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Trump Threatens to Shut Down Pandemic Preparedness Office Launched by Biden

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Trump Threatens to Shut Down Pandemic Preparedness Office Launched by Biden


Joe Biden’s presidential campaign criticized Donald Trump on Tuesday for saying that, if elected, he would close an office in the White House tasked with making sure the country is better prepared for the next pandemic.

In an interview with TIME published Tuesday, Trump said he would disband the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR), which opened last summer after Congress approved a bill in 2022 with bipartisan support to mandate its creation. The office most recently responded to an outbreak of bird flu in dairy farms, coordinating with the Food and Drug Administration to ensure milk remains safe to drink, and working with farmers to contain the virus.


The Biden campaign compared Trump’s comments to his haphazard response to the COVID-19 pandemic during his last year in office, when he claimed the virus would disappear “like a miracle” and would “go away without a vaccine”


After Trump took office in 2017, he disbanded the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense. The Obama administration had set up that directorate after the Ebola outbreak in 2014 exposed just how unprepared the U.S. was for a rapidly spreading epidemic coming from overseas. Without that office in place, Trump’s White House found itself scrambling to coordinate a response after the first signs emerged that the COVID-19 virus was spreading in China. Biden restored that directorate with his first executive order.

Of course there were MANY other things Trump didn't do, which CAUSED the virus to spread much faster than it otherwise would have.

Such as pretending it was no worse than the flu while privated admitting to Woodward ON TAPE how it was much worse.

And promoting NUMEROUS super-spreader events like travel "bans" which allowed tens of thousands to fly back to the US without testing, tracking, nor quarantining.

IGNORANT right wingers: ^this is what you SUPPORT.


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14 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Trump Threatens to Shut Down Pandemic Preparedness Office Launched by Biden

Of course there were MANY other things Trump didn't do, which CAUSED the virus to spread much faster than it otherwise would have.

Such as pretending it was no worse than the flu while privated admitting to Woodward ON TAPE how it was much worse.

And promoting NUMEROUS super-spreader events like travel "bans" which allowed tens of thousands to fly back to the US without testing, tracking, nor quarantining.

IGNORANT right wingers: ^this is what you SUPPORT.


Good. The plandemic happened 4 years ago no need to "prepare". Unless you guys are planning another one so you can pretend people are voting legitimately from home. 

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47 minutes ago, Yakuda said:

Good. The plandemic happened 4 years ago no need to "prepare". Unless you guys are planning another one so you can pretend people are voting legitimately from home. 

Your IGNORANCE ^on display. ONE MILLION excess deaths says you're terribly uninformed.

Do you even know what "excess mortality" is? Read the link.



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1 hour ago, Yakuda said:

You think dying with covid is the same thing as dying from covid. 

So you didn't read the link and are STILL IGNORANT about the meaning of EXCESS MORTALITY.

How embarrassing for you.

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27 minutes ago, robosmith said:

So you didn't read the link and are STILL IGNORANT about the meaning of EXCESS MORTALITY.

How embarrassing for you.

No need to. You leftists make up stuff all the time. "excess mortality" , "hate" crime, "social" justice, "microagression", "systemic" racism. I mean the listing of stupid leftisms is almost endless 

Edited by Yakuda
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3 hours ago, Yakuda said:

No need to. You leftists make up stuff all the time. "excess mortality" , "hate" crime, "social" justice, "microagression", "systemic" racism. I mean the listing of stupid leftisms is almost endless 

Way to ^double down on STUPID DENIAL and FAILURE to understand.

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21 hours ago, robosmith said:

Trump Threatens to Shut Down Pandemic Preparedness Office Launched by Biden

Of course there were MANY other things Trump didn't do, which CAUSED the virus to spread much faster than it otherwise would have.

Such as pretending it was no worse than the flu while privated admitting to Woodward ON TAPE how it was much worse.

And promoting NUMEROUS super-spreader events like travel "bans" which allowed tens of thousands to fly back to the US without testing, tracking, nor quarantining.

IGNORANT right wingers: ^this is what you SUPPORT.


Another smart move.

Everyone knows COVID was just a woke wet dream to begin with. 

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3 hours ago, Deluge said:

Another smart move.

Everyone knows COVID was just a woke wet dream to begin with. 

Your callousness knows no bounds. One million+ US FAMILIES which lost members to COVID, know ^this is BULLSHIT.

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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Yakuda said:

So no answer for your made up leftist BS. Your whole ideology is a pile of festering garbage. 

The answer is in the DATA I posted. You posted nothing but TRIPLING DOWN on STUPID DENIAL and FAILURE to understand.

Excess mortality is science and DATA. It's no wonder that you can't understand it. LMAO

I can lead you to knowledge but I can't make you THINK.

Edited by robosmith
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On 5/1/2024 at 12:52 PM, robosmith said:

I think the tragic part is that there did not need to be that many deaths.

Over-use of ventilators contributed to US excess deaths, as well as suppression of early treatments.

Thank gawd our PM is an id-ee-ot - by the time he finally procured vents, the US had already figured out that it was the vents that were killing people, so our's didn't get used.

We lost like $2 billion and had to sell them for scrap for $6 each or donated them to poorer countries.

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22 minutes ago, robosmith said:

The answer is in the DATA I posted. You posted nothing but TRIPLING DOWN on STUPID DENIAL and FAILURE to understand.

Excess mortality is science and DATA. It's no wonder that you can't understand it. LMAO

I can lead you to knowledge but I can't make you THINK.

But you believe you can make yourself think. That's the funniest part. 

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9 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I think the tragic part is that there did not need to be that many deaths.

Over-use of ventilators contributed to US excess deaths, as well as suppression of early treatments.

Thank gawd our PM is an id-ee-ot - by the time he finally procured vents, the US had already figured out that it was the vents that were killing people, so our's didn't get used.

We lost like $2 billion and had to sell them for scrap for $6 each or donated them to poorer countries.

Really? When people can't breath, they die without ventilators. Like my friend's brother who spent 2 weeks in the ICU on a ventilator and was one of the lucky 20% who survived COVID.

And my mom who had pneumonia which destroyed her lungs and only lived because of a ventilator for the last 6 months of her life. 

Where do you get the idea that ventilators kill people?

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4 minutes ago, Yakuda said:

But you believe you can make yourself think. That's the funniest part. 

YOUR IGNORANCE and ARROGANCE knows no bounds, cause you IMAGINE you know BS that the experts know IS BS.

Is Yakuda Swahili for BULLSHITER? LMAO

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3 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Where do you get the idea that ventilators kill people?

I didn't say ventilators kill people.  Obviously they have a use.  But they are very complicated pieces of machinery to learn and operate, it's only respiratory therapists that operate them.  It's very, very hard on a patient's body to be hooked up to a vent (as I'm sure you know from your family's experience, sorry to hear that, BTW).

Frontline docs & nurses were appalled at how indiscriminately they were used during covid and recognized that people were being killed by them.  The machines were often left in the hallway (so no one had to go near the patient and risk the virus), and a shortage of respiratory therapists to run them meant they were left to nurses to operate, without being able to see or evaluate a patient before making adjustments.

Vents are generally the "last-ditch" effort to keep people alive but during covid, docs/hospitals received bonuses for each patient they vented - up to $40,000 - so they were used much more often than necessary.  They were often used on patients who didn't need them, but were convinced to let the docs vent them and they had to actually sign waivers for them to be used.  It was also believed, in the beginning, that placing patients on vents was also a protection for doctors to avoid getting the virus.

If you're interested, you can read this book:


......or go to their website:  whatthenursessaw.com.

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13 minutes ago, Goddess said:

I didn't say ventilators kill people.  Obviously they have a use.  But they are very complicated pieces of machinery to learn and operate, it's only respiratory therapists that operate them.  It's very, very hard on a patient's body to be hooked up to a vent (as I'm sure you know from your family's experience, sorry to hear that, BTW).

Frontline docs & nurses were appalled at how indiscriminately they were used during covid and recognized that people were being killed by them.  The machines were often left in the hallway (so no one had to go near the patient and risk the virus), and a shortage of respiratory therapists to run them meant they were left to nurses to operate, without being able to see or evaluate a patient before making adjustments.

Vents are generally the "last-ditch" effort to keep people alive but during covid, docs/hospitals received bonuses for each patient they vented - up to $40,000 - so they were used much more often than necessary.  They were often used on patients who didn't need them, but were convinced to let the docs vent them and they had to actually sign waivers for them to be used.  It was also believed, in the beginning, that placing patients on vents was also a protection for doctors to avoid getting the virus.

If you're interested, you can read this book:


......or go to their website:  whatthenursessaw.com.

You got any peer reviewed journal articles about ^this? All I see in your link is random Interwebz BS.

BTW, you never responded to my comments on your graph in the "trickle" thread.

Is that because you're too embarrassed that you interpreted the meaning of the graph wrong?

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36 minutes ago, robosmith said:

YOUR IGNORANCE and ARROGANCE knows no bounds, cause you IMAGINE you know BS that the experts know IS BS.

Is Yakuda Swahili for BULLSHITER? LMAO

Now you're just rambling incoherently. That means your rambling doesnt make sense. Not that it ever did. 

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5 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You got any peer reviewed journal articles about ^this? All I see in your link is random Interwebz BS.

BTW, you never responded to my comments on your graph in the "trickle" thread.

Is that because you're too embarrassed that you interpreted the meaning of the graph wrong?

I did respond to it and you rejected my response. 🤷‍♂️

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2 hours ago, Yakuda said:

Now you're just rambling incoherently. That means your rambling doesnt make sense. Not that it ever did. 

All you need to understand is "the experts know IS BS"

Do you understand now? LMAO

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2 hours ago, Goddess said:

I did respond to it and you rejected my response. 🤷‍♂️

You are correct. I completely forgot about your attempt to claim your graph was faulty, and my post which confirmed that it WAS NOT.

I don't believe you ever responded to that second post, so here it is again:

On 9/19/2023 at 2:22 PM, robosmith said:

Sorry for the loss of your friend. A couple of years ago, my best friend died in a Scuba accident, and then this summer my ex-gf died of cancer. The Scuba accident may have been loosely related to the COVID shutdown, since his YMCA was closed and he was out of shape.

The bottom (horizontal line) numbers of your chart are NOT reversed. Here is a graph that confirms USA excess deaths were in FACT much higher than New Zealand at the end of 2021, as is accurately indicated by the numbers on your chart.

Excess mortality: Cumulative deaths from all causes compared to projection based on previous years (ourworldindata.org)




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17 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You are correct. I completely forgot about your attempt to claim your graph was faulty, and my post which confirmed that it WAS NOT.

I don't believe you ever responded to that second post, so here it is again:


How 'bout this?

I promise to give your post the same thoughtful consideration you give mine. 🙂

3 hours ago, robosmith said:

All I see in your link is random Interwebz BS

I'm sure.

Did you know that 92% of the 1 million covid deaths in the US occurred in hospitals?

Think on that a bit.

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31 minutes ago, Goddess said:

How 'bout this?

I promise to give your post the same thoughtful consideration you give mine. 🙂

I'm sure.

Did you know that 92% of the 1 million covid deaths in the US occurred in hospitals?

Think on that a bit.

I gave your post enough thoughtful consideration to search your cited link looking for EXPERT corroboration and didn't find ANY.

And I posted data and a graph to show you that your trickle response was IN ERROR.

MAYBE you can explain the difference that ^this response made to the LACK of expert corroboration of overuse of ventilators causing deaths.

My mom was on a ventilator for 6 months and didn't die until she CHOSE to remove it.

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On 5/1/2024 at 4:21 PM, herbie said:

Just another example of how Trump is rapidly losing his mind in the public eye,

Maybe your Maybaline colored eye but not those who embrace success and prosperity. 

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