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Hamas Attacks Israel

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26 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Yes this has been the nature of Israelis. Has it worked? They only create more future terrorists. The children you see fleeing and injured losing their parents are future Hamas terrorists. Your solution to kill all those fleeing injured children too to make sure in future they don.t turn terrorist's because of atrocities committed against them and so that there are no more terrorism is NOT acceptable to me. 

Fine. Stay out of military or state leadership though please.

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18 hours ago, BeaverFever said:

If by “we” you mean Israel I don’t think they’ve ever tried the nice way. 

They absolutely have.  the Palastinians could at any time have decided on a course of peace and reconciliation and isreal would have been very open to it,

But instead they elected hamas as their gov't. They've never even tried to live peacefully with isreal. So isreal doesn't trust them.  And they blame isreal for that - which is bonkers.  "We want you all to be dead".  also - "Gosh, why don't you trust us and let us do what we want?"


You know how you get out of an 'open air prision'?  Quit acting like psychotic criminals.


I'll make this simple. The palesinians have been enemies and hostile since day one. THEY are the reason there is no peace - had they made a serious effort the moderates in isreal would eventually have won out and they could both be living happy lives.

  And now you're trying to claim on their behalf that ISREAL is responsible for making peace happens. It was them all along and they''ve blown it for generations now.

Not the way it works.

You cannot justify the attack and targeted slaughter of those innocent people - SOME OF WHOM WERE CANADIAN.

Drive them out - scatter them to the winds - take the land back. Deal with the 'outrage' later, god knows the world has proven it's got a short memory when it comes to that. And at the end of the day you end that threat and you send a message to other potential enemies that you're not interested in playing nice any more and htey might want to think about that.

There is nothing you can say that makes what palestine did ok.  And there's nothing you can say that eliminates Isreal's right to eliminate a threat any less real.

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4 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Yes this has been the nature of Israelis.

Another lie.

Isreal has never 'carpet bombed' gaza.  If anything their responses have been VERY moderate. Sure - Hamas builds it's rocket launchers and facilities where civvies are going to get hit and isreal hits them anyway - as they should - but they have not overtly targeted civilians nor have they indiscriminately bombed on any kind of wide scale basis.

What they should do now is drive the population into a small area, kill every person who isn't in that area, then make the rest of the world who's sooooo sympathetic take them as refugees. THen bulldoze the entire strip and plant some trees.

End of problem.

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Iran Warns It Will Intervene If Israel Launches Ground Assault In Gaza: REPORT


Iran warned on Saturday that it will intervene in the Israel-Hamas conflict if the Israel Defense Force (IDF) launches a ground assault in the Gaza Strip, according to diplomatic sources who spoke to Axios.

Iran has supported and funded Hamas for decades and views the terrorist group as a proxy that can carry out attacks on its behalf. Iran sent a message to Israel through the U.N. on Saturday that it will intervene in the Israel-Hamas conflict if the IDF begins a ground assault in Gaza, raising the threat of a much broader regional war, according to Axios. (RELATED: Israel Says Its Forces Killed Hamas Leader Who Spearheaded Massacre)


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Do not get involved in Israel crisis, top U.S. general warns Iran

The United States' top general on Monday warned Iran not to get involved in the crisis in Israel and said he did not want the conflict to the broaden, as Lebanese armed group Hezbollah fired a salvo of rockets onto northern Israel

The White House earlier on Monday said that Iran was complicit even though the United States has no intelligence or evidence that points to Iran's direct participation in attacks in Israel by Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.


Asked what his message for Iran was, General Charles Q. Brown, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: "Not to get involved."


Well this should get interesting.

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4 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I was saying that beheaded bodies of children have not been seen by anyone independent other than reported by Israeli soldiers.

In this, we are in agreement.

However,  a lot of atrocities were left out of the news.

Burning of escaping families in cars, or igniting their entire bunkers ablaze with families inside.

Families left to witness the slaughter of young siblings, while awaiting their fate, etc.

Again, the fact that people celebrate this, and call the beheading of babies the line that would somehow cross into the senseless brutality, is insane to me.

Hamas indiscriminately targeted children and women. They knew what they were doing.

They are cowards, who hide underground, using their population as shields.

You cannot have peace, with a strong Hamas still operating. 

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8 hours ago, CdnFox said:

They absolutely have.  the Palastinians could at any time have decided on a course of peace and reconciliation and isreal would have been very open to it,

But instead they elected hamas as their gov't. They've never even tried to live peacefully with isreal. So isreal doesn't trust them.  And they blame isreal for that - which is bonkers.  "We want you all to be dead".  also - "Gosh, why don't you trust us and let us do what we want?"


You know how you get out of an 'open air prision'?  Quit acting like psychotic criminals.


I'll make this simple. The palesinians have been enemies and hostile since day one. THEY are the reason there is no peace - had they made a serious effort the moderates in isreal would eventually have won out and they could both be living happy lives.

  And now you're trying to claim on their behalf that ISREAL is responsible for making peace happens. It was them all along and they''ve blown it for generations now.

Not the way it works.

You cannot justify the attack and targeted slaughter of those innocent people - SOME OF WHOM WERE CANADIAN.

Drive them out - scatter them to the winds - take the land back. Deal with the 'outrage' later, god knows the world has proven it's got a short memory when it comes to that. And at the end of the day you end that threat and you send a message to other potential enemies that you're not interested in playing nice any more and htey might want to think about that.

There is nothing you can say that makes what palestine did ok.  And there's nothing you can say that eliminates Isreal's right to eliminate a threat any less real.

All of these things you are saying about Palestinians could also be said of Israelis.   This all started when the Slimey Limeys needed the technical support of a prominent Zionist chemist in WWI and Lord Balfour of UK wrote a letter to Lord Rothschild recognizing the biblical rights of Jews to Israel as their homeland.  It had nothing to do with the 1800 year exile of Jews from their homeland, he just wanted the skills of a guy who could make gunpowder from sources not in Germany.  What was so cheekey about Balfour was that the place he suggested could become the Jewish homeland (Palestine) was not an actual state but part of the Ottoman empire - that he certainly did not speak for!

Day 1, IMHO was the San Remo Conference in 1920.  That was when and where the victors of WWI divied up the spoils and defined what was to become the 22 Arab League states and formerly declared the UK as in control of the region and giving Palestine over as the homeland of the Jewish people.   This was recognized (if not ratified) by the League of Nations.   Worth noting that NOBODY from the Arab world was "at the table" in San Remo...and IMHO THAT defines the point at which Arabs were justifiably pissed off with pretty much anyone that was supporting the displacement of Palestinians from what had been their homeland for 1800 years. By the time of UN resolution 181 in 1947 declared the division of territory into a Palestinian state and a Jewish state, the Arabs who had NEVER agreed to any of this crap being imposed upon them by foreign powers were at war with their Jewish counterparts, so I guess you are right that the Palestinians have been violently opposed for some time.   When Israel declared statehood that intensified and by the time it settled down Israel had taken land that was FORMALLY by UN part of the Palestinian state.   I don't think very many Palestinians were negotiated and purchased out of their homes (some actually were but from what I understand not very many) but were displaced violently from their homes.   Also many Arabs were now stranded in Israel.   Not exactly something they were going to diplomatically resolve with Israel.

Then there are the "settlements" where Israel has illegally been putting down stakes inside of what is officially NOT their territory.   Not saying any of this can justify the actions of Hamas, but I hope you can see why Palestinian Arabs don't feel all that cozy with Jews and foreigners who have stepped in and in their view stolen their homeland.

So: I get back to my original question - how far back are times of occupancy reason to lay claims to jurisdiction and ownership of territory today?   This has many other times and places that need to know the answer.

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15 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Says the liar.

Its clear you're standing up for them now.  Old trick - "oh yeah sure what they did was really terrible - but you know, or was it?"

And here's the other old trick  "if you get caught, blame the other guy for what you did".

Defending hamas makes you a piece of crap boy,.  And palistine elected them.   They deserve anything that happens to them at this point, because scumbags like you will be back to say how it's actually all isreal's fault that hamas slaughtered innocent women and children. 

Hello Zionist scumbag. First learn how to spell the names of those you are supporting(Israel not Isreal, and opposing Palestine not palistine) and then come here and spread your genocidal comments.

It is people like you, and those armed settlers in occupied lands who are creating so much hate on the part of Hamas and its like who commit such atrocities. In fact you and your likes who spread hate and commit such crimes against defenseless people are responsible for innocent Israeli loss of lives.

I was 

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11 hours ago, CdnFox said:


What they should do now is drive the population into a small area, kill every person who isn't in that area, then make the rest of the world who's sooooo sympathetic take them as refugees. THen bulldoze the entire strip and plant some trees.

End of problem.

Yes Hitler did the same thing to you (your grandparents). I thought the time for these kind of genocidal thoughts and actions is long gone, at least in Canada.

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5 hours ago, Perspektiv said:

In this, we are in agreement.

However,  a lot of atrocities were left out of the news.

Burning of escaping families in cars, or igniting their entire bunkers ablaze with families inside.

Families left to witness the slaughter of young siblings, while awaiting their fate, etc.

Again, the fact that people celebrate this, and call the beheading of babies the line that would somehow cross into the senseless brutality, is insane to me.

Hamas indiscriminately targeted children and women. They knew what they were doing.

They are cowards, who hide underground, using their population as shields.

You cannot have peace, with a strong Hamas still operating. 

I am in agreement with you and I also believe the entire Hamas organization including its fighters and governing body must all be killed (I am a strong supporter of Capital Punishment for violent crimes in Canada and elsewhere), but what we disagree is that I also strongly condemn Israel's genocide against innocent defenseless women and children in Gaza. Violent barbaric actions by Hamas does not justify a more violent barbaric reaction by Israel/

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3 hours ago, cannuck said:

All of these things you are saying about Palestinians could also be said of Israelis.

At the end of the day - it wasn't isreal who launched an attack into gaza - it was the other way around.  And its' not isreal who claims that their stated purpose is the death of the palestinian people,  And palestine knows isreal is stronger.

If you challenge someone bigger, stronger, and more powerful than you to a duel to the death...  sorry the results are on you, not that other guy.

3 hours ago, cannuck said:

Day 1, IMHO was the San Remo Conference in 1920.  That was when and where the victors of WWI divied up the spoils and defined what was to become the 22 Arab League states and formerly declared the UK as in control of the region

Cool story - nobody cares. It doesn't matter how we got here. the fact is we're here. And either you're going to find a way to make peace or you're going to choose violence. Hamas chose violence.

It doesn't matter if they think they were in the right, it doesn't matter if they got screwed 100 years ago over land, none of that makes a damn bit of difference. THey had a choice about how they would live their lives TODAY!  And their choice was to attack isreal, throw it's women and children on the ground and blow holes in them, and bomb a few of their cites knowing PERFECTLY WELL that isreal would retaliate.

Sorry - they made their bed, they can burn in it.

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1 hour ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I am in agreement with you and I also believe the entire Hamas organization including its fighters and governing body must all be killed

The people of Palestine elected hamas,  supported hamas, Praised hamas whenever they've attacked isreal.

The people of Palestine  ARE Hamas. Period.

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9 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

The people of Palestine elected hamas,  supported hamas, Praised hamas whenever they've attacked isreal.

The people of Palestine  ARE Hamas. Period.

Hamas was voted by 100% of Palestinians? and whenever an elected government (even if elected undemocratically) commits crimes like Hamas then the entire nation should be killed? So Vietnam should kill all Americans. By the way with the same token, Hamas can kill Israelis based on your law of Jungle. I do not agree with your hateful logic.

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43 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

At the end of the day - it wasn't isreal who launched an attack into gaza - it was the other way around.  And its' not isreal who claims that their stated purpose is the death of the palestinian people,  And palestine knows isreal is stronger.

If you challenge someone bigger, stronger, and more powerful than you to a duel to the death...  sorry the results are on you, not that other guy.

Cool story - nobody cares. It doesn't matter how we got here. the fact is we're here. And either you're going to find a way to make peace or you're going to choose violence. Hamas chose violence.

It doesn't matter if they think they were in the right, it doesn't matter if they got screwed 100 years ago over land, none of that makes a damn bit of difference. THey had a choice about how they would live their lives TODAY!  And their choice was to attack isreal, throw it's women and children on the ground and blow holes in them, and bomb a few of their cites knowing PERFECTLY WELL that isreal would retaliate.

Sorry - they made their bed, they can burn in it.

You wildly oversimplify an extremely complicated issue.

Is was not Palestine attacking Israel, it was Hamas = ISIL = Iran along with Taliban.   You know, the ones who sent the West packing in Afghanistan and Syria.   So, who's the big guy here?

The "cool story" that you think nobody cares about and doesn't matter is the entire reason this situation exists now and has for 1900 years.  It is also fundamental to land claims around the world.

As someone else has already replied:  the million plus children in Gaza neither voted for Hamas nor did anything to provoke or attack Israel.  Thousands of them paid with their lives for the Israeli response.   You are 100% correct that Hamas knew exactly that this is what would happen, but the Ayatollahs of Iran could give a damn about the children of Gaza.  The correct response IMHO was for Mossad to take them out as they hid in their homes.   It was all about the Saudis making nice peacefully with Israel - that would have cut Iran out of a great deal of their influence in the Arab world.

That being said: Israel had NO OTHER option but to fire upon the rocket launching sites of Hamas.  Any civilized and decent military force would NOT have launched from within a civilian population.   THAT is 100% guaranteed to kill a lot of civilians.  But, Hamas/ISIL are about as far away from decent human beings as you can get.

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16 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Hamas was voted by 100% of Palestinians?

Sure, why not.

Sorry - but that's part of the fun of being a democracy - the country (or strip) elects a leader and they get to speak for all of you.  If justin trudeau launched an attack on another country - we'd have to live with the consequences.

Hell we have to live with the consequences of PREVIOUS gov'ts.  Was my family here when res schools were started? nope. Did my family ever have anything to do with them? Nope.  Am i having to use MY tax payer dollars to make reparations for what a bunch of people did when we weren't even living in canada? Why yes - yes i am.

ANd remember all those demonstrations in the streets against hamas and their promised publilcally stated campaign of violence against isreal? Yeah - me neither.

So yeah - sorry. The decision of the gov't that the people elected is the responsibility of the people

Don't like that? Don't elect hamas.


nd whenever an elected government (even if elected undemocratically) commits crimes like Hamas then the entire nation should be killed?

the entire nation is going to have to face the consequences of their ELECTED LEADERS.  This  is why elections matter. 


22 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

By the way with the same token, Hamas can kill Israelis based on your law of Jungle.

Sure - and they did.  And they can face the consequences of doing so. Bite the tiger's tail and you get the claws.


22 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I do not agree with your hateful logic.

There's nothing hateful about it. You're supporting the murder of women and children. THAT is hateful  And you don't have to kill them all - just kick them the hell out and turn the gaza strip into a park.  Some will die inevitably but that's not the goal, which is more than we can say for the palestinians.

And whether you disagree or not isn't relevant - if the OTHER guy thinks that way then you better think very carefully before breaking into his house and killing his children. Because i guarantee you when he sees what you've done and that you're happy to do it again, he's not going to be interested in your opinion and if hes' bigger and stronger and better armed that might not go well for you,

To be clear - this isn't about vengeance. It's about basic self defense and safety.  If the dog is rabid - you don't let it sleep in the children's room, you shoot it.

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1 minute ago, cannuck said:

You wildly oversimplify an extremely complicated issue.

Nope, it's simple. It's only complicated when you try to make excuses for people putting  a machine gun to the heads of children and their mothers and pulling the trigger.

3 minutes ago, cannuck said:

s was not Palestine attacking Israel, it was Hamas = ISIL = Iran. 

It's palestine. Sorry - i missed all those demonstrations against the policy of violence against isreal,  i must have slept through the call for new elections,  could you point me to the hundreds of palestinians who've been interviewed talking about how they DON'T want isreal destroyed?  No? Hmmmm

4 minutes ago, cannuck said:

The "cool story" that you think nobody cares about and doesn't matter is the entire reason this situation exists now

It doesn't matter why it exists now.  It exists and it's intolerable.

It's not like this is the first time.  And every time the isrealis back down due to international pressure and Paliestine gets a little bit of clout from the world in sympathy and starts to work towards the next one.

6 minutes ago, cannuck said:

 You are 100% correct that Hamas knew exactly that this is what happened, but the Ayatollahs of Iran could give a damn about the children of Gaza.

Yeah - so they have to go.

One of two things is true -  the people of gaza knew about this and approved and supported hamas and therefore are complicit in the wanton slaughter of inncents without provocation,  OR they've been weaponized and having them there enables this kind of thing to happen as you claim.

I'm pretty sure it's the first - but - Either way - they've got to go. Isreal will never know any kind of peace with them living there.

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49 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


You're supporting the murder of women and children.

This small piece discredits everything else that you say. Readers have read my posts and they realize you are lying outright.

This is typical of you Zionists. Lie and play victim. Make millions refugees and homeless oppress millions and blow up thousands into pierces and then play to be the victim.

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3 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

This small piece discredits everything else that you say. Readers gave read my posts and they realize you are lying outright.

This is typical of your Zionists. Lie and play victim. Make millions refugees and homeless oppress millions and blow up thousands into pierces and then play to be the victim.

Oh i'm sorry - does the truth hurt?  

And i'm not lying in the slightest - and i did read your posts.

Ohhh yes it was a bad thing to do - but you know they had reasons and anyway you can't blame anyone for it happening. 

Pathetic.  So you're just perfectly fine with it happening agiain.

Oh and look -  you resort to anti-semite langugae to defend your position.  Anyone who DOESN"T think it's ok to just let other countries slaugther innocent civvies is a 'zionist'.  So - basically you're a jew hater on top of it all. No surprise there.

Lets just move past your fake moral outrange at having be legitimately called out for your disgusting position - Gaza 100 percent without mitigation brought this on themselves and the people are every bit as guilty as the leadership they support.

So - your big plan of 'gee forgive them all and wait for them to do it again in a few years'  boils down to support for this.  I"m saying eliminate that threat permanently one way or another.  With as few deaths as possible if you can but either way - there should NOT be a gaza at the end of this and every ounce of suffering their people go through is entirely their own fault and they deserve it.

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49 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

It's palestine. Sorry - i missed all those demonstrations against the policy of violence against isreal,  i must have slept through the call for new elections,  could you point me to the hundreds of palestinians who've been interviewed talking about how they DON'T want isreal destroyed?  No? Hmmmm

I now understand how isolated from reality you are crouched at your keyboard in your Mother's basement.   Over the years, there have been a significant number of Palestinians who dared to offer their support to Israel in rooting out Hamas.  They were severely dealt with in the same uncaring and viscious ways by Hamas and wonder of wonder, nobody in Gaza any longer seems willing to help Israel deal with Hamas/ISIL.   Anybody who bothers to learn a bit about the Middle East seems to know this, but you seem gleefully happy to ignore the facts and reality.

Just for reference: I have spent a fair bit of time in MENA and have very  good friends within the Arab world.  Also my ancestors include a Morgenstern branch of the family.

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Damn both.

Israel is a terrorist state as much as Hamas is, But they enjoy strong propaganda machine and they have the support of powerful Zionist lobbyists in Washington and European Capitals and hence they have always played as victims and their murderous actions against defenseless women and children as self defense. Do not fall into their strong propaganda machine. Hamas did commit horrible crimes for one day and they have to be punished but Israel is omitting the same committing for 8 days now.

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5 hours ago, cannuck said:

All of these things you are saying about Palestinians could also be said of Israelis.   This all started when the Slimey Limeys needed the technical support of a prominent Zionist chemist in WWI and Lord Balfour of UK wrote a letter to Lord Rothschild recognizing the biblical rights of Jews to Israel as their homeland.  It had nothing to do with the 1800 year exile of Jews from their homeland, he just wanted the skills of a guy who could make gunpowder from sources not in Germany.  What was so cheekey about Balfour was that the place he suggested could become the Jewish homeland (Palestine) was not an actual state but part of the Ottoman empire - that he certainly did not speak for!

Day 1, IMHO was the San Remo Conference in 1920.  That was when and where the victors of WWI divied up the spoils and defined what was to become the 22 Arab League states and formerly declared the UK as in control of the region and giving Palestine over as the homeland of the Jewish people.   This was recognized (if not ratified) by the League of Nations.   Worth noting that NOBODY from the Arab world was "at the table" in San Remo...and IMHO THAT defines the point at which Arabs were justifiably pissed off with pretty much anyone that was supporting the displacement of Palestinians from what had been their homeland for 1800 years. By the time of UN resolution 181 in 1947 declared the division of territory into a Palestinian state and a Jewish state, the Arabs who had NEVER agreed to any of this crap being imposed upon them by foreign powers were at war with their Jewish counterparts, so I guess you are right that the Palestinians have been violently opposed for some time.   When Israel declared statehood that intensified and by the time it settled down Israel had taken land that was FORMALLY by UN part of the Palestinian state.   I don't think very many Palestinians were negotiated and purchased out of their homes (some actually were but from what I understand not very many) but were displaced violently from their homes.   Also many Arabs were now stranded in Israel.   Not exactly something they were going to diplomatically resolve with Israel.

Then there are the "settlements" where Israel has illegally been putting down stakes inside of what is officially NOT their territory.   Not saying any of this can justify the actions of Hamas, but I hope you can see why Palestinian Arabs don't feel all that cozy with Jews and foreigners who have stepped in and in their view stolen their homeland.

So: I get back to my original question - how far back are times of occupancy reason to lay claims to jurisdiction and ownership of territory today?   This has many other times and places that need to know the answer.

Question for you. Which country would be willing to absorb the Palestinians into their own population.

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8 minutes ago, Legato said:

Question for you. Which country would be willing to absorb the Palestinians into their own population.

That is a good question, but with the UN declaration of a Palestinian state long established, they really are not supposed to be displaced.  If anyone country is closer in culture it would be Lebanon, but with their current basket case economy and government there is simply no way they could do that.   IMHO one of the greatest problems many MENA countries face it is the size of families.  The 500k or so Arabs in Palestine has grown to 5 million over last 75 years - even with millions having emigrated to other parts of the world (see size of demonstrations in other countries for a bit of an idea).

If someone said I had to come up with a workable solution it would probably be to shut down Gaza, send its population to the West Bank and take the 700k "settlers" out of West Bank and give them the blown to smitherenes Gaza strip.   Would still only be a stop gap solution as the Arabs would continue to grow their ranks but with no real productive economy to pay their way.   As it is, I believe most of the real income in Palestine comes from working in Israel (Paleo mostly services, gov't and private dwarfing it manufacturing and ag production).

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36 minutes ago, Legato said:

Question for you. Which country would be willing to absorb the Palestinians into their own population.

Why they have to go to any country? They should have a country of their own as they did in 1917 before they were terrorized to move out of their homes by Zionist extremists. 

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22 minutes ago, cannuck said:

That is a good question, but with the UN declaration of a Palestinian state long established, they really are not supposed to be displaced.  If anyone country is closer in culture it would be Lebanon, but with their current basket case economy and government there is simply no way they could do that.   IMHO one of the greatest problems many MENA countries face it is the size of families.  The 500k or so Arabs in Palestine has grown to 5 million over last 75 years - even with millions having emigrated to other parts of the world (see size of demonstrations in other countries for a bit of an idea).

If someone said I had to come up with a workable solution it would probably be to shut down Gaza, send its population to the West Bank and take the 700k "settlers" out of West Bank and give them the blown to smitherenes Gaza strip.   Would still only be a stop gap solution as the Arabs would continue to grow their ranks but with no real productive economy to pay their way.   As it is, I believe most of the real income in Palestine comes from working in Israel (Paleo mostly services, gov't and private dwarfing it manufacturing and ag production).

Okay. Then which country would be willing to take them?

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