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Everything posted by Shady

  1. I would like to see us actually institute some type of democratic process instead of the current Canadian monarchy. At least in America there's political process in which elected officals advise and consent. Here in Canada, King Paul gets to pick pretty much however he wants without any political opposition.
  2. Another great point. At least you know where he stands, unlike the mainstream media that pretends to be objective.
  3. Exactly. It must be a true challenge to try and engage in intelligent discourse while being insulted by all the neolibs at the same time. I definitely wouldn't be able to keep my cool as long as Novak did.
  4. That's being about as intellectually dishonest as one can be. Russia, China, France, Germany, etc didn't need to accept any intelligence from the U.S or UK. They had their own. They all had intelligence suggesting that Iraq possessed WMD and that Iraq was in violation of a laundry list of UN resolutions. They just didn't feel it was necessary to go to war over. You nailed it again Argus. There's a vast number of rich Saudi princes all with their own agenda. Unfortunately some of whom provide aid to terrorists and terrorist organizations, especially dealing with Israel. The country that was responsible for turmoil and bloodshed was Iraq and it's leadership. They were the ones responsible for invading Kuwait. They were the ones responsible for seeking and developing WMD. They were the ones responsible for a continuing pattern of lies and deception. They were the ones responsible for dismissing weapons inspectors for a 4 year period. And they were the ones responsible for the bluff of WMD.
  5. Exactly. The IRA never deemed non-Catholics as infidels that deserve death. The IRA never embraced a culture of suicide bombers. The IRA never trotted out their youth strapped in belts full of explosives. They valued their lives as much as their enemies valued theirs. The same can't be said of Muslims today. The seem to love death more then the rest of us love life. It's a serious perversion.
  6. No, most countries that signed up didn't recieve aid and financial assistance. And again, you can explain to the families who's members have shed blood that they're not "key" contributers, whatever that means. People that donate money to causes like cancer are likely to be "repayed" in medical advances. My analogy is apt. According to your standard, if all members don't contribute an equal share, thier contribution is deemed almost meaningless by people like you. In Iraq, "repayment" can be knowing you're doing something just, and more importantly, contributing to the long-term advancement of the middle east and world security. Again, if the war was a stupid idea based on a "web of falsehoods", then France lied, Germany lied, China lied, Russia lied, the United Nations lied, and half the world's intelligence apparatus lied. I'm well aware of the hatred the exudes from the kook-left in North America and across the world.
  7. Let me just say this first. How noble of you to disparage the contribution of any country, no matter how large or how small. Have you ever taken a mintue to think that other countries may not have the resources or the military capabilities to send more then how ever many troops or services they're providing? Each year, when a coalition of people make donations to cure diseases like cancer, do you also disparage the individual who donates 5 dollars, instead of 100's or 1000's that others may be able to afford? I get it man, you hate President Bush. It doesn't mean you have to hate everything associated with him. Stop being so childish.
  8. Good, you go explain that to the families from a dozen different countries who lost sons, daughters, husbands and wives. You're making my point for me. Yes, what turned out to be illegal Iraqi oil obtained by France, Russia, China, etc.
  9. Do you even know what you're posting? Yes, 52% of the kickbacks paid to the regime where US oil purchases. But not from Iraq. These purchases were made from countries of the coalition of the bribed, the coerced. The countries Iraq seeked to pay for influence. Russia, France, etc. CNN Opinion JournalAnd this doesn't even begin to touch on thier illegal arms sales to Iraq during the same period of sanctions. If you add up the money from both ventures, Europe, Russia and China did unbelievable well. It was definitely a worthwhile venture. Oh, and let's not forget. It was the United States that insisted on investigations as to what went on during the corrupt oil for palaces debacle, the United States. The truth hurts.
  10. You could do that. But it would be absolutely irrelevant. I never said that Christians and Jews haven't clashed, especially in the past. But that's what it mostly consists of, the past. In terms of the now, today, the present world, which we're talking about. Jews and Christians do live in peace, with every other religion. The only exception being Muslims, who seem to have problems with everyone.
  11. Well, personally, regarding the UN, I thinks it's a little from column A and a little from column B. Also, personally, I feel as though only democracies should be permitted to join and remain in the United Nations. It should only be a place for the civilized world.
  12. I appreciate the offer, however, I absolutely know what I'm talking about. No. Saudi Arabia does not support terrorism. Are there citizens within Saudi Arabia that do? Of course. But all things considered, the government of Saudi Arabia does not support terrorism. So to suggest they be invaded is laughable. Same goes for Pakistan. The government of Pakistan, does not support terrorism. However, there are large portions of the Pakistani population that do. You cannot compare the two to Afghanistan. Afghanistan was invaded and its government removed because they absolutely did support terrorism, and provided refuge to Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda. Some may say the same of you. Sorry, but I don't agree with your premise that Bush and Blair lied. If Bush and Blair lied, then France, Germany, Russia, China, and the United Nations all lied. Not to mention most of the rest of the world and their intelligence apparatus. Was there intelligence suggesting that Iraq possessed WMD? Of course. Was there intelligence that suggested Iraq possessed no WMD? Of course. However, as elected leaders, after 9/11, a decision was made, that such threats, especially when examining Iraq's history, couldn't be tolerated.
  13. I respectfully disagree. It was quite coherent and concise, but above all else, not BS. Sometimes the truth hurts. That is a rather ignorant statement. All things considered, our relations with the middle east have very little significance in the stagnant state that part of the world finds itself in. They've been cruising in neutral for hundreds of years, and now, the chickens are coming home to roost. The difference between Iraq, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, is that the government of Saudi Arabia is a western ally. They're not a hostile government, though they do have a problem with terrorism amoungst thier citizenry.
  14. Nope. President Clinton made 140 such appointments and I did nothing of the sort. Nonsense. Says who? Of course real leaders throw their weight around. Sometimes that's the only way one can truely lead when obstacles are impeding progress. Some of America's greatest victories (non-military) have come through President's flexing their muscle. Slavery, Women's Suffrage, Desegregation, Civil Rights, etc. Again, more nonsense. The Constitution of the United States provides the President the power to make such appointments. A loophole? You mean the loophole called the Constitution of the United States? And of course he could've had Botlon approved through normal proceedings, except the opposition wasn't interested in holding a vote. Nonsense. He'll be there until a new Congress takes session in January 2007. When discussing Constitutional issues, it helps immensely to have read said document.
  15. CNNI don't know about everyone else, but I'm thrilled! The President had a fantastic week last week and now caps it off with a Bolton appointment. I'm glad the President is finally throwing his weight around. When President's win elections, they have the right to appoint the people they feel are most qualified to positions within the Administration. It's about time he let's everyone in the Senate know just who the Commander-In-Chief is!
  16. Why don't you complete your conversion by joining one of the many terrorist groups fighting against freedom? I mean, you're already providing aid and comfort to the enemy. Now you're even helping spread their propaganda. Shame on you!To suggest that the terrorist bombings in London are soley based on the invasion of Iraq is grossly irresponsible. You're nothing more then a mouth piece for terrorism. They tell you what to say, and you say it, as though it's gospel. I'm sick and tired of this attitude of appeasement, especially in Canada. We are truely a country without a spine, a nation of fence-sitters hardly matched in the world. Aside from possibly Spain and Switzerland. The truth is, Iraq has very little to do with the Islamic fascists that threaten the world today. They consider everyone of us not Muslim as infidels, who deserve death. Shall we start our conversion for fear of terrorist reprisal? They consider the presence of multi-national troops and aid workers in Afghanistan as illegal and immoral. Shall the world start its withdrawal for fear of terrorist reprisal? They consider the freedoms we enjoy, especially the freedom provided to women as a grave disgrace in the eyes of Islam. Shall we start repealing these rights for fear of terrorist reprisal? The answer to these questions is an obvious NO. Well, obvious to people of non-appeasement. Either you comply 100% with each terrorists demand, or there will always be an excuse for a bombing, kidnapping, or suicide attack. One doesn't allow its foreign policy to be dictated by terrorists. Let's remember, September 11th took place before any military invasion in Iraq. The bombings in Bali took place before any military invasion in Iraq. Australia, for example, who lost 88 people in the Bali bombings was originally sited by Osama Bin Laden as a legitimate target for terrorism due to its involvement in the liberation and aid in East Timor. Anyone that spreads the false notion that Iraq is the cause of these types of terrorist actions is a liar and a propagandist. The attitude of some people in this world, and especially some people in this forum is frightening, but reminds be of a great quote from President John F Kennedy.
  17. Washington Post
  18. Well, it seems as though Jews and Christians can live in peace together. The same can be said for Hindus, Buddhists, etc. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for a large number of Muslims.
  19. Exactly! Bush has introduced democracy to a part of the world which otherwise wouldn't have had the chance for self-determination for who knows how many decades longer. History will look very kindly on that fact. Iraq will look much different (for the better) in the coming years. Much similar to that of South Korea. And hopefully, it's a process that will spread through the middle east, as some signs have indicated progress in Egypt, Lebanon, and even Saudi Arabia.As for Bush's immediate predecessor, you're absolutely correct. He shoved aside tough actions and tough decision for pseudo-peace and psuedo-prosperity in the name of politics. In contrast, history will look very unkindly towards those selfish acts.
  20. This ties into my "Familiar Headlines" thread perfectly. Familiar Headlines Germans Declare Americans Hatred U.S. Investigators Discover Mounting Bitterness Over Our Occupational Practices By Kathleen McLaughlin, The New York Times December 3, 1945 Loss of Victory in Germany Through U.S. Policy Feared By John H. Crider, The New York Times November 18, 1945 Germans Reveal Hatred of Americans By Drew Middleton, The New York Times October 31, 1945 American's Clashes With Germans Grow October 10, 1946 Reich Girls Want Return of Nazism By Drew Middleton October 22, 1945 It's just the same doom and gloom recycled by the same type of people today.
  21. Yes, Muslims show us just how peaceful of a religion Islam is, on a daily basis it seems. Unfortunately.
  22. Well, there's these things called nuclear weapons, which greatly complicates the situation.
  23. Lie No, you're lying. Try providing links to your references too, it would be most helpful. Mirror.co,uk That's true. But to suggest there was no intelligence when half the world had intelligence suggesting Iraq was in possession of WMD is extremely irrepsonsible. There's always a but with you people. Saddam lied but. Iraq was in breach but. Stop making excuses for Saddam and his regime. Please. It's not the length of the post you should be apologizing for, it's the regurgitation of propaganda from a murderous dictator and his regime. This letter has about as much merit as a letter from Hitler being sympathetic to the Jews.
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