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Black Dog

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Black Dog last won the day on May 1

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  1. See, I don't actually think it's appropriate to take kids to an adult-oriented drag show anymore than any other adult- oriented event. I have no issue saying that, but you never asked, so I guess once again you need to be spoon fed everything.
  2. I've heard of "my dad could beat up your dad" but "my homosexual son could beat you up" is a new one. Pretty funny you can't even threaten me yourself because you get winded standing up from your La-Z-Boy. You're still a dumb c*nt.
  3. This mfer has never ben to Europe. Thongs up, tits out, no one cares. LOl what is it with you choads here always patting yourselves on the back for how clever you think you are? Do none of you get any external validation? No I ram her.
  4. By using your own definitions? Your assertion that walking with someone wearing a bikini is "sexual in nature" and sexual abuse would come as a shock to anyone who has taken their kids to a beach. I didn't say anything about the girl being dressed up, who are you arguing with here? Big words from someone who can't work the link function lmao.
  5. No I can refute you I just wanted to laugh at your boomer brained inabiliuty to work a computer first. FTR here are the definitions of sexual abuse from your link: Not how all of these definitions refer to actual sexual acts, which "showing a kid a person in a revealing outfit" would not qualify as in a million years. Yeah your mom likes to stretch out. lol this is an incredible self own.
  6. You dodged it by sputtering about "nitpicking" "You didn't ask it as a yes or no question" ok sorry I overestimated your intelligence and ability to discern context clues. I promise I will read this book to learn how to netter communicate with you.
  7. Again, I literally just explained it and you're like "duh what I ain't never heard of that duhhhh." Yeah dude you got me, saying that using a racist term on a racialized person is racist makes me the real racist. This is the stupidest fu*king thing you've ever written, congrats jizzrag.
  8. Nice link boomer lmao. Your dodging my question by accusing me of dodging some other question, truly you have no self awareness.
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