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The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Today this is a general principle but not a limiting factor. Circumstantial evidence is taken into consideration by a judge or jury. There are not always witnesses available for every crime. Other evidence must often be used. -
The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
This website explains the impact of Christianity on western civilization. Of course we will have lots of deniers, but the history cannot be denied and is easily verifiable. The Impact Of Christianity On Western Civilization Essay Example - PHDessay.com More than one thousand years before the birth of Christ, the biblical requirement given by Moses was that no man is above the law and one witness is not enough to convict any man of a crime he may have committed. A matter must be established by two or three witnesses. (Deuteronomy 19:15 KJV). These two principles are well established in our legal system today. "15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established. " Deuteronomy 19:15 KJV Another is the general day of rest that most of society enjoys with the exception of those whose job requires them to work. This comes from the principle that God created everything in six days and rested on the seventh day. This was first established by law for the nation of Israel as the Sabbath or Saturday, but was changed by the early Roman church council in 325 A.D. to Sunday for the church and as a general day of rest for everyone. -
The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Says a guy who has no concept of morality or where it came from. -
The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Only to the person who is full of himself and wants to play God over society with his own concept of what is morality. -
The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
The problem with leftism and why it is destroying western civilization is leftists want to be God and reject historic Judeo-Christian heritage and principles. They want to be total dictators over society and impose their concept of morality, not God's. -
The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Pride cometh before the fall.. "Pride is the deadliest of all sins because it leads to all other sins. Pride is delusional, spiteful, and bitter. At its root, it declares, “I don’t want God to be God. I want to be God!” Sinful pride is refusing to recognize God’s sovereign role in everything. What Makes Pride a Sin? (christianity.com) -
The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
There is nothing wrong with individuals taking care of the environment in reasonable, responsible, manner. But we do not worship the environment as nature was created to serve mankind, not the other way around. Also, we are here primarily for the glory of God and yes we are to love our neighbour and contribute to the betterment of the world, but that is not by leftism or Socialism. It has to be personal, voluntarily help, not state-ordained or compulsory wealth re-distribution. -
The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
Your point is a natural reaction and a good point on the surface of it. But this is where you have to dig deeper and have some understanding of God's perspective as revealed in Holy Scripture. First, don't forget God is omnipotent, that is, all powerful. Therefore of course, if he had wanted to, he could have created a world of robots. Such a world could have been a perfect paradise with no evil, no wars, no crime, no corruption, and no illness and where all robotic beings could live forever. How would that suit you? But that was not his choice. Instead he chose to create our first parents, Adam and Eve, in the garden of Eden, a paradise. But they were not robots. God created them with free will, the choice to follow God or to disobey God and rebel against him. They were told they could eat of any tree except one tree. Then the serpent came along and tempted Eve with his words. Eve succumbed to the temptation and ate of the forbidden fruit and gave some to Adam, and he also ate of it. As a result, they became fallen human beings and as our first parents representing mankind, their fallen corrupt nature was passed on and inherited by all their descendants including us today. God sees that man was a fallen, lost being, but because of his love for man, he sent his Son to die on a cross for the sins of mankind. That was an expiation for sin or atonement. This atonement was to redeem those who believe in his Son, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. You say what was the point of it all? The point is man caused the corrupt and evil world by rebelling against God. In God's view justice was served. God created man in his own image and mankind and all of creation belongs to him. Therefore, we must accept God's purposes are his prerogative. We do not get to decide how the world should be. We are the fallen people who share in the consequences for the fall of man. It is important to get an understanding of man's place in God's universe. People often think of God as some distant unknown person and somehow think he has no authority of them. This is where the error comes in. People do not recognize they are merely created beings and God is our omnipotent Creator. We must first, at least at a bare minimum, understand who God is and our own place in the universe as being created out of the dust of the earth and totally dependent on our Creator. God could have created a world without all the social problems, wars, slavery, and everything else, but that is not what God chose. He gave man free will and man chose to rebel. That is why the world is what it is. The Holy Scriptures tell us what the solution is. It is not a revolution or political solution. It is a rebirth of individuals one at a time and a personal relationship with God through his Son. That would seem to fit in with the concept of free will or personal choice. That was God's decision. Make any sense? -
The Left is Destroying Western Civilization
blackbird replied to blackbird's topic in Federal Politics in Canada
That is not correct. There was slavery mentioned in the Bible but the Bible has teachings on how the slaves at that period in history were to be treated fairly and properly. Christianity and the Bible was not meant to change all the bad social or political systems going on in the world through history. It is not a political revolution document. The message of the Bible is to call individual people out of the evil in the world and to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Remember the whole world practiced slavery for thousands of years. The Bible is a not political document meant to bring about some kind of political revolution in the world. That is not the purpose of the Bible. Today there are around 27 million slaves of various kinds in the world. But here is some truth about the subject. "Jesus and the apostles did not outright condemn slavery. They didn’t need to. The effect of the gospel is that lives are changed, one by one, and those changed lives in turn bring transformation to entire families, clans, and cultures. Christianity was never designed to be a political movement, but, over time, it naturally affected political policy. Alexander MacLaren wrote that the gospel “meddles directly with no political or social arrangements, but lays down principles which will profoundly affect these, and leaves them to soak into the general mind” (The Expositor’s Bible, vol. VI, Eerdmans, 1940, p. 301). In nations where Christianity spread and took firm hold, slavery was brought to an end through the efforts of born-again individuals." Does the Bible condone slavery? | GotQuestions.org God never intended for Christianity or the Bible to completely change the world from the evil condition it is in. Jesus said there would still be wars, etc. and that is what we have seen through the centuries. The world is an evil place because man fell in the garden of Eden. It won't get any better until Jesus Christ returns to earth to establish his millenial kingdom on earth. Actually the world is becoming worse as the Bible says it would. "Some criticize the Bible because it did not demand an immediate overthrow of every ingrained, centuries-old sinful custom of the day. But, as Warren Wiersbe pointed out, “The Lord chooses to change people and society gradually, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit and the proclamation of the truth of the Word of God” (The Wiersbe Bible Commentary, David C. Cook, 2007, p. 245)." God did not create a world of robots. Man rebelled against God and this resulted in a very broken, corrupt, fallen world. He gave man free will to choose to follow Jesus Christ or not to follow. Those who believe are saved for eternity. Those who reject him are lost. -
The free will means you either choose to do good or choose to do evil. Choose to believe or not believe in God and his word. The word of God is in opposition to MAID; therefore it is evil. There are consequences for the choice one makes.
Just a thought. Why did God say to Adam and Eve not to eat a certain fruit in the garden of Eden? Why would he give them that requirement? I think it was a test. Some people say why is there evil in the world if God is so powerful? The answer is he did not want robots. He gave us a free will. God loves mankind. But he doesn't force us to believe him and do his will. He left that choice with us. We either follow him and believe in Jesus or we don't. But there are serious consequences in whatever decision we make and that is for eternity.
You made yourself clear. I understand your concern that you think it is some kind of fairy tale. But there are a number of facts you are missing. First, it took an enormously intelligent designer-Creator to give us the complex universe and all the complex life forms. Nothing could have come into existence without such a being. The universe is not some kind of cosmic accident. That is the first point. God is a fact. Secondly, we are all fallen sinners. The Bible teaches God created Adam and Eve and put them in a paradise and told them they could eat anything except the one tree in the garden. The serpent came along and deceived Eve into eating it and she gave some to her husband who did also eat it. That moment they rebelled against God and became fallen sinners. Because they were our first parents, we as descendants all inherited that sinful, fallen nature. That is why there is crime, sickness, evil, and death in the world. Thirdly, God inspired men to write the Bible which reveals God's plan for mankind. The evidence for the truth and authority of the Bible as from God is overwhelming. This is where you need to do a little research to see this. That's the first thing. Unless you make some effort, nobody can do much. It all hinges on what you know and believe about the Bible. So it is essential you at least give it a chance and do some investigation. There are some strong reasons why it is legitimate and not a fairy tale. For one thing, there are many prophecies that were made hundreds of years before they were fulfilled. This proves the predictions came from God and authenticates that Scriptures as coming from God. Secondly, the person of Jesus Christ is a historical fact and the fact he was resurrected from the dead is verified by many eye witnesses. This proves he is who he said he is, the Son of God and God and the Savior of mankind, those who believe in him. How do we know the Bible is authentic and true? - Christian Questions Bible Podcast
Because you can't answer the question. You think God is not relevant. "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." Psalm 14:1 KJV You think you know more than God? Sound like foolishness.
Not only is the Bible clear, "thou shalt not kill", it teaches that our bodies belong to the Lord (God). What the Bible says is completely relevant. That is what decides what is right or wrong. If the state decided that they could put all the people they didn't like in gas chambers, would that be ok with you? Would you say Hitler and the Nazis had the right to have the holocaust? If not, why not? If you don't believe God has anything to do with it, what business is it of yours?
Nonsense. I don't wish to play God. I am opposed to euthanasia, which is playing God.
No, I don't want someone to continue to suffer. But neither do I wish to play God and kill someone to try to avoid suffering. That is basically wrong. It is called mercy killing and contrary to what God has said. We do not have any right to do that. The idea that one is going to avoid all pain by simply deciding to take assisted suicide is both irrational and immoral. The medical system has the capability to provide palliative care including pain management. "According to WHO, the pain for roughly 80% to 90% of people is managed within the first three steps. The steps in this model for treating pain include:4 Non-opioid drugs, such as aspirin or Tylenol (acetaminophen), should be tried first. This may be done with or without other drugs that are used to reduce fear or anxiety at the same time. If the pain gets worse or doesn't go away, an opioid meant for mild to moderate pain, such as codeine, may be added. Non-opioids and other drugs, as in Step 1, may also be used. If pain still gets worse or continues, a stronger opioid for more severe pain can be used. Morphine, for example, can be given along with non-opioids and anxiety drugs. Other treatments can then be tried if pain is not relieved. This may include nerve blocks and palliative chemotherapy." Is Death Painful? Managing End of Life Pain (verywellhealth.com) The health care system needs to be ensuring that there is proper pain management available for everyone who might need it. Talk to your doctor about that. It is wrong to just think you can take the easy way out with an assisted death. That is no solution at all and is a crime against humans. People are being lied to by the so-called death with dignity movement. Proper palliative care should be available to everyone who needs it.
"We live in what is sometimes described as a “culture of death.” Abortion on demand has been practiced for decades. Now some are seriously proposing infanticide. And euthanasia is promoted as a viable means of solving various social and financial problems. This focus on death as an answer to the world’s problems is a total reversal of the biblical model. Death is an enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26). Life is a sacred gift from God (Genesis 2:7). When given the choice between life and death, God told Israel to “choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19). Euthanasia spurns the gift and embraces the curse. The overriding truth that God is sovereign drives us to the conclusion that euthanasia and assisted suicide are wrong. We know that physical death is inevitable for us mortals (Psalm 89:48; Hebrews 9:27). However, God alone is sovereign over when and how a person’s death occurs. Job testifies in Job 30:23, “I know you will bring me down to death, to the place appointed for all the living.” Ecclesiastes 8:8 declares, “No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death.” God has the final say over death (see 1 Corinthians 15:26, 54–56; Hebrews 2:9, 14–15; Revelation 21:4). Euthanasia and assisted suicide are man’s attempts to usurp that authority from God." What does the Bible say about euthanasia / assisted suicide? | GotQuestions.org I know you can do better if you set your mind to it. You like one or two sentence sound bites, but they don't say much or add much knowledge to the subject. Sometimes, in life, we have to go a little further, the extra mile, so to speak, to learn something. That is the case with ethics and morals. There is a reason why God gave us his revelation with its guidance and moral teachings. That reason is to prevent us from SELF-DESTRUCTION. Mankind has a history of doing great harm to his fellow man because of his fallen, corrupt, immoral character. As individuals we have the opportunity to do better. We need to put our pride and swollen ego to one side though or else we can't do anything. If we don't do that, we can't possible dig ourselves out of the pit we are fallen into. There is my Sunday morning sermon. Cheers.
Just a thought. Pride cometh before a fall, right? We are all plagued with pride. It is one of the so-called deadly sins. Why is that? Must be a reason. God says in his written revelation: "Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud." Proverbs 16:19 KJV "By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life." Proverbs 22:4 KJV I could go on, but that should explain it. Proverbs is a good place to start reading the Bible.
That's your choice. But why come on here if you only want to listen to people who agree with you? Bit of a waste of time.
We can't change the dumb things we did in the past. But we can control the present and future. It would make sense for you to read the Bible for instance and learn about fallen human nature and what can be done on a personal basis. That might help to have a better understanding of government and the world systems and help make better decisions. Without that knowledge, we are just stumbling around in the dark making foolish decisions most of the time.
Did you vote for this government (Liberal or NDP)? They are one of the most unethical governments in Canada's history? "The Trudeau Liberals have an obvious ethics problem that has expanded to nearly every corner of government, but it’s one they refuse to acknowledge. Even when presented with objective facts of ethical breaches, they play dumb, as if they didn’t know the rules. Common sense may very well take its leave of someone once they are sworn in as a Liberal minister, but pleading ignorance is a poor excuse for repeated unethical behaviour. The problem has become so dire, it’s managed to bring the ethics commissioner to his wit’s end." NP View: Canada’s stubbornly unethical Liberal government (msn.com)
Yes, I realize it is divisive. I make no apologies for speaking the truth. Sometimes the truth is uncomfortable for those on the wrong side of it. If you voted for Trudeau or NDP you voted for the most divisive government in history. You need to take responsibility. Since you are defending leftism, you are partly responsible for the mess but you are unapologetic and think you are correct in supporting leftism.
You realize you admit you have no morals or ethics at all. That is extreme liberalism or progessivism which is destroying western society. You seem quite lucid and rational in other ways and capable of reasoning. How is it you don't believe in God and his written revelation to mankind? Why would you automatically assume that freedom to do whatever a person wants is rational or moral. Do you believe there is such a thing as right and wrong, good and bad, moral and immoral? Why do you assume a free-for-all for everyone is sensible? Do you not realize that historically there have always been Biblical principles in western society that governs how people should live? There have always been limits to what anyone can do in a civilized society? The Biblical laws, commands, and guidance are there for a reason. They are there to protect mankind from the evils in his own heart. Without that man has proven over and over he will simply self-destruct. Why would you support that?
Centrist is leftism and that is what is destroying the west. So-called centrists are the ones who voted for Liberals and NDP. We have one of the worst governments in history. They failed in almost every department, pushed Canada into worse depravity, caused massive divisions between Canadians, opened the border to thousands of illegal migrants to just walk in and get on the dole, and made the cost of living out of reach for millions of Canadians, pushed their ridiculous climate agenda costing Canadians billions of dollars, and created a massive debt. Now U.S. authorities are even paying for bus tickets for illegal migrants to come to the Roxham border crossing and enter illegally while the Trudeau government does nothing about it. Thank the Liberals and NDP and their leftist supporters.