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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. "But Socialist leaders get extremely wealthy off the stolen plunder. Karl Marx himself never worked an honest job and lived off the efforts of others while going deep in debt to finance his lifestyle.' Our government took hundreds of people to attend the Queen's funeral and some of our representatives stayed in a $6,000 a night hotel in London. That's how much they care about the taxpayer's. Trudeau constantly gives millions of dollars away around the world while running up billions of dollars in debt for Canadians to pay for.
  2. I don't think he was a true Minister. There are lots of false ministers. The Bible warns us about them. Wolves in sheep's clothing. People claiming to be ministers and then preaching Socialism or Communism. “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” (Matthew 7:15 KJV)
  3. "Socialism is the theft of capital, human rights, and more -from entire nations, leaving the masses in poverty and darkness." What Does the Bible Say About Socialism? – Faith Founded on Fact "Collectivisation was launched in the Eastern Bloc countries after the communist parties seized power as part of the transformation of the economic structure. With several exceptions (Yugoslavia, Poland) it was conducted in a very similar way, on the basis of the ideological notions applied by Stalin in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. In an effort to increase agricultural production in the Soviet Union, Stalin initiated collectivisation as a ruthless fight against the class of wealthy farmers (kulaks), who, according to Stalinist ideology, exploited poor farmers and prevented the building of collective ownership in the country. The killing and deportation of hundreds of thousands of kulaks immediately resulted in a significant decline in agricultural production." 1950s - Collectivisation of Agriculture - Socialism Realised Doesn't this sound similar to Jagmeet Singh and the NDP ideology condemning greedy corporations? If the Socialists had their way, there would be no private enterprise or corporations, no energy industry. We would all be living in poverty like Venezuela and many other countries.
  4. The social gospel is a false gospel. It is anti-Christian. Socialism is evil and already explained.
  5. I never said I don't mind public healthcare. You are inventing things that I never said. Public health care is inefficient and wasting billions of dollars. Unions are causing lots of problems. Some employees are being paid a fortune. Lots of waste and excessive administration. Inefficiencies common. Yet long waiting in emergency rooms and long waiting lists for surgeries. Public health care is failing and Canada gets a failing grade.
  6. The truth is you are paying whether you believe it or not, unless you are living off the government. Everybody pays through taxes. If there was no public health care system, you would theoretically pay less taxes and pay for health insurance instead. The health insurance would then pay for you to see a doctor. You might pay so much a month or possibly pay a small deductible plus monthly premium payments for insurance.
  7. OK. Sorry I found the link you are talking about and you are correct. It takes you to a different subject. Obviously they made a mistake with that link. Just ignore it. No big deal. Stay on the main page. There is lots to read there.
  8. I scrolled down the page and can't find that link. I'm not saying you are mistaken; just that I don't see it. Not sure where you found it. Anyway, the link I gave you has a long page of information about Socialism.
  9. That's strange. I looked at it just now and it is about Socialism and mentions it frequently. You must have gone to some other website. What Does the Bible Say About Socialism? – Faith Founded on Fact
  10. I don't write definitions. These are from internet dictionaries: Socialism - a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. no.2 socialism, social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another. Furthermore, everything that people produce is in some sense a social product, and everyone who contributes to the production of a good is entitled to a share in it. Society as a whole, therefore, should own or at least control property for the benefit of all its members.
  11. "The Bible tells us that Socialism is slavery and thievery. And anybody who has lived under Socialism can confirm it. Socialism destroys the Biblical work ethic and confiscates assets earned by producers and gives them to non-producers. This de-motivates producers and creates a cycle of sloth, poverty and dependence." What Does the Bible Say About Socialism? – Faith Founded on Fact Have you investigated the King James Bible and learned about Jesus Christ, the Savior? He came into the world, suffered and died for your sins and mine. Call upon Jesus Christ to be your Savior and believe the gospel that he died for your sins and rose from the dead and you will be saved.
  12. " The authorship of the New Testament books is one of the most contested matters of all time. But Christians mostly concur that the apostles and their disciples wrote the books. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John wrote the Gospels. The Apostle Paul wrote letters to the different early churches. Then John wrote the Book of Revelation from a vision he received while in exile. Matthew and John were some of the twelve apostles of Jesus. Mark and Luke were evangelists who wrote down the recollections of other Christian leaders in Jesus’ time. For most biblical scholars, the undisputed letters of Paul are the Letters to the Corinthians, Galatians, Philippians, Thessalonians, Romans, and Philemon. The rest of his epistles are believed to be dictated by Paul. But written by his scribes and disciples. For the other epistles, scholars believe that these workers come from scribes and followers writing down the oral teaching of the apostles." The New Testament: Overview and its Importance - FaithGiant Do you have any better information from a trustworthy source?
  13. Yes, the gospels have evidence as to who wrote them. It is not difficult to find out who wrote them. Google will also help.
  14. Sorry, I think we are going down a rabbit hole on that subject with no clear objective.
  15. You said there were more amendments in the U.S. I replied that is because the U.S. is far larger with far more governments. So what would one expect? That's not rocket science.
  16. Slavery was very minimal in Canada and Britain ended it around 200 years ago. Old history is being exploited by the extremist red power, Commies, woke, left, and ignorant minorities.
  17. There is a ton of evidence, even in the Bible itself as to who wrote it. You are making totally nonsensical comments.
  18. Can't compare the two countries on that basis. The U.S. is ten times the size in population and has 52 states. Far more governments in the U.S. if you count each state. Canada has a tiny population in comparison.
  19. Do some research on the thinking of the American founding fathers and their beliefs and remember they had the goal of building a free country. I am not saying Canada is not a free country. There are a number of aspects to this and history is another complex subject. Just picking little tidbits of information here and there doesn't really give us a complete picture. It is a very difficult subject, complex, and I don't have a lot of time to spend on it. The two systems are quite different. There are good points in both systems and I am sure they are not exactly the same. Lets not forget one is Republican and the other is a Constitutional Monarchy. I prefer the Constitutional Monarchy, but it is not perfect. No system is. It depends on the personal beliefs of the people who are in charge too. Canada's Supreme Court consists of mostly people who are liberals which means they think and rule with a liberal point of view. The U.S. Supreme Court has a majority of conservatives in it at this time, although that has varied over time and at times it is a majority of liberals. Their system of picking Supreme Court judges is different than Canada's too. So there is that aspect. Conservatives are generally known to be stronger defenders of freedoms like property rights. Canada has been governed by liberals most of its history and liberals are less supportive of individual property rights and more in favour of big government and control.
  20. There have been many heretical groups down through history. Your postings sounds like it is just another far out tale. The King James Bible is based on very solid manuscripts. For example the New Testament is based on I believe over 95% of the early manuscripts. We are talking about over 5,000 manuscripts or parts of manuscripts. The claims you are posting are erroneous information probably from heretical individuals or sects. There is a vast amount of information on the origin and defense of the King James Version. These are all reasons why the KJV should be trusted and other erroneous writings which contradict it should be rejected. Satan is constantly working to undermine the Bible with false information and theories. The King James Bible Defended - by Pastor Edward F. Hills (jesus-is-savior.com) "16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. 18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. 19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: 20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. " 2 Peter 1:16-21 KJV
  21. Maybe you should read the Bible. Don't know where you got all that nonsense about Egypt. "What the Bible says about Egypt as Sin" What the Bible says about Egypt as Sin (bibletools.org)
  22. Here is an interesting and valid point of view posted on a social media platform: "CHARTS and LOTS OF FACTS...NOT FICTION!! Complete article in the LINK BELOW has other links to SOURCED FOOTNOTES in blue type face. Energy, not ideology, is the modern economy. The net-zero theology is “sound and fury, signifying nothing” but dystopian misery. ***** FEB.17, 2023...HEADLINE: New geological study proves that the GREEN ENERGY movement is IMPOSSIBLE to achieve. QUOTED FROM THE LINK: The math doesn’t support the NET ZERO activist movement’s rhetoric. Eliminating indispensable fossil fuels, as Germany is experiencing at an accelerating rate, without replacing it with the equivalent of alternative energy, would quickly COLLAPSE modern society. Think of it as the “Jonestown Massacre” on a global scale. The renewable energy FANTASY GOAL is achieving NET ZERO carbon emissions by 2050. Carpet-bombing PROPAGANDA has convinced the public to accept the extravagant claim that technology currently exists to reach net zero carbon emissions. Like carnival barkers, the NET-ZERO FANATICS say renewable energy is affordable, sustainable, scalable, and not an economy wrecker. The goal is to create a first-generation green power grid relying on wind turbine farms, solar array farms, and power storage battery banks replacing fossil fuel and nuclear power plants. In addition, the new power grid would power a global fleet of electric vehicles that would replace the internal combustion engine. Western society has taken 150 YEARS of progress to achieve a fantastically complex energy system using the dense source of cheap hydrocarbon energy...THE MASTER RESOURCE!! Yet the NET-ZERO devotees believe that the complex energy system can be dismantled with minimal disruption and replaced with a low-density renewable energy grid that is intermittent and non-scalable, in LESS THAN 30 YEARS!! Well, I have horrible news for the NET ZERO devotees... THE GREEN ENERGY FANTASY COLLIDES WITH THE LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS!! The GREENIES NEVER RESEARCHED whether or not there are sufficient base and rare earth metals and adequate time to mine and build out the technologies to accomplish the NET ZERO carbon 2050 target date. Energy, not ideology, is the modern economy. The net-zero theology is “sound and fury, signifying nothing” but dystopian misery. READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE>>> https://www.lifesitenews.com/.../new-geological-study.../ https://www.lifesitenews.com/.../new-geological-study.../ This information would of course contradict Trudeau's Church or fighting climate change, net zero, and transitioning. Just another example of how leftism is destroying western civilization.
  23. I don't accept the words "not a right" because it is misleading and deceptive. That's not how decisions are made.
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