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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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19 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Kid every one can see you very clearly claimed that the treaty was the reason that democracy failed in germany. 

and yet, you can't seem to settle on what you've decided I "very clearly claimed" 



If only there was a quote function where you could just show "very clearly" what I said.   🙃

21 hours ago, CdnFox said:

The Treaty of Versailles had nothing to do with why democracy failed in germany.  Despite your sad attempts to change what you said, that was what you claimed and it's not true.

You should send your thoroughly-researched, totally-not-clueless thesis paper to the historians.  Be sure to include your insights on why economics don't affect politics, and how the Treaty of Versailles had nothing to do with Germany's abysmal post-WW1 economy.  🤡


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4 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Don't the millions of morally superior people you just cited also prove that your absolute 100% certainty is a pile of hooey?

No. The silent/cowed majority don't matter. The only people that matter are the ones who are going to kill other people and get away with it. 

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These protestors' are in no position to demand anything...changing stock portfolios', who you do business with, where you get your funding from...who you can share education ideas from.... This opens a huge can of worms...what next all Canadians need to cleanse their stock portfolios, no longer able to accept funding for other sources you don't like , do we start burning books becasue you don't like the authors , or maybe you don't like  white privileged males, black guys with small penises the list is endless...

Who are these people to dictate anything, to anyone...you have the right to protest but you don't have the right to make outrageous demands...like somehow we owe you something...F8ck that, they have not contributes spit to this nation or communities yet...sit down and STFU....

All this protesting does is give terrorist the ability to say "see everyone likes us" our cause of exterminating jews is a righteous one, it gives them the power...

Endorsing this type of behavior is wrong on so many levels, they should be kicked out of all the camps arrested and charged with mischief, or better yet supporting terrorism try and start a life with that on your record... 

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37 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

and yet, you can't seem to settle on what you've decided I "very clearly claimed" 

I articulated it quite clearly :)  As usual when you're losing a discussion your memory and comprehension magically goes out the window :)      

And you know how we can all tell that you're in that 'mode' and desperately trying to lie/deny/dig out?  

You keep ignoring the actual discussion point :)  There's nothing at all that suggests democracy in iran would change anything or that it would survive longer than it did last time or that they wouldn't elect a gov't with similar policy :)   ROFLMOA!!!


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8 hours ago, eyeball said:

And this is why Netanyahu and Hamas go together like peas and carrots.

Yet again, do not sit here wondering why we say you support Hamas when you try to make these bogus moral equivalencies between Israeli Leadership and Hamas. 


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1 hour ago, User said:

Yet again, do not sit here wondering why we say you support Hamas when you try to make these bogus moral equivalencies between Israeli Leadership and Hamas. 

In fairness to eyeball, I didn't tell him what cowed means. 

In Iran and Palestine, the people who don't go along with the will of the powers that be face beatings, jailtime, and cruel death. It's not that bad once you get used to it.

In Israel the people who don't go along with the will of the powers that be have to wait 4 years for the next election. It's incredibly harsh. 

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3 minutes ago, eyeball said:

There's no mystery why you say that, it's because you're a bunch dumb cunts who apparently can't read.

I read what you wrote just fine. In fact, I directly responded to it. 


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Just now, User said:

I read what you wrote just fine. In fact, I directly responded to it.

I haven't seen much evidence of you responding to the fact there are war criminals on both sides that should be brought to justice.

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Just now, eyeball said:

I haven't seen much evidence of you responding to the fact there are war criminals on both sides that should be brought to justice.

Yet again, you "both sides" this issue to draw some moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas. 

There are not war criminals on both sides, that is why I don't respond to such absurdity. And whatever "war crimes" you think Israel is committing, we are talking about one grain of sand on Israeli side compared to the beach of Hamas. 

Israel is conducting this war as best as you reasonably can to fight an enemy that every single moment of every single day is violating laws of war and all decency around warfare. 


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18 hours ago, CdnFox said:

I articulated it quite clearly :) 

When you provide three different versions saying three different things, you evidently did not.  

The quote function exists for a reason.  Rather than use it and argue against what people say, you insist instead on make up your own version of it and argue against that.  Nobody is better at arguing against themselves than you!  

18 hours ago, CdnFox said:

As usual when you're losing a discussion your memory and comprehension magically goes out the window :)      


The quote that keeps giving.  🤣

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8 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

When you provide three different versions saying three different things, you evidently did not.  

Pointing out three different occasions that you were wrong is not 'different versions'  :) And i spelled them out 

And remember where i said we know you're aware that you're wrong and you're lying to cover it up because you ignore the issue? 
Guess what you ignored again :) 

LOLOL i don't have to tell you you're wrong kiddo - you know know that perfectly well. That's why you behave like this :) Emotionally you can't cope with it ;) 

Continue with your melt down tho, and i'll see you when you start randomly jumping into threads trying to pick fights and then looking like a mental incompetent again :)  


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18 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Pointing out three different occasions that you were wrong is not 'different versions'  :) And i spelled them out 

You "spelled out" three different versions of what you insisted my argument was - three different versions of what I "very clearly" claimed.  

20 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

LOLOL i don't have to tell you you're wrong kiddo - you know know that perfectly well. That's why you behave like this :) Emotionally you can't cope with it ;) 

and yet, you can't help doing it.  These sorts of dumb performances are more about you reassuring yourself than anything else.  

23 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Continue with your melt down tho

Keep projecting, muppet.  Spastically inserting emojis into every phrase is a great way of convincing everyone it's the other guy having a meltdown. 🤡

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27 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

You "spelled out" three different versions of what you insisted my argument was - three different versions of what I "very clearly" claimed.  

No, i pointed out three times you were wrong. 

And you' know you're lying. Or you'd address the main point as i said :)  

See, this is what i mean. i never have to tell you that you're wrong, it's easy to tell you know from your behavior :) 

But i'm sure it's my post count's fault  ROFLMAO!!! 

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as it stands now.. this is going to be more lather, rinse, and repeat. Israel retaliated as they should. Palestine and Hamas will fight back at some time. Poverty, desperation, and violence lead to more violence. It is just a matter of how long the proverbial pot simmers. If there ever was going to be a solution.. it would be to have the Muslim world in general accept the palestinians into their nations as refugees (of a sort). The high population puts a strain on resources and that makes for poverty/desperation in pockets. Now, some places would be no better such as Yemen, Iran, or Mauritania. Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, or Algeria are somewhat less volatile and could handle a small influx in population. 

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On 6/25/2024 at 8:38 AM, User said:

Yet again, you "both sides" this issue to draw some moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas.

It always takes two to tango and the most telling thing shared in common is a desire to keep dancing.

On 6/25/2024 at 8:38 AM, User said:

And whatever "war crimes" you think Israel is committing, we are talking about one grain of sand on Israeli side compared to the beach of Hamas. 

If it's just a straight up tally guiding your sentiments, far more Palestinians have been killed, held captive without charge, tortured and abused than Israelis. It's not even close.

On 6/25/2024 at 8:38 AM, User said:

Israel is conducting this war as best as you reasonably can to fight an enemy that every single moment of every single day is violating laws of war and all decency around warfare. 

Israel has been behaving in the same subjugating manner towards Palestinians since it's inception. Every human being on the planet has the right to resist that.

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29 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

as it stands now.. this is going to be more lather, rinse, and repeat. Israel retaliated as they should. Palestine and Hamas will fight back at some time. Poverty, desperation, and violence lead to more violence. It is just a matter of how long the proverbial pot simmers.

Perhaps.  I think that they may look at permanent occupation for real and that might make a significant improvement for a much longer time. Clearly they cannot just be left to go back to it again. 


If there ever was going to be a solution.. it would be to have the Muslim world in general accept the palestinians into their nations as refugees (of a sort). The high population puts a strain on resources and that makes for poverty/desperation in pockets. Now, some places would be no better such as Yemen, Iran, or Mauritania. Tunisia, Morocco, Turkey, or Algeria are somewhat less volatile and could handle a small influx in population. 

Well, the reason that they don't want to do that is because they are very concerned that it won't actually solve anything. They are worried that those refugees will get together and still find ways to attack or launch terrorist activities against Israel and now it will be their own countries that face reprisal.

I mean Egypt could open the border tomorrow and take them all in and it would only represent a 1% increase in their population. If Canada's population goes up by 1% due to immigration we call it Thursday, so they should be able to handle it at least once :) 

but they're afraid that next israel will be bombing their cities when some hamas lunatic shoots rockets from Egypt into Israel or the like. 

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45 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It always takes two to tango



It does not. All it takes is one belligerent and hostile group to start a war. And all it takes is one belligerent and hostile group to prevent peace.

If Gaza laid down its arms tomorrow within a short period of time they would have freedom and peace. If Israel laid down its arms tomorrow it would have a new genocide.

Edited by CdnFox
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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

Perhaps.  I think that they may look at permanent occupation for real and that might make a significant improvement for a much longer time. Clearly they cannot just be left to go back to it again. 

Well, the reason that they don't want to do that is because they are very concerned that it won't actually solve anything. They are worried that those refugees will get together and still find ways to attack or launch terrorist activities against Israel and now it will be their own countries that face reprisal.

I mean Egypt could open the border tomorrow and take them all in and it would only represent a 1% increase in their population. If Canada's population goes up by 1% due to immigration we call it Thursday, so they should be able to handle it at least once :) 

but they're afraid that next israel will be bombing their cities when some hamas lunatic shoots rockets from Egypt into Israel or the like. 


If the land being fought over was something akin to Illinois or British columbia.. large land area, lots of water, suitable for growing lots of varied crops.. this would be different. However, it is not. It is very arid and not all that large. Put a large population there and there are going to be struggles. I would guess that it would lessen the violence just a bit. You get away from the omnipresent conflict and start living daily life... some of them would put the radical ideas aside for some time or forever. In a place with more resources.. they would not be so desperate and feel the need to fight back against the oppressor (real or perceived). 

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20 minutes ago, eyeball said:

It always takes two to tango and the most telling thing shared in common is a desire to keep dancing.

This is not a Tango. It is a street fight, where the Palestinians keep pushing, punching, and kicking Isreal and Israel keeps fending them off, until one day the Palestinians pushed too hard and now Israel is saying enough. 

Yet again, you draw some false moral equivalency here between the two... and then you wonder why we say you support Hamas. 

22 minutes ago, eyeball said:

If it's just a straight up tally guiding your sentiments, far more Palestinians have been killed, held captive without charge, tortured and abused than Israelis. It's not even close.

Killing people is not a war crime, it is literally the by product of war. The fact that Isreal can do it better is a good thing. You have to do it better to be able to win. Israel captures people as part of criminal investigations under Military detention who were in the act of stabbing and trying to kill Israelis... it is no where near the same thing as Hamas rolling into neighborhoods and just grabbing people at random to hold as hostages. Israel keeps their prisoners according to standards that can be observed in actual prison locations... Hamas hides their hostages... because they are hostages. 

Yet again... this is why we say you support Hamas as you sit here saying Israel is worse. 

25 minutes ago, eyeball said:

Israel has been behaving in the same subjugating manner towards Palestinians since it's inception. Every human being on the planet has the right to resist that.

Since day one the Palestinians have gone to war against Israel. If they didn't do that and did not continue to do that with other Arab countries... this is on them. 

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12 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

If the land being fought over was something akin to Illinois or British columbia.. large land area, lots of water, suitable for growing lots of varied crops.. this would be different. However, it is not. It is very arid and not all that large. Put a large population there and there are going to be struggles. I would guess that it would lessen the violence just a bit. You get away from the omnipresent conflict and start living daily life... some of them would put the radical ideas aside for some time or forever. In a place with more resources.. they would not be so desperate and feel the need to fight back against the oppressor (real or perceived). 

Sure, i get it. All of Israel isn't even as big as vancouver island, never mind British columbia.  So there's not a lot to go around. 

But they've got what they've got and they need to find a way to make it work better. And for the palestinians that logically means accepting the jews are there and aren't going anywhere and find a way to live your best life accepting that fact. 

If they cant' then i doubt israel is going to be interested in letting them have much say in things after all this. 


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3 minutes ago, User said:

Since day one the Palestinians have gone to war against Israel.

As per the same right anyone that resists subjugation has.

6 minutes ago, User said:

... this is on them. 

So if it was you would you have just cowered and submitted to your subjugation?

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Just now, eyeball said:

As per the same right anyone that resists subjugation has.

There was no subjugation on day one. Palestinians had their own land at the time. 

1 minute ago, eyeball said:

So if it was you would you have just cowered and submitted to your subjugation?

There was no subjugation. What are you even talking about?

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5 minutes ago, User said:

There was no subjugation on day one. Palestinians had their own land at the time. 

There was no subjugation. What are you even talking about?

Apparently not letting them slaughter your people because they don't like you is "subjugation"  🙄

This is a common theme we see on the left. Palestine attacks, israelis fight back and either take land or occupy a group to stop the violence, then that group is now considered 'occupied and subjugated' and as a repressed group they have the right to attack! And all previous attacks are now justified as well. 

It's circular logic. 

For eyeball, subjugation is just a 'scary sounding' bad word that he can use to justify the ongoing violence on the part of the palestinians. 

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1 hour ago, CdnFox said:

Sure, i get it. All of Israel isn't even as big as vancouver island, never mind British columbia.  So there's not a lot to go around. 

But they've got what they've got and they need to find a way to make it work better. And for the palestinians that logically means accepting the jews are there and aren't going anywhere and find a way to live your best life accepting that fact. 

If they cant' then i doubt israel is going to be interested in letting them have much say in things after all this. 


You would think that after 75 or so years... that they would figure this out. However, it appears not. It would appear that they need more creative solutions other than try to live in the same space and not fight over limited resources. I could be wrong but occupation simply prolongs things.. violence will come in time. Its not a matter of when not if. Its like having two siblings in the same room.. sometimes you have to put them in separate rooms and give them something to do other than stew/fester over the conflict. 

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