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Black Dog

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  1. Again, you're saying the students don't understand the conflict while showing your own ignorance of what they're protesting. I think the students understand that they have no leverage to influence Hamas, whereas they can influence their institutions to divest from Israel even if you do not. LOL at the idea that Israel would stop the killing if the hostages were released. Whatever your formal education, you're clearly not informed about these protests.
  2. Are you stupid? There are two main crossings into Gaza for aid: Rafah and Kerem Shalom. both are cloised and have been for days. LOL a guy who takes IDF propaganda at face value has no business critiquing other sources here. Baby brain at work here.
  3. I understand that. The difference is you're so dumb you don't actually understand what things were being compared, as I've painstakingly explained to you in terms you're obviously too retarded to grasp. Mad emoji again! This is both untrue and irrelevant to the point being made. That was no implied by the comparison. I am likely older than you while also being smarter and more successful. Liar.
  4. It's certainly not as simple as that though i understand why pro-israel people like to pretend it is. The UN says there’s ‘full-blown famine’ in northern Gaza. Israeli activists block Gaza-bound aid trucks Hard to stand up and fight when you don't have arms or food. If you think the world has been easy on the Palestinians you are simply not operating in reality.
  5. The sentence was so incoherent you had to re-write it here to correct yourself lol. Even re-written this doesn't scan. No one was claiming "fried liver" (whatever that's supposed to be analogous to) and protest are the same thing. "My first analogy was dogshit, here's another dogshit analogy to explain that first dogshit analogy". LOl I know you think this all makes sense, but we've established your brain doesn't really work right. Do you think "oppose" and "disapprove" mean dramatically different things? Again: the comparison, such as it was, was between those who disapprove of (sorry: oppose) the protests now and those who opposed the social justice protests of the past, not between the protests themselves. It's blindingly obvious at first read but you're contorting yourself into knots in a pathetic attempt to make it appear as though there was an equivalence being drawn between the message and substance of these protests and, say, civil rights or Vietnam protests. If I said "isn't it funny how people of the boomer generation are saying the same stuff about modern music that their parents said about rock'n'roll?" only a complete ret@rd would think I was comparing, say, Kendrick Lamar with The Beatles. But you would! Oh the emojis are here, you're b!tchmad now.
  6. Are you still pretending Fatah and Hamas are buddies? lol.
  7. I have no idea why you're bringing up Pakistan yet again when the subject was your invocation of something Muhammad did 1,400 years ago. Neither of those things are true of course. Also, the fact you continue to refer to Palestinian civilians as "meat shields" shows you don't actually consider them human beings. This is just psychotic nonsense, the product of a truly damaged brain and demented worldview. None of this is grounded in reality, it's James Bond fantasy stuff.
  8. It's always good when people like you can read something like this or look at a photos of dead kids being pulled from rubble and say "good, they deserve it." It's a real mask off moment for those of us who aren't bloodthirsty freaks.
  9. That's not even a coherent sentence lmao. Connect what with what as being the same thing? Liver with protests? Yes meaning "the same people who probably protested as students in the past to their parents disapproval are now the people disapproving of student protests". It's a straightforward and self-contained proposition. No it doesn't. I've honestly never met anyone so stupid yet so assured of their own intelligence as you. They should study you in a lab.
  10. How is it relevant? The more you talk about Israel having to murder children to prevent a genocide that no one around them is capable of perpetrating, the more deranged you sound. Can you explain in detail how a fighting force of a few thousand that uses rockets made out of PVC pipe is going to genocide a nuclear power with the unwavering support of the entire west?
  11. Israel isn't interested in a two-state solution either. "How can we stop them from hating us? I know, let's starve their children to death!"
  12. This just shows you don't really understand the concept of white privilege, which is surprising given I bet you've been stopped "at random" by cops more than I have. Oh god not the model minority Asian thing again. What term would you prefer? I'm obviously talking about my experience dealing with conservatives. I've yet to encounter one who has actually taken on any of these ideas instead of just dismissing them, usually from a place of ignorance.
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