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Everything posted by dialamah

  1. @GoddessPeople who know what they are talking about, experts in their field. This excludes GPs or those who have expertise in other fields. It excludes laypeople who think their research skills put them at the same level as the experts. The stories you post are always so biased, it takes only a little research to demonstrate that only part of the story is being told - the part that substantiates what you want to believe. And when this is pointed out to you, you deny and go on rants.
  2. Maybe you could talk to the anti-vax fanatics about pimping fear; at least be consistent in your disapproval.
  3. Presenting incorrect information is kind of your thing, though, isn't it I hope we do learn something from this pandemic, like having an actual plan supported by science, clear messaging of that science to the masses, consistency in medsaging. I'd like to see a lot more pushback against people who spread misinformation such as "it's not that bad, nobody except old people are dying, deaths are being overstated", etc. Spreading this kind of hooey puts people at risk. On the other hand, pandemics will all be different in how fast they spread, how deadly they'll be and who the primary victims might be, so maybe some degree of chaos is inevitable at the beginning. As for lockdowns, social distancing and mask wearing, those measures reduced the spread of not just Covid, but other viruses as well, and saved lives. Left unchecked, Covid would have killed many more people, as it did in the States among demographics who bought into the misinformation I noted above and refused to abide by public health advice.
  4. Only in one aspect, you'll notice. Or perhaps not. I, personally, also don't care where someone goes to the bathroom, and I don't care if someone who's transitioning or transitioned is in a changeroom with me. But the people who do care are using arguments that simply don't stand up to scrutiny. Again, I repeat, "saving the women and children" was part of the propaganda Hitler used. And the same theme was used in WWII against Japanese, and used against Blacks in the US. Sure, that works for me as well.
  5. Once again, taking the unusual to describe the general isn't reasonable. Most Muslims do not engage in terrorism; most men don't rape; most M to F aren't transitioning so they can victimize women. Btw, women in prison are more likely to be sexually assaulted by other women than men are to be sexually assaulted by other men, according to the link I provided in my previous post. Prison is a violent place, and using those examples to project what will happen in the "straight" world isn't reasonable either.
  6. 1. If the "concern" is about something that almost never happens, it's dishonest to pretend it's a huge problem. 2. Nobody has ever explained why they aren't concerned about F to M persons in men's spaces. The likelihood of a man being victimized by a woman is roughly the same as a woman being victimized by a male. The reason we assume it's a man victimizing a woman is because our society doesn't really give men space to be victims. 3. You do not seem to understand propaganda. There's a pretty powerful Christian presence (in the States especially) who are happy to disseminate and support any argument that marginalizes transgender people. The more people they can get to repeat those arguments - even non-Christian people, the better. If they can influence society to marginalize transgender and roll back any rights or privileges they may currently have, they're only too happy to do that. I don't think they're succeeding. 4. Whether people who've had the benefit of testosterone for some portion of their life have an unfair advantage over people who haven't had that advantage is (imo) a reasonable question. Insisting that M to F people can't go into female spaces because 1) they're perverts and might rape somebody and/or 2) the women/children will be traumatized if they catch sight of male genitalia isn't a reasonable argument.
  7. And they also engender fear/hatred of the West by using "we must protect women/children from the immorality of the Westerner". During the second world war, Japanese were portrayed as threatening to women/children. Hitler's propaganda against Jews included the same theme of 'protecting women/children'. And we see it again now - "We must protect the women and children from the evil transgender (male)!"
  8. Are you saying that the use of women/children to engender hatred and fear against a particular group is not true?
  9. I've never gotten an answer when I've asked why it's always about "perverted men" in women's area and never "perverted women" in men's areas. There are predatory females who go after boys and men, just as there are predatory men who go after women and girls. And if a girl might be traumatized by seeing male genitalia, why wouldn't boys be traumatized by seeing female genitalia? The answer, of course, is that women/girls and their "safety" is used to engender fear and hatred - whether against Black people in the States, or Japanese during the war, or against transgender now.
  10. Just cause you can't answer the question, no need to get nasty.
  11. You've and the majority of poster in this thread have said over and over that Covid isn't serious, that the deaths have been overstated. And you clearly agree with @Goddess that the vaccine is dangerous. Stop lying.
  12. That anyone would believe this was possible in the near - or even the far - future: Schwab talking about how, very soon, we will all have brain implants that will enable us to feel and understand other's points of view, thoughts and emotions. It's hilarious how gullible some people are.
  13. I think he's laughing at you. I know I am.
  14. It's no doubt doctored as was the video about "reducing the world population".
  15. Not everybody. Some people are adopted and have no knowledge of parents/grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousin etc.
  16. Over or under 60. Key words: "died suddenly.". Especially if the victim is in the "young athlete" demographic.
  17. Funny how overwhelmed hospitals and millions of deaths from Covid is a lie, while vaccine-injured people aren't overwhelming hospitals or dying by the millions, but that's the real problem. Who's delusional, again?
  18. A girl I knew in the 70s was killed by someone, left in pieces in garbage bags. Don't know if the police ever found the killer.
  19. What do you expect when you call people stupid in virtually every response you make? You come across like a toddler yelling "you're a poopy face" when things don't go their way. You are a troll - your sole purpose here is to troll progressives. (Cue the kindergarten level insults)
  20. From your link: The FDA and CDC said that other large studies, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, other countries’ databases and Pfizer-BioNTech’s databases had not flagged this safety issue, adding that it requires more investigation.
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