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Billions of Bee's Dying

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Perhaps you can show us a link showing a problem with these bees dying and the GM crops that bees have coexisted with for well over a decade now without incidience.

Correlation doesn't equal causation. Your going to have to try harder than that if you want anyone to take it seriously.

I already did, see page one. There is a link there to a recent article published in Der Spiegel. I guess in your haste to rebutt you missed that - you might want to try reading all the posts first.

Also, you state that the bees have been living for a decade without incidence. Really? Any YOU know this how Swami?

I would suggest you google GM crops and bees yourself and do a little reading!

Gosh - just recently the FDA has come out and said that GM crops ARE likely responsible for these astounding bee die offs!


There are many articles and currently studies ongoing to determine the mechanism by which GM crops are affecting bees. I would wager that it has much to do with the suppression of the bees' natural immune system - thus allowing other vectors to adversely effect the bees, which otherwise would have been able to fight off the infection/disease.

Goodness me look there are more too:


Have fun, and don't forget to read all the posts before you spew out your uneducated posts!!

Good Day.

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Why is this place so darned infested?

I am gobsmacked by the inane responses of the members of this board. Anyone with any kind of understanding of simple biology should see this depopulation as something significant - esp wrt GM crops - yet not a word.

Oh well I guess it goes to show that there are alot of really uneducated people about.


Apparently some posters do not understand, the importance of the bee's to our /their food crops.

The disconnect is loud and clear, and disgusting.

Unfortunately, the forum is littered with alot of 'lower life forms" , sadly it is the bee's that are dying.


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PrisonPlanet / Bees

Here is a good article on the subject of bees that has many links and expert commentary - what I have normally come to expect from Alex Jones website. (www.prisonplanet.com)

Also, you state that the bees have been living for a decade without incidence. Really? Any YOU know this how Swami?

This article also shows that the bee populations have been steadily declining.

Its interseting also that a German professor was stopped from researching the reasons for this by his university as stated in the link. This makes it sound like a globalist plot since they control education through UNESCO and funding through various research grant foundations.

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they aren't dying in one place, it's worldwide...

I am aware of that, and have been noticing numerous stories on it.

additional stories:

Loss of bees a genuine threat


Mysterious Bee Disappearance Could Disrupt US Agriculture


Loss of bees threatens a fatal sting for us all


Woefully underappreciated honeybees are the principal pollinators for 80 percent of the world's grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes, including about 90 ...

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Gosh - just recently the FDA has come out and said that GM crops ARE likely responsible for these astounding bee die offs!


From "The Spoof"? Do you read your links?

""The consequences for agriculture and the economy has assumed catastrophic proportions, and the loss of bees will end all life on Earth within ten years or so. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more people."
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Half a bee, philosophically,

must eo ipso facto half not be

But half a bee has got to be,

vis a vis its entity

- D'you see?

But can a bee be said to be

Or not to be an entire bee,

When half the bee is not a bee

Due to some ancient injury

Is This wretched demi-bee,

Half asleep upon my knee,

Some freak from a menagerie?

No! It's Eric the Half a Bee.

Fiddle di dum, Fiddle di dee, Eric the Half a Bee

Ho ho ho, tee hee hee,

Eric the Half a Bee

I love this hive epmploy-ee-ee Bisected accidentially,

One Summer afternoon by me,

I love him carnally.

He loves him carnally...


The End.

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Gosh - just recently the FDA has come out and said that GM crops ARE likely responsible for these astounding bee die offs!


From "The Spoof"? Do you read your links?

""The consequences for agriculture and the economy has assumed catastrophic proportions, and the loss of bees will end all life on Earth within ten years or so. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more people."

Yeah, ya got me there - though I did read it quickly and outside of a few name changes it complies with all of the other pieces I have seen. One of the things about satire darling is that it's based on truths - otherwise it doesn't work now does it.

Anyways - it is certainly a problem - or are you denying that?

To be frank I posted quickly and hit ctrl v without noticing that it was the spoof piece I put up, this is the article I had wanted to post:


That all said and done, do you think that it's all well and good that bees are dying off in such vast numbers? Do you think that this will effect pollination rates?

What was it that Einstein said? If the bees go, so do we?

Pardon my early morning mis-paste - still the message is clear - something is happening to our bees, and that something can be correlated to the introduction of GM crops (another topic altogether!)

Do you like eating protiens never intended for consumption? That's what you are doing when you eat GM foods btw.


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Gosh - just recently the FDA has come out and said that GM crops ARE likely responsible for these astounding bee die offs!


From "The Spoof"? Do you read your links?

""The consequences for agriculture and the economy has assumed catastrophic proportions, and the loss of bees will end all life on Earth within ten years or so. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more people."

Yeah, ya got me there - though I did read it quickly and outside of a few name changes it complies with all of the other pieces I have seen. One of the things about satire darling is that it's based on truths - otherwise it doesn't work now does it.

Anyways - it is certainly a problem - or are you denying that?

To be frank I posted quickly and hit ctrl v without noticing that it was the spoof piece I put up, this is the article I had wanted to post:


That all said and done, do you think that it's all well and good that bees are dying off in such vast numbers? Do you think that this will effect pollination rates?

What was it that Einstein said? If the bees go, so do we?

Pardon my early morning mis-paste - still the message is clear - something is happening to our bees, and that something can be correlated to the introduction of GM crops (another topic altogether!)

Do you like eating protiens never intended for consumption? That's what you are doing when you eat GM foods btw.


I don't know. The pterodactyl died off too, and the world managed to survive. I somehow seriously doubt this has anything to do with GM foods, but what do I know?
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Half a bee, philosophically,

must eo ipso facto half not be

But half a bee has got to be,

vis a vis its entity

- D'you see?

But can a bee be said to be

Or not to be an entire bee,

When half the bee is not a bee

Due to some ancient injury

Is This wretched demi-bee,

Half asleep upon my knee,

Some freak from a menagerie?

No! It's Eric the Half a Bee.

Fiddle di dum, Fiddle di dee, Eric the Half a Bee

Ho ho ho, tee hee hee,

Eric the Half a Bee

I love this hive epmploy-ee-ee Bisected accidentially,

One Summer afternoon by me,

I love him carnally.

He loves him carnally...


The End.

You've been reading too many Cat in The Hat books!

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Half a bee, philosophically,

must eo ipso facto half not be

But half a bee has got to be,

vis a vis its entity

- D'you see?

But can a bee be said to be

Or not to be an entire bee,

When half the bee is not a bee

Due to some ancient injury

Is This wretched demi-bee,

Half asleep upon my knee,

Some freak from a menagerie?

No! It's Eric the Half a Bee.

Fiddle di dum, Fiddle di dee, Eric the Half a Bee

Ho ho ho, tee hee hee,

Eric the Half a Bee

I love this hive epmploy-ee-ee Bisected accidentially,

One Summer afternoon by me,

I love him carnally.

He loves him carnally...


The End.

You've been reading too many Cat in The Hat books!

No, never too many Suess books....and that was Eric Idle

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it's simple

bee's+pollen=pollenated plants=new plants

pollen+____=nothing=no future plants

Ofcourse this is only for plants dependent on cross polination, but that is approximately 113,000 species. Nearly 1/3 bites of food that we as humans consume are dependent on bee's. No bee's means no apples, no melons, no oranges, etc. We would have to go back to our staples of potato's and corn.

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it's simple

bee's+pollen=pollenated plants=new plants

pollen+____=nothing=no future plants

Ofcourse this is only for plants dependent on cross polination, but that is approximately 113,000 species. Nearly 1/3 bites of food that we as humans consume are dependent on bee's. No bee's means no apples, no melons, no oranges, etc. We would have to go back to our staples of potato's and corn.

False....there are many mechanisms for pollination...bees are only one major form of Entomophily (insect pollination). Wasps, flies, beetles, etc. will carry on. As will the wind, water, bats, birds, etc. There would be lower yields for some of these fruits, but definitely not "No".

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I don't know. The pterodactyl died off too, and the world managed to survive. I somehow seriously doubt this has anything to do with GM foods, but what do I know?

The world survived for sure. Even after we are gone (if we don't blow up this rock) this world will live on. It is the here and now we would like to perserve. Dinosaurs are history, hell most species died out in a meteor impact on this planet.

GM foods are a cause for concern. The more we take mother nature out of the equation, the more we are setting up ourselves the ecobomb.

False....there are many mechanisms for pollination...bees are only one major form of Entomophily (insect pollination). Wasps, flies, beetles, etc. will carry on. As will the wind, water, bats, birds, etc. There would be lower yields for some of these fruits, but definitely not "No".

So you have just shown that a serious decline in the bee population will not make all go away, but you have admitted it will reduce the amount we can grow. The less that is grown due to pollination not happening, the less food that is available to the population. Less food, means less population. Can't eat what you do not have.

I work in a grocery distrobution warehouse. We have part of the warehouse airconditioned for the absolutely sick amount of different product we carry. Exotic fruits and veggies from all over North America, South America, some Australian, European and Middle Eastern grown foods. Without pollination, I can see the amount of different varieties simply vanishing.

Here is how a GM crop has an effect on a bee population. Do GM crops even require pollination? Yeah, I guess it does need it.


The decline of bumblebees and solitary bee populations has been linked to modern intensive farming (see footnote 14). The widespread use of herbicides and the increased intensity of farming has removed the habitats that wild bees make nests in, and reduced the numbers of wild plants which they use for food. There is concern that the introduction of GM herbicide tolerant crops, such as oilseed rape, will reduce still further the diversity and number of wild plants found in UK farmland. Such concerns have been expressed by English Nature, the Government's own wildlife advisor, as well as the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the Wildlife Trusts. The widespread use of GM herbicide-tolerant crops is likely to threaten further wild bee populations.

Now it seems there are many other factors that are contributing to the decline, but they think the introduction of Gm crops will really send it into a tailspin.

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...So you have just shown that a serious decline in the bee population will not make all go away, but you have admitted it will reduce the amount we can grow. The less that is grown due to pollination not happening, the less food that is available to the population. Less food, means less population. Can't eat what you do not have.

No, I have admitted that yields will be impacted. The same way they were impacted before bee husbandry was scaled up with agribusiness. Or when there is drought. Or a blight. Or a citrus freeze.

Panic not.

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This thread is flat out ridiculous to the point of laughing. All the fear mongering of GM foods is really a waste of time.

Do you know how much bees it would take to pollinate a half section canola field? No plants I grow need bees, wheat grows fine and germinates without them. If bees were needed to pollinate grain crops, I'd be having some hives on my property and would be going deaf from the constant drone of bees. Hippies and their fearmongering, jeez!!!

The only thing the genetic code of the plant that is modified is that it makes the plant tolerant to certain types of herbicide (Roundup and Liberty) that's it that's all. And this won't kill anybody I can assure you of that. Why in God's name would any private company genetically modify a plant that would kill somebody or make them sick, they'd go belly up faster than a corvette does the quarter mile.

With bees dying it might be residual effects to some pesticides applied to combat flea beatles and or bertha armyworms. The seeds out of the bag are coated in a Helix seed treatment, this makes the leaves poisonous to insects when they try and ingest the leaves. The effect of Helix only lasts about a month and a half otherwise the plant gets too big and dilutes it, so if bees are eating leaves that might be a reason why they are dying. (sure works on flea beatles)

I find it laughable that those who have never handled GM seeds or even set foot in a field would be spreading this garbage and conducting this fearmongering about GM food. The only problem with GM seeds is the fact that they are too expensive. (will be remedied if more private companies expand on it) If there are any health problems associated with GM seeds, I'll be one of the first to know. I don't know what it is with left wingers and trying to kill industries.

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... The only problem with GM seeds is the fact that they are too expensive. ...

No, there are many more things wrong with GM foods. GM Soy beans produce a lower yield than non GM soy beans and the real problem is the GM crap is infecting natural crops

GM is not a panacaea nor are the people studying it or peddling it nearly so careful as they should be.

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I don't know what it is with left wingers and trying to kill industries.

It has something to do with Ludditism. Anything new is bad; especially if it involves great smelly machinery like combines and those great big CO2 emmitting tractor thingies. Why not go back to plowing with oxen? Non-farting oxen, mind you...

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I don't know what it is with left wingers and trying to kill industries.

It has something to do with Ludditism. Anything new is bad; especially if it involves great smelly machinery like combines and those great big CO2 emmitting tractor thingies. Why not go back to plowing with oxen? Non-farting oxen, mind you...

Except that the things you list are not new, having been a farmer for most of my life I was not around when these items were not used. Oxen were a hundred years before I was born.

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