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Everything posted by ?Impact

  1. Sorry, but he brought his wife along on his junket. They were all over the country, in Agra, Bangalore, Chandigarh and New Delhi. They visited the Taj Mahal, the Keshgarh Shahib gurdwara, a Sikh temple in the city of Anandpur, a Sikh heritage centre, etc.
  2. The problem I have with handguns is they are easily concealed. Yes, that does allow concealed carry as a deterrent, but it also allows the bad guys to get closer to their targets before being spotted. I am not in favor of having a lot of guns as part of normal everyday society, too much opportunity for loss, accidental discharge (we recently learned from Saskatchewan that guns fire themselves ), theft, children accessing them as we have seen in many incidences in the US, and escalation of violence. Of course my previous comment on 3 round magazine limit would need to apply as well. I see the suggestion for 8 rounds, but I can't see how that is justified. Most handguns today average how many rounds, my guess would be 12-15. On a related note, what are peoples thoughts about keeping a round in the chamber or with the hammer cocked? While it reduces your react time, it also increases the chances of accidental discharge greatly. I think the inherent dangers should make it an illegal practice.
  3. There are some difference in Canada w.r.t. what guns are available, but the big difference is the capacity of magazines. Anything that supports more than three rounds should be illegal - period. No silly putting a rivet in to limit capacity either. The did it in Australia.
  4. Solutions like a registry that allows tracking a weapon back from a crime? I don't consider people who sell or give away weapons to improperly licensed folks to be law abiding, neither do I consider people who are lax in storing and securing their firearms.
  5. Sure thing, could you provide statements from the governments of those countries that say how their relationship with Canada has been ruined by "He". Concerning Scheer, you conveniently ignore how he supported reopening debate on same sex marriage and was against physician assisted suicide. Conveniently he was speaker of the house on the Conservative (Wadsworth) abortion bill so we don't have his vote there.
  6. Great, can you substantiate it? I gave you detailed history. One additional fact is the owner of the AR-15 trademark, originally applied for in August 1966, do not call it Armalite Rifle they simply call it AR-15.
  7. Reload you page, I put the numbers in my previous post. Canada is 6 times the UK, and the US is 60 times the UK. Yes, Mexico, Russia and Brazil have big problems. You are right that the NRA is not their issue, it is rampant crime and corruption.
  8. Good question. UK - low firearm ownership (6.6), low firearm homicide rate (0.06) Canada - high firearm ownership (30.8 - five times), medium firearm homicide rate (0.38 - or six times) US - very high firearm ownership (101.5 - fifteen times), very high firearm homicide rate (3.6 - or sixty times) But no, there couldn't be any correlation the NRA have drilled that into my head.
  9. What solution that "you people" are putting forth are you referring to. I am simply pointing out that your exercise in manipulating statistics doesn't hold true. Take away gangland Chicago, and the rest of Chicago as well and you still have 16,600 murders to deal with. Yes, you are fairly safe in the USA but you are far far safer elsewhere. The AR-15 design by Eugene Stoner was a selective fire weapon, known in the US military as the M16. The Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation established the Armalite division to create rifles for the military market. They sold the rights to the AR-15 (and others) to Colt in the early 60's, spun off the Armalite division which eventually went out of business in the early 1980s. The name Armalite was purchased in the 1990s but branding is the only relationship between the current company and the old one. Colt started using the brand AR-15 for its civilian version of the M16 (ie. not selective fire). The Armalite selective fire AR-15 is an assault rifle The M16 is a generic armed forces designation for that design The current Colt AR-15 is a M16 assault rifle less the selective fire capability The current company Armalite makes the claim that the AR designation in the original company (starting with the AR-1) means Armalite Rifle although I have not seen any product literature (engineering, marketing, etc.) from Fairchild to that effect.
  10. What kind of math is that? You can't deduct from an average. There were a total of 650 murders in Chicago last year, some of them attributed to gang violence. If you want to ignore the gang violence in Chicago then you first need to figure out how many of that 650 were due to gang violence and deduct that number from the national total of 17,250. Of course pretending that has any validity is ludicrous, other nations also have gang violence issues and you are not deducting them either.
  11. Redacting Timing release of bad news for weekend lull Lying All of above
  12. There are many stories about the black stone over the centuries, both before and after the start of Islam (eg. it was stolen in 930AD and recovered in 951AD). One of those stories takes place several years before Mohamed had his first revelation (visit by the archangel Gabriel). The temple was undergoing renovations, and to quell any fighting over who would have the honor of setting the stone back in its place they decided to let the next man to walk in be given the honor. That man of course turned out to be Mohamed. Some may say that after getting that honor his ego took over and he thought himself a prophet, other of course may say that God directed to him to be at the temple at the right time. There are countless other stories about this stone, how it has been lost, found, destroyed, etc. The stone that is in place there today is not a single stone, but several fragments cemented together. That probably accounts for the various sizes attributed to it in the many stories. What was there in 600AD and earlier may have been a large single piece, and perhaps what is seen today are fragments of that original rock. Some claim it dates back to Adam and Eve, and was a rock that fell from the heavens for them to create an altar; that aligns with the common claim of it being a meteorite. Others suggest that it is a glass formed from silica by the impact of a meteorite. The most plausible is that it is terrestrial in origin, formed by natural forces, most likely an agate. If the story about it floating are true (from when it was stolen and recovered), then it is possibly a pumice.
  13. Do you have both a poll title, and a question title? I seem to recall it was confusing when I did it several weeks ago, I thought I had a title but it turned out I needed two. I don't remember the details, but I might have put a title on the content page and then hit the poll tab and was faced with 2 more titles.
  14. Yes, far be it for Stephen Harper to play dress up: and of course my personal favourite:
  15. Even with the many parts that Trump redacted, and the fact he declassified it late on a Saturday to have it slip by unnoticed, this memo proves he is a liar many times over.
  16. Return of the feudal system, brought to you by August1991
  17. Compared to every other major country, America is like living in a war zone. Gun homicides in the US are 10 times that of Canada, 20 times that of Australia, and 40 times that of the UK.
  18. After a mass murder in 1996, they enacted legislation to ban automatic and semiautomatic weapons and confiscated over a half million of them. The gun homicide rate has decreased 42%; Australia has one of the lowest homicide rates of all. More significantly gun suicide rate decreased 57%. Here is a review from Harvard.
  19. There were many not my President rallies. There are Russian links to the Nov 12th one in NYC, and the Nov 19th one in North Carolina only.
  20. The counter memo was released today, although it is heavily redacted. There are however many things it makes clear, one of the most glaring is that the Steel dossier did not reach the FBI counterintelligence team investigating Russia's interference in the election until mid-September 2016 or seven weeks after launching the investigation so the Trump lie that it was the basis for the investigation is full of crap. Additionally the FISA application for the surveillance of Carter Page happened after had already left the Trump team, so the other Trump lie that they tapped his phones is full of even more stinky crap.
  21. When Harper arrived in India in 2012 he was greeted by the Minister of State for Human Resource Development. What an insult and a kick in the ass. I guess this just shows that Harper is considered a non-VIP by most leaders of the world and rightly so. Harper is a joke. When Harper arrived in India in 2009 he was greeted by unnamed state representatives. He couldn't even rate a minister on his first visit, like Trudeau did. Harper was a pathetic one.
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