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Liberals attempting to silence opposing opinions

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"We're not trying to silence anybody," Green said. "Rush Limbaugh has a right to be on the air - he admits his point of view. Fox doesn't."

This is the kind of fruity thinking that had the left lose the last 2 presidential elections. Most of the TV media is left, has leftwing agendas, and stifles anything else in their midst. Yet they don't admit their 'point of view' either, which is just fine with the commenter above. It's just Fox who he has a problem with. Then he throws in a Limbaugh comment, which is totally wrong since there has been an agenda to silence him as well.

I hope someone starts a simillar campaign to monitor CNN, they are a lot farther away from the center than Fox.

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This is such a blatant attempt to stifle opposing views, it boggles the mind (and I don't boggle easily ) this is an example of when you can't out-debate something, you try to shut it down.

I saw the piece where O'Reilly talked about Jetblue and daily Kos, and I agree with him. I checked out that web site a couple of times and was so disgusted I've never been back.

Listeners can disagree with a viewpoint and have the choice to turn it off, trying to shut it down is symptomatic of liberal tendencies to stifle dissent.

If they aren't trying to shut them down, why the campaign - nobody is fooled by this one.

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Every time I visit Newsmax, I wind up laughing my ass off at their sponsors.

"Women love lean, muscular men. Build a body that will turn heads!"

"Men: do you hate rejection by women? Discover Forbidden Attraction Secrets that the LIBERAL MEDIA doesn't want you to know!"

"These guys have ladies that are absolutely in love with them! Orexis, the only all-natural male sexual enhancement product!"

One gathers that the sponsors suspect Newsmax reaches tubby men who can't get dates and have erectile difficulties.


{is the liberal media keeping YOU from meeting women? CLICK HERE for an amazing solution that will attract women like catnip!}

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Every time I visit Newsmax, I wind up laughing my ass off at their sponsors.

Try this one http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D8...&show_article=1

If they are not trying to shut Fox down, why are they going after the sponsors. Wonder if they'll go after Michael Moore - his movie is advertised on there. LOL

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"We're not trying to silence anybody," Green said. "Rush Limbaugh has a right to be on the air - he admits his point of view. Fox doesn't."

This is the kind of fruity thinking that had the left lose the last 2 presidential elections. Most of the TV media is left, has leftwing agendas, and stifles anything else in their midst. Yet they don't admit their 'point of view' either, which is just fine with the commenter above. It's just Fox who he has a problem with. Then he throws in a Limbaugh comment, which is totally wrong since there has been an agenda to silence him as well.

I hope someone starts a simillar campaign to monitor CNN, they are a lot farther away from the center than Fox.

LOL did anyone see the spoof that Air Farce did on CNN? It started out with Wolf stating it's a green door and a reporter stating: Yep it is a green door, wait I think the door is opening no it isn't opening but yes Wolf it's a green door. What do think that means in the terms of the out come. Ten minutes of them discussing a "Green Door" but like CNN no mention of the REAL story because they didn't have a story. To funny.

The left will continue to mute free speech because it's a vessel for truth and the left realize they are losing the propaganda battle. The cons are not baby eating religious fundies who want to take away free sex in the park every Sunday night with strangers. The hard left will continue to stifle our rights until we rear our collective moderate/classical Liberal and Conservative heads to deal with them together. Alone we will lose, I don't want to live in a Socialist Utopia. I am tired of paying for the far lefts social experiments, none of them work one only has to turn to Europe to see what a failure the socialist are at leadership. Spending our money they excel at because without our money they can't scream Racist, hater, hug a Radical Muslim and promise they will make sure they don't get victimized by the mythical "BackLash Crowd". That's those of holding nothing more than a bill for more tax dollars to fund mega Mosque for the left to preach socialism in whilst embracing another Ism. Yea I see the connection but does other sane people?

Edited to add a D to victimizeddddddddddddddddd.

Edited by Moxie
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Yes, it is only the "left" that launches opposition actions, lol!!!!

The "right" never does stuff like that , hahahahahahahahahaha

I can't stop laughing at this, myself.

Right wing opposition to sex education

Right wing opposition to science

Right wing bullying to teach 'creationism'

can I go on.

Doesn't the "right wing", believe in free speech?

How about that "right wing" hullaballo about Janet Jacksons wardrobe malfunction, OMG, it was a breast, for a nanosecond!

Who exactly is silencing opposition, education, and more?


whine, whine whine.................

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Interesting that when this sort of thing happens the 'right' blames the 'left' or the 'left' blames the 'right'. What a construct, what BS.

Where was the outrage when Prychtulak's (sp) site was shut down by HRC? (oh that must have been the right? or was it the left?) Oh and what about the recent hooplah about PEJ?

hypocrits - all of them (as well as some folk around here!!) Talk about shutting down discussions they don't like - yet it is exactly what they do!!



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"We're not trying to silence anybody," Green said. "Rush Limbaugh has a right to be on the air - he admits his point of view. Fox doesn't."

This is the kind of fruity thinking that had the left lose the last 2 presidential elections. Most of the TV media is left, has leftwing agendas, and stifles anything else in their midst. Yet they don't admit their 'point of view' either, which is just fine with the commenter above. It's just Fox who he has a problem with. Then he throws in a Limbaugh comment, which is totally wrong since there has been an agenda to silence him as well.

I hope someone starts a simillar campaign to monitor CNN, they are a lot farther away from the center than Fox.

The left will continue to mute free speech because it's a vessel for truth and the left realize they are losing

Edited to add a D to victimizeddddddddddddddddd.

The democrats are trying to bring back the 'Fairness Doctrine which is just another attempt to stifle free speech. The left is/are annoyed that their left wing radio shows have failed, including Air America. Surely it should be a free market and if left wing radio fails why should private radio stations be forced to promote opposite views?

Earlier this year Dennis Kucinich announced that he would use his position on a House government-reform subcommittee to focus on the Federal Communications Commission -- and that the Fairness Doctrine may make a comeback: (repealed in the 80s). Hilary Clinton has also said she would bring back this act.

Is this fairness or simply a method of stifling free speech - well that's a no brainer.


REPORT: The Right Wing Domination Of Talk Radio And How To End It and there we have it

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here is another example of the "right" stifling science.

Far Right Stands Behind Bush in Stem Cell Veto

When President Bush again vetoed funding for embryonic stem-cell research, he did more than earn praise from the Religious Right – he invited them to the veto ceremony. His guests included members of Concerned Women for America, the Family Research Council, Focus on the Family, and the National Right to Life Committee.

Focus on the Family founder James Dobson, who was not at the White House event, said that “President Bush has proven once again that he's not just a man who talks about preserving a 'culture of life' as political rhetoric -- he's a man who deeply cherishes the sanctity of all human life. His veto today of a bill that would have led to dissection of young innocents in the name of suspect science solidifies his already-strong record as one of our nation's most pro-life presidents.”

Focus’s Jim Daly, who was there, applauded Bush for his rhetoric. "The quote that really caught my attention was, 'I will not allow our nation to cross this moral line,’” Daly said. “He was very forthright about it -- very staunch, no equivocation. I think it really shows, on the core issues, this president really gets the pro-life agenda."

The "right" seems to be up to more then stifling opinion.

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The "right" seems to be up to more then stifling opinion.

What a crock...here is what really happened with "stem cell" research funding in the USA. More NIH funding has been available during the Bush presidency.

Federal Policy To Date:


What does any of this have to do with Liberals silencing opposing opinion?

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oh it's funny to read the whining posts from those who deem themselves "right" vs "left"

when both sides engage in this, and that's the way it is.


So cut the nonsense, out.

Pot kettle black

But it does help the "right" to portray themselves incessantly as the victim, and the "right" does love victimhood

well cry me a river.

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Guest American Woman

So they're trying to stifle them; so what? I have to laugh at the "fair and balanced" claim Fox makes; seems to me if a station has to point out (ie: convince people) that they are fair and balanced they can't be all that fair and balanced or their broadcasting would speak for itself.

However, in a nation of free speech, part of that free speech is being able to do what this group is doing. They have the right to ask sponsors not to advertise and then the sponsors have the right to do as they please.

The idea that the "left" tries to stifle any more than the "right" does is laughable though. I have to wonder if people are truly so blind as to believe such nonsense.

Edited by American Woman
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WRT the article, this sort of tactic is used by all groups to silence views of those they disagree with - nothing really new there. At least they aren't banning books and ideas - yet.

There isn't anything stopping those who feel differently with also expressing their views is there? I kinda think this is much ado (and whining) about nothing.

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So they're trying to stifle them; so what? I have to laugh at the "fair and balanced" claim Fox makes; seems to me if a station has to point out (ie: convince people) that they are fair and balanced they can't be all that fair and balanced or their broadcasting would speak for itself.

However, in a nation of free speech, part of that free speech is being able to do what this group is doing. They have the right to ask sponsors not to advertise and then the sponsors have the right to do as they please.

The idea that the "left" tries to stifle any more than the "right" does is laughable though. I have to wonder if people are truly so blind as to believe such nonsense.

Nice post - I concur!

Though you will find many people DO believe the left right nonsense!! Especially here.

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So they're trying to stifle them; so what? I have to laugh at the "fair and balanced" claim Fox makes; seems to me if a station has to point out (ie: convince people) that they are fair and balanced they can't be all that fair and balanced or their broadcasting would speak for itself.

However, in a nation of free speech, part of that free speech is being able to do what this group is doing. They have the right to ask sponsors not to advertise and then the sponsors have the right to do as they please.

The idea that the "left" tries to stifle any more than the "right" does is laughable though. I have to wonder if people are truly so blind as to believe such nonsense.

American woman!

I agree wholeheartedly with your assertion.


The idea that the "left" tries to stifle any more than the "right" does is laughable though"

It really is!

Edited by kuzadd
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So they're trying to stifle them; so what? I have to laugh at the "fair and balanced" claim Fox makes; seems to me if a station has to point out (ie: convince people) that they are fair and balanced they can't be all that fair and balanced or their broadcasting would speak for itself.

However, in a nation of free speech, part of that free speech is being able to do what this group is doing. They have the right to ask sponsors not to advertise and then the sponsors have the right to do as they please.

The idea that the "left" tries to stifle any more than the "right" does is laughable though. I have to wonder if people are truly so blind as to believe such nonsense.

But that is an attempt to shut up free speech!!! To actively pursue the sponsors of a station who's viewpoint you don't like in order to make them stop broadcasting. Good grief, it's as plain as day. I don't know if you saw my earlier comment, but it's also completely hypocritical of the left. When conservatives are protesting some lewd content on TV, the left always says to just turn the channel. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the left will not simply change the channel, they want to shut down the channel Chavez style.

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But that is an attempt to shut up free speech!!! To actively pursue the sponsors of a station who's viewpoint you don't like in order to make them stop broadcasting. Good grief, it's as plain as day. I don't know if you saw my earlier comment, but it's also completely hypocritical of the left. When conservatives are protesting some lewd content on TV, the left always says to just turn the channel. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, the left will not simply change the channel, they want to shut down the channel Chavez style.

Didn't Bill O'Reilly try to lead a boycott against Canada? How is this different than people boycotting companies linked to FOX News?

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