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Everything posted by ?Impact

  1. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him. - John 10:38 Is that distinct and connected, or the same? For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 yet This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. - 1 Timothy 1:15 Did God send or Jesus come into the world?
  2. Why don't we put video cameras on everyone and then we would know everything. If someone loses the film, then we execute them.
  3. If you examine my track record, you will find your belief is what is guiding you here. Concerning for example Patrick Brown, I expressed right from the first day these allegations were made that I am not sure what transpired here. I am not supporting these allegations, but do not agree with the vile slut shaming that always appears in these cases and speak up loudly against it. CTV has a responsibility to investigate and report relevant news, and this certainly fits within that mandate. They also have a duty to make corrections when they learn of them, which it appears they did. It seems however that many think that the media is at fault, certainly a part of the Trump narrative that hey have been exposed to for the past couple of years. Many facts are conveniently ignored to support ones position, like the stories floating around Ottawa about Patrick Brown that were never talked about until this story surfaced.
  4. Canadians care because I keep hearing that our culture is heavily influenced by American culture, and now we have one mass shooting every few years we will soon have many mass shooting every year in trying to keep with the superior Americans. We already see the NRA lite groups forming in Canada (Farmers With Weapons) being only the most recent.
  5. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? - Matthew 27:46 It seems that Jesus and Norman Bates share a common ailment - dissociative identity disorder
  6. Agreed, but I don't think they were treated the same here. In the workplace you can be fired for inappropriate sexual advances.
  7. So any inappropriate behavior is acceptable unless it is criminal? I must shut up and ignore others actions unless they can be convicted under the criminal code? Someone in another thread is alleging that Trudeau was drunk in Chicago while talking to a group of students. I don't see any definitive evidence of this, and it is certainly not a crime. What do you have to say to that person?
  8. Yes, I would jump into the car and drive away. Of course if someone smashes the windshield with a hammer and drives you off the road into another vehicle and then comes to your window with a handgun and points it at your head then running is of little value. All events are part of a chain, and yes any one link on the chain leading up to the event may change the outcome, but 100% of the fault does not lie in a single link.
  9. They are not anonymous, many people obviously know who they are as they have been recipients of vile hatred and threats. Again you are looking for perfection (perfect recall of all events a decade later) from victims or else the traumatic events they suffered don't count.
  10. Not from what I hear. She had completed high school and was not still in it, that is the only discrepancy between the earlier and current story.
  11. It sounds like these women's lives have been ruined by the threats and other vile hatred they are subject to. How do you think making one small error in remembering a traumatic event from a decade ago ruins ones credibility. Victims are not to believed if they are not 100% perfect?
  12. What exactly is being 'back peddled'. To me it sound like the only thing that has changed is that one girl actually had completed high school - period. Can you point out any other detail that changed?
  13. Yes, my cherries are sweeter than your cherries.
  14. Mulroney added more debt than anyone else including Harper, over $300 billion. The interest rates were significantly higher under Trudeau Sr. in the early 80's than they were under Mulroney/Wilson. Please use a better example.
  15. I guess turning around the finances of the country from one of continual debt to one actually paying it down is nothing.
  16. Obviously you are not a farmer, and never drove a two wheeled tractor.
  17. I was referencing the supposed background provided like facebook posts.
  18. Viktor and Amalija Knavs have been living in the US for over a year, are they beneficiaries of chain migration? Their daughter, Melania Trump will not say.
  19. Yes, you have very fast turnover on your ammunition.
  20. Stormy Daniels believes that Michael Cohen broke the terms of the non-disclosure agreement with his recent comments. and in other news, the "moral right" is busy crafting excuses. --- ...now back to your regularly scheduled program of a President paying for sex with a porn star
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