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Everything posted by dialamah

  1. @ironstone- I took a look at your links, and ran them through Media Bias Fact check. Both the left/right wing sources do spread misinformation. Brightwork study summary was very poorly written: this makes me doubt it. In any case, the claim that people had other ailments so it couldn't have been covid has been debunked. Those claims are as silly as saying that a senior who died in a car accident died of old age - therefore, car accidents don't really exist. There is no evidence for the claim that millions of health care workers and families all conspired to lie about what their patients/loved ones died of.
  2. Pretty soon, the anti-vax fanatics will attribute any vaxed person's death to the vaccine - regardless of how long ago they were vaxed, or what the cause actually is.
  3. Since MAID is allowed in Canada, some kids are going to know family members or friends who choose that. This book helps them understand and work through feelings around that. Just because you think MAID is unacceptable doesn't mean kids and families shouldn't have help going through it, since it's a fact of life in Canada.
  4. Here's the book itself: https://www.virtualhospice.ca/maid/media/3bdlkrve/maid-activity-book.pdf This book is directed to children who know someone who may choose MAID. It neither indoctrinates nor promotes MAID. There's a lot in there about how the child might feel about someone choosing MAID, about someone they love about to die. Much of the information would work as well if a child knew anyone who was about to die from any cause. It's also a great resource for people who get their (mis)information from right-wing sources.
  5. "Aiming for". It's clearly a start towards that because of all the references to laws being based on biblical teachings and the express intention to stop the separation of church and state. But I wouldn't expect you to get it, because trolls just don't.
  6. Myocarditis more likely to kill you if obtained through infection than through vaccination. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221220/Study-finds-a-lower-mortality-rate-among-individuals-with-myocarditis-after-mRNA-vaccination-than-those-with-viral-infectione28093related-myocarditis.aspx
  7. Not exactly - I'm just a contrary kind of person and you're pretty easy to rile up. I don't support censorship. I'm only postt way through the document so I can't say what I think of it yet.
  8. Not to mention, if I can debunk your source with a quick Google search, why aren't you doing that before posting here? You claim to be so good at research, but sure couldn't prove it by what you post
  9. See, I debunked your claim that a respected virologist crowed about scaring people with H1N1. You are so far down the rabbit hole, you wholeheartedly and without any critical thought swallow anything that supports your viewpoint. The link to the UK doctors was much better. If you want to be taken seriously, don't make it so easy to poke holes in your "sources".
  10. Van Ranst gave a talk in 2019, which talk has been edited and manipulated to fool people like you. https://www.brusselstimes.com/155486/how-to-sell-an-epidemic-a-marc-van-ranst-conspiracy-theory-explained-chatham-house-pandemic-vlaams-belang-h1n1
  11. Yah you go, Kari, make sure the world knows the States is no better than any banana republic. Weaken the States as much as possible, cause the world is tired of democracy, tired of the States showing the world how freedom works.
  12. I don't think that's the argument. The argument is that the widespread conspiracy you claim is unlikely given the many organizations, countries and individuals that would have to be involved. More seriously, some of your concerns are valid and some sources you provide are worth considering. It's the hyperbole along with many of your much less credible sources that removes you from the sphere of believable to the sphere of nutcase.
  13. Good points. Perhaps the additional transparency could be within certain parameters, for example +$1,000,000.00. Or if it's between government and large corporations.
  14. Do you deny that the OP has posted racist rhetoric by calling asylum seekers animals? Yes or no, please.
  15. Certainly nice to know that they'd basically aim for a theocracy.
  16. I sleep well at night knowing that I've never advocating for individual preferences override the public good. You can't say that. Nobody lost any rights.
  17. I knew you wouldn't accept it, just as I'm not about to accept your obscure sourves that are so easy to dispute. Sorry about your sister and the disruption to your life. I can see why you are so anti-vaccine. BTW, did you know the smallpox vaccine also causes an increased risk of myocarditis?
  18. Getting COVID-19 itself can impact the menstrual cycle with more than 35% of women and persons who get COVID-19 noting changes in their menstrual cycle after infection. In the UK over 41 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given with only 21 680 (0.0005%) of women per dose reporting changes in the menstrual cycles. 35% vs. 0.0005%. hmmm. The detailed analysis of nearly 43 million people was published Monday in the American Heart Association journal Circulation. "We found that across this large dataset, the entire COVID-19-vaccinated population of England during an important 12-month period of the pandemic when the COVID-19 vaccines first became available, the risk of myocarditis following COVID-19 vaccination was quite small compared to the risk of myocarditis after COVID-19 infection," the study's lead author, Martina Patone, said in a news release. She is a statistician at the University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Primary Health Care Sciences in England.
  19. And what's happening in Alberta? Are you still having daily or even weekly reports on Covid cases/deaths? Where in the world is that still happening, other than maybe China? Covid is a serious disease and all the side effects the vaccine *might* cause are also caused by Covid - except they're rarer with a vaccine.
  20. Nope. In B C they started reporting daily around April of 2020. April 2020 to April 2021 = 1st year. April 2022 to April 2022 = 2nd year. They moved to weekly about this time. April 2022 to ~August 2022 when they stopped reporting even weekly - 2 years, 4 months total. And now you're pushing your hyperbole to 4 years.
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