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Everything posted by Shady

  1. I personally don't think that homosexuals should be allowed to adopt children. If there are suitable heterosexual couples available (and there always seems to be a long waiting list), then there doesn't seem to be a need to submit children to homosexual parents.
  2. If you're referring to the United Nations sanctioned sanctions on Iraq, how can you only blame America? Also, you're claim of 1.5 million Iraqi's being killed as a result of the first and second gulf wars is a joke. Medicine and water purification equipment were not sanctioned under the U.N. passed sanctions on Iraq.
  3. I'm not sure how you can speak for every Christian. Support for Israel goes far beyond whether one is Christian or not. There are many non-Christians, especially in American politics that support Israel, and support its right to exist.
  4. Exactly. You gotta know it's Bush Derangement Syndrome when the anti-Bush zealots start attacking Laura Bush for things that happened when she was a teenager. Boy, that has a lot of relevance to Hurricane Katrina and the war in Iraq. I would hate to be so miserable and so filled with hate as these people seem to be. I kind of feel sorry for them.
  5. Classic example of a rabid anti-Bush loonie. Thank you for proving my point. You're offically deemed irrelevant as are your "opinions", not to be mistaken from Moveon.org talking points.
  6. I can just see Governor Blanco sitting around with her southern friends and saying, in effect, "There ain't nothin' in New Orleans but niggers and nigger lovers", to a round of appreciative chuckles, and then purposely doing nothing. I bet that's how it happened.
  7. I think this could possibly be THE worst argument I've ever read before. How do the comments you posted relate at all with the NYT and their possible misrepresentation of the facts?
  8. I find the opposite to be true of the anti-Bush loonies such as yourself. They completely ignore everything associated with the local governments and focus on attacking the federal response.
  9. It's more classic revisionist history. They claim that the primary reason for going to Iraq was for cheap oil. When their ridiculous premise is proven wrong, they simply change it. I've now heard the same people explain that the didn't mean cheap oil for the pumps, they meant cheap oil for the big evil oil companies. Now, it seems it's changed again. Now, it's just that thier plan hasn't worked. Come'on libs, you can do better then that! LOL
  10. No, it's a legitimate question. What happens if there isn't enough qualified people to fill the stated percentage quotas? It's not pessimistic, it's realistic.
  11. 60 Minutes I posted this for all of the George Bush haters in the forum. Please read, several times if you must, so that you can fully comprehend it. However, I see that the argument has now shifted to Haliburton. Gee, what a suprise.
  12. I saw 60 Minutes. Did you hear that people? Did you hear that "Bush is to blame for everything" people? 20 years ago! 20 YEARS AGO! You're politicizing this whole event! Shame on all of you! And it wasn't even the levees that broke, it was the flood walls. They run for miles around the city. 20 YEARS AGO! Stop with the nonsense. Enough is goddamn enough.
  13. Is this another prediction? How's Rove doing? Is he done yet? Like you declared.
  14. Where did you come up with this premise? Maybe people just want to have the freedom to transport themselves, instead of having to rely on another government program.
  15. The government doesn't heavily subsidize the operations of automobiles, at least not privately. Private citizens pay for their own vehicles, maintenance and insurance the last time I checked. Government does however spend money (other peoples money) to build and maintain highways, roads etc. This is because it's in their best interest to do so. The economy is built on our transportation system and the infastructure that supports it.
  16. That's exactly what I was thinking. It's an interesting double-standard.
  17. I disagree with your premise. Bush didn't "slash" "inadequate" funding. And Bush hasn't "downgraded", "decimated", and "destroyed" FEMA. That's all pure political nonsense.President Clinton was dubbed the first "Black President". What did he do for New Orleans? What did he do for the 2/3 Black population? Shouldn't you also be blaming him for 2 full terms of non-action? Take your hyperbole elsewhere. It seems as though some of the Canadians in this forum are under the impression that America is governed under the monarchy-disguised-as-democracy in which Canada finds itself under. This is not the case.
  18. Well, I disagree with you that Canada isn't helping to promote democracy. However, I do agree with you that we should be doing much more. The Canadian presence in Afghanistan is a good thing. There are several reasons why Canadians aren't helping in Iraq. A lack of a competent and funded military. A lack of real leadership. A lack of vision, to see the long-term instead of just the short-term. And most importantly, our complete obsession for being liked, instead of doing the right thing, but risking being unpopular. It's placed us as one of the world's greatest fence sitters.
  19. WHY DIDN'T YOU DEPLOY THE BUSES DURING THE MANDATORY EVACUATION, MAYOR?... Link Louisiana disaster plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00 'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating'...
  20. Another great post Montgomery Burns! The left hates Bush so much for "illegally" deposing a murderous dictator that they'll stop at nothing to try and destroy him. Even if it means politicizing a terrible natural disaster and its resulting tragedy. And whether it's in Iraq, New Orleans, or of any other aspect of life, they ALWAYS gravitate towards pessimism. Pessimism is the lifeblood of liberalism. Never forget that.
  21. I think we're still waiting for an answer... Louisiana disaster plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00 'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating'...
  22. Great post Montgomery Burns! There's so much intelligence and evidence of Iraq's connections to terrorism, that it's almost too much to post, but good job. Washington Post Oh, and about Ann Coulter. She makes some really good points. Especially about us not having to equip a real military for protection. America protects us and saves us billions of dollars each year because of it. Just think of the situation our "free" healthcare and "free" education would be in, if we instead had to invest billions more in our military.
  23. WHY DIDN'T YOU DEPLOY THE BUSES DURING THE MANDATORY EVACUATION, MAYOR?... Link Louisiana disaster plan, pg 13, para 5 , dated 01/00 'The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles. School and municipal buses, government-owned vehicles and vehicles provided by volunteer agencies may be used to provide transportation for individuals who lack transportation and require assistance in evacuating'...
  24. Can you provide any evidence to back up this racist statement? You're correct. These are also the same people who forbid the building of power plants and oil refineries, but complain about the price of electricity and gasoline. Yes it has, for decades. There's plenty of blame to go around.
  25. The handy (and illegal) tips from the press: "Conventional Wisdom," Newsweek, Nov. 17: "Take him down." (next to a photo of Hussein and a downward-plunging arrow) Thomas Friedman, foreign affairs columnist, New York Times, Nov. 6: "Saddam Hussein is the reason God created cruise missiles. ...So if and when Saddam pushes beyond the brink, and we get that one good shot, let's make sure it's a head shot." George Stephanopolous, former Clintonite and current ABC News analyst, on ABC'S "This Week," Nov. 9: "This is probably one of those rare cases where assassination is the more moral course...we should kill him." Sam Donaldson, co-host of "This Week," Nov. 9: We should kill Saddam "under cover of law.... We can do business with his successor." Bill Kristol, ABC News analyst, "This Week," Nov. 9: "It sounds good to me." Cokie Roberts, co-host of "This Week," Nov. 9: "Well, now that we've come out for murder on this broadcast, let us move on to fast-track..." Jonathan Alter, Newsweek, Nov. 17: "It won't be easy to take him out. ...But we need to try, because the only language Saddam has ever understood is force." Newsweek, Dec. 1: "Why We Should Kill Saddam." Link Gotta love the hypocrisy!
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