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Everything posted by uOttawaMan

  1. I'm sure if this thread goes long enough, the general consensus will be reached that every paper in Canada is in fact, a joke.
  2. How about you make a promise to change IRPA, giving us more power to refuse entry and to deport... instead of this bs.
  3. You would know better than I! I only get to see / handle assault rifles... if we seize one. Which has happened... never.. while I've been working.
  4. True, but an assault rifle by nature is an intermediary between a SMG and a duty rifle. As such it uses a smaller round than a standard issue duty rifle, and has a shorter effective range, but at the same time, a longer range than a SMG. That's my interpretation of an assault rifle anyway.
  5. You think the German StG44 wasn't an assault rifle????
  6. As an anglophone at U Ottawa taking only English courses... my response to that statement is lukewarm at best.
  7. Who the hell cares, the OPP should have thrown the illegal protesters in jail long ago.
  8. Hahaha... look.. I'm not a fan of this PC platform, plain and simple. However that bs about streets being blocked because the government is ignoring so called "valid and legal claims" is hilarious. If any protester tried to block off my street, they'd have another thing coming. I don't care about your issue, get the hell outta my way. If the OPP won't move you, I'll sure as hell try.
  9. In looking at all the platforms and stated promises.. partisan jabbering aside, from my perspective the PC platform just is not appealing. I went into this electoral period definetly planning on voting PC, unless something changed my mind. Based on my work in law enforcement, somehow the Conservatives aren't appealing to me like they traditionally would. Hiring more police officers : directly stated promise by liberals. (1000 more. are there enough qualified candidates.. maybe.) Support for law enforcement (100million dollars) : platform promise by tories. I'm exactly sure what that means. It could be more police officers, it could be for the provincial correctional system, it could be for experimental law enforcement initiatives. This whole bs about the education system is pissing me off , both with the Liberals and the Tories. Personally, I am opposed to all faith based schools recieving public funding, catholic schools included. The only avenue I see is an American style diversion of education tax dollars to the school you designate. While having multiple school systems promotes competition, as opposed to have one bloated education system is appealing... I don't agree with the continued existance of only the Catholic school system because of precedence. So... looks like the Grits have somehow pulled ahead for me....
  10. The fact is, people are too ignorant about the issue. With the turnout of voters being what it will be, the people who care are already affiliated with a major party for the most part, and their lobbying will ensure that a 60% majority will not be reached. For the big parties, why change what isn't broken? I think this old idea in Canadian politics that majority governments are the only ones that can get things done is misplaced.. but I digress.
  11. How majestic a memory of the event you have. I remember it as the cringing of a snivelling prime minister who wanted the rest of the world to tell him what to do. And that during a time when everyone, including Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, and Liberals, believed that there were WMD in Iraq. Not to mention the fact that the US did have the sanction of the UN...just not the support of France and Germany. Indeed, I was very proud of Prime Minister Chretien and of being a level headed Canadian. No doubt that move took guts! I applaud it sincerely and it turns out he was right all along. It's too bad he was screwing the taxpayers so hard elsewhere... but c'est la vie right?
  12. It's not like this is surprising news. So what if Canada's population isn't going to be "baby booming " anymore. As for those who talk about allowing anyone to immigrate to canada, that's the way the system works now anyway. The amount of people that get denied entry is pretty damn slim.
  13. So you want to disband Provincial forces, establish all municipal/community police services, and have the RCMP do the rest ( minus the border protection handled by the CBSA). OR is it more you want an FBI style organisation as the RCMP.. and have all municiapl and provincial (read state police forces) take care of the everyday stuff and have the RCMP handle the major crimes.?
  14. I've been a Sens fan since they first got destroyed in 1992-1993. I've seen them go through absolutely shitty seasons and develop now to the point where they can contend on a regular basis. That being said, I agree with the annoyance of band wagoning fans. My girlfriend is a hardcore leafs fan. She knows all the stats the history, everything. We both have our teams, and we go to sens vs leafs games at Scotia Bank Place together and love it. (hell of a relationship i know). What we both hate is the fans for both teams who dont have a clue what they are cheering for , and just do it because as the original poster mentioned, it's cool. Now living in Ottawa, I haven't had the oppurtunity to talk to alot of leaf bandwagoning fans, once again, due to their recent struggles.. but the girlfriend has a few friends who are in Ottawa that don;t have the first clue about the team they "love and are cheering for." Case in point this year: Me to her friend "Hey so you're a hockey fan i hear?" Her friend "ya !! I love the Sens!!" Me: "Awesome! You've got the right team ! Who's your favourite player?" Her : "Umm... I'd have to say Hossa!" Me : ".........allright enjoy, bye" (Marian Hossa was traded a couple years ago.) Most people aren't that dumb, they just say "Alfreddsson!" ... Ahh yes.. the angst of the holier than thou dedicated team fan. I'm sure some here can relate.
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