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As Kids, They Thought They Were Trans. They No Longer Do. (or why it's ok for parents to question)

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39 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Not what I said. I said they were both cars.

BTW: what kind of car is this?


Sorry but that's completely weak.  In the context you said it you did in fact say that ferraris and fieros were the same thing or at least interchangeable.

And this is the problem with having discussions with people on the left these days. Black dog is clearly being dishonest and is trying to use 'tactics' to 'win' the discussion instead of addressing the issues.  Lie, distract, attack the poster, this is their stock and trade.

And then they'll cry out "WOT HAAPEN!!" when suddenly people get sick of them and just go ahead and pass a bunch of new laws. Then they throw a tantrum  and finally say "can't we talk about this like rational people'?   Waaaaaay too late little guy.

Honestly @Perspektiv  There's not much point in discussing advanced biological and psychological concepts with someone who literally cannot tell the difference between a ferrari and fiero  :) 

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23 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sorry but that's completely weak.  In the context you said it you did in fact say that ferraris and fieros were the same thing or at least interchangeable.

Not even close, but we know you're an illiterate dummy with reading comprehension issues. 


And this is the problem with having discussions with people on the left these days. Black dog is clearly being dishonest and is trying to use 'tactics' to 'win' the discussion instead of addressing the issues.  Lie, distract, attack the poster, this is their stock and trade.

And then they'll cry out "WOT HAAPEN!!" when suddenly people get sick of them and just go ahead and pass a bunch of new laws. Then they throw a tantrum  and finally say "can't we talk about this like rational people'?   Waaaaaay too late little guy.

You're literally doing all that here. Add "has no self-awareness" to the lengthy list of your character flaws.


Honestly @Perspektiv  There's not much point in discussing advanced biological and psychological concepts with someone who literally cannot tell the difference between a ferrari and fiero  :) 

This is quite the self own when you consider the the average person who doesn't care about cars would unlikely to be able to tell the difference between a Ferrari and a Fiero on sight. And that proves my point that gender is largely about presentation and what's under the hood is secondary at best.

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29 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Not even close, but we know you're an illiterate dummy with reading comprehension issues. 

It's 100 percent accurate, but we know you're a lying sack who can't even be honest about what he said.


You're literally doing all that here. Add "has no self-awareness" to the lengthy list of your character flaws.

It's a pretty common leftie tactic to try to deflect and pretend others are doing what they themselves just got called out for. Obviously you're no different.

I'm pointing out the truth - sorry it's not to your liking.


This is quite the self own when you consider the the average person who doesn't care about cars would unlikely to be able to tell the difference between a Ferrari and a Fiero on sight.

The average person would be able to tell the moment they got into one or popped the hood :)

the only thing it proves is that you have absoltuely no argument.  Of course anything can be dressed up to look like something else.  If i put a person inside a vending machine chassis they'd look like a vending machine.  But they woudlnt' actually be a vending machine.

that's why you had to try the 'but but but they're both cars' argument which as we've seen is nonsense, and then you tried to deny that you did later.

So no. it has nothing to do with social constructs. And you've already admitted that it's largely biological earlier.

And at the end of the day a biological male is no more of a female than a fiero with a body kit is a ferrari.




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20 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's 100 percent accurate, but we know you're a lying sack who can't even be honest about what he said.

Nah again, we've established you can't read and are very very dumb. And also a liar.



It's a pretty common leftie tactic to try to deflect and pretend others are doing what they themselves just got called out for. Obviously you're no different.

I'm pointing out the truth - sorry it's not to your liking.


The key indicator that you are a very dumb person who can't make an argument is the amount of time you spend pumping your own tires, as though blathering about how smart you are will convince anyone but you (it doesn't).


The average person would be able to tell the moment they got into one or popped the hood :)

Would they? It's a car, they perform the same function, they look similar, who cares.



the only thing it proves is that you have absoltuely no argument.  Of course anything can be dressed up to look like something else.  If i put a person inside a vending machine chassis they'd look like a vending machine.  But they woudlnt' actually be a vending machine.

that's why you had to try the 'but but but they're both cars' argument which as we've seen is nonsense, and then you tried to deny that you did later.


These terrible analogies involving inanimate objects with specific functions are pure cope. People aren't cars or vending machines or attack helicopters or whatever other moronic comparison you want to make. Your feeble mind can't handle the complexities of this so you have to fall back on things your child mind can grasp (cars go vroom).


So no. it has nothing to do with social constructs. And you've already admitted that it's largely biological earlier.

Lol another lie, you are so bad at this it's incredible.

Here's what I said:

On 2/21/2024 at 10:39 AM, Black Dog said:

Physical traits can certainly influence or inform one's personal sense of one's own gender. Like if you got your c*ck and balls ripped off in an industrial accident, chances are you would "feel" like less of a man as a result.

Note this is about one's own personal, embodied feelings of gender not external perceptions of gender.


And at the end of the day a biological male is no more of a female than a fiero with a body kit is a ferrari.

Does a car have a sense of self? Does a car get socialized to be one type of car or another? Does a car choose how it presents itself to identify itself as one type of car or another?

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11 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Nah again, we've established you can't read and are very very dumb. And also a liar.

Sorry kid - deflecting your own faults onto me simply doesn't change the facts.


The key indicator that you are a very dumb person who can't make an argument is the amount of time you spend pumping your own tires, as though blathering about how smart you are will convince anyone but you (it doesn't).

Oh look - another leftie who can't refute the points so he attacks the poster. Yawn.



Would they? It's a car, they perform the same function, they look similar, who cares.

Virtually everyone would care. If you thought you bought a ferrari and shows up and it's a fierro - you'd care.


These terrible analogies involving inanimate objects with specific functions are pure cope.

You mean like if i pretended a fiero was a ferrari?   Dude -you LITERALLY did that :)  This is YOUR argument - YOU were the one who compared inanimate objects with specific functions  LOLOLOL 

But for sure - you're "pure cope" alright :)  Holy shit i can't believe you said that :)  



Lol another lie, you are so bad at this it's incredible.

Sorry kiddo - cast iron truth.  Remember your whole 'if you ripped his dick off" commentary? And you absolutely agreed at that point that biology plays a significant role.

But like most lefties you magically "Forget" what youv'e said previously when you realize it doesn't suit your argument now. Quelle suprise.

Sorry kid.  As you say  - your argument is nothing but cope.

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Just now, CdnFox said:

Sorry kid - deflecting your own faults onto me simply doesn't change the facts.

Oh look - another leftie who can't refute the points so he attacks the poster. Yawn.

lol, you can't go two sentences without owning yourself, amazing.


Virtually everyone would care. If you thought you bought a ferrari and shows up and it's a fierro - you'd care.

You mean like if i pretended a fiero was a ferrari?   Dude -you LITERALLY did that :)  This is YOUR argument - YOU were the one who compared inanimate objects with specific functions  LOLOLOL 

But for sure - you're "pure cope" alright :)  Holy shit i can't believe you said that :)  

I didn't make the stupid car analogy, lay off the lead paint.


Sorry kiddo - cast iron truth.  Remember your whole 'if you ripped his dick off" commentary? And you absolutely agreed at that point that biology plays a significant role.

But like most lefties you magically "Forget" what youv'e said previously when you realize it doesn't suit your argument now. Quelle suprise.

I literally posted my own quote you dumb puke.


Sorry kid.  As you say  - your argument is nothing but cope.

Aw cute the boomer is copying me now.

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2 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

lol, you can't go two sentences without owning yourself, amazing.

ROFLMAO - i'm sure that's what the voices in your head tell you :) (pssst - they're not your friends. )


I didn't make the stupid car analogy, lay off the lead paint.

Sure you did.  Perspectiv may have mentioned it initially but you doubled down on it HARD - even posted pictures to prove YOUR point that people wouldn't know the differenece - then made that point again in writing.

THen accused others of doing it.  LOL - typical leftie :0   Cope harder.



I literally posted my own quote you dumb puke.

You literally posted something that had nothing to do with my comment attempting to distract.

I mentioned the correct reference.

Are you NOW trying to claim that gender has NOTHING to do with biology? is that what you're saying? And that you never said it did?


Aw cute the boomer is copying me now.

Quoting you.  there's a difference :)  

I get it  - you say so much stupid stuff that you get angry when people quote you.  If i said stuff that stupid i probably wouldn't want it repeated either.

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2 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Not what I said. I said they were both cars.

BTW: what kind of car is this?


Well seeing as it's GM's most famous failure, your attempt at miscellaneous equations is also a failure

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

ROFLMAO - i'm sure that's what the voices in your head tell you :) (pssst - they're not your friends. )

Sure you did.  Perspectiv may have mentioned it initially but you doubled down on it HARD - even posted pictures to prove YOUR point that people wouldn't know the differenece - then made that point again in writing.

I don't even think you understand what the argument was or could articulate it if you tried. 



THen accused others of doing it.  LOL - typical leftie :0   Cope harder.

You literally posted something that had nothing to do with my comment attempting to distract.

I mentioned the correct reference.

Are you NOW trying to claim that gender has NOTHING to do with biology? is that what you're saying? And that you never said it did?

Quoting you.  there's a difference :)  

I get it  - you say so much stupid stuff that you get angry when people quote you.  If i said stuff that stupid i probably wouldn't want it repeated either.


It's kind of fascinating how much garbage you throw at the wall in hopes of making something stick, but I'm afraid pissing matches with dumb people are boring to me.

5 minutes ago, Legato said:

Well seeing as it's GM's most famous failure, your attempt at miscellaneous equations is also a failure

Aw look someone taught a retarded chimp to use a thesaurus.

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30 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

I don't even think you understand what the argument was or could articulate it if you tried. 

So basically you're admitting you have no rebuttal and you're just going to try an ad hominem attack and see if that works.

Sure kiddo, you do that. it's not like people respect you now anyway so it can't hurt.


It's kind of fascinating how much garbage you throw at the wall in hopes of making something stick, but I'm afraid pissing matches with dumb people are boring to me.

See above :)    Tell me you know you've lost and are angry about it without telling me :)

"two different cars are the same just like men and women are the same  - but don't compare inanimate objects'

You just compared inanimate objects

" I .. uhhh... but... ummmm..... You're a poopy head!!!"

LOL :) 



Aw look someone taught a retarded chimp to use a thesaurus.

LOL  - i'm sure they seemed like big words to you :)  

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

So basically you're admitting you have no rebuttal and you're just going to try an ad hominem attack and see if that works.

Sure kiddo, you do that. it's not like people respect you now anyway so it can't hurt.

See above :)    Tell me you know you've lost and are angry about it without telling me :)

"two different cars are the same just like men and women are the same  - but don't compare inanimate objects'

You just compared inanimate objects

" I .. uhhh... but... ummmm..... You're a poopy head!!!"

LOL :) 


LOL  - i'm sure they seemed like big words to you :)  

The fact you think that's what the argument was shows you're far too stupid to engage with further. 

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1 minute ago, Black Dog said:

The fact you think that's what the argument was shows you're far too stupid to engage with further. 

Now tell me "I realize i've been beaten like the pathetic weasel i am and will now attempt to retreat while yapping" without telling me :)  

Cope harder :)   Lol - that was Pathetic.

at the end of the day, physical changes are  a big deal, and gender isn't just a social construct.  So children should wait till they're adults before making decisions about permanently altering their bodies.  And dressing a male up as a female doesn't make them a female.

There you go.

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35 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

Aw look someone taught a retarded chimp to use a thesaurus.

Well I tried to teach miscellaneous and quadratic equations but all you wanted to do was eat bananas.

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6 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Not what I said. I said they were both cars.

I was clearly talking about them both being polar opposite types of cars.

Them being cars, is painfully obvious. Common sense, to all other posters.

You having to point this out, like it makes them both identical, is the same argument some use to justify biological women competing with trans women in professional sports.

Because women can also be 6 foot 6 and 200lbs (or it being possible), the debate is null and void. 

It ignores the average male will naturally be stronger, taller, and have faster reaction speeds than the average woman.

It totally ignores that statistically that this couldn't be further from the truth. Kind of like putting a kit on a piece of s*** car, makes it no different than a finely tuned V8 engine.

Yeah, okay. You put 300, 000$ or more on a Fiero. You can scream its the same until you're blue in the face, but most people will see its not the case, and eventually agree with you out of pity.

5 hours ago, CdnFox said:

There's not much point in discussing advanced biological and psychological concepts with someone who literally cannot tell the difference between a ferrari and fiero 

I worked with someone who couldn't tell the difference between a parking spot, and a sidewalk entrance.

Their justification, was there "were no signs telling me I couldn't park here!".

Thats the type of person you look for, when pushing woke ideology.

They will aggressively push what they are told, and grow triggered when their logic is easily picked apart.



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8 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

I was clearly talking about them both being polar opposite types of cars.

Them being cars, is painfully obvious. Common sense, to all other posters.

You having to point this out, like it makes them both identical, is the same argument some use to justify biological women competing with trans women in professional sports.

I didn't say anything about them being identical, that was your insertion. Anyway, the whole inanimate object analogy thing is fundamentally stupid. Different makes of car are fixed categories in ways gender simply is not.



I worked with someone who couldn't tell the difference between a parking spot, and a sidewalk entrance.

Their justification, was there "were no signs telling me I couldn't park here!".

Thats the type of person you look for, when pushing woke ideology.

They will aggressively push what they are told, and grow triggered when their logic is easily picked apart.


Ah yes logic like "imagine if woman was car." lmao

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3 hours ago, Black Dog said:

I didn't say anything about them being identical, that was your insertion.

You mentioned them both being cars, when it was crystal clear, the comparison was being made to what type of car they were. Common sense, when someone tells you a cheap kit car is nothing compared to a luxury supercar, they aren't making a comparison to the fact that both are cars.

Sure, what you've stated was true (they are in fact both cars), but misconstrued the evidence that was clearly outlined and being debated. You're essentially weaponizing ignorance, to act like you can't tell the difference.

Same tactics are currently used by the woke crowd, to debate gender.

Its so ridiculous, they must pass laws, and silence dissent because on the basis of logic, they would have the floor mopped with their logic.

3 hours ago, Black Dog said:

Different makes of car are fixed categories in ways gender simply is not.

There are two genders, last time I checked. How one is feminine or masculine, is irrelevant to them being male or female. You can't change your gender. Period.


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Being gender nonconforming is nothing new. I am gender nonconforming. 

The more like me, the better. Me and the wife don't care about gender norms. She's more masculine than me. And? 

Insisting am gay because I love drinking "girly" drinks with a straw, vs the wife drinking beer straight from the bottle, is just as silly to me as telling a child they can pick their gender, like a book at the library.

This notion you can just change it, if you don't like it, like administering drugs that literally stop puberty are perfectly safe and don't cause any side effects, whatsoever.

Cough syrup over the counter causes side effects, for crying out loud.

What is dangerous to me, is telling a child dealing with the confusion I felt growing up, that they may be stuck in the wrong body.

That you're somehow assigned gender.

Let kids be kids. Support and love them. But let them be kids. Let parents do their job.

This is controversial in 2024.

Divisive, even. 

It boggles my mind how the voice of the minority can be so deafening, it drowns the majority out.

Mercifully we still have the power of voting them silent.

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1 hour ago, Black Dog said:

not gender descriptors.

Correct, and there are two.

There literally is no fixed place where either of us fall between the two. There never has been. We just used social shame to pressure people to get in boxes.

Of course am sure your data is factual, thus allowing you to determine how many genders that there are, to quantify a spectrum, otherwise. 

You're otherwise proving my point and the concern of parents of woke ideologues using kids as experimental pawns in this culture war currently eroding our societies and what they once stood for.

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22 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Correct, and there are two.

There literally is no fixed place where either of us fall between the two. There never has been. We just used social shame to pressure people to get in boxes.

Of course am sure your data is factual, thus allowing you to determine how many genders that there are, to quantify a spectrum, otherwise. 

So is it a social construct or nah? Because if it is, like you say here, then the idea that it's "physically impossible to change genders" is out the window.


You're otherwise proving my point and the concern of parents of woke ideologues using kids as experimental pawns in this culture war currently eroding our societies and what they once stood for.

Do you think it's better to use shame and social stigma to enforce rigid gender roles and expression?

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46 minutes ago, Black Dog said:

So is it a social construct or nah? Because if it is, like you say here, then the idea that it's "physically impossible to change genders" is out the window.

Do you think it's better to use shame and social stigma to enforce rigid gender roles and expression?

You've already admitted it's substantially physical.  that was established in your 'rip their dick off' commentary.

This is the problem with the left - they can't even keep their story straight for one thread and they expect to be taken seriously

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