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Liberal attack ads backfiring already.


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Can there be any doubt that there is an active campaign to sabotage the Martin re-election, by old Chretien Cronies.

Sad display of petty anger. Nothing new from her. She is what she is and we all know what she is.

We all know she has left the party, doesn't like Martin and has an axe to grind but she was pointing out some inconsistencies in Martin's position on different issues over the years. Do you dispute them?

You know the old saying don't you, about whats good for the goose is good for the gander? Maybe not.

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Would this be an attack ad?


For diehard Liberals such as Sheila Copps, I would think this is the true attack ad.

Those outside of politics might find it hard to understand why a political party is much like a family. But those who have lived through the breakup of a family will know how much it hurts.

Joe's funeral caused Grits, current and former, to reflect on what it was like when the family worked together.

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The Liberals say they have pulled that ad from their website and will not run it on English TV.

It's still running in Quebec.

So Martin's answer to Unity and being Captain Canada is to make sure Quebec sees the army in the streets ad and remind them of the FLQ crisis and how Trudeau really put the army out into the streets. And at the same time try not to offend English Canada, but offend all the soldiers we have. Sounds like a really smart Unity idea. What moron is running their campaign?

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Backfirng on all cylinders

Pull-ease these ads are so ridiculous that no sane person would belief any of this.

Oops all those that voted in the previous election must have been easily swayed judging by the outcome. Let us hope people are a little more educated about the BS by all parties during election time.

I seriously doubt any of the parties (except the Block[heads]) would be elected and royally screw the country into oblivion. I know they are ernest, hardworking individuals (check their work schedules) that firmly believe they have the best interst of the country at heart. I see no dictator in the bunch however I do feel that we are due for a change as governments of any persuasion get stale and stagnent.

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Can there be any doubt that there is an active campaign to sabotage the Martin re-election, by old Chretien Cronies.

Sad display of petty anger. Nothing new from her. She is what she is and we all know what she is.

You know damn what HONEST POLITICIAN???

I agree with you on that one.

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Granted, but why has this campaign started?

Martin made zero attempt to reach out to the Chretienite's after the putsch. He screwed over Copps in her nomination fight. Thanks to the work of Mike Klander amongst others.

Maybe if Martin had been a little more magnanimous, and a little less arrogant, after getting into the PMO he wouldn't be in such an awkward position this time around.

Can there be any doubt that there is an active campaign to sabotage the Martin re-election, by old Chretien Cronies.

Sad display of petty anger. Nothing new from her. She is what she is and we all know what she is.

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It begins

Just now at the Subway on Bank St. I was buying my lunch and there... in line... standing in front of me... was a soldier.

In our cities.

In Canada.

A soldier.

He seemed to be ordering the six-inch ham and turkey.

With chipotle sauce.

In Canada.

We're not making this stuff up.

Now that is funny. :lol::lol::lol:

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While the Liberals are mired in controversy about their ad that claims the Conservatives will send "soldiers with guns" into Canadian cities, one fact has been overlooked.

Soldiers will soon be in the streets of Winnipeg. And that's a good thing.


"Charging Bison" is a Canadian Forces training exercise to help our soldiers prepare for the tough, complex and dangerous jobs they will be facing in places like Afghanistan.

But if other parties were like the Liberals, there would be ominous ads threatening that a Liberal victory would mean "soldiers in the streets of Winnipeg. With guns."

But we're not Liberals, so we don't manipulate the truth to scare Canadians - or insult the brave men and women in our armed forces.

And one final point - the last time we saw large numbers of soldiers in the streets of Winnipeg, it was another election year - 1997. They were helping to save the city from flooding.

Cheeky Dippers.

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By turning our military into a bunch of Brownshirts, Martin has blown the military vote. But what the heck he's never respected them and made sure there aren't very many anyway. If he thinks recruiting was difficult before, just wait if he gets back in power. He may have a hard time hanging on to what we have.

Only a real scumbag would have dreamed up that ad.

When my son got out of high school, he thought he might go into the army for a while as he figured out his options. I told him that the military is a very honorable profession and I would be very proud of him, but this country and it's government pays little more than lip service to it's military and if he got killed or hurt because the country that loves to proclaim itself number one, put him in some piece of junk that many third world countries wouldn't use, I would be really pissed off. He thought about it, got some life experience, worked in victims services, went to college and became a cop instead. He still has to arrest the same people weekly and sometimes daily for the same things, because of the wonderful criminal code and judicial system the Liberals have given us, but he seems happy and I am just as proud.

Thank you Mr. Martin for justifying everything I told him that day.

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Has anyone thought, what is the problem with having more military bases in cities? That is what Harper said.

Having reserve units ready for natural disasters and the such really makes alot of sense to me. This ad was probably pulled because it is actually pro-CPC. :P

Are cities like Edmonton that have military bases (or Calgary with their reserves, for example) actually held under the thumb of some military dictator? No, I'd say their citizens are probably more secure in knowing that in case of an emergency, they have highly trained, skilled and dedicated members of the Canadian Forces to help them out.

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Is there no end to the stupidity and ignorance of Conservative supporters? Is there one of them on this board with any capacity for thought and reason?

If they stop their chortling and braying for a little while, they might discover that even a conservative military historian like Granatstein has called this a foolish idea.

But donkeys have to bray, don't they?

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Is there no end to the stupidity and ignorance of Conservative supporters? Is there one of them on this board with any capacity for thought and reason?

If they stop their chortling and braying for a little while, they might discover that even a conservative military historian like Granatstein has called this a foolish idea.

But donkeys have to bray, don't they?

Yup, we'll put em all in Ottawa. What the heck, half of them are there already.

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It begins

Just now at the Subway on Bank St. I was buying my lunch and there... in line... standing in front of me... was a soldier.

In our cities.

In Canada.

A soldier.

He seemed to be ordering the six-inch ham and turkey.

With chipotle sauce.

In Canada.

We're not making this stuff up.

Thanks for a good hearty laugh. I really needed it today.

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Has anyone thought, what is the problem with having more military bases in cities? That is what Harper said.

Having reserve units ready for natural disasters and the such really makes alot of sense to me. This ad was probably pulled because it is actually pro-CPC. :P

Are cities like Edmonton that have military bases (or Calgary with their reserves, for example) actually held under the thumb of some military dictator? No, I'd say their citizens are probably more secure in knowing that in case of an emergency, they have highly trained, skilled and dedicated members of the Canadian Forces to help them out.

Well, Mel Lastman (ex Toronto Mayor) thought it was good to use them when Toronto had a bit of snow :)-

Actually, the ad has been airing in French, but I guess its that ''CPC mole" doing that LOL

That add certainly undermines the credibility, or lack thereof, of the other ads, hopefully enough people can reason that out theselves.

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{soldiers... with guns... are stationed a short drive from me right now... :ph34r:}

I was staying in New Brunswick....near Oromocto to be exact. And hell if I didn't see tanks driving down the road. Of course, I was minutes from CFB Gagetown.....BUT THE MILITARY HAD TANKS! It's worse than you think! :ph34r:

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Is there no end to the stupidity and ignorance of Conservative supporters? Is there one of them on this board with any capacity for thought and reason?

If they stop their chortling and braying for a little while, they might discover that even a conservative military historian like Granatstein has called this a foolish idea.

But donkeys have to bray, don't they?

So what do you have to say about the point of having the military in cities, which would dramatically improve disaster response and security? In a place like Windsor where we have to deal with problems on our border constantly, don't you think it would be a good idea to have the military close by?

Instead of simply insulting people for stating their opinions by calling them idiot sheep, why don't you post something of substance?

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Granted, but why has this campaign started?

Martin made zero attempt to reach out to the Chretienite's after the putsch. He screwed over Copps in her nomination fight. Thanks to the work of Mike Klander amongst others.

Maybe if Martin had been a little more magnanimous, and a little less arrogant, after getting into the PMO he wouldn't be in such an awkward position this time around.

Can there be any doubt that there is an active campaign to sabotage the Martin re-election, by old Chretien Cronies.

Sad display of petty anger. Nothing new from her. She is what she is and we all know what she is.

I think if you go back to when Chretien was still in power and he and Martin kind of split during the last term. Of course there were denials and everything, but there was an obvious parting of ways. There was talk that even back then, Chretien was sabotaging Martin's chances of becoming PM, with some of the stupid crap he was doing. When Martin gained the leadership, he really had no choice but to get rid of the rest of the previous regime. Perhaps there was an "old boys club" for lack of a better term, since apparently Copps had to be let go as well. It would appear that Martin was not part of that "club", and members who were, are now nothing more than hacks, using their insider information and contacts to undermine the chances of Martin forming a govt.

I really feel sorry for Martin having to answer for Chretien's arrogance and lack of morallity.

It is too bad that Martin's first act as PM which was cleaning up his own party is viewed by some as arrogance.

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Martin and Chretien "kind of split"? Wholly crap, were you there for any of that? After over a decade of having Paul Martin undermining his leadership Chretien finally had enough and kicked him out.

Martin`s own old boys club, i.e. the board is what is losing him this election. Three examples of this. Scott Reid of beer and popcorn fame. Mike Klander of the infamous blog. Billy Cunningham, as close to Martin as anybody and the 'nominated' candidate in Burnaby Douglas. Remember Cunningham, appointed twice to be candidate, after Martin's promises of democratic reform.

Don't feel sorry for Martin, he has more than enough of his own arrogance to answer for.

I think if you go back to when Chretien was still in power and he and Martin kind of split during the last term. Of course there were denials and everything, but there was an obvious parting of ways. There was talk that even back then, Chretien was sabotaging Martin's chances of becoming PM, with some of the stupid crap he was doing. When Martin gained the leadership, he really had no choice but to get rid of the rest of the previous regime. Perhaps there was an "old boys club" for lack of a better term, since apparently Copps had to be let go as well. It would appear that Martin was not part of that "club", and members who were, are now nothing more than hacks, using their insider information and contacts to undermine the chances of Martin forming a govt.

I really feel sorry for Martin having to answer for Chretien's arrogance and lack of morallity.

It is too bad that Martin's first act as PM which was cleaning up his own party is viewed by some as arrogance.

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Martin and Chretien "kind of split"? Wholly crap, were you there for any of that? After over a decade of having Paul Martin undermining his leadership Chretien finally had enough and kicked him out.

Martin`s own old boys club, i.e. the board is what is losing him this election. Three examples of this. Scott Reid of beer and popcorn fame. Mike Klander of the infamous blog. Billy Cunningham, as close to Martin as anybody and the 'nominated' candidate in Burnaby Douglas. Remember Cunningham, appointed twice to be candidate, after Martin's promises of democratic reform.

Don't feel sorry for Martin, he has more than enough of his own arrogance to answer for.

I think if you go back to when Chretien was still in power and he and Martin kind of split during the last term. Of course there were denials and everything, but there was an obvious parting of ways. There was talk that even back then, Chretien was sabotaging Martin's chances of becoming PM, with some of the stupid crap he was doing. When Martin gained the leadership, he really had no choice but to get rid of the rest of the previous regime. Perhaps there was an "old boys club" for lack of a better term, since apparently Copps had to be let go as well. It would appear that Martin was not part of that "club", and members who were, are now nothing more than hacks, using their insider information and contacts to undermine the chances of Martin forming a govt.

I really feel sorry for Martin having to answer for Chretien's arrogance and lack of morallity.

It is too bad that Martin's first act as PM which was cleaning up his own party is viewed by some as arrogance.

If the Gomery commission had the names of the 7 Liberals that accepted AdScam money into their campaigns -- you know the 7 Martin keeps safe-harboring from the law -- plenty of his own caucus would be getting their hands slapped too.

What I think is laughable about the whole thing is how people can believe that the Finance Minister, the person responsible for overseeing the spending of federal public monies, can NOT know that between Adscam and the Gun registry 2.27 billlion (that's right -- a 30 million gun registry going 1.77 billion over budget and near 500 million to AdScam) went missing right under his nose without his knowledge.

Martin is either incompetent or ignorant. Considering the scandals continue under his watch, I think the latter is the better answer.

And people still vote for this guy. What a joke.

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Well, Mel Lastman (ex Toronto Mayor) thought it was good to use them when Toronto had a bit of snow :)-

Wait, you don't mean...

Mel Lastman actually

announced he wants to increase

military presence in Toronto.


Soldiers with shovels.

In Toronto.

In Canada.

We're not making this up.

Save me, Jeebus...


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Well, Mel Lastman (ex Toronto Mayor) thought it was good to use them when Toronto had a bit of snow :)-

Wait, you don't mean...

Mel Lastman actually

announced he wants to increase

military presence in Toronto.


Soldiers with shovels.

In Toronto.

In Canada.

We're not making this up.

Save me, Jeebus...


If this keeps up, and the media picks up on it, the Liberal new attack ads are going to become the joke of the election cycle.

This is just great. The other one made me LMAO!

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