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Are the Democrats an Actual Cult?

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4 minutes ago, Deluge said:

This coming from an abortion cultist. lol

often attributive
: a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see SPURIOUS sense 2)
also : its body of adherents
the voodoo cult
a satanic cult

When I think of the word "cult", it automatically takes me to the democrat party. The democrat party touts its tolerance; it touts its diversity, equity AND inclusion. And what better party to welcome groups such as satanic cults and voodoo cults? You're all over the f*cking map with tolerance for cultism. 

Where tolerance hits the wall with you a$$holes is traditional American values & Christianity, which make up the ANTI-cult. 

Is the democrat party a cult? YES. It's a cult steeped in all kinds of wrong behaviors that will eventually destroy this country if it's not purged. 


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4 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

The actual number?  Maybe it 65%, maybe it’s 55%, it’s a slim but decisive majority. 60% “feels right” to describe GOP Putin supporters, Putin-curious, and Ukraine-skeptics, which are the main different flavours of Putin stooge. 

So you're making it up.   So there's no actual basis for that,  it's just your opinion about the GOP in general. It could just as well be none.  Or all of them for that matter.

I think you should be shooting to do a little better than that when you're arriving at your conclusions.

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21 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

Certainly the West was sleeping when Putin made his move in 2014. But when Trump became President, Putin expected Trump would allow him to take all of Ukraine without an invasion. The Trump 2016 campaign team and former Putin Oligarch employee Paul Manafort specifically had discussed this with Russian officials including Russian intelligence asset Konstantin Kilimnik. They specifically discussed how a Trump administration would end US support for Ukraine and end US opposition to Russian aggression,  Only when Biden was elected did Russia realize they would have to try and take by force what Trump would have handed on a silver platter. Trump continues to be Putin supporter to this day. 

Do you realize that all you ever do here is peddle senseless CNN conspiracy BS?

FYI Russia didn't have to seize Crimea if Biden and Obama weren't trying to shove NATO up their ass. 

How does a Russian naval base inside of a NATO country work, genius? Did you think that the Russians would just say "I guess we have to abandon our naval base now that Ukraine is part of NATO"?

Just stop talking now you f'ing id10t. You make me want to vomit. 


I honestly understand that you want NATO in Ukraine. Good for you, I guess? But that doesn't come without a fight, stupid. AKA, a war. You can even see that there's a war, it's on your TV screen. You just like to pretend that it started out of the blue. 

The Ukrainians and Russians are bitter enemies now, thanks to the ever-divisive Demonrat party. All those evil pieces of shit do is create racial division in America, create hateful division between voters, start wars around the world, and screw over low-income Americans by bringing in tens of millions of illegal immigrant to compete with them for jobs.   

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6 hours ago, CdnFox said:

So you're making it up.   So there's no actual basis for that

Welllll, sort of.

It comes from his Ministry of Propaganda, which is divine guidance/gospel to these guys.  

Facts carry no weight with his kind.

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On 1/24/2024 at 12:59 AM, BeaverFever said:

I was making fun of you because clearly the Democrats party doesn’t “meet the dictionary definition” of a cult by any stretch of the imagination.

That's a declarative statement without a hint of substance, just in case you care.

The Demis are a cult because their acolytes continually rant blatantly false drivel which has no basis whatsoever in reality, and when they're challenged with contradictory facts they just shout down the messenger and hide behind a layer of insults and accusations like they're throwing holy water on Dracula himself.

There are people here who still won't admit that thousands of multi-vaxed Canadians died of covid, or any healthy people were killed by the vax. In their minds the 2020 vax-promises are all true to this day and Fauci, Trudeau and Cuomo are covid Messiahs.

Look at how long you pushed the bogus collusion narrative... Even Schiff had stopped lying about for months while you were still yelling at clouds here.

The brain-dead id10ts here were still saying "mostly peaceful protests" after there was $2B in damages, part of Seattle was taken over and the BLM police had killed a kid and critically injured 14 yr old, people were murdered, cops were murdered, and thousands of them were injured.

You guys were also going along with "There's no inflation" when the cost of gas was up by 30% and the cost of food was skyrocketing. Only cultists would say "It's clearly mid-day" at 3AM, but that's exactly what you guys do.

Then all of you bright lights who demanded that Trump needed a cognitive assessment "because he was losing his mind" pretended that Fetterman and Biden were solid.

For a while I couldn't tell if you were liars or just next-level stupid, but you've definitely achieved cult status now. No one's dumb enough to repeat the things that you guys get caught saying here over and over.

You're like Goebbels' pawns, spewing lies with cultist fervour.

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A "cult" displays certain characteristics. They all say the same thing...in unison if possible...they would turn on their own mothers for their "cause"...they have very dictatorial tendencies.

Ok having established that, may I point out that only Republicans actually had primaries that meant anything this year...the Republicans don't seem to be able to all say the same things...in unison...a conservative could not forsake his or her family for the "cause"... Conservatives value free speach.

The Democrats do all say the same thing...in unison...they do tear their own families apart for their "cause". Democrats do hate free speech.

Hmmm...who's a cult?

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7 minutes ago, Nationalist said:

Ok having established that, may I point out that only Republicans actually had primaries that meant anything this year...the Republicans don't seem to be able to all say the same things...in unison...a conservative could not forsake his or her family for the "cause"... Conservatives value free speach.

And just look at how the Dem, Lib and NDP party members all vote... 100% partisan 99% of the time. 

The ones that don't either get kicked out of the caucus (Canada) or get harassed on the toilet/at home (US).

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21 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

And just look at how the Dem, Lib and NDP party members all vote... 100% partisan 99% of the time. 

The ones that don't either get kicked out of the caucus (Canada) or get harassed on the toilet/at home (US).

Lol...p1ssing Kool-Aid.

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So the Dems are earning legitimate consideration as a cult for all the reasons mentioned here - mainly a series of blatantly false narratives which instantly become "my hill to die on" for millions of Dems, and which are required screeding for everyone who doesn't want to be cancelled - and now in a tit-for-tat, leftists are calling the GOP a cult.

It's just drivel.

I can have whatever opinion I want as a conservative and my bank account won't be frozen by other conservatives. No conservatives will dox me. No conservatives advocate for protests outside of SCJ's homes over a ruling we don't like, especially one as simple as "This isn't our business, it's a state matter". Staying out of other people's business isn't the hallmark of a cult.

I could take the vax, object, or even regurgitate claims of efficacy if I wanted, and still not get cancelled by fellow conservatives. The only thing that draws the ire of conservatives is advocating for children to take it with no reason why or forcing people to take it.  

The people who advocate for forcing people to vax are obviously far more cult-like, right?

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1 hour ago, WestCanMan said:

So the Dems are earning legitimate consideration as a cult for all the reasons mentioned here - mainly a series of blatantly false narratives which instantly become "my hill to die on" for millions of Dems, and which are required screeding for everyone who doesn't want to be cancelled - and now in a tit-for-tat, leftists are calling the GOP a cult.

It's just drivel.

I can have whatever opinion I want as a conservative and my bank account won't be frozen by other conservatives. No conservatives will dox me. No conservatives advocate for protests outside of SCJ's homes over a ruling we don't like, especially one as simple as "This isn't our business, it's a state matter". Staying out of other people's business isn't the hallmark of a cult.

I could take the vax, object, or even regurgitate claims of efficacy if I wanted, and still not get cancelled by fellow conservatives. The only thing that draws the ire of conservatives is advocating for children to take it with no reason why or forcing people to take it.  

The people who advocate for forcing people to vax are obviously far more cult-like, right?

They all tend to want to do what the others are doing without question or thought and yes they want to stomp anyone that disagrees into the ground, but i still argue that that's less like a cult and more like a herd of cattle. The branch bovinian if you will :)

And yes conservatives generally aren't like that, we're far more individualistic and more tolerant of other people being individualistic and having different opinions.

But that reflects the underlying political beliefs doesn't it. The left believes that for the 'good of society' that the herd should always do the same thing and move together and if one starts to stampede everyone should stampede - otherwise the herd doesn't work. The herd is all, personal rights don't matter.

  Whereas conservatives believe in personal freedoms and responsibilities. And you can't have that in a herd. So they pick personal freedoms over the needs of "Society". 

And here we are.  We've got the bovines and the cowboys. :)

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

Whereas conservatives believe in personal freedoms

Ironically that's the birthplace of liberalism. 


and responsibilities.

And the opposite of modern liberalism.


And you can't have that in a herd. So they pick personal freedoms over the needs of "Society".

I don't think they put personal freedoms ahead of the needs of society. In the case of the jab, I don't think anyone ever made the case that there was a need to jab people. 

You could argue that there was a need for a jab, but we never got "a safe, effective vaccine". No one's self-determination needed to be squashed in favour of the pseudovax. 

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When I see the word, "democrats" in this context.. i think of all democrat voters or liberals not just the elected officials. Of course, elected officials have need to band together. Their legislation only passes if the group is on the same page and they get enough votes. As for the individuals out in society, my experience is that there is quite a bit of variance in their views. Secondly, if one individual (not elected official) differs from the group, there is no tangible consequence. Yeah.. so someone on Facebook disagrees with you. Anyone who actually reads the comments shows their distinct lack of IQ. 

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13 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Ironically that's the birthplace of liberalism. 

The thought actually did occur  to me as i wrote that. Most (not all) of what today's conservatives believe actually was the heart of what used to be "liberal" beliefs 100 and even 50 years ago.  Individual freedoms, freedom to choose your own way and not be forced to societal norms,  no 'class' society (nowadays called intersectionalism), "all people being treated eqaually under the law", etc.

All of that is opposed by the left and the so-called 'liberals' now.  Liberalism has become socialism, which is the opposite of being 'liberal'.

17 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't think they put personal freedoms ahead of the needs of society. In the case of the jab, I don't think anyone ever made the case that there was a need to jab people. 

You could argue that there was a need for a jab, but we never got "a safe, effective vaccine". No one's self-determination needed to be squashed in favour of the pseudovax. 

But the line you quoted referred to conservatives, and by and large it wasn't conservatives who were interested in compelling people to take the jab by force.

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

When I see the word, "democrats" in this context.. i think of all democrat voters or liberals not just the elected officials. Of course, elected officials have need to band together. Their legislation only passes if the group is on the same page and they get enough votes.

1. Elected Dem officials pimp lies and false narratives, like "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and "mostly peaceful protests".

2. That's not how our democracy is designed to work. We're supposed to have regional representation and in the case of the libs/dems, we don't.



As for the individuals out in society, my experience is that there is quite a bit of variance in their views. Secondly, if one individual (not elected official) differs from the group, there is no tangible consequence. Yeah.. so someone on Facebook disagrees with you. Anyone who actually reads the comments shows their distinct lack of IQ. 

Leftist voters are sheeple. They'll shriek their lies they're told to shriek, even when it's harming their own friends and family. IMO that's weird/repugnant. 

Edited by WestCanMan
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5 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1. Elected Dem officials pimp lies and false narratives, like "pandemic of the unvaccinated" and "mostly peaceful protests".

2. That's not how our democracy is designed to work. We're supposed to have regional representation and in the case of the libs/dems, we don't.


Leftist voters are sheeple. They'll shriek their lies they're told to shriek, even when it's harming their own friends and family. IMO that's weird/repugnant. 

Well.. my experience with leftist/liberal voters/individuals differs from yours. I see quite a bit of variance and always have. Yes, they vote for Democrats mostly.. duh moment. Just like conservatives vote for Republicans even when their views do not exactly sync up on a 1 to 1 basis. If the voters were a cult.. there would be tangible consequences. Someone typing insults on a keyboard and you reading it.. is not a tangible consequence. 


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11 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Well.. my experience with leftist/liberal voters/individuals differs from yours. I see quite a bit of variance and always have. Yes, they vote for Democrats mostly.. duh moment. Just like conservatives vote for Republicans even when their views do not exactly sync up on a 1 to 1 basis. If the voters were a cult.. there would be tangible consequences. Someone typing insults on a keyboard and you reading it.. is not a tangible consequence. 


There are tangible consequences. In Canada Liberals get kicked out of cabinet positions and even the caucus for not toeing the line. They're not allowed to air dissenting opinions or they get kicked out of the party.

In the US they have protesters follow them into the toilet, or to their homes, and the party is ok with that.

When did conservatives here kick anyone out for voting the wrong way? When did Trump say it was ok to have protests at SCJ's homes, or to have people follow MTG or AOC to the toilet to yell at them?

It's hard to recognize a cult from the inside, but you're in one. 

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3 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

In Canada Liberals get kicked out of cabinet positions

Again, I am talking about the individuals/voters not the elected officials. I know that you can't separate the two. I am not sure how much more clear I can be... If I am in a cult.. I am the most detached member of the cult ever considering that I do not attend rallies and never have, do not follow stuff on Facebook, and have a general loathing of all politics. But its your story  so do not let me distract you. 

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On 4/22/2024 at 9:43 AM, WestCanMan said:

Do you realize that all you ever do here is peddle senseless CNN conspiracy BS?

FYI Russia didn't have to seize Crimea if Biden and Obama weren't trying to shove NATO up their ass. 

You are LYING. Biden STILL believes Ukraine is not ready to join NATO. AKA never pushed it on anyone.

On 4/22/2024 at 6:17 PM, Nationalist said:

A "cult" displays certain characteristics. They all say the same thing...in unison if possible...they would turn on their own mothers for their "cause"...they have very dictatorial tendencies.

Ok having established that, may I point out that only Republicans actually had primaries that meant anything this year...the Republicans don't seem to be able to all say the same things...in unison...a conservative could not forsake his or her family for the "cause"... Conservatives value free speach.

The Democrats do all say the same thing...in unison...they do tear their own families apart for their "cause". Democrats do hate free speech.

Hmmm...who's a cult?

The Republicon House and Senate are. Trump demanded they drop the Senate BIPARTISAN immigration bill and suddenly it was DEAD.

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Posted (edited)
20 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Again, I am talking about the individuals/voters not the elected officials. I know that you can't separate the two. I am not sure how much more clear I can be... If I am in a cult.. I am the most detached member of the cult ever considering that I do not attend rallies and never have, do not follow stuff on Facebook, and have a general loathing of all politics. But its your story  so do not let me distract you. 

1) If you're detached then you're not really a Demi

2) voters are the cultists who protest at SCJ's homes, or who burn communities because the violent criminal known as "Gentle Giant M Brown" was killed in a wrestling match with a cop, or who come here and pretend that the jabs are safe, or that the deaths of some healthy young people was worth it without even quantifying that...

Eg, how many vax-killed is a few? How healthy were they? Did they take it because they were forced? 

How is it possible to just say "It was fine" without even knowing the actual answers to those questions? It's pure cultism to just say "WE BELIEVE" without asking any of the important questions. That's "blind belief", aka 'cultism'.

Edited by WestCanMan
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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

1) If you're detached then you're not really a Demi

2) voters are the cultists who protest at SCJ's homes, or who burn communities because the violent criminal known as "Gentle Giant M Brown" was killed in a wrestling match with a cop, or who come here and pretend that the jabs are safe, or that the deaths of some healthy young people was worth it without even quantifying that...

Eg, how many vax-killed is a few? How healthy were they? Did they take it because they were forced? 

How is it possible to just say "It was fine" without even knowing the actual answers to those questions? It's pure cultism to just say "WE BELIEVE" without asking any of the important questions. That's "blind belief", aka 'cultism'.

Again.. I have stated three times now that those liberals/democrats who I have met and interacted with exhibit consider variance in their view. I am not sure how you can't comprehend this. You paint everyone with the same paintbrush. I know it is easy and keeps it from getting complex. I could say that all UI claimants are braindead because the few that find their way to me are generally lacking brain power.. ie, spelling their own name incorrectly or thinking that I can add zeros to their benefit amount because we are "bros" or such. But most are not braindead and can follow simple instructions. 

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46 minutes ago, robosmith said:

You are LYING. Biden STILL believes Ukraine is not ready to join NATO. AKA never pushed it on anyone.

The Republicon House and Senate are. Trump demanded they drop the Senate BIPARTISAN immigration bill and suddenly it was DEAD.

Lol...so silly.

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