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Everything posted by ?Impact

  1. What makes you say that, I think the horse shit is only getting deeper and deeper every year. The more access people have, the more the horse shit seems to grow. I suspect the second shooter theory will take off in the next couple of days as people latch onto what this girl said. I saw a great youtube video the other day about the faked falcon heavy launch. The guy doing it was excellet, going over the footage and describing how things were faked right up to the color of smoke. b.t.w. Ignore the fact that he put "parody" in the title, that doesn't mean anything, I am sure we will see others come out with similar theories without that disclaimer.
  2. Good question, where do they get the details from to proceed? So far we have an anonymous allegation about an anonymous MPP about something unknown. It seems like the ball in Nunziata's hands, a tweet is not the way to launch an investigation.
  3. This POS bought his gun legally from a shop in Florida about a year ago, not sure if was before or after that action (not that it would matter).
  4. Why is that inconceivable, the shooter on the grassy knoll still remains a mystery.
  5. Wrong side, exactly what sides have you defined? I don't see sides here, I see truth and those who attempt to distort it. I am simply asking for truth and consistency. If you only want criminal due diligence, then there are thousands of men out there that will be suing many companies for $10 million each.
  6. Trudeau has been very swift in dealing with issues in his government in the past, and this is not his government nor do you indicate how he is aware of this allegation. Why exactly do you bring him into this if other than simple partisan bullcrap. Wynne has been asked and denies any knowledge of this, that was clearly stated in the article you provided. Sounds like a bunch of hot air to me.
  7. So what about those thousands of other men who have lost their jobs without a criminal conviction?
  8. Yes, a 30+ year old man making lewd advances on young women including ones that he is in a position of authority over is all sunshine and lollipops in your world, but a news organization reporting news is vile.
  9. Go back and reread what you wrote. You went on about innocence until proven guilty in the American criminal justice system. How many thousands (tens of thousands) men lost their jobs in the past decade because of sexual harassment of women and never had a day in court? They were denied due process. Here we are in a thread about a man who left voluntarily, and you are accusing me of striping people of human rights.
  10. The entirety of your response says that. You want a criminal conviction, therefore you support the men who have lost their jobs due to sexual harassment without criminal conviction.
  11. Each one of the following deserves your attention far more than the POS who committed the acts. Read each of their names and ages, google them and find out their stories, they are the ones we need to reflect on and the ones who we failed. The time to act on gun control is now. Alyssa Alhadeff, aged 14 Scott Beigel, aged 35 Martin Duque, aged 14 Nicholas Dworet, aged 17 Aaron Feis, aged 37 Jaime Guttenberg, aged 14 Chris Hixon, aged 49 Luke Hoyer, aged 15 Cara Loughran, aged 14 Gina Montalto, aged 14 Joaquin Oliver, aged 17 Alaina Petty, aged 14 Meadow Pollack, aged 18 Helena Ramsay, aged 17 Alex Schachter, aged 14 Carmen Schentrup, aged 16 Peter Wang, aged 15
  12. I'm not quite sure what you are getting at with your comparison to Canada. Do you mean half-assed attempts like the The Washington DC Voting Rights Amendment that happened around the same time as Meech Lake, and the many other* failed attempts to amend the US Constitution that have failed? *one of those failed amendments is the Child Labor Amendment with 38 holdout states. I probably have a good guess as to which states those were who prefer to have child labor and sweep it under the rug.
  13. So again you are saying anything goes. A 30+ year old man can do anything he wishes with a young woman many years his junior, even one that he is in a position of authority over so long as it is not in the criminal code and she must take it and shut up. There are only crimes, and nothing is inappropriate. All those men who have lost their jobs in the past for sexual misconduct or sexual harassment were wronged and they can sue their former employers, the women that accused them, etc. If it isn't proven in a court of law it doesn't count.
  14. Good facts and questions Complete hogwash. Nobody is prejudiced against Stanley, that is abundantly clear. Go back to the facts, what exactly did these people allegedly say that is obstructing justice in your opinion? You have provided zero facts or good questions in this section. You are doing the equivalent of ignoring facts and saying Stanley is guilty or innocent - period.
  15. Well I am not sure where that author gets his information, but according to census records kept by Statistics Canada the lowest growth year between 1920 & 1940 was 1937 with a net population increase of 0.9%. Perhaps he is only considering emigration and immigration and not domestic population growth.
  16. After the civil war were militias not banned in the former Confederate states because the traitors tried to destroy the country. It is true however that freed slaves were granted the right to bear arms as well, so they could protect themselves from their former slave owners. An interesting side note is that came to a head in California in the 60's, and the Republican Ronald Reagan was the one to introduce gun control in the state.
  17. I don't understand. Since Confederation there has been a net population growth of between 1%-3% annually. Yes there were some years when it was outside those ranges, like 0.3% in 1916, and 5.2% in 1907 but I am unaware of any net loss. There might have been more emigrants than immigrants some specific year(s), I haven't looked at that level of detail. When you factor in domestic births and deaths I don't think there were any years with a net loss. Prior to Confederation records are harder to interpret, especially when you go a way back and considering that native Canadians were not included in very early census.
  18. yes, and the millions of others like them that farmed, engineered, built, operated, and maintained all that makes America and not the hillbilly second amendment guns that accomplished nothing.
  19. Henry Ford, Thomas A. Edison, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Enrico Fermi, Jonas Salk, etc. They built America - no guns needed
  20. Yes, one wouldn't want to infringe on an individuals right to be mowed down so that the NRA collective can get their rocks off with lead rainbows.
  21. Yes, but a lot of water has passed under the bridge for the recent gatherings. I don't the comparison can be made between morning the loss of someone in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy and the recent gatherings.
  22. You were at the Boushie family vigil two years ago?
  23. You are making implications and I am simply pointing that out. I could say Stanley is innocent because I missed when I tried to swat a butterfly when I was a child.
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