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Harper hits out from the gutter


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Was it only last week that Prime Minister Stephen Harper congratulated his Conservatives for "rebuilding public trust" in Ottawa, as they marked their first anniversary of taking office? For "doing the right thing" and for embracing "the values and aspirations of Canadians"?

Fine sentiments, to be sure. But they are more than a little undercut by the Conservative party's sleazy pre-election attack television ads on Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion and his team. It's hard to recall such a nasty campaign, outside the overheated climate of a federal election race.

While Harper took office promising "good, clean government," there is nothing good or clean about lashing out from the gutter to claw down the opposition even before the election writ is dropped.

One of the most notorious was Kim Campbell's Conservative ad in the 1993 campaign mocking Chrétien's appearance, and suggesting that he would embarrass the nation on the world stage. Chrétien's face was partially paralyzed by a childhood illness. The ad was pulled after a firestorm of controversy. And Paul Martin's Liberals overdid things in last year's campaign with an ad that suggested Harper wanted to plant troops on every street corner in the nation. It was pulled before it aired.

All parties have critical issues to debate in the next election, including climate change, poverty, urban renewal, Afghanistan, health, welfare and higher education. Canadians want fresh, positive thinking on these files.


Not to even mention the total lack of decency in this current PM during Question Period today. Even calling Steve PM makes me want to vomit. But I sure noticed how beady his eyes are as he stood and spewed forth with his lies and innuendo's.

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Sorry the hardest word for PM, Goodale

Last Updated: Friday, February 16, 2007 | 8:55 PM CT

CBC News

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has refused to apologize to Liberal MP Ralph Goodale over the income trust scandal.....

"They were deliberately intending to have a political impact … but more importantly to damage reputations, to besmirch the good name of various people, including me," Goodale said.

"If you're not a bully, the decent thing to do is say, 'We were wrong.'"


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Shame on Stephen Harper! Shame on the Tories

What a shame today for Canada and Canadians! The Idiot we call our Prime Minister did what has never happened in the history of Canadian politics. We have always know Stephen Harper to be Racist and anti visible minorities as shown by his quote on my blog headline, but today he put the Canadian Parliament into shame.


Steve has no decency, no shame, no humanity and his minions aren't much better.

Time for voters to shovel in that Harper conservative gutter and erase this blithe from Canada.

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Steve is intent on destroying Canada's justice system (the highest regarded in the world) and replacing it with his own minions, Shrub Bush style.


Judicial Appointments: Perspective from the Canadian Judicial Council

OTTAWA, Feb. 20 /CNW Telbec/ - The Canadian Judicial Council released

today an information document regarding judicial appointments. The document is

intended to provide context to the process of selecting judges, which is of

fundamental importance in our democratic society.

The right to an independent and impartial judiciary is one that belongs

to all Canadians. As the Council notes in its publication Ethical Principles

for Judges, "Judicial independence is not the private right of judges but the

foundation of judicial impartiality and a constitutional right of all


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Shame on Stephen Harper! Shame on the Tories

What a shame today for Canada and Canadians! The Idiot we call our Prime Minister did what has never happened in the history of Canadian politics. We have always know Stephen Harper to be Racist and anti visible minorities as shown by his quote on my blog headline, but today he put the Canadian Parliament into shame.


Steve has no decency, no shame, no humanity and his minions aren't much better.

Time for voters to shovel in that Harper conservative gutter and erase this blithe from Canada.

Perhaps you should scroll down your own article and read the response from another Blogger....then look in the mirror and hang your head. He that lives by the sword......

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When anyone raises objection to a piece of public policy, and has the power to influence the outcome, we should in fact try harder to find family connections and any other interference in the independance of the opposition.

If I'm imposing a tax on cars, and I read a report that says it's a bad idea... I'm certainly going to check to see if that report was written by GM.

The fact is the Liberal member in question is not independant from this issue, his father-in-law will not have to face RCMP questioning about a terrorist attack if the measures aren't renewed. I think he needs to at the very least sit out from this vote as we can't have politicans changing the law to suit their personal family needs... especially when it relates to terrorism and ethnic violence in Canada.

Harper was right to call into question the independance of the member, the children in the Liberal backbench that wasted my tax dollars by shouting and disrupting the Commons are the ones that are in a shameful position.

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the total lack of decency in this current PM during Question Period today...Even calling Steve PM makes me want to vomit...as he stood and spewed forth with his lies and innuendo's.

Shame on Stephen Harper! Shame on the Tories

What a shame today for Canada and Canadians! The ... Prime Minister did what has never happened in the history of Canadian politics. We have always know Stephen Harper to be Racist and anti visible minorities as shown by his quote...but today he put the Canadian Parliament into shame.

Wow, hiti, so much information all in one thread. But then, I suppose having it all together like that, does make an impact statement, much more so than having all the facts, on just who Harper is, being split into separate threads to be exposed. It is, confounding, that this person does hold the highest office in Canada, even by the pitiful margin that he does.

Harper saying this:You have to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from Eastern Canada; people who live in ghettos and are not integrated into Western Canadian society." CBC prior to getting into the office he currently holds, should have been a heads up, as to what would come later, if he ever gained power.

Sadly, some people were so disgruntled about the Liberals, that when Zacardelli did his infamous and false public accusations just prior to the election, it tipped a small portion, into being less cautious than they would normally have been, and prompted them to vote in a manner that they would not have before.

Now, we have a man, and a party, who believe their slim minority, gives them the mandate to step beyond the boundaries of: the actual mandate they have, truth, good leadership, and human decency. For them to think, they can behave in any manner they want, and to conduct affairs of Canada in any manner they see fit, without regard to Canadians is beyond any concept of sensible thought. They are so consumed, and driven, by personal agenda and self delusion, that they think they are above Canadians and Canadian processes.

To bring a newspaper clipping, which by the way is NOT allowed by Rules of Parliament, as props are not allowed in QP, not only breaks the laws of parliament, but it exposes Harper's lack of respect for Canada and its institutions and also Canadians. That he feels himself above it/us all, is even more telling about his core nature.

Considering this, and the content of the newspaper clipping, and what Harper was trying to imply with it, not only lacks integrity and an unwillingness to deal in truth.

It exposes a dangerous, and a duplicitous, mean nature that is supremist, racist, and that is completely underhanded.

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Now, we have a man, and a party, who believe their slim majority, gives them the mandate to step beyond the boundaries of: the actual mandate they have, truth, good leadership, and human decency. For them to think, they can behave in any manner they want, and to conduct affairs of Canada in any manner they see fit, without regard to Canadians is beyond any concept of sensible thought. They are so consumed, and driven, by personal agenda and self delusion, that they think they are above Canadians and Canadian processes.

Slim majority, damn get your facts straight it's a minority government.

It exposes a dangerous, and a duplicitous, mean nature that is supremist, racist, and that is completely underhanded.

Racist, not really, childish perhaps.

But as for the rest of your post, I was a bit paranoid about alien's when I watched an epsiode of the X-Files, so I kind of know were you're coming from.

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Again, you have no discourse other than trying to trash the poster, as opposed to the content, as is the case with many Harper/CPC apologists who post here.

Tis a commentary in itself, that you/others do so repeatedly, and it is just as short sighted and lacking in self reflection as what Harper did.

Harper broke parliamentary rules, he made a mockery of the HoC, he made false inferrences and as you said he is childish.

Just his childishness, gives one pause for concern, with him being in the PMO. Let alone considering the full implications of his behaviour.

Only the truly partisan, and those equally lacking in poor judgement, would find it acceptable conduct and try to excuse it as being worthy.

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Was it only last week that Prime Minister Stephen Harper congratulated his Conservatives for "rebuilding public trust" in Ottawa, as they marked their first anniversary of taking office? For "doing the right thing" and for embracing "the values and aspirations of Canadians"?

Fine sentiments, to be sure. But they are more than a little undercut by the Conservative party's sleazy pre-election attack television ads on Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion and his team. It's hard to recall such a nasty campaign, outside the overheated climate of a federal election race.

While Harper took office promising "good, clean government," there is nothing good or clean about lashing out from the gutter to claw down the opposition even before the election writ is dropped.

One of the most notorious was Kim Campbell's Conservative ad in the 1993 campaign mocking Chrétien's appearance, and suggesting that he would embarrass the nation on the world stage. Chrétien's face was partially paralyzed by a childhood illness. The ad was pulled after a firestorm of controversy. And Paul Martin's Liberals overdid things in last year's campaign with an ad that suggested Harper wanted to plant troops on every street corner in the nation. It was pulled before it aired.

All parties have critical issues to debate in the next election, including climate change, poverty, urban renewal, Afghanistan, health, welfare and higher education. Canadians want fresh, positive thinking on these files.


Not to even mention the total lack of decency in this current PM during Question Period today. Even calling Steve PM makes me want to vomit. But I sure noticed how beady his eyes are as he stood and spewed forth with his lies and innuendo's.

At least he's not taking your tax dollas and stuffing them into envelopes for fhis friends. Or throwing billions of dollars down the gun registry toilet.

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At least he's not taking your tax dollas and stuffing them into envelopes for fhis friends. Or throwing billions of dollars down the gun registry toilet.

Typical conservative response...it's ok for the Conservatives to be unethical because at least they aren't as bad as the Liberals back when Chretien was in charge. I wonder how much longer conservatives will attempt to fall back on that one?

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Steve has no decency, no shame, no humanity and his minions aren't much better.

Time for voters to shovel in that Harper conservative gutter and erase this blithe from Canada.

Maybe he can get back in the good books if runs down to the leftist cesspool of corruption and does a Hugo Chavez for the comrade's back home. That's gota be good for a few political brownie points. Although I don't don't know if would do much for those who have to look up to see the gutter.

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At least he's not taking your tax dollas and stuffing them into envelopes for fhis friends. Or throwing billions of dollars down the gun registry toilet.

Typical conservative response...it's ok for the Conservatives to be unethical because at least they aren't as bad as the Liberals back when Chretien was in charge. I wonder how much longer conservatives will attempt to fall back on that one?

As long as they are the "New" government, and your observations quite true.

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At least he's not taking your tax dollas and stuffing them into envelopes for fhis friends. Or throwing billions of dollars down the gun registry toilet.

Oh yes he is!!! He took $1 billion from the lumber industry and gave it to his buddy Shrub Bush. He also took millions from low income earners, equality for women, early child learning, Kelowna accord, the environment programs, museums, pine beetle infestations, shelters and soup kitchens for the homeless ($70 million), literacy programs, plus much more..... And where are the funds now??? How much has he sent to Afganistan in brown envelopes for the war while ignoring reconstruction? How many $$$$ was the lives of our 46 soldiers worth?

Steve is scum.


"What he has done is immoral and he effectively reduced the role of the prime minister to that of a cheap demagogue." http://tinyurl.com/2ufurx

Harper's dark side trips him up

If this was but a slip of the tongue, it would be easier to accept. But the news releases streaming from the PMO at the precise moment Mr. Harper was unleashing his hullabaloo in the Commons clearly finger this as a premeditated operation.

Mr. Harper should recognize that the political sons do not bear the alleged sins of the father-in-law when it comes to guiding policy in the Parliament of Canada. And there's no evidence that Mr. Dion was acting against the antiterrorist law to provide his MP's family with political protection.

Mr. Harper should apologize and distance himself from the unseemly linkage quickly. But he won't. When his dark side seeps into the spotlight, being this Tory means never having to say you're sorry.


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At least he's not taking your tax dollas and stuffing them into envelopes for fhis friends. Or throwing billions of dollars down the gun registry toilet.

He took $1 billion from the lumber industry and gave it to his buddy Shrub Bush. He also took millions from low income earners, equality for women, early child learning, Kelowna accord, the environment programs, museums, pine beetle infestations, shelters and soup kitchens for the homeless ($70 million), literacy programs, plus much more.....

Exactly; he's not taking your tax dollars and stuffing them into envelopes for his friends. Well, okay, more precisely he isn't dishing out tax dollars as though there was no end to them, just to subsidise sucky causes that had burgeoned themselves on the public dime into over-inflated, self-interested industries.

And, though I can't say too much on the softwood lumber deal, it seems $1B lost and $4B gained is better than $0B any day.

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This in today's Globe explains alot of the darkness of Steve.

Harper's baseless and base counterattack


From Thursday's Globe and Mail

Court-packing equals anti-terrorism, equals Air-India, equals income trusts, equals a smear.

This is as low as politics gets. And it proves that George Grant was right.

The Canadian Judicial Council has warned in a communiqué that it will withdraw from the committees that vet judicial applicants, if the Tories use those committees to stack the courts. (That, at least, is the plain-English translation of the council's guarded prose.)

Such criticism from the bench is extraordinary, so it's hardly surprising that the Liberals demanded in Question Period that the government listen to the judges and stand down.

But Mr. Harper never defends against an attack. Instead, he counterattacks with greater force. Rather than answer the judges' criticism, the Prime Minister alluded to a story in The Vancouver Sun, which said that the father-in-law of Liberal MP Navdeep Bains might be the subject of an investigative hearing, as part of the Air-India investigation.


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Harper accomplished exactly what he intended to do and I say, from a political perspective, good on him. He ensured that the Liberals will oppose renewal of the legislation. The Liberals are now the party that is seemingly preventing the RCMP from conducting a complete and full investigation into the worst terrorist attack in Canada. The worst thing for the Liberals is that they have no reasons for their opposition. They were the party that put the legislation in place, and not a single person in this country has thus far been affected, positively or negatively, by these "controversial" legislations. Its a pretty hard sell that renewal of these provisions are somehow in violation of anyone's rights.

It is an insult to the intelligence of Canadians for the Liberal party to perpetuate this "poor me" facade. People won't buy it. What people will buy is the actual question the PM attempted to bring up: why ARE the Liberals suddenly opposing this legislation? The general public loves to believe the unbelievable (look at all the 9/11 conspiricy theories, for example), and that can't bode well for the Liberals, who are desperately seeking something; anything they can use to define their party.

Harper is blurring the lines of partisanship, and diligently taking the lead on all issues. Issues that were once associated with specific parties primarily, are now being tackled with a pragmatic approach directed by the leadership of the Prime Minister. I'm very impressed that it took so little time for Harper to realize this necessity for political success. He is showing that although he has his own opinions and beliefs, he is willing to go against those beliefs, if necessary, to make the right decision. This is a direct contrast to the way Dion is leading the Liberals right now. He is directing his party to act on a basis of opposition to Harper, instead of on a basis of what is the best thing for the country.

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