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41 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

the military has gone completely insane, literally publishing Communist sedition against itself & Canada

the Wokest institution in the Wokest country on earth, it's a complete & total lunatic asylum


what retired soldier in good conscience

could recommend that a patriotic son enlist to be a Commie traitor for the People's Republic of Canada ?

it's not like the young men don't know, there's no sense making yourself look like a fool by trying to recruit them

if you recommend joining the military to a Zoomer, he would just roll his eyes and laugh at you

the Canadian military is laughing stock now, but internationally & domestic


And you doogie, you make my point loud and clear.

"And ex military do nothing but make is sound worse, crap on the military, cry at all the faults and do not encourage anyone to join to serve out Country. "

Ex part timers video playing basement dwellers like you do nothing for the Military.

If you recommend anything to a Zoomer other than an office job and video games, "he would just roll his eyes and laugh at you"

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Just now, ExFlyer said:

And you doogie, you make my point loud and clear.

"And ex military do nothing but make is sound worse, crap on the military, cry at all the faults and do not encourage anyone to join to serve out Country. "

Ex part timers video playing basement dwellers like you do nothing for the Military.

If you recommend anything to a Zoomer other than an office job and video games, "he would just roll his eyes and laugh at you"

have you read what they published in the CMJ ?

"Echoing the call from scholars, the CPCC shift in CAF identity is from a singular ideal hero warrior to recognizing multiple ways to demonstrate military identity. This initiative acknowledges that the warrior image is rooted in an outdated hero archetype which emphasizes combat/kinetic functions performed by those who are strong, stoic, and physically resilient (along with being white, male, and cisgender)."

that is the CAF itself publishing sedition against itself

that's Marxist Leninist Communist lunacy being propagated by RMC

that is an abomination, nobody should be recruiting for a such an absurdly seditious regime therein

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9 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

have you read what they published in the CMJ ?

"Echoing the call from scholars, the CPCC shift in CAF identity is from a singular ideal hero warrior to recognizing multiple ways to demonstrate military identity. This initiative acknowledges that the warrior image is rooted in an outdated hero archetype which emphasizes combat/kinetic functions performed by those who are strong, stoic, and physically resilient (along with being white, male, and cisgender)."

that is the CAF itself publishing sedition against itself

that's Marxist Leninist Communist lunacy being propagated by RMC

that is an abomination, nobody should be recruiting for a such an absurdly seditious regime therein

Yes, your attitude is exactly what they say "warrior image is rooted in an outdated hero archetype which emphasizes combat/kinetic functions performed by those who are strong, stoic, and physically resilient (along with being white, male, and cisgender)."

Your constant linking to 1, 2, 300 year old regiments and banter is so not now. Get with the times. Get out of your basement and smell today LOL

Link is needed, not your cut and past, otherwise yours is just another rectal pluck..

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7 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:


I will never get with the Communists

the treasonous Government of Canada and it's Marxist lunatic military are burning in a fire of their own making

good riddance

You are a disgrace to the Uniform.

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Just now, ExFlyer said:

You are a disgrace to the Uniform.

I turned my uniform in long time ago

I don't answer to this lunatic chain of command

Communist traitors will reap what they sow

they are burning the Canadian military to the ground

useful 1diots for the Chinese Communists in Beijing

sic semper tyrannis

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36 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

I turned my uniform in long time ago

I don't answer to this lunatic chain of command

Communist traitors will reap what they sow

they are burning the Canadian military to the ground

useful 1diots for the Chinese Communists in Beijing

sic semper tyrannis

Like I said,  you are a disgrace to the Uniform.

It is good your turned it in.

So now, as a disgraced ex military all you can do is besmirch, demean and, belittle it and the many men and women proudly still serving this Country.

Yes, you are a total disgrace.

tu es culus

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

And ex military do nothing but make is sound worse, crap on the military, cry at all the faults and do not encourage anyone to join to serve out Country.

Well we must have had to very different careers, Mine i was taught from a wee private "never pass a fault", and until those faults are fixed or i pass on, then yes i will be that guy...you have two options really, the ignore button, or just keep moving on...Maybe you spent to much time rubbing elbows in Ottawa to really see what is happening on the ground, across the entire forces...Me i spent my time rubbing elbows with real soldiers, on the battle fields pick by this nation, and seen men and women pay for the mistakes made by this government and Ottawa...But i will tell you this it is not all rainbows and unicorns as you suggest...not even close...

I'm sure you would be singing a different tune if you had people under your command had died, due to obsolete equipment, or not having the right tools at the right time...and only when enough of your comrades had died then and only then would some action be taken..you may be happy with all of that, but i doubt very much you personally had to write condolence letters home to wifes of your soldiers...or your opinion even attitude would be much different...My sole interest in all of this is to inform, so that maybe just maybe change will happen...

You can convince yourself you have the high ground here, but in reality, you've been out of the military for far to long and fail to grasp the real conditions inside the military of today....The state of our equipment, the state of moral, the state of our personal, and the state of our chain of command...are all at critical levels.....

You can paint me however you want to, that seems to be one of your specialties, but i will not deceive ONE Canadian on how things are in today's military...

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5 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

You may have used the word "military" but your comments are very much Army (and specifically infantry) related.

Fitness levels used to be tested every year,. Don't know about now. Way back when, there were many "300 lb" military people too (well not 300 but certainly well overweight). Clerks, supply techs, vehicle techs and drivers, cooks, aviation tech and so on. Out of shape folks have always been there.

Over my years, the PER system changed quite regularly. It was never a static system.

Lets not re-hash military pay again.

I do not know about Army, let alone 2RCR. I do known that as an aviation tech, our shifts were 12 hours long most of the time, 7 days on, 3 off and 7 nights on, 4 off. Serviceability depends on the fleet and flying requirement. No parts is the primary reason for sitting on the ground. Aircrew wanting to fly (yes, wanting) is another. I have a Godson in Cold Lake (an avionics tech) and he says that even before they bought the Aussie aircraft, they were not buying new components and letting contractors just repair the components. They also are only keeping minimum aircraft flyable as there are not and have not been any tasking in a very long time. I have a guy that used to work for me that is a lead FE at a Tac Hel Sqn. He is also not flying much. Flying to keep up aircrew qualifications is the main reason for flying.

Oh and 50% serviceability is not unusual, especially if you have small squadrons. In my first squadron, 30% was normal. 3 Labradors, one in heavy maintenance , one broken and one on primary standby was not unusual. The Buffalo's were the same. 407  Sqn next door to us was also in the same situation. One on patrol, one in maintenance and one available for training depending what functions were actually working. I remember one year in Edmonton when 447 Sqn was having a change of Command parade and they could not get a Chinook aircraft in the air for a fly past, they towed them past the dias LOL. Their aircraft were on the ground for over a month quite regularly.

Yes, "my Military" is long gone but I sure wished I had the pay back then that they have now. My pension would for sure be better, almost doubled. :)



I have already stated very clearly that i have very little experience with the NAVY or Air Force...and what i post is my experience, not sure why your having an issue with this point ...

And like i said being that over wieght puts others in danger, including themselves...and yes their have been over wieght people in all elements but todays people are taking this to new levels...300 lbs is becoming more common, as PT has become less prevalent...and almost non existent with the Air Force/ Navy..as there are no repercussions to being that heavy...

Your examples are misleading you've named Sqns with very limited numbers of aircraft one to 3 aircraft are not very good indictors ...in the article i provided they are talking about all the CF-18's forces wide...Herc fleets, helo fleets, so ya more than 1 or 2 aircraft in the hanger...but dozens...

And i'm sure 40 years from now, retired CWO's will be saying the same thing....


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4 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Well we must have had to very different careers, Mine i was taught from a wee private "never pass a fault", and until those faults are fixed or i pass on, then yes i will be that guy...you have two options really, the ignore button, or just keep moving on...Maybe you spent to much time rubbing elbows in Ottawa to really see what is happening on the ground, across the entire forces...Me i spent my time rubbing elbows with real soldiers, on the battle fields pick by this nation, and seen men and women pay for the mistakes made by this government and Ottawa...But i will tell you this it is not all rainbows and unicorns as you suggest...not even close...

I'm sure you would be singing a different tune if you had people under your command had died, due to obsolete equipment, or not having the right tools at the right time...and only when enough of your comrades had died then and only then would some action be taken..you may be happy with all of that, but i doubt very much you personally had to write condolence letters home to wifes of your soldiers...or your opinion even attitude would be much different...My sole interest in all of this is to inform, so that maybe just maybe change will happen...

You can convince yourself you have the high ground here, but in reality, you've been out of the military for far to long and fail to grasp the real conditions inside the military of today....The state of our equipment, the state of moral, the state of our personal, and the state of our chain of command...are all at critical levels.....

You can paint me however you want to, that seems to be one of your specialties, but i will not deceive ONE Canadian on how things are in today's military...

I( was an aviation tech and then a flight engineer. We never let things pass. As a tech, the consequences of letting things go are far too dangerous, many people can perish. Our lives were on the line every time we stepped into an aircraft. You do not let faults pass, you cannot pull over at the nearest cloud to fix your mistake.

Unfortunately, I have had many friends perish in crashes, be it in Labrador helicopter crashes, Hercules crashes and in Cormorant crashes. Not including SAR techs that perished in operations or serious career ending injuries.

So I have had tragedies as well.

Of course, as you say, none of the Airmen I dealt or worked or served or rubbed elbows with were "real soldiers",  just Military men and women doing what they chose to do and their duty to the County.

I am not or never been on "high ground" but have carried caskets of my fallen friends on the low ground.

I do not paint you in any way, i just said you are very Army centric. There is more to the Military than Army. There were risks when you joined and there were risks when I joined and, there will always be risks when in the Military.



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26 minutes ago, Army Guy said:

I have already stated very clearly that i have very little experience with the NAVY or Air Force...and what i post is my experience, not sure why your having an issue with this point ...

And like i said being that over wieght puts others in danger, including themselves...and yes their have been over wieght people in all elements but todays people are taking this to new levels...300 lbs is becoming more common, as PT has become less prevalent...and almost non existent with the Air Force/ Navy..as there are no repercussions to being that heavy...

Your examples are misleading you've named Sqns with very limited numbers of aircraft one to 3 aircraft are not very good indictors ...in the article i provided they are talking about all the CF-18's forces wide...Herc fleets, helo fleets, so ya more than 1 or 2 aircraft in the hanger...but dozens...

And i'm sure 40 years from now, retired CWO's will be saying the same thing....


And I also have stated I have little experience with Army, only Air Force and a wee bit of Navy.

Issue? I am only providing my experience, which is quite different than yours.

Yes, being overweight has it's consequences. All I was trying to get across is that this is not a new phenomenon, there have been overweight people in the Military way back when i joined.

We do not have squadrons the sizes of American squadrons.  All our squadrons are quite small. I am very familiar with SAR so I mentioned them. When I was in Edmonton 447 and 450 Tac Hel Chinook squadrons only had 4 each. 408 had I think 12. 435 Hercs had only 5.  I was in Edmonton during which we crashed 3 Hercs, 1 Twin Otter and 2 or 3 Hueys.. A number of friends aboard them.  We are not a big Air Force.

Things change, all the time.

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8 hours ago, ExFlyer said:

I( was an aviation tech and then a flight engineer. We never let things pass. As a tech, the consequences of letting things go are far too dangerous, many people can perish. Our lives were on the line every time we stepped into an aircraft. You do not let faults pass, you cannot pull over at the nearest cloud to fix your mistake.

Unfortunately, I have had many friends perish in crashes, be it in Labrador helicopter crashes, Hercules crashes and in Cormorant crashes. Not including SAR techs that perished in operations or serious career ending injuries.

So I have had tragedies as well.

Of course, as you say, none of the Airmen I dealt or worked or served or rubbed elbows with were "real soldiers",  just Military men and women doing what they chose to do and their duty to the County.

I am not or never been on "high ground" but have carried caskets of my fallen friends on the low ground.

I do not paint you in any way, i just said you are very Army centric. There is more to the Military than Army. There were risks when you joined and there were risks when I joined and, there will always be risks when in the Military.



So i ask you why are you defending the most current practices of our military, you must have seen the faults, at least in the media...and yet you have accused me and others of not being a good soldier and recommending the family business to other Canadians. When i have a son and a daughters in the forces... plus many other still serving members that i call good friends. 

I know what it is like to carry a friends coffin, or attend a ramp ceremony and watch that flag draped coffin get loaded on to a herc or C-17, what we do is dangerous enough with out adding to it poor training standards, poor equipment, no money for training, the list goes on and on and on...These are lives of troops that i have interacted with on a daily basis, so ya i'm pissed off....and i want things to change.....they died becasue of poor decisions made at government level and within the Military...These are the mistakes that i have taken issue with...all if not most were preventable...I lay the condition of our military at the feet of our government and it's citizens...these are the 2 key pivot points for change without their support there is nothing that is going to change...

Thats not what i have seen from you when posting to other that may disagree with you...it comes across that you are on the high ground out of touch with others experiences...

I am very aware that there is more to the military than the Army...and yes i am army centric as you are Airforce centric...we have very different career paths and career experiences...I have seen the direct result of poor standards, and poor equipment, poor decisions made at the government level.....paid for in blood of troops that served under me, or with me...these deaths were not training accidents, but needless deaths of soldiers because our government and citizens are to cheap to do what is nessicary... these are the risks that no one talks about until you have experienced them...Would i recommend joining the CF... I'm really hoping that PP changes all of that...today under the liberals i would not join the boy scouts if the liberals were in charge....once PP is in charge i hope citizens of Canada see just what damage has been done, and put fixing it on the to do list...


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9 hours ago, Army Guy said:

So i ask you why are you defending the most current practices of our military, you must have seen the faults, at least in the media...and yet you have accused me and others of not being a good soldier and recommending the family business to other Canadians. When i have a son and a daughters in the forces... plus many other still serving members that i call good friends. 

I know what it is like to carry a friends coffin, or attend a ramp ceremony and watch that flag draped coffin get loaded on to a herc or C-17, what we do is dangerous enough with out adding to it poor training standards, poor equipment, no money for training, the list goes on and on and on...These are lives of troops that i have interacted with on a daily basis, so ya i'm pissed off....and i want things to change.....they died becasue of poor decisions made at government level and within the Military...These are the mistakes that i have taken issue with...all if not most were preventable...I lay the condition of our military at the feet of our government and it's citizens...these are the 2 key pivot points for change without their support there is nothing that is going to change...

Thats not what i have seen from you when posting to other that may disagree with you...it comes across that you are on the high ground out of touch with others experiences...

I am very aware that there is more to the military than the Army...and yes i am army centric as you are Airforce centric...we have very different career paths and career experiences...I have seen the direct result of poor standards, and poor equipment, poor decisions made at the government level.....paid for in blood of troops that served under me, or with me...these deaths were not training accidents, but needless deaths of soldiers because our government and citizens are to cheap to do what is nessicary... these are the risks that no one talks about until you have experienced them...Would i recommend joining the CF... I'm really hoping that PP changes all of that...today under the liberals i would not join the boy scouts if the liberals were in charge....once PP is in charge i hope citizens of Canada see just what damage has been done, and put fixing it on the to do list...


What practices am I defending?

I have never accused you of anything, let alone of not being a good soldier.

A military members death is from many actions, be they in combat, training, operations or even suicide. None of which is a greater tragedy than the other. The cause is varied and no single action/event/reason can be blamed.

We have had numerous discussions and yes, we have disagreed but that is what discussions are about. If we agreed on everything there would not be discussions, there would be a comment and that is it. Just because my experience is different to yours and others does on no way mean I am on high ground, it just means we experienced different things. We all have opinions based on what we have done/seen/read/experienced. I do take vigorous actions against some wannabes and say so frequently but, he is an exception.

For sure we have had very different career paths. I have been to every Air base, both Navy bases and a few Army bases top to bottom and West to East of this Country and do have a flavour of the Military, in general. As a private tech in a squadron and in  in many  parts of Canada to a CWO in various roles and projects in NDHQ. No, I have never been in combat but, have seen and experienced my share of deaths.

You comment about PP making it better is a wish at best, as in my tenure neither conservative nor liberal have been military proponents. Both have done only what is necessary when all else fails. This country has only once since I joined been pro military and that was when we started losing lives in Afghanistan. That was a short lived time frame though. We pulled out of there 10 years ago. Canada has not been in combat since. Have we lost people since? Yes, for a variety of reasons.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Guesses at who is the next CDS. Scott taylor takes a stab at it, Are we ready for a female CDS, i guess we might find out. could not do any worse than the last couple...Not sure how the rank and file will react, or our government officials,


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5 hours ago, Army Guy said:

Guesses at who is the next CDS. Scott taylor takes a stab at it, Are we ready for a female CDS, i guess we might find out. could not do any worse than the last couple...Not sure how the rank and file will react, or our government officials,


Why are you bringing up irrelevancies?

The only thing that matters is Trudeau gets to appoint another 'first'. 

This is 2025, you know!


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Canadian Forces personnel deploy to Jamaica to train troops for Haiti mission



Approximately 70 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members were deployed to Jamaica on Friday to train military personnel from several Caribbean countries who are bound for Haiti as part of a multinational security force led by Kenya and backed by the United Nations.



Hopefully just to stay in Jamaica and provide training to others. I think that we Canadians have already done too much for that shithole country.

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New Multi-Terrain CADPAT Enters Service


According to the latest Canadian Army Today magazine, the new camouflage pattern which had been in trials with a few units for some time, finally started rolling out Army-wide in February and will be fully implemented over a 24-month period.   I assume at some point RCAF and RCN will also adopt it for those personnel who currently wear the original CADPAT but I don’t see any mention of it

New camo on the left, original on the right  


Story found at link (PDF)



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Defence policy update raises spending by $8B with focus on Arctic, cyber security"

Defence Minister Bill Blair unveiled Monday $7.9 billion in new spending on the Canadian Armed Forces over the next five years in a long-promised update to Canada’s defence policy, but this will still not meet the country's target under NATO.

By the end of the new five-year plan in the 2029-30 fiscal year, Canada is expected to be spending 1.76 per cent of GDP on defence, still below the NATO target of two per cent of GDP, according to the policy update document.

The government says the spending plan over the next 20 years is valued at an additional $73 billion to ensure a “ready, resilient and relevant” CAF.



What a load of BS. We all know that none of this will happen. Trudeau and his gang and that jerkoff Blair will be gone in less than 18 months.

His announcement is all after the next election so...guess what...Defence gets nothing, zero, nada....again.

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10 minutes ago, ExFlyer said:

What a load of BS. We all know that none of this will happen. Trudeau and his gang and that jerkoff Blair will be gone in less than 18 months.

His announcement is all after the next election so...guess what...Defence gets nothing, zero, nada....again.

well... yes and no.   What he'll do is pay for 'consultants" (that he's TOTALLY not friends with honest) and the military spending will technically go up.  It just won't do any of the ACTUAL military any good.

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I'm just wondering how they are going to get 8 bil spread out over 5 years, but still mange to pay the 3.5 bil in budget cuts, over the same period...why not just say 3 bil over 5 years and be done with it...or tell every that the budget cut thing is over...

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On 4/8/2024 at 2:23 PM, ExFlyer said:

Defence policy update raises spending by $8B with focus on Arctic, cyber security"

Defence Minister Bill Blair unveiled Monday $7.9 billion in new spending on the Canadian Armed Forces over the next five years in a long-promised update to Canada’s defence policy, but this will still not meet the country's target under NATO.

By the end of the new five-year plan in the 2029-30 fiscal year, Canada is expected to be spending 1.76 per cent of GDP on defence, still below the NATO target of two per cent of GDP, according to the policy update document.

The government says the spending plan over the next 20 years is valued at an additional $73 billion to ensure a “ready, resilient and relevant” CAF.



What a load of BS. We all know that none of this will happen. Trudeau and his gang and that jerkoff Blair will be gone in less than 18 months.

His announcement is all after the next election so...guess what...Defence gets nothing, zero, nada....again.

If anything, this will be the standard that the conservatives need to beat in the next election, political wise it was a asume move, on the liberal side make large announcements that got global praise, liberal voters will then say see, we do like defense when it counts, they also get to kick the can over to the conservatives and make them live up to these standards they have drawn in the sand. 

That being said this is not going to be an election issue, there is just to many issues for this to make it to the top...i hope the conservatives pick the ball up later and run with it...

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On 4/8/2024 at 1:23 PM, ExFlyer said:

What a load of BS. We all know that none of this will happen. Trudeau and his gang and that jerkoff Blair will be gone in less than 18 months.

Totally. The election is a big RESET button amd MOST of the spending is deferred until then which means in the unlikely chance that they get re-elected they can just ignore it.  

AND its a perfect political tripwire for PP if/when he becomes PM because he will have to cancel it then if he doesn’t want to take on all that spending.  IIRC, Mulroney/Campbell did the same thing, deliberately deferring major defence spending projects to Chretien once they knew they were not going to get re-elected.

First a list of what spending has been promised to commence in the 2024-2025 fiscal year, ie pre-election (only $612 Million net new funds) and what a post-election government of either party will likely continue in some fashion:

Sustaining Naval Vessels.  ($293M)

This will include extending the life of the Halifax-class frigates and preserving the Royal Canadian Navy's interim at-sea replenishment capability. These investments will help Canada maintain a globally deployable naval fleet capable of supporting NATO and engaging in operations, exercises, training, and defence diplomacy with key allies and partners, among other activities. Timely maintenance coupled with regular upgrades will reinforce the Royal Canadian Navy's ability to quickly respond to unforeseen events.

Ammunition Supply and Production ($15 Million)

To support Canadian industry to meet the ammunition demands of Canada and our closest allies, Canada will seek to accelerate the establishment of new artillery ammunition production capacity in Canada, creating skilled jobs for Canadian workers for the long term and generating economic benefits for Canadian communities. It will increase the Canadian Armed Forces' resilience by establishing a reliable Canadian supply of NATO-standard ammunition at a time of unprecedented need and limited global production capacity.

To capitalize on our industrial investments, the Canadian Armed Forces will establish a greater strategic reserve of battle-decisive munitions. Canada needs adequate stockpiles of munitions to meet its defence and security commitments during a crisis or conflict, and industry needs clarity from government about future acquisitions to set up production lines. Our North, Strong and Free will provide both. At a time when these munitions are becoming more difficult to procure abroad, a strategic reserve will ensure our military can sustain itself in longer, more dangerous operations, and enable sufficient ongoing training. As part of this effort, Defence will work with Canadian suppliers and allies to strengthen Canada's ability to ensure that appropriate stocks are available to sustain Canada's commitments to NORAD and NATO regardless of global capacity constraints.

Sustaining Military Equipment ($202M)

To accelerate the integration of new technologies into our vehicles, vessels, aircraft and other equipment, Defence will pilot a Continuous Capability Sustainment approach to upgrading equipment. While the traditional approach is to wait years to do minor upgrades to major equipment to align them with major mid-life overhauls, a continuous approach will give Defence the flexibility to rapidly integrate the latest technology and innovations in more regular, incremental maintenance cycles.

We will ensure a reliable supply of defence materiel, free from disruption or interference through a Defence Supply Chain Resilience Strategy. Defence will work with federal partners to develop solutions to mitigate risks throughout the supply chain, from critical commodities and intellectual property to manufacturing and delivery.

Enhancing Canada's Intelligence and Cyber Operations ($73M)

To improve the Canadian Armed Forces' ability to conduct cyber operations, we will establish a Canadian Armed Forces Cyber Command. We will also stand up a joint Canadian cyber operations capability with the Communications Security Establishment, integrating the unique strengths of each organization into a unified team that will conduct active cyber operations in support of Canadian interests. This will enable the military to generate and employ cyber forces and other specialized capabilities on short notice and contribute to advancing Canadian interests and protecting Canadian, Allied and partner militaries at home and abroad. Canadian Armed Forces military cyber operations are approved by the Government on a mission-by-mission basis, in line with the use of all other military assets.

Electronic Health Record Platform for Military Personnel ($7M):

We will accelerate the development of an electronic health record platform that improves the continuity of care in mental and physical health services for the diverse needs of members as they move between provinces and territories.

NATO Innovation Fund ($10M)

Canada will participate in the newly established NATO Innovation Fund, which will offer additional funding streams for innovative Canadian entrepreneurs. The Fund is the world's first defence-focused multi-sovereign venture capital fund, providing investment in start-up firms developing dual-use, emerging and disruptive technologies critical to our defence. These include artificial intelligence, big-data processing, quantum-enabled technologies, autonomy, biotechnology and human enhancement, novel materials, energy, propulsion, and space capability.


Improving Childcare for Canadian Armed Forces Personnel ($13M)

Finally, we will invest in additional supports for military families, including by investing in affordable childcare. Military service often demands frequent moves and deployments, making quality childcare more than just a convenience. To support our military families, Canada will provide our members with access to childcare at Canadian Armed Forces bases across the country. This is an essential support to members' ability to serve and the well-being of their families.


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As for the other post/election procurement pledges, I note many of them simply pledge to “explore options”  and still raise a lot of questions like what is target to actually have the equipment/vehicle delivered. Lots of room for things to change even if this update is an honest and sincere statement of current intentions  

Most surprising thing on the list was AWACS aircraft, and I had all kinds of thoughts of what could be behind that. We don’t even have enough personnel and resources for our existing capabilities much left high-end new ones, sort of feels like shopping for a Ferrari when you’re 6 months behind on rent for your basement studio apartment. The only 2 possible aircraft that come to mind are the Boeing-737NG based E7 Wedgetail and the Bombardier G6500-based Globaleye, meaning it’s the Maritime Patrol drama that we saw with the P8 all over again. Except thiss time the Bombardier aircraft actually exists. I can see cynical reasons for government wanting either aircraft. The USAF’s bespoke E7 procurement contract is FUBAR’D and the US is apparently pushing others to buy the P8 or E7 to keep that one specialty B737NG production line open in the meantime to avoid / diffuse costs. OTOH, Globaleye is Bombardier who is politically powerful and feels snubbed, and also is a smaller aircraft to operate from Northern locations. 

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34 minutes ago, BeaverFever said:

As for the other post/election procurement pledges, I note many of them simply pledge to “explore options”  and still raise a lot of questions like what is target to actually have the equipment/vehicle delivered. Lots of room for things to change even if this update is an honest and sincere statement of current intentions  

Most surprising thing on the list was AWACS aircraft, and I had all kinds of thoughts of what could be behind that. We don’t even have enough personnel and resources for our existing capabilities much left high-end new ones, sort of feels like shopping for a Ferrari when you’re 6 months behind on rent for your basement studio apartment. The only 2 possible aircraft that come to mind are the Boeing-737NG based E7 Wedgetail and the Bombardier G6500-based Globaleye, meaning it’s the Maritime Patrol drama that we saw with the P8 all over again. Except thiss time the Bombardier aircraft actually exists. I can see cynical reasons for government wanting either aircraft. The USAF’s bespoke E7 procurement contract is FUBAR’D and the US is apparently pushing others to buy the P8 or E7 to keep that one specialty B737NG production line open in the meantime to avoid / diffuse costs. OTOH, Globaleye is Bombardier who is politically powerful and feels snubbed, and also is a smaller aircraft to operate from Northern locations. 

A former colleague spent 4 years flying AWACS in  Europe. We have military personnel on AWACS. We do not need them.


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1 hour ago, Army Guy said:

If anything, this will be the standard that the conservatives need to beat in the next election, political wise it was a asume move, on the liberal side make large announcements that got global praise, liberal voters will then say see, we do like defense when it counts, they also get to kick the can over to the conservatives and make them live up to these standards they have drawn in the sand. 

That being said this is not going to be an election issue, there is just to many issues for this to make it to the top...i hope the conservatives pick the ball up later and run with it...

But you're right -  as much as it's not a major issue the cpc can just say "we'll make it 10' and walk away from it if they want.  It WAS a dumb move.

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