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Harper hits out from the gutter


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Conservatives Smear Conservative Supporter In Attempt To Justify Previous Smear, LOLOL

Quote; Ralph Goodale on Friday accused the government of a possible security breach in the disclosure to the Vancouver Sun of the name of a potential witness in an Air India investigative hearing.

In dismissing the accusation in the Commons, Conservative House leader Peter Van Loan revealed the government combed political contribution records of a university professor who raised a similar question and was critical of Prime Minister Stephen Harper in the media.

Professor Errol Mendes, a University of Ottawa human-rights and constitutional expert, had said Harper is "blowing to pieces the integrity" of Anti-Terrorist Act measures by legitimizing a Vancouver Sun story that named the father-in-law of Ontario MP Navdeep Bains as a potential witness at an investigative hearing.

Goodale had not even mentioned Mendes's name when Van Loan replied by naming Mendes, "who of course has been a very significant contributor to the Liberal party over the years."

A spokesman for Van Loan later said Mendes' contributions to the Liberal party, listed on the Elections Canada website, were checked after his comments were published Friday. Van Loan was armed with the information in notes for question period.

Mendes said the situation was "hilarious" since he was one of the few constitutional and human rights professors who support the government's wish to extend the investigative hearings and prevents arrest provisions that expire next Thursday unless the Commons and Senate vote for an extension.

http://tinyurl.com/32fvh4 -end quote

I also think this is hilarious....... and desperate. LOLOLOL

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Professor Errol Mendes, a University of Ottawa human-rights and constitutional expert, had said Harper is "blowing to pieces the integrity" of Anti-Terrorist Act measures by legitimizing a Vancouver Sun story that named the father-in-law of Ontario MP Navdeep Bains as a potential witness at an investigative hearing.

I couldn't agree more. By showing that these measures cannot guarantee secrecy (the RCMP leaks whenever it feels like it) and that those who are supposed to use them wisely are using them for cheap political gain instead, Harper has demonstrated why his government and the RCMP cannot be trusted with these measures. They effectively shot themselves in the foot.

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Stevie just can't stand anyone disagreeing with him. LOLOLOLOL

Let's see, Jean Chretien was widely known to revel in the most vicious backroom punishments he could find for anyone in the party who went against him. There was absolutely no tolerance for any kind of disagreement with him while he had power. Paul Martin was such a gentleman he was known to scream, red-faced, at the top of his lungs, two inches from the faces of his subordinates so that spittle went into their faces.

As for Stephane Dion, he's only just tasted power, but the word out on him even as he assumed the leadership was that he was haughty, arrogant, did not like it when anyone disagreed with him, and that he did not tolerate dissent.

None of that is or was of any concern to you, of course.

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Prime Minister Stephen Harper has abandoned an election commitment to review and amend Canada's anti-terror laws to strike a balance between security and rights, Deputy Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said today.

"This is rather ironic since the Prime Minister has recently made it clear that the rights of the accused are not something he feels compelled to protect. Nor does he seem obliged to accept the conclusions of the review he once supported," said Mr. Ignatieff.

"If the Prime Minister's current actions are any indication, he was not sincere in his commitment to a balanced approach, and has instead chosen a path of crass partisanship. He owes Canadians an explanation."

Mr. Harper's current position contradicts his reply to a Canadian Arab Federation questionnaire during the 2006 election, in which he claimed to support "striking an appropriate balance between measures that ensure public security and measures that ensure respect for rights and freedoms for individual Canadians" and said that "there needs to be periodic reviews by Parliament of the Anti-Terrorism Act to ensure this act continues to meet that balance."

His election-inspired response also indicated the Conservatives would amend the security certificate process to ensure cases are presided over by a panel of security-cleared judges with training in national security issues. In cases where national security dictates evidence be heard in secret, the Conservatives committed to support the establishment of security-cleared lawyers to act as special advocates to protect the rights of the accused.

In a recent Parliamentary review, Conservative MPs joined with the Liberals to recommend significant changes to the preventative arrest and investigative hearing provisions of the Anti-Terrorism Act - including the limitation of investigative hearings to situations of "imminent peril." These recommendations have been largely ignored by the Prime Minister.


Steve, Steve, Steve..... caught in another lie for his personal political gain. He will stoop to new lows to get his majority so he can remake Canada in his own image. Scary hidden agenda? You bet.

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Liberals question PMO role in leak


Ralph Goodale demands to know `who in the government is responsible' for `premeditated slander' against MP Bains

Feb 24, 2007 04:30 AM

bruce campion-smith

ottawa bureau

OTTAWA–Federal Liberals are questioning whether officials in the Prime Minister's Office are responsible for the "politically convenient" leak of security information that caused a furor in the Commons this week.

The revelation that the father-in-law of Liberal MP Navdeep Bains is reportedly on the RCMP's list of potential witnesses for an investigative hearing into the Air India bombing may have even broken the law, Liberal MP Ralph Goodale said yesterday.

"We have seen here the disclosure of secret security information to personally smear a member of Parliament. Canadians need to know who in the government is responsible," Goodale (Wascana) said in question period.

In question period, Goodale noted Harper's staff distributed copies of the newspaper story to reporters on Parliament Hill Wednesday.

"From beginning to end, this was contrived, premeditated slander," he said.

"So let us go right to the source. Who in the government disclosed secret security information? Was it or was it not the Prime Minister's Office?" he asked. -end quote

So this was an orchestrated drive-by-smear by Steve and his PMO. Nice one.

Steve is behaving a good deal like the Bush/Karl Rove administration.

Funny, they just do not get that Canadians are not Americans when they try these heinous things.

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Transcript of Poilievre interview


Feb 27, 2007 11:33 AM

Excerpt of an interview with Pierre Poilievre, Conservative MP for Nepean-Carleton, on CFRA Feb. 22.

Question: Are the Conservatives then -- and I'm trying to get this right -- are the Conservatives then insinuating that the Liberal policy of wanting to expire investigative hearings and preventative arrests (is) being done so to protect the father-in-law of (Mississauga-Brampton South Liberal MP) Navdeep Bains? Is that the accusation?

Pierre Poilievre: All of us are looking to understand why the Liberals have had this sudden flip-flop. We're looking for an explanation of their motives. Now we know that a lot of extremist groups and people with some very hard left-wing views have advocated for a long time that these provisions should be scrapped. Now a lot of those people supported Stéphane Dion in the leadership. A lot of them are in Stéphane Dion's caucus. And, for example, there are members of Stéphane Dion's Liberal caucus who want to legalize Hezbollah, which is a terrorist organization from south Lebanon. There are people in the Liberal caucus that want to shut down the investigation into the Air India terrorist attack, which is the worst terrorist attack in Canadian history. And up until recently, the former Liberal government was blocking the very anti-terror -- the very RCMP investigation and hearings into that Air India investigation. So, we know there are extremist elements in the Liberal party.

Q: Is Navdeep Bains an extremist?

Poilievre: I don't comment on individuals but what I would say is we know there is an extremist element in the Liberal party, generally, that has been very vocal in opposing measures that are designed to combat terrorism. And it would seem that Mr. Dion has collapsed under the pressure from those groups. Because that's the only way to explain his sudden flip-flop.

Hear the full interview on the http://www.cfra.com/interviews/index.asp

This is so over the top that it makes all Cons appear ridiculous. LOLOLOL I mean, how much lower can they go?

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Would-be Tory candidates could run afoul of elections law


From Monday's Globe and Mail

OTTAWA — Conservatives who want to be candidates in the next election could seemingly run afoul of their government's new Federal Accountability Act.

The party's rules governing nominations demand that aspiring candidates put up bonds worth $2,000 that could eventually end up in party coffers.

But the Accountability Act, which became law on Jan. 1, changed the Canada Elections Act to stipulate that the maximum annual donation any one person can make to a political party is $1,100.

Elections Canada refused to return repeated calls over several days to clarify whether this could constitute a violation of the Elections Act.


Ahh... but Steve got rid of the head of Elections Canada, so why should he worry??

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You are correct, their uttering are getting more and more strange, in trying to defend why they should have a right to take away Canadian rights and freedoms and due process. Pretty hard to say, though: "we want to have dictatorship capability and they won't let us".

Much like the very strange ravings today in the Calgary Sun trying to link the Liberals to Zundel. When in actual fact it is the Reform/Alliance/CPC who have the former relationship with him.

Disgusting Bush/Karl Rove dirty politics being played out by them.

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Would-be Tory candidates could run afoul of elections law


From Monday's Globe and Mail

OTTAWA — Conservatives who want to be candidates in the next election could seemingly run afoul of their government's new Federal Accountability Act.

The party's rules governing nominations demand that aspiring candidates put up bonds worth $2,000 that could eventually end up in party coffers.

But the Accountability Act, which became law on Jan. 1, changed the Canada Elections Act to stipulate that the maximum annual donation any one person can make to a political party is $1,100.

Elections Canada refused to return repeated calls over several days to clarify whether this could constitute a violation of the Elections Act.


Ahh... but Steve got rid of the head of Elections Canada, so why should he worry??

As long as they don't cash the checks it isn't an issue -- something that they've never done. So it's really a non-issue.

Even if they said candidates have to write two $500 checks, they could still technically run afoul of the rules if the candidate had already donated money.

Until they start cashing more than the allowed limit there is nothing to see here :)

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Well Zundel was a leadership candidate of for the Liberals. :lol:

What connections does he have with the CPC, sorry, I must have missed something?

He put himself forward as a candidate, in 1968, 10 long years before he started his holocaust denial, he never made it to the 1st vote, he had no supporters and all he did was make his Canada treates Germans badly speech.

Unlike Zundels and all his cronies at the Heritage Party who had close ties with Reform/Alliance and ergo the CPC in their latest incarnation, sorry but a name change does not make a new party. And canadians do have memories.

A Critique of the WCC

Towards the Destruction of Canada: An Appraisal of the Western Canada Concept

by Byron Fraser

(Editor's Note: The following article will be appearing in a forthcoming issue of West Coast Libertarian.)

I would like to begin by saying that I have the utmost respect and admiration for Doug Christie. This is based mainly only what I know about his valiant and spirited defense of Ernst Zundel some years ago when Zundel was being viciously persecuted by our left-liberal fascists and slandered as a "racist," etc


The Heritage Front Affair

Report to the Solicitor General of Canada

Security Intelligence Review Committee

December 9, 1994

In November 1990, Ernst Zundel asked Droege to provide security for David Irving's visit to Ottawa. Irving is a British writer and Nazi sympathizer who denies the Holocaust took place and is a favoured speaker for anti-Semitic and white supremacist groups. Droege, in turn, directed Grant Bristow to accompany him.

On December 8, 1990, a secret Heritage Front rally was attended by Edmund Burke Society founder, Paul Fromm. The meeting, a "Martyr's Day rally was held to honour the memory of Robert J. Matthews, leader of the violently racist extremist group, "The Order" who was killed in a shootout with US officials in 1984

Wolfgang Droege and Ernst Zundel, the Holocaust Denier and prolific publisher of hate literature, [3] appeared together publicly at a Heritage Front meeting. [4]

In May 1991, Terry Long, Wolfgang Droege and Grant Bristow met to discuss, among other issues, the establishment of a bulletin board (BBS) hate line similar to one in the United States.

On May 27, 1991, Alan Over field's security group, including several people from the Heritage Front, provided perimeter security at a Reform Party information meeting in Toronto. Bristow was part of the team that waited outside the church, presumably to repel members of CARP - Coalition Against the Reform Party. The role of the CSIS Source is described in chapter VII concerning the Reform Party (7.1).

Also in May, Alan Over field associated with the Heritage Front, was involved with the interim board of the Beaches-Woodbine riding association of the Reform Party.

The next month, on June 12, 1991, the Reform Party of Canada held a massive rally in Mississauga, Ontario. The event, which drew some 6,000 people to hear Preston Manning, marked the first high profile event for the security group directed by Droege's employer, Alan Overfield. During the June Mississauga rally, Grant Bristow served as an escort/bodyguard for Preston Manning, at the direction of Al Overfield and Wolfgang Droege.

The security group impressed some local Reform organizers who attended the event and they drew upon the group's free services to protect other meetings until January 1992.


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That CPC neck and neck with the Liberals is going to go bye bye.

Last Wednesday in the House of Commons, Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper relied on a newspaper article to link the relative of a Liberal Member of Parliament to the ongoing criminal investigation into the 1985 Air India bombings. Do you approve or disapprove of Harper using the newspaper article in this manner?





Not sure


Mississauga-Brampton South MP Navdeep Bains claims the prime minister’s actions attacked his integrity and the integrity of his family, and has requested an apology from Stephen Harper. Do you think the Prime Minister should apologize?





Not sure



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Reading all these posts and watching what Harper is doing I think it is time that Canadians took a lesson from history.

Hitler killed his 10's of millions and Stalin his 20's. But how did they get in such complete power. It was by controlling all aspects of government. Does it not seem to you that it probably started with breaking traditions such as setting up an attack on an elected official with information that is questionable at the least.

Firing people on committees who do not do as they are told is a good start to control isn't it.

Getting rid of people who will not toe the line, Garth Turner is a good example. Control slowly but surely and having people on boards such as this who try to shut up anyone who disagrees with Mr. Harper.

Isn't this the slow road to ultimate control and finally the evil in the world we all fear. Is Mr. Harper any different than the people who control some of the Islamic countries and why do we call them evil?

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Reading all these posts and watching what Harper is doing I think it is time that Canadians took a lesson from history.

Hitler killed his 10's of millions and Stalin his 20's. But how did they get in such complete power. It was by controlling all aspects of government. Does it not seem to you that it probably started with breaking traditions such as setting up an attack on an elected official with information that is questionable at the least.

Firing people on committees who do not do as they are told is a good start to control isn't it.

Getting rid of people who will not toe the line, Garth Turner is a good example. Control slowly but surely and having people on boards such as this who try to shut up anyone who disagrees with Mr. Harper.

Isn't this the slow road to ultimate control and finally the evil in the world we all fear. Is Mr. Harper any different than the people who control some of the Islamic countries and why do we call them evil?

Your reading Mad Magazine again, completely ridiculous and most certainly a malicious unfounded comparison. Invoking Hitler renders your arguments invalid and without credibility

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Reading all these posts and watching what Harper is doing I think it is time that Canadians took a lesson from history.

Hitler killed his 10's of millions and Stalin his 20's. But how did they get in such complete power. It was by controlling all aspects of government. Does it not seem to you that it probably started with breaking traditions such as setting up an attack on an elected official with information that is questionable at the least.

Firing people on committees who do not do as they are told is a good start to control isn't it.

Getting rid of people who will not toe the line, Garth Turner is a good example. Control slowly but surely and having people on boards such as this who try to shut up anyone who disagrees with Mr. Harper.

Isn't this the slow road to ultimate control and finally the evil in the world we all fear. Is Mr. Harper any different than the people who control some of the Islamic countries and why do we call them evil?

Your reading Mad Magazine again, completely ridiculous and most certainly a malicious unfounded comparison. Invoking Hitler renders your arguments invalid and without credibility

Yep that just what I just said, Harper supporters deny deny deny

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Reading all these posts and watching what Harper is doing I think it is time that Canadians took a lesson from history.

Hitler killed his 10's of millions and Stalin his 20's. But how did they get in such complete power. It was by controlling all aspects of government. Does it not seem to you that it probably started with breaking traditions such as setting up an attack on an elected official with information that is questionable at the least.

Firing people on committees who do not do as they are told is a good start to control isn't it.

Getting rid of people who will not toe the line, Garth Turner is a good example. Control slowly but surely and having people on boards such as this who try to shut up anyone who disagrees with Mr. Harper.

Isn't this the slow road to ultimate control and finally the evil in the world we all fear. Is Mr. Harper any different than the people who control some of the Islamic countries and why do we call them evil?

What a big, heaping, noxious load of paranoid drivel. What utter crap. This from a diehard supporter of the Liberals! Jean Chretien spent year after year gathering more and more power to he and the unelected people in the PMO, and everyone knew it, and you didn't complain. You just went back to eagerly vote for him year after year. Paul Martin was even more of a control freak, and gathered even more power, and neither of them was the least bit tolerant of anyone in the party who dared to oppose them in the least way. And that didn't bother you a damned either. He gathered such control of the RCMP that he was able to send RCMP officers after Francois Beaudoin to harrass and intimidate him and try to get him arrested - because Beaudoin exposed Chretien's theft of tens of thousands of dollars from the Business Development Bank. And that didn't bother you at all either.

It is a usenet axium that as soon as someone mention's Hitler you know there won't be any intelligent thought in the conversation so you should just deep six them then and there. That's certainly true in this case.

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What a big, heaping, noxious load of paranoid drivel. What utter crap. This from a diehard supporter of the Liberals! Jean Chretien spent year after year gathering more and more power to he and the unelected people in the PMO, and everyone knew it, and you didn't complain. You just went back to eagerly vote for him year after year. Paul Martin was even more of a control freak, and gathered even more power, and neither of them was the least bit tolerant of anyone in the party who dared to oppose them in the least way. And that didn't bother you a damned either. He gathered such control of the RCMP that he was able to send RCMP officers after Francois Beaudoin to harrass and intimidate him and try to get him arrested - because Beaudoin exposed Chretien's theft of tens of thousands of dollars from the Business Development Bank. And that didn't bother you at all either.

It is a usenet axium that as soon as someone mention's Hitler you know there won't be any intelligent thought in the conversation so you should just deep six them then and there. That's certainly true in this case.

Whether you people want to ignore it or not but the Bush family did back Hitler and we know that Harper backs Bush, it seems as if the American people have come to their senses, I hope the Canadians do to.

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Reading all these posts and watching what Harper is doing I think it is time that Canadians took a lesson from history.

Isn't this the slow road to ultimate control and finally the evil in the world we all fear. Is Mr. Harper any different than the people who control some of the Islamic countries and why do we call them evil?

It is a usenet axium that as soon as someone mention's Hitler you know there won't be any intelligent thought in the conversation so you should just deep six them then and there. That's certainly true in this case.

Perhaps it should not be a usenet axiom, as it seems to close discussion when perhaps it should not.

Considering the CPC ties to neo-Nazi Paul Fromm that are exposed in this thread. Noticed you over looked those facts and one would think it should be discussed.

And considering the Guardian link that says:

The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.

His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz

Then of course there is CNN's Lou Dobbs levelling accusations against Stephen Harper as well.

In Canada, the handful of elites who have succeeded in acquiring ownership to Canada's mass-media, and who are linked to the Stephen Harper government, and political elites from other political parties, have seen fit to put a "media block-out". An elite clique has placed an apparent "media block-out" on raising public awareness in Canada, on the "North American Union" (NAU) agenda. The Lou Dobbs presentation has provided the kind of critical exposure of the NAU, which has so far been sabotaged by mass-media elites in Canada, that are linked to NAU advocates in Canada. Silence on the NAU agenda in Canada, stands out as nothing short of the greatest political scandal and conspiracy in Canadian history, and is tantamount to high treason, as defined by Canadian constitutional law.


IMV, all facts are relevent and should not be dismissed lightly.

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Whether you people want to ignore it or not but the Bush family did back Hitler and we know that Harper backs Bush, it seems as if the American people have come to their senses, I hope the Canadians do to.

The 'Bush family' did not back Hitler, one of them may have had some banking ties, which does not implicate his descendants. Hitler is a pretty convenient metaphore when all else fails.

As for the CPC 'ties to neo-Nazi Paul Fromm' - more malicious propaganda I don't think I've ever read so much drivel and drive by smears with no basis in fact. Both the original Reform and Canadian Alliance parties consistently made it clear that there is no affiliation or connection. If Paul Fromm and his ilk choose to announce that they support a particular party, it doesn't make it so.

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