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Everything posted by Shady

  1. You don't remember? Some of them over at Dead Air America had to make formal public apologies.
  2. Leaving aside the fact that you provide no evidence to back up your ridiculous claims. Unemployment in the US is still lower then in Canada, per capita income in the US is higher then in Canada. And using your ridiculous premise, do you really think people would opt to make more then minimum wage, but have to go fight in a war? Give me a break. Go spread your manure in a garden.
  3. Are you for real? Do you actually expect people to take that seriously? Just wondering.
  4. You're right, it won't suddenly change. No one has stated that premise. Change is a slow and steady progression. And now, Afghanistan is in a position to allow that type of change to occur. However, the fact is, women can vote and be elected to office. Girls can attend school for the first time in a long time. And no matter what left-wing rantings you throw at me, you cannot change those facts. No, not the one being hailed by Iran. The constitution that guarantees minority rights. That guarantees a minimum of 25% of Iraq's government be populated by women. That also guarantees human rights and freedoms. That constitution. I actually feel sorry for you. Your hatred of anything Bush, and your poisoning pessimism, isn't allowing you to think straight.
  5. I think the biggest problem is with our society and it's poisonous demand for instant gratification. You're correct that in two years Iraq isn't yet a thriving secular democracy. You may question the intelligence of anyone who still backs this venture. I however, question anyone who thinks cutting and running is somehow a legitimate course of action. That which is difficult to achieve, doesn't mean it isn't a worthy and just goal. Leaving Iraq now would be about as irresponsible an action ever concieved. Oh, and I'm not sure what you mean by clusterf**k. Other then something one participates in, in a men's washroom. Maybe you could try and raise the level of discourse. The fact is, U.S. forces were welcomed in Iraq. Yes, the Sunni population, the Nazi's of Iraq, didn't and haven't taken too well to their toppling of power and control over other populations. However, in the north and south, coalition forces are/were a welcomed sight. Just because I believe in the operation in Iraq, and just because I think it would be a catastrophic mistake to leave, doesn't mean I feel the war has be conducted perfectly. In fact, it's quite the opposite. But an immediate withdrawal is incomprehensibly stupid. I agree. Although, that's also how I feel about people like Cindy Sheehan.
  6. Once again, when one is looking for supposed doom and gloom, just look to the Left. They seem to be fixated.
  7. The Federal government is also still collecting a cent and a half per litre "deficit elimination" tax on gasoline, even though there's been large surpluses for the last several years. They refuse to take their greedy hands out of our pockets. However, it illustrates an important point. Taxes to governments are like alcohol to alcoholics.
  8. Well said. The biggest success the terrorists in Iraq have had, is with the mainstream media and the Left. In fact, they each use eachother's talking points. And then they wonder why their patriotism is questioned. Well, I say it's about damn time. I for one, am questioning their patriotism.
  9. It's evident in the ridiculous statements she's made. This particluar statement has earned her such allies as former KKK leader David Duke.She want's an immediate withdrawal from Iraq, which would be incomprehensibly irresponsible. She also want's to see an immediate withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. She claims Israel should immediately withdraw from any "occupied" terrritories, not matter what the circumstances. Since when does losing a son in a war give her absolute authority and a PHD in political science and geo-political issues? She's been given a pedestal simply because of a slow news summer, an anti-Bush leftist media, her anti-Bush rhetoric, and her status as a grieving mother.
  10. LOL, just another dictator to add to the list of the left's loves. Don't you people know that Castro's gonna get jealous?
  11. Trudeau's fiscal irresponsibility isn't revisionist history, it's fact.
  12. Women can vote and are elected to office. Girls can attend school and be educated. What is it with the left and pessimism? Did you expect Afghanistan to be transformed into a first world country in 2 years? Please try and be realistic. I understand you people hate President Bush. It doesn't mean you have to hate anything associated with him. Well, Saddam was ousted. The Baath party toppled. Iraqi's have participated in a free election. Iraq is soon to have a constitution guaranteeing rights and freedoms. Certainly the terrorists haven't won, except with the left and the mainstream media. The "insurgency" which is not really an insurgency at all
  13. Freedom of speech isn't just for liberals. And, yes, he is a nutjob. But just be sure to include all of them. Including Ward Churchill and Cindy Sheehan.
  14. As usual, liberals are attracted to pessimism like flys to, well, you know. And as usual, their opinions are worth about as much. USA Today
  15. I would argue that strong support for Israel resides in many political persuasions. As for the assassination of "foreign leaders", I would also argue that leaders of terrorist organizations (Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad) aren't considered foreign leaders. Just my opinion.
  16. Trudeau was responsible for starting the trend of deficit spending and increased national debt.
  17. Are you saying that Pat Robertson and "the religious right" are on par with Osama Bin Laden? And are you saying that "the religous right" support the idea of assassinating Chavez? How do you arrive at these conclusion?
  18. Yeah, that seems a little sneaky. I guess that also means don't bother pursuing a career in politics. What you say in this forum could come back to haunt you as a television commerical.
  19. How about comparing unemployment rates?
  20. No offense, but too bad. I'm simply pointing out, that to hold up Robertson as one who represents the views of Christians is as illogical as submitting that Osama Bin Laden represents the view of Muslims. To think that the majority of the "religious right" support the assassination of Chavez is beyond ridiculous. In fact, I would bet that there's a larger percentage of Muslims who support Osama Bin Laden. Any fool, is free to state their opinions. Robertson is a perfect example.
  21. You're exactly right. As a politican, she represents all Canadians, and should do so in a professional manner. She's a miserable failure, and deserves to have no part of any government in power.As for missle defense, I think it's a good and logical idea, and I don't see why such technology shouldn't be pursued. It's just another example of how Canadians will reap the benefits of American tax-payers and American ingenuity.
  22. Just as Osama Bin Laden is a represenative of Islam.
  23. Well, sometimes the fundamentalist religous people from any country get a little too far outside. Or, sometimes religous people from any country get that way. Or sometimes just people from any country. I like to use quotes with "democratically elected" any time it involves authoritarian regimes. That's all.
  24. The funniest thing I've seen regarding someone falling on his face was Castro. When I saw the video of Fidel Castro tripping and falling on his fat, disgusting, dictator face, I couldn't stop laughing for what seemed like hours. Chavez is cut from the same cloth as Castro. I would love to see something similar happen to that "democratically elected" leader.
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