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The Real Reason Justin Trudeau Won't Be Stepping Down

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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's a little late to backpeddal like that now :)  I said he was an elite... you got upset at that and claimed i didn't know what i was talking about.

 You said he was elitist, which is pretty different than elite.  Being elite is good.  Being elitist is not.  

As for who's getting upset, it looks like you're reverting back to your programming and making up what you want to argue against, and how the other poster is feeling.  If you want to argue with yourself, go for it.  😄👌

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2 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

 You said he was elitist, which is pretty different than elite. 

It is literally the exact same thing.

Why must you mangle the english language every time you're wrong?

You made a fuss over nothing.



Being elite is good.  Being elitist is not.  

That is patently insane. You are a very weird little person :)



As for who's getting upset, it looks like you're reverting back to your programming and making up what you want to argue against, and how the other poster is feeling.  If you want to argue with yourself, go for it.  😄👌 

Kiddo - none of that is true. And you embarrass yourself with those little hissy fits.  This is why nobody respects your opinion. You can't hold a conversation for more than 10 seconds without going postal like this and saying 1diotic things.

This is a simple truth - carney will be seen as another liberal elite. (or elitist, or "1337" or whatever you prefer and doesn't give you a mental melt down)

And that may not be to the liking of people after trudeau and his liberal elites have done the damage they've done.  Not in 4 years.

Now go take your lithium and see if you can come up with a rational response.

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7 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It is literally the exact same thing.

Why must you mangle the english language every time you're wrong?

You made a fuss over nothing.

My two sentence responses vs your multi-paragraph performances, but I'm the one making a fuss.  There's that stunning lack of self-awareness again.  

Being elite and elitist aren't the same thing.  There's no debate to have about.  🙃


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20 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

My two sentence responses vs your multi-paragraph performances, but I'm the one making a fuss.  There's that stunning lack of self-awareness again.  

Being elite and elitist aren't the same thing.  There's no debate to have about.  🙃


Depends on the context [Claudine Gay]

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19 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

My two sentence responses vs your multi-paragraph performances, but I'm the one making a fuss.  There's that stunning lack of self-awareness again.  


Oh my god, are you back to complaining that having to read more than 5 words hurts your brain or something?  THat's your big 'come back'?

Honestly what is the matter with you.  You're just a broken person.


Being elite and elitist aren't the same thing.  There's no debate to have about.  🙃 

I agree there's no debate - you're just wrong.

And once again as soon as you realize you're wrong you try to fall back on twisting basic english to distract from the facts.


Sigh - whatever kiddo.  Go ahead, when your buddy justin loses you vote in carney as leader and we'll see how he does.

Side bet - you can't let this go and say something even more stupid to cover up your mental defects.

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4 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Oh my god, are you back to complaining that having to read more than 5 words hurts your brain or something?  THat's your big 'come back'?

I don't need a "big comeback".  Every time you launch into one of these farcical performances telling people how upset you've decided you're making them, everyone can see your fragile ego projecting.  If it's always, always you bringing up emotions, hissy fits, butthurt and muffins etc, maybe the problem is you?  🤣


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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

I don't need a "big comeback".  Every time you launch into one of these farcical performances telling people how upset you've decided you're making them, everyone can see your fragile ego projecting.  If it's always, always you bringing up emotions, hissy fits, butthurt and muffins etc, maybe the problem is you?  🤣


ROFLMAO - Sure kid - everyone reading this is looking at that response and thinking "wow moonbox sure is calm and rational" :) 

ANd yes - i always point out your freak outs.  And the reason for that is you always freak out :)   You have literally lost your shit here over nothing and now you're trying to expalin how somehow it's all my fault :)

What a child.

And if you're going to spaz out everytime someone says something you don't like or can't cope with, don't be shocked when people say "hey - you're spazzing out". 

(was that too many words? I dont' want you to hurt your brain again :) LOL!!!!) 

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7 hours ago, Moonbox said:

Such deep thoughts.  You missed a few off your list though.  You still need to tick off:

-Fascists (or Communists)

-Something about the MSM and fake news

-Big-Tech (or Big Pharma)

Otherwise, that was a passable attempt at conspiracy donkey word-salad.  🤡


I wish I could take your communist-nihilist opinions seriously, but I don’t.  You’re a total MSM Liberal sell-out who will continue to support self-serving elitists.

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6 hours ago, Queenmandy85 said:

When I read posts that use the words "globalist, climate hoax, elites, WEF, wuhan flu, libtard, marxist, etc.," I immediately know it is the sound of a meaningless burp coming from the deepest bowls of a rabbit hole.

Edit: Good lord, how could I forget "woke".

When I hear milquetoast apologist drivel, I hear milquetoast apologist drivel.  A million ways to say nothing.

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4 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

When I hear milquetoast apologist drivel, I hear milquetoast apologist drivel.  A million ways to say nothing.

Funny you should say that, given how you're ceaselessly re-arranging the same witless slogans.  MSM woke apologist Liberal elites something something...blah blah blah WEF.  

The funniest thing about it is that you think you're actually saying something substantive.  🤡 

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1 minute ago, Moonbox said:

Funny you should say that, given how you're ceaselessly re-arranging the same witless slogans.  MSM woke apologist Liberal elites something something...blah blah blah WEF.  

The funniest thing about it is that you think you're actually saying something substantive.  🤡 

It’s a shorthand because I’m tired of having to simplify concepts for stupid people.

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23 hours ago, Moonbox said:

If Pierre can tone down his performances and stop clowning for the dumbest common denominator, the Liberals could be in the stinker for a decade.  

Clowning for stooges was the highlight of Trudeau's last 8 years because it distracted him from his real work: destroying Canada.

For real, when he wasn't busy pandering to vaxtards, climate alarmists, LGBTQ2GRBS7!SHARPCHEDDARKD's, BLM, islamic state, etc., he was running his various scams, killing off sectors of the economy, chilling with his various terrorist pals or inviting them to foreign state functions, selling out to China, pissing off India and Japan, buying off media outlets with taxpayer dollars, or giving away tens of billions of dollars to foreign countries.

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28 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Clowning for stooges was the highlight of Trudeau's last 8 years because it distracted him from his real work: destroying Canada.

For real, when he wasn't busy pandering to vaxtards, climate alarmists, LGBTQ2GRBS7!SHARPCHEDDARKD's, BLM, islamic state, etc., he was running his various scams, killing off sectors of the economy, chilling with his various terrorist pals or inviting them to foreign state functions, selling out to China, pissing off India and Japan, buying off media outlets with taxpayer dollars, or giving away tens of billions of dollars to foreign countries.

This is the thing - trudeau positioned himself as an elitist from day one. He was all show and no substance. He was very clear that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth (his words)  and it was obvious to anyone he considered himself above the average person and that he looked down from on high to tell them how to live.

And people who disagreed were scum.

That has upset a LOT of younger people who very clearly now feel that he does not understand their situation, he cannot relate to them, he doesn't care.

PP is sending a clear message that he does care, that he lives the same lives they do, that he and his wife had to earn what they've got, and that he thinks it's unfair that they can't thanks to what trudeau has done.

That was also jack layton's message and it resonates like hell.

I don't think that those kids are going to be excited about voting for an obvious and slightly pompous elite again any time soon, and that kind of rules out freeland AND carney.

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

That's a disturbing yet growing trend in NA politics.

CBC and CNN sound a lot like Radio Rwanda circa 1994. 

Truth.  I think Trudeau was largely trying to copy the Dems in the states for most of his time in office.  They bought the software obama uses for elections, they mimicked the "Dehumanize" technique where everyone who disagrees is made to be less than human (oh they're nazi bigot misogynist evil transphobic homophobic deplorables. Where did we hear that before?)

He also mimicked the democrat politics of division and intersectional coalition.  Not to mention rampant and relaxed immigration.

But it's probably the dehumanizing that's the worst.   IF you don't agree with me i don't need to sit down and listen to your concerns - you're subhuman so you don't matter.  What's that? Have concerns about what they're teaching your kids?  Well we don't have to listen to chuds like you, you don't matter.  What do you mean you want proof that the carbon tax is working? How dare a lesser being question the likes of us?!!?

And the cbc - "Protesters we don't like are all funded by americans and russians (???) and are a threat to the gov't".

IT's gotten pretty bad.

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8 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

they mimicked the "Dehumanize" technique where everyone who disagrees is made to be less than human




The Western Standard article that's from seems like it's no longer available online but the video of his hate speech can still be found. 

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1 hour ago, Zeitgeist said:

It’s a shorthand because I’m tired of having to simplify concepts for stupid people.

Concepts?  Oh please, that's too funny. 

The simplification is for your own benefit.  Everything fits into your comfy little reality when all questions can be answered with something something globalist woke elite WEF mind control vampires etc.  🤡

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1 minute ago, Moonbox said:

Concepts?  Oh please, that's too funny. 

The simplification is for your own benefit.  Everything fits into your comfy little reality when all questions can be answered with something something globalist woke elite WEF mind control vampires etc.  🤡

Dude - EVERYONE thinks your a joke.  You can't even cope with some thing as simple as someone saying a harvard graduate world banker is a bit of an elite without losing your shit and you're trying to pretend OTHERS need things simplified.?

Well - at least your responses here tend to give us an idea of how long it takes for your meds to wear off.

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2 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

Twenty years ago I could never have imagined a civil war anywhere in NA, let alone Canada, but it seems like that's what the leftards in the US and Canada are spoiling for. 

Well they're hoping for a bit of a one sided revolution where everyone just decides all things america and canada are bad and we need to tear it down and start again.

They don't want actual civil war. They know who owns all the guns :)

But yes - they want us to feel bad about everything that makes canada great.

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Dude - EVERYONE thinks your a joke. You can't even cope with some thing as simple as someone saying a harvard graduate world banker is a bit of an elite without losing your shit and you're trying to pretend OTHERS need things simplified.?

Only in your sad little imagination.  Keep on arguing with yourself though if that's what helps you get through your obviously lonely day.  😆

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19 minutes ago, Moonbox said:

Only in your sad little imagination.  Keep on arguing with yourself though if that's what helps you get through your obviously lonely day.  😆

LOL  - awww look at you, trying to put on a brave face after looking like an 1diot yet again :)  Bye kiddo - thanks for dropping by and thanks for the laughs :)  

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1 hour ago, Moonbox said:

Concepts?  Oh please, that's too funny. 

The simplification is for your own benefit.  Everything fits into your comfy little reality when all questions can be answered with something something globalist woke elite WEF mind control vampires etc.  🤡

Mmkay.  Wait a minute, aren’t you one of those globalist woke elite WEF mind control vampires?   Let me get my trap net and capture you Chinese pandemic style.

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6 minutes ago, Zeitgeist said:

Mmkay.  Wait a minute, aren’t you one of those globalist woke elite WEF mind control vampires?   Let me get my trap net and capture you Chinese pandemic style.

No he isn't - that's WAY too much thinking for him. This is a guy who gets a migraine and complains if i write more than 3 lines :)

No no, he keeps it simple.  he's just an 1diot.

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