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The Great Big 2024 Election Battle Thread!

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Looks like Trump is the big winner in Iowa.  And the never-Trump vote gets nicely split up by Haley and Ron.   The Trump Train is inevitable though, and you can see the fear among the left on this very forum(with their ever  more desperate anti Trump threads).  
I am going to seriously enjoy this campaign as the left becomes totally unhinged.

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This just in:  Vivek drops out AND endorses President Trump!  You better come up with another plan, Biden and Dem/Media/DeepState braintrust, because Trump will be the nominee.  Court cases and lawfare?  Say goodbye to Fani Willis. 

Also say goodbye to the "republican" candidate who came out of Texas, John Anthony Castro.  He apparently got his name on the ballot so he could immediately sue to get Trump off the ballots of 24 states.  Unfortunately for Mr. Castro, he's now been arrested on federal charges regarding tax laws. 

Interesting case, this one.  He never raised a cent for his campaign, just the 20 million that he contributed.  He never participated in a debate.  His only play was to sue Trump in 24 states, trying to get his name off the ballot since Trump incited J6.  Funny how his efforts fall in line with the rest of the Dem effort at large, eh?  So long, sucker.

Edited by sharkman
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Trump says he know's who his running mate will be!!

Former President Donald Trump indicated he has made up his mind about whom he would like to be his running mate should he win the Republican presidential nomination.

"Well, I can't tell you that, really," Trump told Fox News during a town hall in Iowa on Wednesday when the moderators asked him who is in the running to be on a presidential ticket with him. "I mean, I know who it's going to be."



Please god let it be sarah palin! :) 

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On 1/13/2024 at 7:52 AM, Nationalist said:

Meh...I'm gonna enjoy watching every delicious minute of it.

Feel free to be as entertained as you want to be. On the other hand.. I will probably consume less news than ever before. This is akin to watching the same episode of the same show for 19th time and then lying to myself that it is interesting. 

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9 minutes ago, impartialobserver said:

Feel free to be as entertained as you want to be. On the other hand.. I will probably consume less news than ever before. This is akin to watching the same episode of the same show for 19th time and then lying to myself that it is interesting. 

I get that for you the perspective is different - you have to live with the results more than we do.  But for the rest of the world it's like another season of hells kitchen :)  yeah - in general you know people will get yelled at, you know someone is going to get called a donkey, etc but it's still entertaining :)

And this is shaping up to be the best season ever!  Lawsuits! Denied access to the ballot!!! Health problems! Stair challenges! New scary look that actually just makes him look constipated!  And waiting in the wings is the losing side rioting like crazy in one form or another!  Oooooo the drama!!!! 😮 

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1 minute ago, CdnFox said:

I get that for you the perspective is different - you have to live with the results more than we do.  But for the rest of the world it's like another season of hells kitchen :)  yeah - in general you know people will get yelled at, you know someone is going to get called a donkey, etc but it's still entertaining :)

And this is shaping up to be the best season ever!  Lawsuits! Denied access to the ballot!!! Health problems! Stair challenges! New scary look that actually just makes him look constipated!  And waiting in the wings is the losing side rioting like crazy in one form or another!  Oooooo the drama!!!! 😮 

I guess if you like Hells Kitchen then fine. I do not particularly care of the show nor political drama. So the 19th repetition of the same lame show... not going to hold my interest. I loathe the last two months of the election cycle. In a fantasy world, every time someone attempted to call me for political purposes.. they would get electrocuted for 5 seconds. Pamphlets at the door or in the mailbox would earn you two lashes.  Again, its fantasy but I think that you get the point. 

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22 hours ago, Rebound said:

Yet, nobody's prosecuting the other Republican candidates. They didn't prosecute Reagan, Bush or Bush. They did prosecute Nixon, because, like Trump, he was a criminal. 

Criminals get prosecuted. That's how the justice system works. At least, that's how it's supposed to work. Don't break the law, nothing to fear. Trump broke the law, over and over. There's no defense for the classified documents he stole. Not "whataboutism" or anything else. He was caught red-handed. He's a criminal, he's going to get convicted, and he will spend his life in jail. It will take time, but that's what's going to happen, unless the cheeseburgers kill him first.

There are no other demoncratic appointed prosecutors going after other Republicans because the demoncrats have nothing to fear from the other Republicans, they just fear Trump. The demoncrats do fear Trump because if he becomes the next President, those demoncrats will be running as fast as they can, like the dogs that they are, because Trump is going after their useless communist asses and will nail their arse holes to the nearest lamp posts. 

Well duh, duh-duh. Criminals do get prosecuted if they have committed a criminal act, but they first must be found guilty. Trump will never be found guilty of anything because he has not committed any criminal act. The ones that will get prosecuted are the ones that have been trying to nail Trump on any of their trumped up fake and phony charges. 

Bidumb also had classified documents in his garage and were sitting there right by the garage door waiting there for anyone to grab and look at them. But Bidumb never got charged for that crime. At least Trump kept the documents he had in his possession in a secure location. Has Trump been charged re: those documents yet? NOPE, bimbo.

Gawd, what is making you continue to appear to be so bloody stoopid? You need to stop listening to CNN or NSNBC. They keep messing with your pea brain sized head. You are truly amazing, but not in a good way. 🤣

Again, what serious criminal charges is Trump being charged with? Well, know nothing? 😁

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22 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Yeah - but not entirely successfully yet.  Trump is still going to be on the ballot for example and they haven't bankrupted him just yet (getting closer tho)


It would be hilarious to watch  :) 


The claims about showing classified info to people and keeping records he was required to return are serious matters.  He was entrusted with that and there is much credible evidence he blew it. That could easily result in dire consequences for many people.  It's not acceptable. He will have to defend his actions for that in court and face consequences where appropriate.

Compare that to the joke of a civil fraud trial where there are no injured parties, nobody complained, there's no actual  wrong doing and nobody else gets charged like that.  that'd be a witch hunt.



And they never will succeed because everything that the justice system tries to nail Trump on something, they have failed miserably. Trump has way too much money that they will never be able to bankrupt Trump. There are approx. 85 million Americans that are ready and able to donate to Trump if required. This present day injustice system in America will soon be coming to a screeching halt as soon as Trump is sworn in as the next President. 

You are hilarious to listen too. 

So, why has Trump not been arrested and charged yet for those classified documents yet? Serious shit charges where most others would be in jail waiting for their court dates. If those are supposed to be serious crimes, why then is Trump  still out there attending to his rallies. According to your stoopidity. Trump should be in some gulag by now waiting for his trial to begin. I am still amazed as to how stoopid an individual like you an be so stoopid? You are the joke, 🤡

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In the fallout of Iowa, a revelation.  Deranged democrats are trying to steal the primaries for Haley.  The plot involves registering as republicans, which is like personal fraud.  Then they vote in the republican primaries as if they are republicans, for Nikki Haley.


The scheme will fail, of course.  Thankfully there aren’t enough deranged democrats to affect the outcomes, and Trump supporters will easily carry the day.  But it’s like the presidential election is happening during the primaries, because Biden won’t have a prayer, and the Dem brain trust knows it.  

Edited by sharkman
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i don't see it. Trump only carried 50% of the Iowa caucus... as has been pointed out, he's been a Republican president before... but only 50% of R's caucused for him?

whatever you believe... Trump needs 100% of traditional Republican support. at least! his Iowa speech was interesting because he started with the "big tent" talk. but we all know that he is, as a human being, incapable of "big tent" politics. he lost on numbers even when he won the presidency! he did worse the next time. the first time R's managed the white house, the senate and the house for two years. then they got slaughtered in the midterms and lost both the senate and the house. then they got slaughtered the next general. then then the next midterm the eked out a super slim in the house.

as much as Biden is unpopular... if you're not glued to Fox News all day you'll hear that people don't like either of these guys. and so its, who do you not like the most. i'm not seeing a path for Trump at all. the base will ignore his court cases. but moderates and independents will not.

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49 minutes ago, godzilla said:

i don't see it. Trump only carried 50% of the Iowa caucus... as has been pointed out, he's been a Republican president before... but only 50% of R's caucused for him?w

That's a pretty overwhelming victory. What is it you're not 'seeing'?



Trump needs 100% of traditional Republican support. at least!



his Iowa speech was interesting because he started with the "big tent" talk. but we all know that he is, as a human being, incapable of "big tent" politics. he lost on numbers even when he won the presidency! he did worse the next time. the first time R's managed the white house, the senate and the house for two years. then they got slaughtered in the midterms and lost both the senate and the house. then they got slaughtered the next general. then then the next midterm the eked out a super slim in the house.

So what you're saying is you hate trump :)   Well fair enough but he does look like he's going to cakewalk through the nomination and he's polling sightly ahead of biden at the moment. THat doesn't mean he's goin to win but it's hard to just dismiss him like that.


as much as Biden is unpopular... if you're not glued to Fox News all day you'll hear that people don't like either of these guys. and so its, who do you not like the most. i'm not seeing a path for Trump at all.

You literally just described a path.  Be the least hated.


the base will ignore his court cases. but moderates and independents will not.

They already are.

The problem with the court cases is they went overboard. If it had been one or two cases everyone would have been focused on them and that may have hurt him, but they've got so many going that people just tune them out.

When you turn up the volume too loud, nobody can hear and people stop listening  And when he actually starts campaigning and hasn't been locked up people will assume it was persecution and that he's a winner. And people like to vote for  a winner.


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1 hour ago, godzilla said:

i'm just calling it. i don't think Trump has a path.


Well you're wrong. That's just veritably incorrect.  I think you're confusing "will not win" with a path. He has 16 paths at last polling compared to biden's 9. That's objectively accurate based on the polling.

I feel like what you meant to say is you feel that trump cannot run a good enough campaign to edge out biden's campaign or something. Or you maybe feel there isn't a campaign message that would be effective enough against biden's. That may well turn out to be true, but there's definitely multiple paths he has to win the election at this time.

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Well you're wrong. That's just veritably incorrect.  I think you're confusing "will not win" with a path. He has 16 paths at last polling compared to biden's 9. That's objectively accurate based on the polling.

I feel like what you meant to say is you feel that trump cannot run a good enough campaign to edge out biden's campaign or something. Or you maybe feel there isn't a campaign message that would be effective enough against biden's. That may well turn out to be true, but there's definitely multiple paths he has to win the election at this time.

yeah cool. i may be wrong. we'll know before long!

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1 hour ago, godzilla said:

yeah cool. i may be wrong. we'll know before long!

well  you're wrong if you dont think there's any path to victory -  but if you're saying you think he will lose you could be entirely right there.  It's pretty neck and neck at this point and both have serious weaknesses and strengths - we'll see how they play the cards they were dealt and how it ends up but i have a funny feeling it's going to be fairly neck and neck till somewhere in october,  So - lots to argue about  for the next several months :)  

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So here's the latest polling by state: (click for bigger picture)




Trump has a slight edge - There are 12 combinations of "battlefield" states that give him a win - there's 9 for Biden. here's the combinations for trump that would give him the votes needed to win:



At this point based on the polling averages biden has been slipping and Trump climbing - but they seem to have hit a ledge with trump about 3 points ahead and it's been sitting there for a few polls now.

I think we'll see some movement after newhampshire if trump wins that, and maybe another little bit by the end of his nomination race.

So i'm going to predict that the polls at the end of trump's nomination run will have it trump 55 over biden 45 And basically we'll start the race from that position.

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On 1/16/2024 at 2:25 PM, taxme said:

There are no other demoncratic appointed prosecutors going after other Republicans because the demoncrats have nothing to fear from the other Republicans, they just fear Trump. The demoncrats do fear Trump because if he becomes the next President, those demoncrats will be running as fast as they can, like the dogs that they are, because Trump is going after their useless communist asses and will nail their arse holes to the nearest lamp posts. 

Well duh, duh-duh. Criminals do get prosecuted if they have committed a criminal act, but they first must be found guilty. Trump will never be found guilty of anything because he has not committed any criminal act. The ones that will get prosecuted are the ones that have been trying to nail Trump on any of their trumped up fake and phony charges. 

Bidumb also had classified documents in his garage and were sitting there right by the garage door waiting there for anyone to grab and look at them. But Bidumb never got charged for that crime. At least Trump kept the documents he had in his possession in a secure location. Has Trump been charged re: those documents yet? NOPE, bimbo.

Gawd, what is making you continue to appear to be so bloody stoopid? You need to stop listening to CNN or NSNBC. They keep messing with your pea brain sized head. You are truly amazing, but not in a good way. 🤣

Again, what serious criminal charges is Trump being charged with? Well, know nothing? 😁

Yes, dummy, Trump has been charged for the documents. You refuse to read the indictments, so you remain ignorant. Just read them.

He didn't just have them. He lied about having them, refused to return them, and showed them off to people just to stroke his ego.

Edited by Hodad
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On 1/9/2024 at 11:42 AM, WestCanMan said:

Like I said in another thread, I don't think Biden is actually running in the 2024 election. 

The Dems just know that they don't have any candidates that can beat Bernie, and they can't conspire against him again because Bernie has enough supporters within the DNC that it's impossible to do it without another leak. 

A great man once said: "The Democrat Party is such a clown car of disgraced losers that they make communism look like a shining beacon of hope." 

Where do you get ^this BULLSHIT? FOS LIES?

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On 1/13/2024 at 3:18 AM, sharkman said:

I was relaxing this evening, eating made-on-the-stove popcorn while watching some Badlands.  Canncon to be specific.  And it dawned on me. (BTW, did you hear that Hertz Rentals is going to sell 20,000 of their EVs and shift back to gas powered cars?  Too expensive to insure and repair compared to gas powered) 

It dawned on me that Trump is going to have to beat the Deep State at its own game before the election, if he is to win it.  All the lies to do with J6, Ukraine, Russia, China,  NATO, Covid, CIA, FBI, DOJ, Clintons, Biden and both parties, to name a few.  It's a tall order, but I also realized he's actually succeeding.  Truth is making a come back as it leaks in like light around a door frame in a dark room.  And of course, it's not just Trump.  He's got an organization that is quite large, has no shortage of resources, and is very dedicated.  Then you have conservatives across all demographics that are stepping up and spreading the truth.

I mentioned to some colleagues this week that one of our main governing bodies in BC quietly announced to its staff to stop using the Rapid Tests as they are too inaccurate to be reliable.  To my surprise, everyone agreed that all of this rapid testing for covid didn't really help.  So the billions spent on these and the useless masks for 3 years was just another waste, and people are starting to realize this.  I wonder how many millions of people were improperly counted as covid patients when they just had a flu?

My point to you being, that the blind trust to our medical system and the "science" has taken a beating.  People are waking up.  People are realizing that the EV has serious issues.  The economies suck.  We're being lied to.  9 more months of these revelations, and you can see how Trump could actually win back the White House.

I'm sure there's a reason you posted ZERO EVIDENCE for ^this fantasy of yours. You should write them in your blog and stop pretending they bear any relationship to reality.

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On 1/15/2024 at 3:31 PM, Rebound said:

Yet, nobody's prosecuting the other Republican candidates. They didn't prosecute Reagan, Bush or Bush. They did prosecute Nixon, because, like Trump, he was a criminal. 

Criminals get prosecuted. That's how the justice system works. At least, that's how it's supposed to work. Don't break the law, nothing to fear. Trump broke the law, over and over. There's no defense for the classified documents he stole. Not "whataboutism" or anything else. He was caught red-handed. He's a criminal, he's going to get convicted, and he will spend his life in jail. It will take time, but that's what's going to happen, unless the cheeseburgers kill him first.

There was only a threat to prosecute Nixon that fizzled when Ford pardoned him. Only emboldened successors like Reagan and Trump.

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On 1/17/2024 at 3:46 PM, sharkman said:

In the fallout of Iowa, a revelation.  Deranged democrats are trying to steal the primaries for Haley.  The plot involves registering as republicans, which is like personal fraud.  Then they vote in the republican primaries as if they are republicans, for Nikki Haley.


The scheme will fail, of course.  Thankfully there aren’t enough deranged democrats to affect the outcomes, and Trump supporters will easily carry the day.  But it’s like the presidential election is happening during the primaries, because Biden won’t have a prayer, and the Dem brain trust knows it.  

I guess you didn't hear that it was the Koch Industries Pac which has been backing Haley. Dems have nothing to do with her surge. 

On 1/17/2024 at 7:23 PM, ptif219 said:

  Trump will win and the Democrats will continue to try and destroy our democracy

You are very confused. Trump sent the rioters to the Capitol to stop the EC certification. AKA, "steal" as he likes to call it.

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24 minutes ago, Hodad said:

Yes, dummy, Trump has been charged for the documents. You refuse to read the indictments, so you remain ignorant. Just read them.

He didn't just have them. He lied about having them, refused to return them, and showed them off to people just to stroke his ego.

The MAGA CULT will never believe anything until FOS LIES tells them to.

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16 minutes ago, robosmith said:

I guess you didn't hear that it was the Koch Industries Pac which has been backing Haley. Dems have nothing to do with her surge. 

You are very confused. Trump sent the rioters to the Capitol to stop the EC certification. AKA, "steal" as he likes to call it.

wow, 5 posts in a row?  So many strangers on the internet that MUST be corrected, eh?  Keep trying to stop the wind, surely you'll figure out the truth eventually.

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1 hour ago, Hodad said:

Yes, dummy, Trump has been charged for the documents. You refuse to read the indictments, so you remain ignorant. Just read them.

He didn't just have them. He lied about having them, refused to return them, and showed them off to people just to stroke his ego.

The indictments are what the prosecution claims. They aren't automatically facts - they need to be tested in court.

I swear nobody on the left understands law.  "he was indited so he's guilty - no need for a trial."  Yeah - that's not how it works

Sorry @taxme,  you're talking to an inferior intellect here who's frightened of anyone who knows more than he does.

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