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Everything posted by Shady

  1. Carbon tax Carney and Freeland are trying to distance themselves from Trudeau’s policies.  Too little too late.

  2. How’s that full employment doing now? I see, so that was before the carbon tax and irresponsible and wreckless immigration policies. What feminist policies are you referring to?
  3. I think Premiers were actually the ones that managed it. Regardless, that wasn’t his first 4 years that was reference by a previous member.
  4. What exactly did he do that was so great his first 4 years? Legalized week and purposely ran big deficits at the time the economy was doing well. A good job would’ve been using those good times to balance the budget. The biggest purveyors of disinformation is/was the government.
  5. Hey Michael, you ever post a critique of a Trudeau interview?
  6. He’s completely ruined the country. He needs to resign and lead a life in obscurity.
  7. Trudeau set to resign in disgrace, today or tomorrow.

    1. DUI_Offender


      From a distance, your avatar looks like Kelsey Grammar. However, up close I see it's Rush Limbaugh. 

  8. That’s because you’re not very smart.
  9. Lol, “a fake podcast”. The McCarthyism is still going strong because they can’t refute anything that’s being said.
  10. Black Dogg followed me over to this forum.

  11. No. But I don't have a problem with a trans person having preferred pronouns. I have a problem with non-trans people stating their preferred pronouns. It's ridiculous, and unnecessary, all done for virtue signaling.
  12. It's virtue signaling, especially when done by people who already use the usual/normal pronouns. If you use the usual/normal pronouns, you shouldn't be telling people what your pronouns are. It's ridiculous.
  13. Hey, what up Black Dogg?
  14. Tying immigration to housing and healthcare will prevent the healthcare system from being overburdened, and housing from becoming more scarce and unaffordable. It's something that should have been done years ago. It would have prevented a couple of big problems, but we have an idi*t as a Prime Minister
  15. I thought that Black Dogg was banned from here?
  16. One policy is tying immigration to health care and housing. For example, last year Canada accepted over a million new citizens, at the same time the number of doctors in Canada went down. Do you think that's good policy? What do you think that does for people trying to find a doctor, wait times, etc?
  17. I don't care about people's personalities, I care about policy. That should be everyone's priority. We've already seen what a "likeable" person with terrible policies can do to a country over the last 10 years. It's been an unmitigated disaster.
  18. It’s not a pandemic of the unvaccinated anymore. COVID No Longer 'Pandemic of the Unvaccinated' https://www.webmd.com/covid/news/20221127/more-vaccinated-people-dying-of-covid-as-fewer-get-booster-shots
  19. Has anyone listened to Joe Rogan’s recent conversation with Bret Weinstein, about covid and covid vaccines? It’s absolutely terrifying.
  20. Everyone coming over says they’re an asylum seeker. It’s a loop hole in the system. There are no countries in central and South America that qualify as countries to seek asylum from. They don’t generally meet the standard needed. But how many millions of people do you think the United States should be forced to accept?
  21. Teachers and their ‘muh freedumb’

    1. Aristides


      The teachers aren't on strike dumbass, its CUPE who represent the support workers. The teachers are represented by the Ontario Teaches Federation. Even I know that and I live in BC.?

  22. Biden did ask the Saudis to delay the cut until after the election. Now he’s going to stop weapons sales to them in retaliation. Remember when that was impeachable? Now Biden is tapping the strategic petroleum reserve to try to minimize election losses. That should be impeachable. The reserve is at a 40 year low because of Biden actions in trying to shield Americans from his terrible policies.
  23. Pfizer admits that it didn’t test the vaccines for preventing transmission.  Which was the whole argument of vaccine mandates and passports.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. sharkman


      You can’t be alright with the pharma industry lying to you for 2 years, and then call somebody out.  Either it’s wrong to lie or it isn’t.

      And Oftenwrong was not lying.

    3. OftenWrong


      “They are anti-science, and many of them are racists and misogynists.”

      - J Turdeau,,,

    4. TreeBeard


      BIG PHARMA!!!  

      Check the link….  It is a summary of their clinical trials that says the question of whether the vaccine prevents spread is something needing study.  So…. where did the BIG PHARMA lie?

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