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Everything posted by blackbird

  1. That really shows your ignorance. "they must choose to follow Indigenous programming and spirituality. Once inmates have expressed a sincere desire to participate in the spiritual correctional services offered at Indigenous healing lodges, they are entitled to participate in those spiritual practices under the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA).'" Indigenous healing lodges (csc-scc.gc.ca) If stating the truth is racist not much I can do about it. The truth is the truth even if you can't bear to hear it. Do you have any idea what aboriginal spirituality means? It might involve teaching about their ancient beliefs but could also involve smudging, dancing, costumes, etc. to drive out evil spirits. That is part of native spirituality.
  2. Pierre might make a bit of headway if he stressed the failed bail and parole system and Trudeau's reluctance to fix it. All Premiers signed a letter to Trudeau demanding action on bail reform after the killing of the OPP officer after a dangerous offender was released on bail. This is what Trudeau said about it. Trudeau told reporters in Saskatoon today that he understands "there's a real concern out there" and "challenges around impacts, particularly on Indigenous or minority groups" have to be taken into account." Now does anyone really think he gets it? It was an indigenous guy who stabbed twelve people to death on the Cree Nation in Saskatchewan last September and an indigenous guy who allegedly shot the OPP officer in Ontario in December. One was released on parole and the other released on bail. Trudeau still has the gall to mention "challenges around impacts, particularly on indigenous or minority groups". This is just another reason why he has to go. The system is completely dysfunctional. Don't hold your breath that he will do anything about the disastrous bail and parole system that is costing innocent first responders their lives.
  3. The federal Liberals and NDP are big believers in bureaucracy. Big government is the solution to all problems in their thinking. "Bureaucracy begats bureaucracy, building its own demand and transforming people into managers designed to meet bureaucratic needs. A bureaucracy designed to serve patients ends up serving its creators instead and protects those who work inside. Economist William Niskanen offered a definition of bureaucracies in his book “Bureaucracy and Representative Government.” Roughly speaking, he says, 1) bureaucracies consist of people who do not earn their income from what is left over after costs are subtracted from revenues, and 2) bureaucratic revenue does not come from the sale of output per unit rate. Many people refuse to discuss bureaucrats or bureaucracy for fear of causing offence. The managerial and chattering classes see such talk as impolite, ill-defined, or perhaps unhinged. But forcing a word out of fashion — or relabelling it as management or administration — does not remove the reality it describes. We need bureaucracy, just like we need surgery. Surgery saves lives when nothing else will do. At the same time, there is nothing that surgery — or bureaucracy — cannot make worse." There is nothing bureaucracy cannot make worse | TheSpec.com
  4. One of the main ideologies of the federal Liberals (and NDP) is that government can do things best. Since Trudeau was elected in 2015, he has increased the size of the federal civil service by about 25% or increased it by about 75,000 employees. We now have a very large federal civil service. It also seems like the voters do not really have any say in it. The federal system is really out of control. Perhaps this is one of the key reasons why the health care system is in a crisis. It is run by bureaucracy. Five major problems with bureaucracy are outlined in this article. The first point is: quote 1. Rigidity Stampedes Creativity: The whole bureaucratic system is formed around rigid rules and regulations. This excessive form of rigid structures stampedes creativity and restricts growth. In all types of officialdom there is always adamant, inflexible and unaccommodating. Furthermore, bureaucracy requires everything to follow a given system, which diminishes any chances of creativity and out-of-the-box solutions. With the modern-world changing fast and evolving in light of new challenges, this rigidity of bureaucracy is a big problem for any organization or government. unquote Five Problems With Bureaucracy | WallStreetWindow.com
  5. Premier Ford and his health minister just announced this morning and answered questions about expanding private care for certain surgeries in Ontario and getting people who have been waiting a long time the care they need. What do you think about this? The opposition Liberal and NDP parties are opposing this. Ford has said repeatedly people will still pay with their OHIP card. Of course the unions are opposed to expanding private care even if OHIP pays for it. What is it with these unions. Whatever works to get help for the people who are suffering or who need health care should be the top priority. This article describes the problem with bureaucracies. Private businesses are not under the same bureaucratic constraints as government run institutions. They seem to be able to operate much more efficiently. Hopefully this will help to reduce the waiting lists and waiting time for people needing medical care. This is already apparently being done in Ontario, but just being increased. Some other provinces do this somewhat. Of course ideology of the left opposes any private care and think only public institutions can do things. However, the public health insurance plan is paying for it. A lot of their opposition may have much to do with unions. That puts unions ahead of the well-being of the public. quote Typically, if you walk into a shop or any other private business, you will quickly be attended to. On the rare occasion when a queue forms in a private shop, the staff rush about briskly and efficiently, like bees in a hive. By contrast, if you visit a court registry or a department of motor vehicles, you will be asked to take a number and wait, often for hours, as bored and complacent bureaucrats shuffle around and chat with each other, yawning and smiling dreamily while in front of them people are waiting. Government departments involving clerical work are even slower. The pace dawdles to fill the available time. While a developer can retain an architect to draw up plans, have an engineer review them, a quantitative surveyor cost them, and a lender commit millions of dollars, all in the space of one or two months, government approval of the plans can take years. A private individual subject to this torture can call, write, complain, and rage, all to no avail; it is either the government’s way or not at all. unquote Bureaucracy is slow | GoodGovernment.org
  6. The B.C. Conservative party is the only party which will remove the carbon tax and cut back on ideology being taught in public schools to kids. I will support them in the next election if I have the chance. The B.C. Liberal party is really just NDP light.
  7. Far more than ten years ago. Guess you didn't know Premier Gordon Campbell of the BC Liberal Party started the carbon tax in BC in 2008. We have probably been paying the scam tax longer than anyone else in the world. That's your left wing province of BC. Charging GST on carbon tax is not a tax on a product or service. You should know the difference. It is a tax on a tax. Yet the federal government thinks the people don't know the difference or care. I guess they found at least some gullible people that don't know they're being had. Either that or people are too dumb and believe the federal government can do no wrong. The federal government also puts GST/PST on shipping charges when you order something online. Another scam. These are not products or services. The GST stands for goods and services and PST stands for provincial sales taxes. Carbon taxes and shipping costs are not "goods and services".
  8. Another thing that just came to my attention is: "OTTAWA — There are concerns at the highest levels of the Canadian Armed Forces that this country won't have access to the same cutting-edge military technology as its closest allies because it is not part of a security pact between Australia, Britain and the United States." Military concerned by Canada's absence from American-British-Australian security pact (msn.com) This is a result of the liberal pacifist ideology that dominates the federal government.
  9. Read a bit about aboriginal justice historically. It is complicated and quite different from European ideas of justice which were brought to north America during colonization. I am not sure what the federal government's intention is in creating a separate justice system for aboriginals. I think the BC NDP government is also moving in that direction. I doubt the federal or BC government really understand what they are getting themselves into. There is nothing in historic aboriginal culture that I can see that would enable an aboriginal system to be set up. The only thing the federal government might mean, but have not explained, is traditional non-native laws and justice/punishments could be transferred to aboriginals to administer. But then what is the point? It would be more of a feel-good gesture. Two separate systems could also create conflicts in various ways. Would it only apply to aboriginals living on reserves? Would it apply to aboriginals living off reserve in the cities and towns? Would serious crimes be punished with jail time or what kind of punishment would there be? The federal government says they want to stress rehabilitation instead of punishment. That must mean no jail time. Would that mean no jail time for serious crimes such as assault or murder? The whole thing doesn't sound rational. Are they going to use healing lodges or smudging? Or are they going to do native dances in their traditional costumes to drive out the evil spirits from the offender? I don't think that would be considered as justice by any rational thinking person. Many natives would not find that acceptable either.
  10. We also have a dysfunctional immigration system that has made an illegal border crossing at Roxham Road in Quebec completely legitimate. Even though the Quebec government opposes it, Trudeau still allows and fully supports the illegal immigration by providing RCMP to help immigrants come in and then they receive all the benefits. Some benefits they receive, people already in Canada can't get. This is an extra burden on the health care system and social services that Canadians pay for and it bypasses the proper legal immigration system. Law-abiding people applying through the proper channels are pushed further down the list as a result as well.
  11. "TORONTO - A new report has ranked Canada's health system second last, ahead of the United States, among high-income countries. The report, released on Wednesday by the Commonwealth Fund, ranked 11 high-income countries on key health-system measures, including equity, access to care, affordability, health-care outcomes, and administrative efficiency. The report found that the top-performing health systems overall are in Norway, the Netherlands, and Australia, while Switzerland, Canada and the U.S. were the countries with the worst health-care systems, respectively." Canada's health system ranked second last among 11 countries: report | CTV News In spite of Canada having a very large geographical area with unlimited natural resources, which should mean a lot of wealth, Canada appears to be tied in knots by politics making it paralyzed and unable to solve the real down-to-earth problems such as the health care crisis, housing crisis, etc. Some provinces are running multi-billion dollar surpluses like B.C., yet their public health systems are still in a crisis. Obviously very badly managed by both levels of government. While they sit back and blame shift, the crisis grows worse. Seriously, would it better to have just one level of government which everyone would know is 100% responsible for running things? Instead they can sit back and claim it is not their fault now. Plus we have an aging population which will in the next decades put very heavy pressure on the health care system, old age home care and pensions, etc. Yet the federal government seems oblivious to the problems and just presses ahead throwing hundreds of millions of dollars around for everything under the sun including consulting companies without having a real handle on things.
  12. "At least six mosques in Britain sympathetic to Iran’s regime mourned the death of the EU and US-sanctioned terrorist Qasem Soleimani, Tehran’s most powerful military commander, when he was assassinated in a targeted killing by a US drone in 2020." Six British mosques mourn death of Iran regime terrorist Soleimani (msn.com) Makes one wonder how these people even got into the UK and why are they still allowed to be there. These mosques apparently receive charitable status and tax benefits.
  13. "Simply put, it is not a matter of one’s professional competence or ethics to hold and express opinions regarding public figures. It is not an erosion of public trust that a member of an order strongly holds an opinion. Rather, this exercise of authority by the College of Psychologists of Ontario against Dr. Jordan Peterson appears arbitrary, and as such shows a capricious disregard for the discretion that all professional orders must exercise. In taking this action, the CPO is effecting reputational harm on itself. Worse yet, it is suggesting that it is within the bounds of a professional order’s purview to police the private views of its members." This involves a well-known defender of freedom of expression, Jordan Peterson. The persecution of Jordan Peterson is relevant. We should all be concerned about this kind of thing. Letters: Canadians shouldn't be complacent about the persecution of Jordan Peterson (msn.com)
  14. Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre calls upon the Trudeau government to reverse the bail system to keep dangerous offenders behind bars until their court case and behind bars until it is safe to release them. He said police are often arresting repeat offenders in the morning and they are released in the afternoon. Conservative opposition leader makes stop in Winnipeg | Watch (msn.com)
  15. Did you not hear that the provinces are saying the federal government is supposed to be funding 35% of the costs and the federal government (Trudeau) is refusing meet with them. Where have you been hiding? My point is if the federal government and the provinces cannot work together, what is the use of continuing the federalism? This is a disaster for Canadians. Canadians do not care about the politics; they want action and important things to be taken care of. Canadians don't want to watch people dying in emergency rooms for lack of care.
  16. With the failing health care system, the failing parole boards, the failing bail system, and the obsession of the PM with his own personal interests instead of taking care of Canada, is the federal system really viable anymore? I am wondering if federalism is really a viable system any longer. Would provinces be better off as sovereign jurisdictions so they could look after the justice system, health care system and everything else properly? The federal system is becoming more of a disaster every day. It is clear cooperative federalism is not working the way it should. There is constant tension and differences between what the federal government is doing or not doing and what the provinces are doing or think should be done. The provinces do not have control or jurisdiction in some critical areas that are failing Canadians.
  17. All 13 Premiers are bucking Trudeau's plan to keep releasing dangerous offenders and demanding he amend the bail system for dangerous offenders. Premiers demand bail reform in letter to Trudeau after killing of OPP officer (msn.com) I really don't think Trudeau cares about the well-being of the police or Canadian people or he would not have let the bail system go this way long ago. Same with the parole board. What did Trudeau say or do about it after 12 people were stabbed to death in Saskatchewan Cree Nation last September by a guy released by the parole board? I am skeptical that he will do anything. He is busy fighting climate change and forcing his woke ideology on Canadians. LILLEY: Japan asks for natural gas, Trudeau offers lectures on decarbonizing (msn.com) Trudeau lives in some kind of alt reality. With all these kind of things going on between Trudeau and Premiers, not to mention the failing health care system, I am wondering if federalism is really a viable system any longer. Would provinces be better off as sovereign jurisdictions so they could look after the justice system, health care system and everything else properly? The federal system is becoming more of a disaster every day. It is clear cooperative federalism is not working the way it should. There is constant tension and differences between what the federal government is doing or not doing and what the provinces are doing or think should be done. The provinces do not have control or jurisdiction in some critical areas that are failing Canadians.
  18. This document or rather red power manifesto has a long list of extreme instructions that should alarm every Canadian. This was never brought before Parliament and each item never discussed and ratified by any kind of vote of our elected members of Parliament. This is a decree. I have only heard bits and pieces of these things in the media from time to time which of course would not set off any alarm bells. But if you read this whole document in one piece and realize he is serious, it should shock a lot of people. This is coming from one man, the Prime Minister, and is essentially his marching orders. This has nothing at all to do with democracy but is a clear demonstration of his plan to implement some kind of utopian liberal state. It is truly shocking. Why do we even have a House of Commons? What purpose do they serve? One small part is an example: "Continue efforts with the Minister of Canadian Heritage to develop and introduce legislation as soon as possible to combat serious forms of harmful online content to protect Canadians and hold social media platforms and other online services accountable for the content they host, including by strengthening the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code to more effectively combat online hate and reintroduce measures to strengthen hate speech provisions, including the re-enactment of the former Section 13 provision. This legislation should be reflective of the feedback received during the recent consultations." This is a clear example of how Orwellian Trudeau thinks. He intends to implement his new social order of control on every person in this country in accordance with his way of thinking. This mandate list of instructions is not a list of suggestions, but it is a order or requirement for his minister(s) to follow. Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Mandate Letter (pm.gc.ca)
  19. This is a serious mistake. They said the idea is to focus on rehabilitation over punishment. So far that ideology has resulted in a number of police officers and many ordinary Canadians being murdered. Canadians need to wake up. This has already proven a disaster. It also has resulted in repeat offenders being constantly arrested and released in B.C. Ottawa laying groundwork for Indigenous justice systems, says Lametti (msn.com) Some citizens in Dawson Creek have formed a self defence group because the RCMP have been unable to stop the crime by repeat offenders in that town. Some are arming themselves with whatever they can in their homes. Fed up B.C. Peace residents take action against property crime | Watch (msn.com)
  20. The House of Commons also needs to investigate the huge increase in the size of the federal public service since Trudeau was elected in 2015. It has increased by about 75,000 employees or roughly 25%. This is a huge increase in the cost to Canadian taxpayers. This in addition to the tens of millions of dollars in contracts to private firms. What exactly have they accomplished with all this spending?
  21. No, this subject is not in the first three pages of Federal Politics. I checked. What does "front page" mean? Give us the title and location. There is no such thing as "front page".
  22. LILLEY: Commons needs to fully investigate Trudeau's huge contracts for McKinsey (msn.com) This is just another reason we need people like the RCMP officer to be able to exercise his freedom of expression on his own time and the many other people who protest Trudeau. It is the only thing that might help put the brakes on the abuse of taxpayers. What other means do Canadians have to prevent the ripping off of taxpayers? The House of Commons seems almost powerless. Speaking out and the fear of the voters is all there really is.
  23. How is he biting the hand that feeds him? He would have to be talking about the RCMP which he isn't. He is talking about politicians just like everyone else does. That's his right under the basic fundamental freedom of expression, which you scoff at and reject. How about Trudeau and the liberals show some respect for the police by not letting dangerous criminals out onto the streets repeatedly to take the lives of innocent policemen?
  24. Congratulations! Did you finally figure out political preferences is matter of choosing the least evil? Seems to me Trudeau doesn't like his opposition. He often smears them. So how is that any different? Sounds hypocritical to say he doesn't like a politician. That's how most politicians operate. Exactly the same. That's politics in the real world. Pretty clever buffoon. He is brilliant. That's why the liberals won't like him. He knows how to be most effective. Whatever occupation he is in, he is a brilliant asset. Very clever. He likely has a lot of respect for his occupation or profession. Would you rather have a dumb puppet who can't think for himself and won't say a word about what is going on in the world or a brilliant thinker like him? I would pick him. He gets five stars for his originality.
  25. If this fella started a Go-Fund Me campaign for his legal defence, I'm sure a fortune would be contributed across Canada.
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