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The Trumpification of the Supreme Court

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The Trumpification of the Supreme Court


Trump’s legal argument is a path to dictatorship. That is not an exaggeration: His legal theory is that presidents are entitled to absolute immunity for official acts. Under this theory, a sitting president could violate the law with impunity, whether that is serving unlimited terms or assassinating any potential political opponents, unless the Senate impeaches and convicts the president. Yet a legislature would be strongly disinclined to impeach, much less convict, a president who could murder all of them with total immunity because he did so as an official act. The same scenario applies to the Supreme Court, which would probably not rule against a chief executive who could assassinate them and get away with it.

The conservative justices have, over the years, seen harbingers of tyranny in union organizing, environmental regulations, civil-rights laws, and universal-health-care plans. When confronted with a legal theory that establishes actual tyranny, they were simply intrigued. As long as Donald Trump is the standard-bearer for the Republicans, every institution they control will contort itself in his image in an effort to protect him.

This case—even more than the Colorado ballot-eligibility case—unites the right-wing justices’ political and ideological interests with Trump’s own. One way or another, they will have to choose between Trumpism and democracy. They’ve given the public little reason to believe that they will choose any differently than the majority of their colleagues in the Republican Party.

Or they can just punt it until after the election giving Trump impunity instead of immunity. 🤮

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

Or they can just punt it until after the election giving Trump impunity instead of immunity. 🤮

Due process is a real inconvenience for your guys trying to railroad Trump. Boo Hoo. 


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26 minutes ago, User said:

Due process is a real inconvenience for your guys trying to railroad Trump. Boo Hoo. 

The US justice system is the fairest in the world, and you get NO POINTS for your GRATUITOUS "railroad" DRIVEL.

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21 minutes ago, robosmith said:

The US justice system is the fairest in the world, and you get NO POINTS for your GRATUITOUS "railroad" DRIVEL.

You are the one complaining about the Justice system right now... 

What is your purpose with this thread if you find it the fairest in the world?

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10 minutes ago, User said:

You are the one complaining about the Justice system right now... 

The SCOTUS has been corrupted by McConnell and Trump.

Maybe you've not heard about them taking $MILLIONS in bribes from right wing BILLIONAIRES.

I was talking about the CRIMINAL COURTS in which Trump is standing trial.


10 minutes ago, User said:

What is your purpose with this thread if you find it the fairest in the world?

Read the THREAD TITLE. Duh 

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1 hour ago, robosmith said:

The SCOTUS has been corrupted by McConnell and Trump.

Maybe you've not heard about them taking $MILLIONS in bribes from right wing BILLIONAIRES.

I was talking about the CRIMINAL COURTS in which Trump is standing trial.


Read the THREAD TITLE. Duh 

Make up your mind:

"The US justice system is the fairest in the world"


"The SCOTUS has been corrupted by McConnell and Trump."

Let me know when you figure yourself out. 

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6 minutes ago, User said:

Make up your mind:

"The US justice system is the fairest in the world"


"The SCOTUS has been corrupted by McConnell and Trump."

Let me know when you figure yourself out. 

In their minds it can be both at the same time.  Schrodinger's court if you will. You don't know if the judge is a champion of justice or a filthy bought out scumbag until you open his decision :)

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2 hours ago, robosmith said:

The US justice system is the fairest in the world, and you get NO POINTS for your GRATUITOUS "railroad" DRIVEL.

If Trump loses we are even, if he wins you owe me 57 camels.

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4 hours ago, User said:

Make up your mind:

"The US justice system is the fairest in the world"


"The SCOTUS has been corrupted by McConnell and Trump."

Let me know when you figure yourself out. 

Let me know when you figure out how they can be not mutually exclusive.

The SCOTUS works by completely DIFFERENT procedures and RULES than criminal courts.

They are the ONLY institution in the US government which is NOT BOUND by the ETHICAL CODE of CONDUCT which is mandatory for all other JUDGES.

Bet you didn't even know that.

Supreme Court Justices Should Follow Binding Code of Ethics, ABA House Says


“How do we explain to them when they find out that every lawyer in this room, every judge in this room, every lawyer and every judge across the United States of America has a code of conduct, but the United States Supreme Court does not?” Williams said. “How do you explain to the American people when they discover that every part of our government structure, all the other agencies, have codes of conduct, but the United States Supreme Court does not?”

Now you know. You're welcome.

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6 hours ago, robosmith said:

Let me know when you figure out how they can be not mutually exclusive.

The SCOTUS works by completely DIFFERENT procedures and RULES than criminal courts.

They are the ONLY institution in the US government which is NOT BOUND by the ETHICAL CODE of CONDUCT which is mandatory for all other JUDGES.

Bet you didn't even know that.

The SCOTUS is part of the American justice system. A huge part of it. They set precedent all other courts must follow.

Your position is nonsensical and contradictory.

You cant claim we have the fairest system in the world to avoid having to deal with how the DOJ can be politicized and then also claim the SCOTUS is corrupted when they are ruling on the law….

you are trying to have it both ways. 

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15 hours ago, robosmith said:

The Trumpification of the Supreme Court

Or they can just punt it until after the election giving Trump impunity instead of immunity. 🤮


You know why this immunity stuff is an issue, right? 


It's because deranged psychopaths want Trump's head and they've weaponized the legal system to get him. 

See, all you woketards have to do is call off the witch hunt, and this all goes away. 

But that's not what you woketards want, is it? 

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3 hours ago, User said:

The SCOTUS is part of the American justice system. A huge part of it. They set precedent all other courts must follow.

Your position is nonsensical and contradictory.

You cant claim we have the fairest system in the world to avoid having to deal with how the DOJ can be politicized and then also claim the SCOTUS is corrupted when they are ruling on the law….

you are trying to have it both ways. 

The RECENT changes which have been inflicted on the SCOTUS by Republicon shenanigans have NOT YET filtered down throughout the rest of the JUSTICE SYSTEM.

Sorry you're UNABLE to understand that.

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2 hours ago, Deluge said:

You know why this immunity stuff is an issue, right? 


It's because deranged psychopaths want Trump's head and they've weaponized the legal system to get him. 

See, all you woketards have to do is call off the witch hunt, and this all goes away. 

But that's not what you woketards want, is it? 

A shame you don't UNDERSTAND the EXTENSIVE EVIDENCE that is behind Trump's PROSECUTION.

But at least you've shown there is REASON to ANTICIPATE Trump's CONVICTION by JURIES. With that, I agree.

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8 minutes ago, robosmith said:

The RECENT changes which have been inflicted on the SCOTUS by Republicon shenanigans have NOT YET filtered down throughout the rest of the JUSTICE SYSTEM.

Sorry you're UNABLE to understand that.

I can understand just fine, you are the one trying to have it both ways. You want to claim that when Trump gets due process the system is corrupt but when the DOJ is levying charges against him then everything is 100% on the up and up. 

So, back to my point, Trump is getting due process here. This is making you guys really uber mad because they can't just rush this through before the election. 

Justice is about justice, not trying to stop Trump from being elected. 

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This has never been about Justice.

The one case that is going on right now is getting worse and worse for the prosecution because every witness the prosecutors have brought up has pretty much talked about how big of a piece of crap Cohen is and he is supposed to be their star witness that is supposed to prove their case.

Edited by Fluffypants
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47 minutes ago, Fluffypants said:

This has never been about Justice.

The one case that is going on right now is getting worse and worse for the prosecution because every witness the prosecutors have brought up has pretty much talked about how big of a piece of crap Cohen is and he is supposed to be their star witness that is supposed to prove their case.

There are one or two legit cases.  The documents charges aren't fluff and he should have to explain himself to a judge or jury over that to determine if a crime has been committed and be punished if it did

But the vast vast vast majority of the others are simply the weaponization of the courts.  It's pretty horrible.

And the public has kind of picked up on that - now it works for trump more than against him.

The dems set a horrible precedent and we'll see where it goes.

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

There are one or two legit cases.  The documents charges aren't fluff and he should have to explain himself to a judge or jury over that to determine if a crime has been committed and be punished if it did

But the vast vast vast majority of the others are simply the weaponization of the courts.  It's pretty horrible.

And the public has kind of picked up on that - now it works for trump more than against him.

The dems set a horrible precedent and we'll see where it goes.

The problem with the documents case is they refused to prosecute Biden or Clinton for it but are going whole hog after Trump. Laws only matter if you go after everyone for them not just a select few you don't like.

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2 hours ago, Fluffypants said:

The problem with the documents case is they refused to prosecute Biden or Clinton for it but are going whole hog after Trump. Laws only matter if you go after everyone for them not just a select few you don't like.

Clinton yes - biden is a little different. It's believable that he simply forgot to return them, did so immediately when they were found and while it's a violation i think most people would say it's bad and he shouldn't have done that, but deliberately criminal?  Probably not.

Nancy? For sure.  But - that doesn't mean that trump shouldn't be charged. hell - he campaigned on charging nancy and even HE couldn't bring himself to do it (bet he regrets that now).

So I would argue the opposite. I would argue not that trump shouldn't be charged because of Hillary, but that Hillary should have been charged like trump.

In any case he can bring all of that up in court and he may very well have excuses for his behavior that are legally acceptable. The fact that someone should be charged is not the same as saying they are guilty. But he should have to answer those questions.

Compare that to the New York "Fraud case". That was just pathetic. Anyone can see that that was politically motivated and an utter travesty. Or consider the colorado cases of the Officials refusing to put him on the ballot. As the supreme court would later rule, that was in the front to democracy that was simply a insane and completely political and the Georgia charges aren't much better.

Have the democrats stuck to the one or two legitimate cases that were serious then people might be paying a lot more attention to it. But because they "cried trump" every 5 minutes nobody cares anymore.

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20 hours ago, Fluffypants said:

The problem with the documents case is they refused to prosecute Biden or Clinton for it but are going whole hog after Trump. Laws only matter if you go after everyone for them not just a select few you don't like.

The "problem" you mention is fictional nonsense. The falsest of false equivalences. 

A lot of people in Washington have mishandled classified documents. The difference is that when they discover them in a briefcase or office box, they turn them right back over to the authorities. That's how it's always gone, so nobody gets prosecuted. And, of course, that's what Clinton and Biden did.

Traditionally, the only people who have been prosecuted are those who have clearly taken them with intent. 

Trump didn't just accidentally mishandle them. He took them. He lied about having them. He claimed he had a right to take them. And he refused to return them. 

Surely, even a rabid partisan can see the difference in Trump's behavior?

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On 5/5/2024 at 9:47 AM, User said:

I can understand just fine, you are the one trying to have it both ways. You want to claim that when Trump gets due process the system is corrupt but when the DOJ is levying charges against him then everything is 100% on the up and up. 

So, back to my point, Trump is getting due process here. This is making you guys really uber mad because they can't just rush this through before the election. 

Justice is about justice, not trying to stop Trump from being elected. 

Just cause you cannot acknowledge the INJUSTICE of Trump getting elected and then DROPPING the case, does NOT change the FACT that he would be ESCAPING JUSTICE by doing that. 

That is what is known as a "one off." The exception which proves the rule. The justice system is NOT DESIGNED to deal with the MAGA CULT like yourself.

If you're not a six year old, you can understand what that means. I won't hold my breath cause like a six year old, you are compelled to post more DRIVEL.

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

The "problem" you mention is fictional nonsense. The falsest of false equivalences. 


The desperation in your tone is palpable. Sounds like he struck a nerve.

Biden is one case (tho still a breech of the law).  But Clinton? Nope - that isn't a false equivalency -  that was the same thing.

The democrats want you to be FUUUURRRIOUS over trump doing it, and "meh" over clinton doing it and that kind of hypocrisy is rubbing the electorate the wrong way.

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7 hours ago, robosmith said:

Just cause you cannot acknowledge the INJUSTICE of Trump getting elected and then DROPPING the case, does NOT change the FACT that he would be ESCAPING JUSTICE by doing that. 

That is what is known as a "one off." The exception which proves the rule. The justice system is NOT DESIGNED to deal with the MAGA CULT like yourself.

If you're not a six year old, you can understand what that means. I won't hold my breath cause like a six year old, you are compelled to post more DRIVEL.

No, we have checks and balances in place. Trump has to be elected and Congress would have to support him. When you bring such politically motivated specious charges... you are not going to win over people or Congress. 

And when you start a thread complaining about how the DOJ is not charging Biden, I will believe you have a care in the world about injustice. 

The system is designed just fine. 

Calling me names doesn't make your case any better here. 

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