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Everything posted by ?Impact

  1. Great you agree, Cornwallis is in the past so get over it. You should send a thank-you card to those who got rid of the statue for you.
  2. Sounds like someone in the security vetting side is sleeping on the job. This character looks like he has made a habit of getting into events, you would think they would maintain a black list.
  3. Yes, assault rifles are only a small part of the problem. I agree that handguns are a much more serious issue, although one does not negate the other.
  4. A daisy chain is a good description, because it leaves kids pushing up daisies so that a few NRA jocks can get their rocks off.
  5. What a load. This was followed up by Wynne on the 16th saying she was contacted about allegations about a former Liberal cabinet minister, one that never served under her or Dalton McGuinty. The incident is supposed to have happened in 2006, so whoever it was is long out of government at that time. Most likely it would have been someone in David Peterson`s government (1985-1990).
  6. You would be angry as well if someone tried to take your targets away from you.
  7. Are they equal opportunity 'assholes' to Judaism and Christianity which also have murderous nature...written right into their 'holy texts'?
  8. The term " Sturmgewehr" essentially means "Assault Rifle" and refers to selective fire weapons that became popular in WWII. Some people may say it is political manipulation because Hitler first used the term, but it seems more likely that he was just quoting what the engineers called it. In addition to selective fire (ie. multiple firing modes like single, burst, and full automatic), assault rifles are supplied with ammunition from a replaceable magazine, they are short compact weapons unlike long guns that are more unwieldy, they have an intermediate power cartridge (ie. more than most handguns but not like a high powered rifle), and must have an effective range of a few hundred yards (again between a handgun and rifle) Most of these weapons have had minor modifications to remove the selective fire capability so they can sell them to civilians but retain all the other characteristics of assault rifles. Some people use the term assault weapon to refer to the modified weapons to distinguish them from assault rifles, but as we saw in Las Vegas we can have the capability of automatic fire with a simple accessory. The NRA have spent a lot of money on propaganda to pretend that what is being sold to civilians are not assault rifles by nitpicking minor details, but from all practical purposes they are.
  9. Did you say the same thing about Harper when he visited India in 2012 and wasn’t greeted by Manmohan Singh? Did you note that Harper also dragged his family along on that trip? You can't have forgotten that trip, it was when Harper flew in those armored limos and then made the expenses magically disappear.
  10. Probably because "Parkland" is much easier to remember and say than "Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School". Anyone paying attention would have seen that is has been mentioned many times, but yes people tend to use something simpler just like we use acronyms so often.
  11. We are only interested in having Ontario pay a premium for Alberta energy like they did in the 60's, when Alberta energy is cheap they would rather sell it to Americans.
  12. Cars and their drivers are heavily regulated. Drivers must be licensed, and a general class license doesn't allow them to drive an AK47 transport truck. Thanks for your strong vote for gun control.
  13. Clinton's transgressions were more like those of Patrick Brown.
  14. Now you are including suicides in your argument. Why don't you include being killed by a foreign born terrorist? Oh wait, you are four time more likely to die in a mass shooting as being killed by a foreign born terrorist. Why do we spend trillions on the foreign born terrorist threat, and completely ignore the mass shooting threat? Could it be that the NRA masters in the arms industry have the politicians in their pocket.
  15. In mass shootings, rifles and shotguns are used almost as frequently as semi-automatic handguns.
  16. The question was for taxme, you already claim to know French.
  17. So you are saying that the self proclaimed responsible gun owners are just thugs?
  18. The latest accuser of Donald Trump's inappropriate sexual assaults is Rachel Crooks. Meanwhile 62 million self righteous hypocrites look the other way.
  19. You need to leap from the starting line while pushing 500 pounds of bobsled at full speed, yet you need to be lean to lighten the load and wind resistance as you hunker down in the sled. Strength is needed to achieve the powerful launch to reach winning speeds. You need to have a precise balance of speed, muscle, balance, and weight. You would probably die panting after a 50 yard dash, let alone pushing a heavy sled all the way.
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