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Are The Culture Wars A Spiritual Battle?

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19 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

The forces of narcissism and ego are reaching fever pitch in the West. What’s really unfolding?


I adked you a question you failed to answer. What other supernatural entities do you believe in?

 Leprechauns? Or ghosts? Genies? Or perhaps the Greek Gods? There's lots of books about the Greek gods that I'm sure you'd love to worship and attach supernatural significance to.

You are clearly delusional. Are you on any psych meds yet?

And now, the good Christian person that you believe yourself to be, is here, on line, attacking those who don't share your delusion.


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11 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

I adked you a question you failed to answer. What other supernatural entities do you believe in?

 Leprechauns? Or ghosts? Genies? Or perhaps the Greek Gods? There's lots of books about the Greek gods that I'm sure you'd love to worship and attach supernatural significance to.

You are clearly delusional. Are you on any psych meds yet?

And now, the good Christian person that you believe yourself to be, is here, on line, attacking those who don't share your delusion.


I’m sorry but your level of background knowledge and wisdom doesn’t warrant further response, except out of compassion. I’ll leave you with this: Learn about the origins of everything that you value in your society as best you can.  It’s very obvious from just a few paragraphs of your posts that you lack rigour of analysis and foundational knowledge.  In fact, when I have responded to you, it’s not mainly for you but simply to add commentary to the threads.  Your content illustrates the classic definition of a libertine.  You have no apparent value system apart from reckless hedonism.

There are atheists who demonstrate far more moral compass.  I’m not saying this to slight you, but because I can tell that you’re bothered by the idea of responsibility towards others.  Do you have kids?  Ask yourself the question, Why should anyone be guided by you?  You have plenty to criticize about the wisdom gathered through the ages but offer no worthwhile replacement.

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1 minute ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

You should replace your fictional book of mythology with empathy towards humanity. 

Your psuedo grace manifests itself in the traditions of your invisible God, set forth in a book filled with magic that you, somehow have come to worship as reality.

Those delusions are a mental illness.

I asked if you were taking psych meds because many of your ilk, such as Gaétan who is schizophrenic,  are in need of such.

I've talked to them all.

Those who speak in tongues and have convinced themselves that God's speaking through them.

Those who waste away their years worshipping an Invisible entity in the hopes of gaining eternal life (magic).

Those who see Angels and Jinns and who believe these are sent by God to shine his glory on them.

Your religion is a cult.

Your beliefs are delusions.






Again, I hope you find wisdom.

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23 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

 What’s really unfolding?

souls are forged by crucible at the ramparts

in defence of Judaeo-Christian Western civilization itself

the sacred individual triumphs over the forces of totalitarian collectivism therein

Tha Tighin Fodham

pronounced : "Ha Cheen Foam"

It Falls Upon Me

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On 2/17/2024 at 4:13 PM, Zeitgeist said:

The forces of narcissism and ego are reaching fever pitch in the West. What’s really unfolding?


There is no doubt that the downward shift in the culture is work of satan. The removal of God from the public discourse is the bedrock of that work. The increasing levels of tolerance for perversion is everywhere. Its started with abortion,  then gays, then same sex "marriage", the destruction of families and now we cant tell the difference between a man and a woman and heaven forbid you commit the mortal sin of "misgendering". 

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2 hours ago, Yakuda said:

There is no doubt that the downward shift in the culture is work of satan. The removal of God from the public discourse is the bedrock of that work. The increasing levels of tolerance for perversion is everywhere. Its started with abortion,  then gays, then same sex "marriage", the destruction of families and now we cant tell the difference between a man and a woman and heaven forbid you commit the mortal sin of "misgendering". 

The attack on the family, which in Christianity is exemplified by the Holy Family, is well underway.  We will see more normalization of the demonic in our media, education, and legislation. The Church is already under attack and Pope Francis himself has said that “the smoke of Satan is within the Vatican”. If prophecy is correct, there will be a desolation and divine intervention, but as St. Augustine said, there is always the City of Man and the City of God, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which caused death and the Tree of Life.

The message of Revelations is that one must be prepared because no one knows the time of death or judgement. To the posters on here who mock, remember what the thief on the cross beside Christ said to the other thief next to Christ, “Have you no fear of God?”

Luke 23:40-49

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7 hours ago, Zeitgeist said:

You’re so in denial you should move to Egypt.  

I concur that I'm 100% in denial that a hoofed red man with horns who is invisible should be taken into consideration when considering social policy.

I respect the right for you to hold private beliefs that don't make sense to me, but you bring ridicule on yourself when you float such ideas into public discussion.

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1 hour ago, Michael Hardner said:

I concur that I'm 100% in denial that a hoofed red man with horns who is invisible should be taken into consideration when considering social policy.

I respect the right for you to hold private beliefs that don't make sense to me, but you bring ridicule on yourself when you float such ideas into public discussion.

This is why I think you’ve lost the plot, if you ever had it. Because of an anthropomorphic image of a red devil and pitchfork, you would try to suppress the expression of 1.5 billion people.  Of course the video clip has none of that imagery in it.  You simply can’t deal with the fact that it doesn’t fit the secular idea you’ve cultivated about Christianity.  I don’t judge you as a person, but your error is clear.  The main purpose of Christianity is salvation, not an affirmation of anything you want or that is legal or popular. Perhaps you didn’t watch the clip because you’re not discussing any of its content.

What did you expect would be posted in a religion thread?  

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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

This is why I think you’ve lost the plot, if you ever had it. Because of an anthropomorphic image of a red devil and pitchfork, you would try to suppress the expression of 1.5 billion people.  Of course the video clip has none of that imagery in it.  You simply can’t deal with the fact that it doesn’t fit the secular idea you’ve cultivated about Christianity.  I don’t judge you as a person, but your error is clear.  The main purpose of Christianity is salvation, not an affirmation of anything you want or that is legal or popular. Perhaps you didn’t watch the clip because you’re not discussing any of its content.

What did you expect would be posted in a religion thread?  

How am I oppressing people? I identify as Christian.

The main purpose of Christianity is the golden rule, not invisible spirits that play their hand in our mortal game.

I watched most of the clip, and as I stated, I think it's geared towards a sector of hardcore Catholics, not applicable to the country at large.

And I did discuss the content, in my first post.

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26 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

The main purpose of Christianity is the golden rule, not invisible spirits that play their hand in our mortal game.

Christianity is a faith in Christ

from the ancient Greek ; Christos

a Messiah, from the Hebrew meaning "Anointed"

and that said Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth

and that one  conquers death by walking on the road to Calvary with Him

an invisible Holy Spirit guiding you through our mortal coil

a deep & abiding love for the Saviour, through the story of His life in the New Testament

the commandment to love thine enemies is a sermon, but not the purpose

the purpose is to live with no fears on Earth,

so that one has to the courage to do good, even in the face of crucifixion

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4 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

Christianity is a faith in Christ

from the ancient Greek ; Christos

a Messiah, from the Hebrew meaning "Anointed"

and that said Messiah is Jesus of Nazareth

and that one  conquers death by walking on the road to Calvary with Him

an invisible Holy Spirit guiding you through our mortal coil

a deep & abiding love for the Saviour, through the story of His life in the New Testament

the commandment to love thine enemies is a sermon, but not the purpose

the purpose is to live with no fears on Earth,

so that one has to the courage to do good, even in the face of crucifixion

Faith in Christ's teachings, more accurately.

How could one be devoted to a teacher and not their teachings?

I don't think Christ ever mentioned the devil...


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11 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

How could one be devoted to a teacher and not their teachings?

God is mercy, but also judgment

the commandment to love thine enemies

does not preclude going to war against those enemies

in defence of the light of civilization itself

as this life is a crucible wherein souls are forged

the Nazarene also told his Apostles to carry swords, to defend themselves from Tiberius Caesar

Onward Christian Soldiers

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11 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

And yet, Catholics more than Jews or even Protestants are obsessed with the idea of Satan.

Given the Catholicism had the best marketing of any religion, I think it says more about the audience than the religion itself.

the idea of Satan comes from the Book of Elijah

wherein Yahweh takes pieces of Himself and makes them into Archangels

to send the Archangels to Earth to watch over humanity

the leader of the Archangels is called Samyaza

the revolt against Heaven begins when Samyaza leads the Archangels to mate with human women

producing offspring without souls, clockwork automatons

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John McWhorter wrote a whole book on how antiracism is the new religion of the Left. The high priests are people like Robin Diangelo and Ibraham X Kendi. Their clerics are the ones in charge of all these DEI organizations that provide church services, otherwise known as antiracist seminars, to various government departments and corporate organizations that employees are required to attend and where disagreement is considered blasphemy. Speaking the wrong words or challenging the wisdom or logic of the religion's sacred texts draws shrieks of heresy and the followers of the religion then seek to have the heretic shunned and cast out - from their job, from their campus, from society.

White people are supposedly imbued with the original sin of racism from which none may escape. It attaints them from birth, and only devotion to the new religion can spare them condemnation. Claiming to not be racist is a sign of racism. Claiming to treat all races the same is a sign of white superiority. There is no way for a white person to escape his sinfulness other than submission to the new religion of antiracism.

It's mostly a religion of the elites, who parrot the words of its gospel to each other, and join in celebrating them and denouncing heretics to demonstrate their religious virtue while accomplishing absolutely nothing. 

Think of Mr Blackface-giant-banana-dick Trudeau going out into the demonstrating crowd with his bodyguards (during covid, when all public gatherings were banned) to visibly take a knee in symbolic devotion to the new religion. 

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29 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Faith in Christ's teachings, more accurately.

no, that is not accurate

Christianity is a faith in a supernatural God

that said God is Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews

but that His Messiah has already come to earth

as Jesus of Nazareth, in 1st century Roman Judea

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6 minutes ago, I am Groot said:


It's mostly a religion of the elites, who parrot the words of its gospel to each other, and join in celebrating them and denouncing heretics to demonstrate their religious virtue while accomplishing absolutely nothing. 


Ok, but it gave rise to an equally emotive tribe who engages in purity tests etc 

The populist left is one leader away from coming back.

5 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:


Christianity is a faith in a supernatural God


No.  Cultural Catholicism and Christian Atheists are a thing.

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36 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said:

Faith in Christ's teachings, more accurately.

How could one be devoted to a teacher and not their teachings?

based on this I would suggest that what you actually are is a British Unitarian

Unitarians believing that Jesus was an important historical figure whom was inspired by God

but that Jesus is not the Messiah therein in any supernatural sense

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