn’t mean the right to exploit and pollute the earth, but to exercise the same caring dominion over the earth that parents have over their children. Genesis 2:15 shows how Adam exercised this dominion in the Garden of Eden, “…to work it and take care of it”. The earth is God’s gift to human beings. The wonders, beauties, and intricacies of creation declare the qualities of God who put a little of himself into his creation (Romans 1:20). “The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech” (Psalm 19:1). But the basic point is a simple one; the earth is God’s creation, much like the Mona Lisa is the creation of Leonardo DaVinci. It has no personality as to be referred to as our mother, sister, brother or any other such thing. The earth provides food and resources for us much the same way as a cow provides us with milk, and a sheep with meat, and we would hardly refer to a cow as our mother, or a sheep as our sister! The evolutionist may wish to claim the pig as his cousin, but the Christian knows that man alone was created in the image of God unique and unrelated to any other creature. Even speaking of the creation as ‘the realm of nature’ and ‘the natural environment’, can be misleading. There’s no such thing as ‘the natural environment’, since we know that nothing came about by itself ‘naturally’, but that everything was the special and intentional creation of God. Perhaps in place of using terms like ‘the natural environment’ and ‘the realm of nature’, it might be more appropriate for Christians to refer to the earth and all that is in it simply as God’s creation. It’s too easy to adopt secular terms when we could use language that witnesses to Christ as Creator. Enjoy the creation and give praise to God and God alone! unquote MOTHER EARTH? People talk about Mother Nature & Mother Earth. What is a Christian view of Earth? – Ask John Mackay | Creation Questions & Answers The earth including all of Canada was created for the use of mankind, not to made a preserve of some kind to be left untouched or unused with its natural resources.
  15. 1. Yes, because it is nothing more than a cult that blames mankind for living on the earth. They worship the false god of Mother Earth and think man has no right to exist and use the land to live on and develop the natural resources. They cause great harm to countries like Canada with an extremist PM like Trudeau and minister Guilbeault, who are punishing Canadians for merely living, driving to work, and taking their kids to hockey practice and school, and buying groceries. 2. The tone of your posts reveals you are one of the cult followers and supporters.
  16. COP15, another U.N. environmental cult conference being held in Montreal December 7 to December 19. Tens of thousands of environmental radicals expected to attend and this is being hosted by the Canadian government for the U.N. at taxpayer expense. It will have the biggest police operation in 20 years. We just had a COP cult conference two weeks ago in Egypt with Canada sending a large delegation of hundreds of people. Now another one in Montreal. It never ends with these people brainwashing everyone at taxpayer expense. Biggest police operation in 20 years: Montreal preparing for tens of thousands at COP15 environmental conference COP15: Montreal closing downtown metro station, launching major security detail for conference | CTV News How much will this cost to hold and how much will the huge police operation cost Canadians? "Montreal police estimate the cost, including payroll, at $25 million, which will be reimbursed in part or in whole by the federal government." (the Canadian taxpayers)
  17. The environmental cult is meeting again in Montreal under the heading of COP15 to continue with the U.N. agenda of wrecking the economies of the world in their fanatical worship of their god, Mother Earth. I thought they just had their cult meetings in Egypt a couple weeks ago. It never ends with the cult trying to brainwash and control the world.
  18. Actually it is Trudeau and his environmental radical tower-climbing Greenpeace minister who are wrecking Canada with the carbon taxes, their net zero objectives imposed on western provinces, 30% reduction in fertilizer emissions reducing food production, and driving up the price of everything. There is no climate crisis, only an economic crisis created by Trudeau and his minions.
  19. If Trudeau was really serious about helping Canadians, he would be meeting with provincial Premiers to work out a financial arrangement to work toward solving the health care crisis, but he refuses to meet with them so far. Instead he is constantly on the media pontificating about all the things he is supposedly doing for Canadians, while he ignores the central issue, the failing health care system. I just read an article which describes how Canada's health care system crisis could get far worse with an aging population over the next number of years. We need leaders and decision makers who will take action now to avoid the looming catastrophe. The health system is bad now. It's going to get a lot worse — and here's why (msn.com)
  20. Liberals and NDP are huge believers in government bureaucracies. Beware! That is why much of government is overblown, overrated, over expensive, and under achieving. You want something done, have an inquiry, form a committee, hire advisors and experts, hire more diversity, investigate the merits, blah blah. It never ends with government bureaucrats and their liberal left benefactors.
  21. Obviously the failed passport administration system has nothing to do with the number of civil servants. If all they needed was more civil servants, there would never have been a problem. The problem is the incompetence and bureaucracy of government. They are incapable of administering things like passports simply because they have a huge bureaucracy that must be involved in every detail and make-work projects for unionized civil servants. That's why it is a total mess. If the passport administration was run by an efficient private business, you can be sure they would find a way to streamline it and do it in 24 or 48 hours. Bureaucracies don't operate that way. It also may partly at least explain why other services of government don't function efficiently or properly.
  22. You forgot to mention the health care system is in a crisis, there are long waiting times in emergency rooms, sometimes twelve hours or more, people waiting long periods for cancer treatments while their cancer gets worse. Probably lots of people dying because of it. There is a housing crisis and hundreds of thousands of people cannot buy a home because they cost more than the average person could ever afford. They have calculated it would take the average person decades to just save up a down payment to purchase a home. It is unattainable for most people now. We are short a million or more homes. The Canadian military has been underfunded for years and is desperately short of ships, aircraft, equipment and short tens of thousands of personnel. Canadians are paying for a ridiculous war on climate change, which is a fraud that is lowering the standard of living of everyone. Western Canada's energy industry has been greatly harmed by the Trudeau government. Yet you are fine with Trudeau's leadership. It is a dismal failure. Sad.
  23. Billions of dollars spend on various things and a massive civil service, while Trudeau ignores the fact that the law is allowing repeat violent offenders to be repeatedly arrested and released. Another repeat offender in B.C. who failed to show up in court was arrested and taken to court for some offence and for failing to show up in court. Believe it or not, today he was given one day in jail and a year on probation although he was a repeat violent offender. Trudeau and his ministers are doing nothing about this ongoing problem. The justice system is a disaster and the federal laws are the main problem.
  24. Not all of in B.C. are Socialist or Liberals. Some are Conservative but we are outnumbered right now by NDP and Liberals who changed their name to B.C. United Party recently.
  25. Canada has 300,450 federal civil servants. The average cost of each employee is $114,000 per year. Do the math. The number of government programs being administered by government is endless. In the last few years of the Harper Conservative government the number of federal civil servants gradually declined but as soon as Trudeau and the Liberals took over in 2015, the number of civil servants began to increase every year.
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