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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2018 in all areas

  1. Not quite so bad but bad enough. Most of those who are 'homeless' are that way because they do not avail themselves of government programs. Mostly these are people who are addicts of various sorts, along with those with mental health issues. But. The people really getting screwed are the poor who have been trying to get into social housing. For example, imagine a woman named Anne. Anne was born in Canada and has three kids born here, two girls and a boy, and her husband died. She is in a two bedroom apartment she can hardly afford, forced to work two jobs to pay the rent. Anne has been on a waiting list for a couple of years for a subsidized three bedroom townhouse and is near the head of the list. Then comes a guy named Trudeau, beaming and taking selfies while he welcomes tens of thousands of Syrians into Canada. The Syrians, being homeless, immediately get bumped to the head of the list, pushing Anne down quite a ways. The home that was going to go to her goes to a Syrian family instead. Another year and a half later she's getting near the top of the list again. Along come tens of thousands of Haitians and then Nigerians crossing the border, saying the magic words, and going to the top of the list again. Anne gets shoved back down once more, while the place that would have gone to her now goes to a Haitian family. And the Liberals tell anyone who complains that they're not showing the proper degree of empathy towards these 'poor people'. I wonder if they'd say that to 'Anne'?
    2 points
  2. People from Earth. You don't get out much do you?
    1 point
  3. The U.S. has a population of 1% Muslims [Islam in the United States] where Turkey has 0.2% of Christian churches [Turkey's Declining Christian Population], all denominations. There are 2106 total Mosques in the U.S. [List of Mosques in the U.S.]; there are 14 Churches of Christianity in all of Turkey! [Christianity in Turkey] If we presume each church and mosque hold equivalent quantities of people and that these Holy places represent all of these communities, then 63Mosques/2106totalMosques = 0.0299 = 2.99% of Muslims in U.S. Mosques discriminated against,...rounded up to 3%. Now multiply this by ALL of the percentages of Muslims in the U.S. and you have: 3% x 1% = 0.03/100 x 1/100 = 0.03/10000 = 0.0003/100 or 0.0003% of Muslims discriminated in the U.S. relative to the total of all Americans. 1Church/14totalChurches = 0.07 = 7% of Churches in Turkey. Now multiply this by ALL of the percentages of Christians in Turkey and you have: 7% x 0.2% = 7/100 x 0.2/100 = 1.4/10000 =0.014/100 or 0.014% of Christians discriminated in Turkey relative to the total of all Turkish. Comparing: 0.0003: 0.014 = 3:140 That is, for every 140 Christians targeted by non-Christians in Turkey, only 3 Muslims are targeted by non-Muslims in the U.S.
    1 point
  4. Canadian media is calling for Trudeau to stop playing games and start making a deal. The EU and Mexico are ready to play ball, while Justin Trudeau only wants to play politics.
    1 point
  5. Well, yes you do know. These are all subcategories, but it comes down to marginalization. School shootings are almost entirely young white men who have been marginalized by society as a whole. After every school shooting we talk about bullying, why? Because we know that has a major effect. Now, when a muslim shoots up people on the street or drives over them in a truck, it's not because of being marginalized by society, they couldn't care less about that. It's about Islam, plain and simple. We can talk about upbringing, political and western policy and mental illness all day long, but those ideas just lead to the real reason - Islam. Not all muslims pull off these attacks, just as not all young men shoot up schools, but when an attack is described on the TV, one can guess the gender, race and age span of the killer before the news announces it. It's not rocket science.
    1 point
  6. Can't say I know. Infamy? Alienation? Just not getting any? Or too many video games
    1 point
  7. I suggest that they are reacting to the same thing that gets the ire of many ordinary folks. We know was BS looks like and smells like. We don't need to taste it, to figure it out. IE. The thing that causes such wild speculation, that leads to inflammatory comments is because liberals speak out of both sides of their mouths. The guy was a deranged person, that's clear. The guy expressed his desire to kill someone, anyone. The guy went to ISIS web sites. I'm no Einstein but I can figure out that he did it "in the name of" something. We've seen this before... disconnected terrorist sympathiser gets a bad idea. The authorities need to control the message, to prevent people from associating any such crackpot with Muslims at large. But leaving an information vacuum does not do the trick. People seek to fill in the blanks. In that regard, the government does ordinary Muslims a disservice.
    1 point
  8. Downsizing the government is always a dam good thing to be doing for the over burdened taxpayer's of Ontario and Canada. You know the ones that are being forced to pay for the rest of the world while some Canadians sleep on streets. You liberals are all alike. Deplorable.
    1 point
  9. Gawd, can you imagine Liberal Tory as the Premier of Ontario? That a--hole would have finished off Ontario for good. He is just another liberal who could careless about Canada or Canadians just like the other 97% of them out there who say nothing about this illegal immigration going on. All hiding in the closet and hiding from having to say something about illegal refugee immigration. Someone needs to challenge Tory's intelligence instead!
    1 point
  10. Slimy, lyin' CBC and CTV are both reading from the same script. They make sure to point out that slashing city council wasn't a promise that Ford ran on during the election...... .....and yet they both say that there's hardly any details in his election platform. If there's hardly any detail, how did they know it wasn't part of it? Could it be it's part of his promise to cut the size of government??
    1 point
  11. No, borrowing billions of dollars to spend on people that shouldn't be in the country isn't necessarily better. Also, it's a false choice between money on people or money on weapons.
    1 point
  12. UK is really way, way out there, you know. Lol. I suppose handguns are banned in UK.....so what happens? They use knives! Imagine this moron's brilliant idea! Imagine this guy being a judge? Knives are too sharp and filing them down is solution to soaring violent crime, judge says https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/05/27/knives-sharp-filing-solution-soaring-violent-crime-judge-says/
    0 points
  13. What makes young white guys shoot up a school? Does anyone know that?
    0 points
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