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Pro-Hamas Rallies in Canada

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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Look, I ain't about to argue with you. I am just not single minded.

You call it what you want but all I am saying is that there seem to be many many (millions) of folks that do not agree with you?

You are actually saying there is only Palestinian propaganda??? Heaven forbid there is Israeli propaganda, they are too righteous to stoop to that level??? LOL. In a war, both sides are equally culpable.

The  protests or rallys are not pro hamas, the are trying to stop the Israeli bombing, raids and killing.

They are feeling for the citizens.

Your premis is that everyone in Palestine is hamas and a terrorist. I think you are very wrong. While I think there are hamas, I certainly do not think all Palestinians are terrorists.

They deserve their own state just like the Israelis do. Or are they guilty by association and all are hamas and deserve to die or live in tents on refugee camps??


I'm not arguing , but rather debating, you have a chioce to participate or not...your free to do as you want...

Does millions of people opinions mean its the right one...Hitler seemed to have a shit ton of voices that agreed with him look what ended of all that...shit millions of canadians put justin into power and we already know that was a shit show...

I'm saying you have to question all of it yes, same as Israelis news...In this conflict it all started off with HAMAS breaking a cease fire they agreed to and slaughtered incent civilians, and taken hundreds of hostages both are war crimes...So not sure how this becomes Israel fault...

Bullshit...have you listened to what they are saying...maybe they should be shouting for Hamas to give back the hostages and for Hamas to step down...and this will be over tomorrow...

My premis is this there are millions of palestinians, and only thousands of hamas want your country back take it back...if not then they are one of the same...60 % of them voted for Hamas, the remaining voted for Fatah another terrorist group does not sound like they want peace or the fighting to stop...

You see, your not sure what they want...what they want is the entire state of what they call palestine, which includes the ENTIRE state of Israel....kind of hard to have a two state solution like most nations have purposed when one side sees the entire state of israel as Palestinian territory...

So now what is the course of action...currently there is no action plan , other than destroy Hamas, and it's terrorist network...and hope the palestinians vote in a more friendly government , or there is going to be a gaza 2.0, and so on...Israel has the right to live peacefully with in it's own borders...it is a right given to all nations...

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13 hours ago, PIK said:

Instead of arguing about evil Israel, check out all the attempts Israel made for peace in the last decades. The Arabs made sure that didn't happen.  Arafat was all about himself, worst thing before hamas ever to happen. And Google Son of Hamas and listen to what he says. So much more to learn than the propaganda being pumped out,by everyone.

Who is arguing at all, let alone about "evil Israel"??

There are 2 sides and many points to every story and even more when the stories are up to 5 thousand years old.

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10 hours ago, Army Guy said:

I'm not arguing , but rather debating, you have a chioce to participate or not...your free to do as you want...

Does millions of people opinions mean its the right one...Hitler seemed to have a shit ton of voices t....

I'm saying you have to question all of it yes, same as Israelis news.......


My premis is this there are millions of palestinians, and only thousands of hamas want your country back take it back...if not then they are one of the same...60 % of them voted for Hamas, the remaining voted for Fatah another terrorist group does not sound like they want peace or the fighting to stop...



You know, when someone starts with Hitler comparison, they lose the argument (debate) and they certainly lose me. Why Hitler and not Idi Amin? Or Pol Pot, or Mao Zedong amongst others?? They were worse than Hitler when it comes to killing people?

Yes, at the time, in 2006, Hamas won the election (won 74 of the 132 seats) but there have not been elections since. There is no way to tell if the regular Palestinians still support hamas.

The Jewish peoples also had terrorists too.




Just saying, there is enough blame to go around.

As I said in another post "There are 2 sides and many points to every story and even more when the stories are up to 5 thousand years old. "



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12 hours ago, Army Guy said:

They deserve their own state just like the Israelis do

No they don't.  Geographically Israel is very small.  Palestinians are Muslim Arabs, the same as the millions of people all around Israel in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc.  Israel needs the small area it has to maintain its security.

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45 minutes ago, blackbird said:

No they don't.  Geographically Israel is very small.  Palestinians are Muslim Arabs, the same as the millions of people all around Israel in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc.  Israel needs the small area it has to maintain its security.

And there are Jews all over the world too so, do they deserve more than the Palestinians??

What foolishness, prejudice and bias you proclaim.

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5 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

And there are Jews all over the world too so, do they deserve more than the Palestinians??

What foolishness, prejudice and bias you proclaim.

People have spent a great deal of time trying to explain this to you but you choose to reject it.  That is foolishness.  

Why are you so blind to the fact Israel has a right to exist?  There are millions of Arabs and countries surrounding Israel which are Muslim.  Israelis are generally  non-Muslim.  Jews are a different religion.  Muslims don't accept that they have a right to exist.  How is it you can't understand that?

It is part of Islam to eliminate a non-Muslim country like Israel.  That should tell you something.

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You know, when someone starts with Hitler comparison, they lose the argument (debate) and they certainly lose me. Why Hitler and not Idi Amin? Or Pol Pot, or Mao Zedong amongst others?? They were worse than Hitler when it comes to killing people?

Hitler got elected.

30 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

And there are Jews all over the world too so, do they deserve more than the Palestinians??

In my experience, Jews are far better citizens, far more productive, and far less violent than Arabs.

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36 minutes ago, I am Groot said:

Hitler got elected.

In my experience, Jews are far better citizens, far more productive, and far less violent than Arabs.

Not sure what your experience is but, considering there are millions more Arabs (448 million at last count as opposed to 15 million Jews ) and in many countries (22 I think as opposed to 1), it seems they are just as productive and certainly not all are violent.

Extremest are everywhere, regardless of country, population, religion.

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20 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Israel counts every man of fighting age as a Hamas fighter, their numbers are bullshit too.

Im curious but how does one tell the difference, They are not wearing any uniforms, or some sort of banner or arm band to identify them as combatants, as per the Geneva convention.. They did wear uniforms before the march attack...but not anymore...which is a war crime, but terrorist don't abide by the conventions do they...They did the same thing in Afghanistan, it poses a greater risk to civilians in the area why is that all right ?.

So ya every male over the age of 15 is considered a military age male...ya i said 15 years old, is when in most muslim countries boys turn to men...and are expected to fight...it really does matter the age anyway if you have a weapon then your a military target...And Thats what israelis count dead armed terrorist...Hamas has produced the amount of terrorist it employs as well and i think you'll find the numbers are almost the same...

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You know, when someone starts with Hitler comparison, they lose the argument (debate) and they certainly lose me. Why Hitler and not Idi Amin? Or Pol Pot, or Mao Zedong amongst others?? They were worse than Hitler when it comes to killing people?

Yes, at the time, in 2006, Hamas won the election (won 74 of the 132 seats) but there have not been elections since. There is no way to tell if the regular Palestinians still support hamas.

The Jewish peoples also had terrorists too.




Just saying, there is enough blame to go around.

As I said in another post "There are 2 sides and many points to every story and even more when the stories are up to 5 thousand years old. "



Well is my statement true or not, did Hitler have the support of millions or not ? The answer is it was the first name that popped into my head. and if you fact check it hitler's regime was responsible for 60 million deaths, much more than most of your examples, Stalin would be a close second to Hitler, but you had already got the point i was trying to make...

Perhaps explain why there was no other free elections, could it be the opposition was hunted down and killed like dogs in the streets with those surviving moving to the west bank...no love lost they were terrorist as well...

Yes Israel has used terrorism as well before it's creation...and has been condemned for it as well, so i guess thats it then they are even, one used terrorism for a couple of years before they were even a state...and the other has used terrorism for well over 50 years...is that the point your trying to make ? 

This current conflict in GAZA is all about the march attack, nothing more Israel is defending itself from said attacks... it has very little to do with past history, The Israelis government has set out objectives to destroy Hamas , it's abilities to carry out any more terrorist attacks, and to destroy its ability to govern over GAZA...to replace that entire government with another...

Not sure why you have a problem with Israel defending itself, you seem to discount the whole march attack, and the action Israel is taking...

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2 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Not sure what your experience is but, considering there are millions more Arabs (448 million at last count as opposed to 15 million Jews ) and in many countries (22 I think as opposed to 1), it seems they are just as productive and certainly not all are violent.

Extremest are everywhere, regardless of country, population, religion.

100 % true...they are not all violent, 

Extremists are everywhere, in almost every country including ours according to our PM,  but the majority of Global terrorist groups are or seem to be muslim...


Edited by Army Guy
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4 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

And there are Jews all over the world too so, do they deserve more than the Palestinians??

Palestinians are mainly Muslims and their religion is not a religion of peace.  That is why Israel cannot ever consider allowing them to carve out a piece of Israel to form a state.  They will never accept Israel's right to exist.  It's as simple as that.  

All religions are not the same.  Islam does not accept a non-Muslim country like Israel's right to exist in the middle east, surrounded by Muslim countries.


Edited by blackbird
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2 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Well is my statement true or not, did Hitler have the support of millions or not ? The answer is it was the first name that popped into my head. and if you fact check it hitler's regime was responsible for 60 million deaths, much more than most of your examples, Stalin would be a close second to Hitler, but you had already got the point i was trying to make...

Perhaps explain why there was no other free elections, could it be the opposition was hunted down and killed like dogs in the streets with those surviving moving to the west bank...no love lost they were terrorist as well...

Yes Israel has used terrorism as well before it's creation...and has been condemned for it as well, so i guess thats it then they are even, one used terrorism for a couple of years before they were even a state...and the other has used terrorism for well over 50 years...is that the point your trying to make ? 

This current conflict in GAZA is all about the march attack, nothing more Israel is defending itself from said attacks... it has very little to do with past history, The Israelis government has set out objectives to destroy Hamas , it's abilities to carry out any more terrorist attacks, and to destroy its ability to govern over GAZA...to replace that entire government with another...

Not sure why you have a problem with Israel defending itself, you seem to discount the whole march attack, and the action Israel is taking...

Hitler was "appointed" chancellor. He only got 32% of the vote. "Internal politics with other parties enabled his rise. He and other patriotic Germans were outraged and humiliated by the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which the Allies compelled the new German government, the Weimar Republic, to accept along with an obligation to pay $33 billion in war reparations. Germany also had to give up its prized overseas colonies and surrender valued parcels of home territory to France and Poland."

Point is that he had support from a disgruntle population....kinda like the Palestinians?

My questioning your use was simply why not even worse dictators? Because we are dealing with jews again you (and others) bring up Hilter?

Why no free elections since? I don't know and am sure it is not the only population that has been denied elections. They are not even a country so...

The action  is over an Oct 7 event. Clearly Israel has dominated and won, why continue? To teach a lesson? To spank them? To wipe them out entirely?

I have no qualm about self protection. Where have I ever said that? I did have a problem when the revenge and defence has gone beyond its need. they won, now what??




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1 hour ago, blackbird said:

Palestinians are mainly Muslims and their religion is not a religion of peace.  That is why Israel cannot ever consider allowing them to carve out a piece of Israel to form a state.  They will never accept Israel's right to exist.  It's as simple as that.  

All religions are not the same.  Islam does not accept a non-Muslim country like Israel's right to exist in the middle east, surrounded by Muslim countries.


"Around 94% of the native Arabic speaking people (Arabs plus Arabized people) are Muslims. The highest proportions are in the seven Gulf Arab states where altogether 99.9% are Muslims. Libya and the four Maghrebi Arab states together have at least 99% Muslims. Sudan, Jordan, Palestine and Iraq have 95% or more Muslims.Mar 20, 2019"

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

"Around 94% of the native Arabic speaking people (Arabs plus Arabized people) are Muslims. The highest proportions are in the seven Gulf Arab states where altogether 99.9% are Muslims. Libya and the four Maghrebi Arab states together have at least 99% Muslims. Sudan, Jordan, Palestine and Iraq have 95% or more Muslims.Mar 20, 2019"

I'm not sure what you mean by your post.

We all know that the arabic countries are mostly muslim.

It's a religion that, once in the majority, uses intimidation, violence, violence against women, and legalized discrimination the strangle other religions out of existence.

If you go to a normal part of a muslim country (not a tourist haven like Dubai) with your wife, and she doesn't wear a hijab, verbal harassment and threats are a given. Violence is highly likely, and even raping a woman without a hijab is fine. The police won't do anything about it. 

They talk a good game when they're here, but muslim countries are shithole countries by definition. 

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1 hour ago, ExFlyer said:

Hitler was "appointed" chancellor. He only got 32% of the vote. "Internal politics with other parties enabled his rise. He and other patriotic Germans were outraged and humiliated by the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which the Allies compelled the new German government, the Weimar Republic, to accept along with an obligation to pay $33 billion in war reparations. Germany also had to give up its prized overseas colonies and surrender valued parcels of home territory to France and Poland."

Point is that he had support from a disgruntle population....kinda like the Palestinians?

My questioning your use was simply why not even worse dictators? Because we are dealing with jews again you (and others) bring up Hilter?

Why no free elections since? I don't know and am sure it is not the only population that has been denied elections. They are not even a country so...


The action  is over an Oct 7 event. Clearly Israel has dominated and won, why continue? To teach a lesson? To spank them? To wipe them out entirely?

I have no qualm about self protection. Where have I ever said that? I did have a problem when the revenge and defence has gone beyond its need. they won, now what??




Hitler was brought into power by the majority of germans regardless of why, or the situation on the ground...he enjoyed support wll after his sick and twisted ideas become reality...just like Hamas and the palestinians, promised that the jews would be wiped out and they would have all of what once was call palestine...and what is today the state of Israel

There are not many leaders that were worse than germans Nazi party...like i said it was the first regime that popped into my head, but one must admit not many abused the jews more the Nazi's did...

Palestinians live under terrorist rule because that is want they want, or they would have stood up and took back their control from Hamas....surely history has shown us thousands of examples of people rising up and taking back their state....They might not be a country but they are in charge of their own government and future...

Israel stated goals are until, Hamas has been destroyed as a terrorist identity, and removed from power over Gaza...neither have happened...Israelis army prepares to attack the last hold out....and has pulled out all of it's army with the exception of one brigade...That's why they continue...

You must becasue have a qualm about self defense or you would not be posting your posts in disagreement...

They have not won, nobody is going to win...One side will get it's objectives and the other will either perish or be dismantled...   Hamas will be dismantled completely or destroyed...and Hamas will be removed from power thats when this will be finished....The question that remains is what is going to be Israel's role in the future gaza, are they going to remain and occupy...or see over a new palestinian government... I don't think you'll see an independent gaza or state ever again...


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18 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

Hitler was brought into power by the majority of germans regardless of why, or the situation on the ground...he enjoyed support wll after his sick and twisted ideas become reality...just like Hamas and the palestinians, promised that the jews would be wiped out and they would have all of what once was call palestine...and what is today the state of Israel

There are not many leaders that were worse than germans Nazi party...like i said it was the first regime that popped into my head, but one must admit not many abused the jews more the Nazi's did...

Palestinians live under terrorist rule because that is want they want, or they would have stood up and took back their control from Hamas....surely history has shown us thousands of examples of people rising up and taking back their state....They might not be a country but they are in charge of their own government and future...

Israel stated goals are until, Hamas has been destroyed as a terrorist identity, and removed from power over Gaza...neither have happened...Israelis army prepares to attack the last hold out....and has pulled out all of it's army with the exception of one brigade...That's why they continue...

You must becasue have a qualm about self defense or you would not be posting your posts in disagreement...

They have not won, nobody is going to win...One side will get it's objectives and the other will either perish or be dismantled...   Hamas will be dismantled completely or destroyed...and Hamas will be removed from power thats when this will be finished....The question that remains is what is going to be Israel's role in the future gaza, are they going to remain and occupy...or see over a new palestinian government... I don't think you'll see an independent gaza or state ever again...


Look, Hitler was appointed by german government, not because majority voted for him.

Palestinians never had opportunity to elect anyone else, hamas never gave them a chance. Happens in every dictatorship....

We voted in trudeau, 3 times. None with majority yet, there he is.

There were many dictators in history as bad or worse than hitler. My complaint is that on this forum, if someone does not like somehting, they immediately invokee hilter.

I am not sure what you are trying to make this an argument? You said debate and you are not debating.

You seem quite fine with an entire population being wiped out, disgraced and lose opportunity to make a home for themselves.

As i said several times, nuke the middle east, that is the only way there will ever be peace there and if not, I see no reason palastinians cannot be given a homeland like Israel has. I guess the jews were more "special"?


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8 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

Look, Hitler was appointed by german government, not because majority voted for him.

Palestinians never had opportunity to elect anyone else, hamas never gave them a chance. Happens in every dictatorship....

We voted in trudeau, 3 times. None with majority yet, there he is.

There were many dictators in history as bad or worse than hitler.

I am not sure what you are trying to make this an argument? You said debate and you are not debating.

You seem quite fine with an entire population being wiped out, disgraced and lose opportunity to make a home for themselves.

As i said several times, nuke the middle east, that is the only way there will ever be peace there and if not, I see no reason palastinians cannot be given a homeland like Israel has. I guess the jews were more "special"?


He was appointed becasue they the nazi party held the most seats...seats won by election regardless of how he got there, appointed or not, he still enjoyed a huge following...even after he revealed his plans for WWII


Following this, in July 1932 the Nazis became the largest party in the Reichstag, albeit short of an absolute majority. 1933 was a pivotal year for Hitler and the Nazi Party. Traditionally, the leader of the party who held the most seats in the Reichstag was appointed Chancellor.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler's_rise_to_power#:~:text=Hitler's rise to power was completed in August,and became Führer%2C the sole leader of Germany.

Well when you vote for a terrorist organization what does one really expect....and we can only point at the Palestinians

for that mistake...

Yes here he is,  first election was a majority...but then again we are not the smartest people either...I personally thought he was going to be good for the military...ya i hit my head on a huge rock and have since come to my senses...he made a lot of good promises..

Look if all this would stop this conflict , giving them a new homeland, i would be all for it..., but they were given full autonomy Israel pulled out of the city, moved it's citizens, and still the fighting continue, it was not enough, they want what israel has, the entire state of israel...and there is not going to be peace without it....If there is not going to be peace in the future....Why is out of the question for Israel to carry out what they are doing, destroying Hamas, and all of it's terrorists, removing them from power...and keep doing that until they the palestinians understand that israel is there to stay...

And why do so many people care what happens to palestine, and not other conflict areas... 



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3 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

And why do so many people care what happens to palestine, and not other conflict areas... 

Who says they don't care? Israel and it's allies know better than to behave the way they do and when they do misbehave it's more outrageous - like when a priest diddles with little kids.

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11 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

He was appointed becasue they the nazi party held the most seats...seats won by election regardless of how he got there, appointed or not, he still enjoyed a huge following...even after he revealed his plans for WWII

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler's_rise_to_power#:~:text=Hitler's rise to power was completed in August,and became Führer%2C the sole leader of Germany.

Well when you vote for a terrorist organization what does one really expect....and we can only point at the Palestinians

for that mistake...

Yes here he is,  first election was a majority...but then again we are not the smartest people either...I personally thought he was going to be good for the military...ya i hit my head on a huge rock and have since come to my senses...he made a lot of good promises..

Look if all this would stop this conflict , giving them a new homeland, i would be all for it..., but they were given full autonomy Israel pulled out of the city, moved it's citizens, and still the fighting continue, it was not enough, they want what israel has, the entire state of israel...and there is not going to be peace without it....If there is not going to be peace in the future....Why is out of the question for Israel to carry out what they are doing, destroying Hamas, and all of it's terrorists, removing them from power...and keep doing that until they the palestinians understand that israel is there to stay...

And why do so many people care what happens to palestine, and not other conflict areas... 



Yeah. OK

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19 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

Palestinians never had opportunity to elect anyone else, hamas never gave them a chance. Happens in every dictatorship....

Be that as it may, enough Palestinians are Hamas supporters that they were able to seize power quite easily, and maintain it all this time, with no challengers in sight.

That's a great measure of where those people stand morally, as a culture.

Is there a way to get rid of Hamas in Gaza, do you figger? Should they be allowed to stay there indefinitely, continually shelling Israel with rocket fire? Getting better, deadlier rockets all the time, so that eventually they can succeed in their constant attempts to commit genocide against Jews? 

What's your way out, EF?

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8 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Is there a way to get rid of Hamas in Gaza, do you figger?

Yeah, secular left wing Israelis need to make peace with left wing secular Palestinians.

Hardcore Muslims and Jews realize this too which is why there is no peace.

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11 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Be that as it may, enough Palestinians are Hamas supporters that they were able to seize power quite easily, and maintain it all this time, with no challengers in sight.

That's a great measure of where those people stand morally, as a culture.

Is there a way to get rid of Hamas in Gaza, do you figger? Should they be allowed to stay there indefinitely, continually shelling Israel with rocket fire? Getting better, deadlier rockets all the time, so that eventually they can succeed in their constant attempts to commit genocide against Jews? 

What's your way out, EF?

Your assumptions a[that all Palestinians are Hamas supporters is well, your assumptions . You have no premis or evidence to say that.

Seems to me that the worlds governments are aiding Palestinians with airlifts, sealifts and land aid ....

So, killing 30,000 Palestinians is not genocide? Justified revenge?

Make free elections a condition of ceasefire?

My way out? As I said, nuke the entire region, make it a wasteland of both sodes and that is the only way to end a 500 year old fight. Thing is though, there are over 400 million arabs (muslims) and only 15 million jews in the world...who really wins??

Or, give Palestinians a country like they did  to Israel.

Or, send in the UN and keep them apart like they did in Cyprus for 30 years. Let someone else keep them apart as they cannot do it themselves.


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Posted (edited)
19 hours ago, eyeball said:

Who says they don't care? Israel and it's allies know better than to behave the way they do and when they do misbehave it's more outrageous - like when a priest diddles with little kids.

How so?

Who's misbehaving, eyeball? 

FYI Hamas spends all of their time plotting genocide.

FYI Hamas spends all of their money on weapons to commit genocide, and as a result the people of Palestine live in a shithole of their own making. 

FYI a large portion of the ME has been actively trying to commit genocide against the Jews since long before 1900, and there have been many attempts to kill everyone in Israel going right back to their first day of existence, including two all-out wars with 5 armies attacking them.


When Hamas launches a terrorist attack, and goes on a child-burning, rape/murder spree, launching 20,000 rockets at Israeli citizens, does Israel really "misbehave"? What does proper behaviour look like to you in that scenario, eyeball?

And just remember, I'm well aware of the fact that you're still mad about a "massacre" of 30 people over 300 years ago. I'm not gonna buy some BS comment about "forgive and forget" from you. 

If 1,400 MacDonalds were killed on Oct 7th, you'd be up for retaliation on a biblical scale.

Were any MacDonald children burned to death in 1692? Do you think that the corpses of any MacDonald rape-murder victims were paraded through the streets of Scotland to be spit on by Scots children? 

Israel isn't "misbehaving". Think about what you're saying, eyeball. 

Muslims are all a-ok with what happened in Pakistan in 1947. I'd love to see you try to find one muslim who's upset about the fact that the Pakistanis drove 8M Sikhs and Hindus from their homes, and massacred 800,000 of them...

If they were mad about it, they have a weird way of showing it, because 8 months after the massacre in Pakistan, the combined armies of 5 countries tried to do that exact thing in Israel, but it backfired. They tried again in 1967, and again it backfired. 

FYI the "4th Gazan war", all initiated by Gazans themselves, is at least the 6th attempt by muslim countries to kill everyone in Israel. It's easy for you to say what Israel should do from the comfort of your own kitchen, but if entire countries were trying to commit genocide against you and your family, your behaviour would be a lot less passive than you are now. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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