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Terrorists in Canada? You bet.

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Our current imigration policy is horribly outdated. So much so, that it's been the laughing stock of the international community and "undesirables" alike........ for three decades.

It's unfortunate for the decent majority of Muslems that wish to continue/begin a new life as Canadians but givin the world being as it is now, all imigration from Muslem countries should be stopped . There is no way to determine a persons intentions as an imigrant and therefore, the saftey of Canadian citizens easily trumps the desire of foreigners to become Canadian.........for any reason.

Canada has a substantial Muslem population. It would be folly to suggest that many thousands of undesirables havn't made it through the cracks in a pathetic system-after all, thats why they're here-its easy.

Furthermore, the Canadian legal system isn't remotely prepared for the many cases that will be tried now and in the future. Did we learn anything from Air India? NO. Two blatantly guilty men walked free despite a decade of investigation and tens of millions of dollars. Millionaire mass murderers, walking among us.

Canadian citizens come first. It's that simple. Until we have a handle on who is here right now, we have no buissness accepting potential threats.

I challenge the Prime Minister and Mr. Solberg to pass legislation that would cause the end of this foolishness.

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Canadian citizens come first. It's that simple. Until we have a handle on who is here right now, we have no buissness accepting potential threats.

I disagree.

Imagine that your suggestion was brought up a couple hundred years ago, only that it wasn't immigrants from Muslim countries that were discriminated against--but from European countries (or perhaps wherever your family originated, assuming you are not native american). If they had disallowed Europeans from entering the country, a lot of us wouldn't be here today, we'd be in Europe or somewhere else, or not born at all.

Racial profiling and religious profiling are not the way we should go. What is a Canadian citizen anyways? A human being with permission from the government to live within the Canadian borders? Why should government be able to pick and choose who gets favoured in such a way and who doesn't. Especially based on something that they have no control over--the country where they originate.

Is terrorism a Muslim problem? I'd say no. I'd say it's more of an idealogical or political problem. One that likely would not have occured if it were not for religious intolerance such as you are suggesting we use against them.

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I challenge the Prime Minister and Mr. Solberg to pass legislation that would cause the end of this foolishness.

Couldn't agree more.

And for the post below, A Canadian is someone who's paid taxed for atleast 15 years or is born on Canadian soil.

People who target innocent lives in the name of Allah and overseas politics are NOT Canadian. I don't care what their peice of paper says. It's this that we must change to make our society strong again.

Of couruse we don't have the leadership that will do this.. it would be policitcal suicide.

I guess maybe we DO have to have a dissaster happen for people like you to finally admit that we are under attack and there is a crisis happening to Canada. (or maybe you just have to come here and see the 1000's here ghettoizing and segregated first hand).

Always keep in mind - this country is private, it's a privelage to be here, and NOT a right for anyone to come as they please.

This is our country.

'Their' country if you asked them is 'Pakistan' 'Jamaica' 'Tamilnadu' 'Bangledesh' 'Samolia'.

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Canadian citizens come first. It's that simple. Until we have a handle on who is here right now, we have no buissness accepting potential threats.

I challenge the Prime Minister and Mr. Solberg to pass legislation that would cause the end of this foolishness.

What is that supposed to mean? Would you deny Canadian citizens the right to marry whoever the hell they want and have their spouse come and live here?

Do you want to make Canada a stagnant backwater and refuse the talents of people who wish to make a productive life here?

Look, I'm not saying we shouldn't change our immigration selection methods. [The Charter of Rights gives anyone in Canada - anyone, regardless of their status here - the right to due process of law. Imagine what that means.]

But please don't say that Canada should not accept immigrants.

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It's unfortunate for the decent majority of Muslems that wish to continue/begin a new life as Canadians but givin the world being as it is now, all imigration from Muslem countries should be stopped . There is no way to determine a persons intentions as an imigrant and therefore, the saftey of Canadian citizens easily trumps the desire of foreigners to become Canadian.........for any reason.

Some notable caucasian terrorists: Theodore Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh, Eric Robert Rudolph, not to mention countless murderers and attempted murders (you get the point). All of these peoples families emigrated to the u.s. at some point, so I guess we should stop immigration of all caucasians.

The point is that terrorists deserve to be punished for their crimes, but non-terrorist muslims don't deserve to be descriminated against because of the actions of the few.

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Let's go back to the McKenzie King era when men were men and people with any sort of tan, large nose or who were not Christian were made clear what was what and who was who. I mean fine, we had to bring in some of those people from China and India to build the rail-road but now who needs them. As for people with turbans, beards and names like Moe and Hamed well I mean gee how many taxi drivers does this country need. It has to end now. Deport them all.

Gee can we say I now have the opportunity to express my disdain for anyone different then myself and pose it as a debate on immigration policy.

I have yet on these posts hear anyone raving and ranting about immigration policy suggest anything specifically wrong about immigration regulations or laws but instead simply refer to it in imprecise rhetorical rants against people coming to the country.

Got news for you. Canada does not reproduce quick enough. If it doesn't import these so called immigrants, you will have no one paying taxes.

Now you want to get into a debate on who an "acceptable" Canadian is and what is "acceptable" Canadian behaviour good luck.

As far as I know I have barely been able to come up with any Canadian characteristics other then;

1-Canadians wait in line even when they do not have to

2-Tim Horton's is the the symbol for Canadian culture

3-Canadians like to hyphenate themselves

4-Canadians feel they have to be liked by everyone outside Canada

5-Canadians think people admire us because we are not American

6-Canadians think they are better and different then Americans

7-Canadians love to litter and produce garbage

8-Canadians feel it is an inalienable right to drive alone in cars

9-Canadians use the winter as an excuse to grow beards and get fat

10-Canadians do not like to invest in Canadian businesses or take risks and

start businesses in Canada.

I guess we need cultural police wearing Maple Leaf tuques teaching us all how to be Canadian. They can start by having us all watch Red Green re-runs. Although Red Green has a beard so he looks like a Muslim or a Siekh or an Orthodox Jew so I would be careful.

The point is we may have problem with security clearance procedures but that is an entirely different issue then whether Canada should continue to be a nation of immirants which is an absurdity considering we always were and always will be and only native Canadians if we are going to be

perfectly logical about this since they were here first can consider all of us questionable.

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Let's go back to the McKenzie King era when men were men and people with any sort of tan, large nose or who were not Christian were made clear what was what and who was who. I mean fine, we had to bring in some of those people from China and India to build the rail-road but now who needs them. As for people with turbans, beards and names like Moe and Hamed well I mean gee how many taxi drivers does this country need. It has to end now. Deport them all.

Gee can we say I now have the opportunity to express my disdain for anyone different then myself and pose it as a debate on immigration policy.

I have yet on these posts hear anyone raving and ranting about immigration policy suggest anything specifically wrong about immigration regulations or laws but instead simply refer to it in imprecise rhetorical rants against people coming to the country.

Got news for you. Canada does not reproduce quick enough. If it doesn't import these so called immigrants, you will have no one paying taxes.

Now you want to get into a debate on who an "acceptable" Canadian is and what is "acceptable" Canadian behaviour good luck.

As far as I know I have barely been able to come up with any Canadian characteristics other then;

1-Canadians wait in line even when they do not have to

2-Tim Horton's is the the symbol for Canadian culture

3-Canadians like to hyphenate themselves

4-Canadians feel they have to be liked by everyone outside Canada

5-Canadians think people admire us because we are not American

6-Canadians think they are better and different then Americans

7-Canadians love to litter and produce garbage

8-Canadians feel it is an inalienable right to drive alone in cars

9-Canadians use the winter as an excuse to grow beards and get fat

10-Canadians do not like to invest in Canadian businesses or take risks and

start businesses in Canada.

I guess we need cultural police wearing Maple Leaf tuques teaching us all how to be Canadian. They can start by having us all watch Red Green re-runs. Although Red Green has a beard so he looks like a Muslim or a Siekh or an Orthodox Jew so I would be careful.

The point is we may have problem with security clearance procedures but that is an entirely different issue then whether Canada should continue to be a nation of immirants which is an absurdity considering we always were and always will be and only native Canadians if we are going to be

perfectly logical about this since they were here first can consider all of us questionable.

Could not agree more with you!

I think you forgot one other defining Canadian characteristic:

-Canadians like to think of their soldiers who are trained to eliminate an enemy as blue helmete wearing "peacekeepers" with big blue helmets standing around handing out cookies and blankets.

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Canadian citizens come first. It's that simple. Until we have a handle on who is here right now, we have no buissness accepting potential threats.

I challenge the Prime Minister and Mr. Solberg to pass legislation that would cause the end of this foolishness.

What is that supposed to mean? Would you deny Canadian citizens the right to marry whoever the hell they want and have their spouse come and live here?

Because it's against the public interest.

Do you want to make Canada a stagnant backwater and refuse the talents of people who wish to make a productive life here?

A stagnant backwater? So any nation on earth which does not bring in masses of immigrants is a stagnant backwater? BTW, didn't Quebec cut a special deal many years back to control and limit immigration to that province? Quebec takes in less than 1/3 the immigrants Ontario does. Are you saying, August, that Quebec is a stagnant backwater?

Look, I'm not saying we shouldn't change our immigration selection methods. [The Charter of Rights gives anyone in Canada - anyone, regardless of their status here - the right to due process of law. Imagine what that means.]

The Charter of rights never gave that to anyone. That was the Supreme Court which decided everyone had that right. The Bertha Wilson decision, which has shattered all control of immigration and cost billions and tens of billions of dollars.

Canada needs a moratorium on immigration to allow those already here to assimilate into society. Failing that it needs a new immigration system and it needs to be passed using the "Notwithstanding" clause so the courts can't do anything about it. Who gets to immigrate to Canada should not be a decision of judges, but of government. And immigrants should be encouraged mainly from Europe and the US.

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It's unfortunate for the decent majority of Muslems that wish to continue/begin a new life as Canadians but givin the world being as it is now, all imigration from Muslem countries should be stopped . There is no way to determine a persons intentions as an imigrant and therefore, the saftey of Canadian citizens easily trumps the desire of foreigners to become Canadian.........for any reason.

Some notable caucasian terrorists: Theodore Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh, Eric Robert Rudolph, not to mention countless murderers and attempted murders (you get the point). All of these peoples families emigrated to the u.s. at some point, so I guess we should stop immigration of all caucasians.

The point is that terrorists deserve to be punished for their crimes, but non-terrorist muslims don't deserve to be descriminated against because of the actions of the few.

Forty percent of British Muslims told a survey they wanted Sharia law in the UK.

I'm not buying this "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Islamists" nonsense.

Even those Islamists who don't want to blow things up right now want to send adulterous women to prison, along with homosexuals and sexual deviants. I don't believe their ideas for a properly run society can possibly be reconciled with mine. Therefore, I want no more of them in Canada.

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And immigrants should be encouraged mainly from Europe and the US.
Why? Immigrants from most countries in East Asia don't have that much of an issue integrating into Canada. In any case, I am sure there are many 3 generation french citizens living in the slums of Paris that you would not approve of even if they do come from Europe.
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Canadian citizens come first. It's that simple. Until we have a handle on who is here right now, we have no buissness accepting potential threats.

I disagree.

Imagine that your suggestion was brought up a couple hundred years ago, only that it wasn't immigrants from Muslim countries that were discriminated against--but from European countries (or perhaps wherever your family originated, assuming you are not native american). If they had disallowed Europeans from entering the country, a lot of us wouldn't be here today, we'd be in Europe or somewhere else, or not born at all.

So. What? This has nothing to do with the question of what is best for Canada and Canadians. And I don't believe that more Muslims are best for Canada.

Racial profiling and religious profiling are not the way we should go. What is a Canadian citizen anyways? A human being with permission from the government to live within the Canadian borders?

This is like saying that a bear is whatever the dictionary says a bear is. But a bear is what it is, notwithstanding someone's definition. A Canadian is someone who grows up in Canada along with other Canadians and who has an emotional bond as members of a cultural group with shared values and history.

You can change the definition of "bear" so that a cow qualifies. But a cow is still not a bear. You can say anyone who hops off an airplane is a Canadian, even though he doesn't speak the language and has no shared cultural or historical values with the Canadian people. We have quite a few of those who popped over from Hong Kong to invest the minimum amount of money, then returned to Hong Kong with their Canadian passport, their fallback position, in their safe, while they continued to work there. Are they Canadians? According to you, sure, they're as Canadian as me.

I say they're Chinese.

Why should government be able to pick and choose who gets favoured in such a way and who doesn't. Especially based on something that they have no control over--the country where they originate.
Becacuse we don't care if the government discriminates against foreigners. The government's only rational reason for choosing immigrants to Canada is what is best for Canada, now and in the future. Nothing else matters.
Is terrorism a Muslim problem?

There are very, very few parts of the world where Muslims make up a significant percentage of the population where Islamist violence does not occur. You might not think that is a problem but many others do.

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And immigrants should be encouraged mainly from Europe and the US.
Why? Immigrants from most countries in East Asia don't have that much of an issue integrating into Canada.

They don't? It seems that Cantonese and Mandarin are vying for superiority as the primary language of British Columbia. And Vietnamese have mainly contributed to a rise in the street gang populations. Japanese rarely immigrate or I'd certainly take lots. I wouldn't mind taking some South Koreans and Thais, now that you mention it, so long as they're not ethnic Chinese.

In any case, I am sure there are many 3 generation french citizens living in the slums of Paris that you would not approve of even if they do come from Europe.

I think you'd have little difficulty getting educated, capable immigrants from Eastern Europe these days. I'd even take Russians if they were tightly screened.

My intent, obviously, is that if we must have immigrants they not come from the same cultural background as the great mass of immigrants now here and not assimilating very rapidly. Because that would only serve to reinforce those communities, as our present immigration does.

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They don't? It seems that Cantonese and Mandarin are vying for superiority as the primary language of British Columbia.
I live in in a suburb of Vancouver that is 40% Chinese and 60% non-white European. There are no 'ethnic' social problems that are a concern. The biggest 'ethnic' problems are caused by natives who think they have a god given right to be supported by the tax dollars of people who actually work for a living.
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- Stop carving out special exemptions. One important reason that Western Muslims find it so difficult to speak forthrightly against Islamic terrorism is that too many of them want to preserve exceptions in favour of certain forms of terrorism: against India, against democratic Iraq, and above all against Israel.

The trouble is, however, that many prominent Muslims inside Canada continue to insist on exceptions. The head of the Canadian Islamic Congress, one of the most visible of Canadian Muslim groups, stated in a television debate that any Israeli over the age of 18 was a legitimate target for suicide bombers, including women and civilians.

The CIC has also publicly condemned the 149 Parliamentarians who voted to extend the Canadian mission to Afghanistan as "morally responsible" for any Canadian soldiers killed there - implying, it seems, that the actual terrorists who do the actual killing are not morally responsible for their actions.

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Forty percent of British Muslims told a survey they wanted Sharia law in the UK.

I'm not buying this "only a tiny percentage of Muslims are Islamists" nonsense.

Even those Islamists who don't want to blow things up right now want to send adulterous women to prison, along with homosexuals and sexual deviants. I don't believe their ideas for a properly run society can possibly be reconciled with mine. Therefore, I want no more of them in Canada.

Perhaps you haven't met enough muslims? I know many muslims who are very kind and would never hurt anyone. While their religious views may differ from mine (actually just about everyone's religious views differ from mine), they are non-judgemental and none have tried to force their beliefs upon me or society in general. Don't they deserve to stay in this country they call home?

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Canadian citizens come first. It's that simple. Until we have a handle on who is here right now, we have no buissness accepting potential threats.

I disagree.

Imagine that your suggestion was brought up a couple hundred years ago, only that it wasn't immigrants from Muslim countries that were discriminated against--but from European countries (or perhaps wherever your family originated, assuming you are not native american). If they had disallowed Europeans from entering the country, a lot of us wouldn't be here today, we'd be in Europe or somewhere else, or not born at all.

Racial profiling and religious profiling are not the way we should go. What is a Canadian citizen anyways? A human being with permission from the government to live within the Canadian borders? Why should government be able to pick and choose who gets favoured in such a way and who doesn't. Especially based on something that they have no control over--the country where they originate.

Is terrorism a Muslim problem? I'd say no. I'd say it's more of an idealogical or political problem. One that likely would not have occured if it were not for religious intolerance such as you are suggesting we use against them.

I didn't suggest that Canada halt immigration. There are many people from many nations and backgrounds that would provide great bennifits to our country. My point was that Muslims would by default, be considered the least desirable population to allow at this point in time, for example: Being a Natzi didn't mean that you gassed Jews, but givin that your allignment was with those that kill Canadians, puts you at the botttom of the list.

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Let's go back to the McKenzie King era when men were men and people with any sort of tan, large nose or who were not Christian were made clear what was what and who was who. I mean fine, we had to bring in some of those people from China and India to build the rail-road but now who needs them. As for people with turbans, beards and names like Moe and Hamed well I mean gee how many taxi drivers does this country need. It has to end now. Deport them all.

Gee can we say I now have the opportunity to express my disdain for anyone different then myself and pose it as a debate on immigration policy.

I have yet on these posts hear anyone raving and ranting about immigration policy suggest anything specifically wrong about immigration regulations or laws but instead simply refer to it in imprecise rhetorical rants against people coming to the country.

Got news for you. Canada does not reproduce quick enough. If it doesn't import these so called immigrants, you will have no one paying taxes.

Now you want to get into a debate on who an "acceptable" Canadian is and what is "acceptable" Canadian behaviour good luck.

It's unfortunate that many posters have echoed your general suggestion that this is a racial matter.

While in the Canadian forces as a member of a now defunct para division, I was fortunate to enjoy the company of most people/cultures/religions that exist on this ball of mud. Very insightfull to say the least.

That being said, the sheer hatred of Western populations (of wich some is well founded...thanks to our nieghbor) is a reality that some Canadians are not prepared to confront. My concernes are purely logical and practical and have nothing to do with behaviour. Unfortunately, Canada has entered a hornets nest on an uprecedented level as of late (like it or not). It's common sense to place a moratorium on the imigration of those that are killing Canadians. I can't muster a reason that this would be considered a draconian measure even by the more liberal thinkers. This is a problem of today and not a matter of chinese railroads etc. It's unique, difficult and divisional.....but in the end, my way of thinking will prevent a managable issue from becoming out of control (France, GB, Netherlands etc etc). Until we can establish some clarity, I see no alternative.

As far as I know I have barely been able to come up with any Canadian characteristics other then;

1-Canadians wait in line even when they do not have to

2-Tim Horton's is the the symbol for Canadian culture

3-Canadians like to hyphenate themselves

4-Canadians feel they have to be liked by everyone outside Canada

5-Canadians think people admire us because we are not American

6-Canadians think they are better and different then Americans

7-Canadians love to litter and produce garbage

8-Canadians feel it is an inalienable right to drive alone in cars

9-Canadians use the winter as an excuse to grow beards and get fat

10-Canadians do not like to invest in Canadian businesses or take risks and

start businesses in Canada.

I guess we need cultural police wearing Maple Leaf tuques teaching us all how to be Canadian. They can start by having us all watch Red Green re-runs. Although Red Green has a beard so he looks like a Muslim or a Siekh or an Orthodox Jew so I would be careful.

The point is we may have problem with security clearance procedures but that is an entirely different issue then whether Canada should continue to be a nation of immirants which is an absurdity considering we always were and always will be and only native Canadians if we are going to be

perfectly logical about this since they were here first can consider all of us questionable.

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I didn't suggest that Canada halt immigration. There are many people from many nations and backgrounds that would provide great bennifits to our country. My point was that Muslims would by default, be considered the least desirable population to allow at this point in time, for example: Being a Natzi didn't mean that you gassed Jews, but givin that your allignment was with those that kill Canadians, puts you at the botttom of the list.

I don't have the exact statistics but I would be willing to bet money that the majority of murders in Canada are commited by caucasians. Does it matter if a murder (or attempted murder) is commited with a bomb, a gun, or a knife? Does that mean caucasians should be the "least desirable population to allow at this point in time"? And how does having the same religion as someone make you a sympathizer to terrorism? I guess that would mean all Christians are "aligned" with those who commited the crusades, holocaust etc...

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I didn't suggest that Canada halt immigration. There are many people from many nations and backgrounds that would provide great bennifits to our country. My point was that Muslims would by default, be considered the least desirable population to allow at this point in time, for example: Being a Natzi didn't mean that you gassed Jews, but givin that your allignment was with those that kill Canadians, puts you at the botttom of the list.

I don't have the exact statistics but I would be willing to bet money that the majority of murders in Canada are commited by caucasians. Does it matter if a murder (or attempted murder) is commited with a bomb, a gun, or a knife? Does that mean caucasians should be the "least desirable population to allow at this point in time"? And how does having the same religion as someone make you a sympathizer to terrorism? I guess that would mean all Christians are "aligned" with those who commited the crusades, holocaust etc...

In Calgary, I know that's statistically false. Minorities have a disproportionately large amount of the murders in our city, one that is about 70-80% white.

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In Calgary, I know that's statistically false. Minorities have a disproportionately large amount of the murders in our city, one that is about 70-80% white.

Do you have a reference for that, or other cities as well? I couldn't find any information from statistics canada. Apparently they don't keep records on it, I guess because it would inspire racsim. By the way Canada's biggest convicted serial killer: clifford olson (caucasian) killed 11 people. He could be surpassed by robert pickton (charged with 27 murders), also caucasian, if convicted.

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Immigration Policy deserves a good and thoughtful discussion, and in my view, there are many things which could be changed. Having said that, Immigration Policy changes or improvements are not likely to answer perceived terrorism concerns, it is a much more complicated problem than that.

Caucasians ought not to be contrasted to Muslims. The majority, or at least a very substantial part of the Muslim community ARE Caucasians.

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I agree that immigration by muslims into this country ought to be frozen by now....just so to give our immigration officials and law enforcers to sift through and properly do their jobs.

The Conservative Party of the past may have had a hand in opening the gates of immigration wide open....but it's the Liberals who had sunk us so deep into this quagmire. Them, and the radical lefties they've pandered to!

It already boggles the mind how criminals like that Chinese Lai had gotten in the country (and may further cause diplomatic strain with China)....but to have let in individuals with terrorist ties and links?

A probe ought to be done on Immigration. I wouldn't be surprised if any corruption is found in that direction.

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Immigration Policy deserves a good and thoughtful discussion, and in my view, there are many things which could be changed. Having said that, Immigration Policy changes or improvements are not likely to answer perceived terrorism concerns, it is a much more complicated problem than that.

Caucasians ought not to be contrasted to Muslims. The majority, or at least a very substantial part of the Muslim community ARE Caucasians.

Yes. This is not about race....for as we see, terrorists Muslims can come from anywhere.

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Perhaps you haven't met enough muslims? I know many muslims who are very kind and would never hurt anyone. While their religious views may differ from mine (actually just about everyone's religious views differ from mine), they are non-judgemental and none have tried to force their beliefs upon me or society in general. Don't they deserve to stay in this country they call home?

Well, I agree that not all Muslims are terrorist...nor do they all support terrorism. But they better start PUBLICLY voicing their disapproval of terrorism and begin speaking LOUDLY against the terrorists...just so to show that they are not silent supporters by virtue of sharing the same Islamic faith.

This is the time to hold protests and rallies DENOUNCING terrorism and showing support for Canada and other parts of the world!

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