Well, in my opinion, Wilson's lies should be included in any investigation. He provided a number of inaccurate statements to the Senate Intelligence Committee as well as to the news media.
Wilson's lies:
Lie #1: Implied that it was the Vice President's office which sent him on a fact finding mission to Niger.
He also denied that his CIA employed wife had anything to do with the process.
Lie #2
His debunking of forged memos related to Iraq and Niger.
The memos Joe Wilson was referring to hadn't been seen by him, and weren't in U.S. hands until eight months after Wilson made his trip to Niger.
Lie #3
Claimed his trip yielded information proving that Iraq never sought uranium from Niger.
One can obviously see that Joe Wilson has a major credibility problem.
Impeccible credentials? For what? Used-car salesman?
Declaring war under false pretenses is not meaningless little deception. Fortunately, that never happened.