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"Wokeness" Has Replaced Socialism as the Great Conservative Bogeyman

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13 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

To a certain point, sure. But now court documents have surfaced which prove fox has wilfully spread false information about the 2020 election. On air they'd say the election was stolen, yet off the air they all shared that they held the belief that Donald's claims were false. This garbage was a major breach of public trust and extremely damaging to our electoral system. 

They spread malicious propaganda with impunity and damaged our country. 

Well as i noted if people are aware he's not telling the truth, then when he doesn't tell the truth it's not really propaganda :) If you're aware watching it that it's a lie then it can't be considered as such.


Pretty much all the media lies now.  And even when ones like cnn do is in many cases i'm reluctant to call it 'propaganda', which would imply they were attempting to promote a narrative, and more 'pandering to their demographic for clicks'.  Sure - some news stories are propaganda and some FEELS like it, like when NBC altered the tape on the trevon martin case for example,  but even there i think it was to generate outrage for the purpose of selling papers, not policy.

13 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:


So it's your contention that all of fox's viewers know that the election was not rigged and just watch Tucker lying to them because they find it entertaining?

It's my contention that the legal opinion which you posted is correct and that the viewers know that the show "lies" and that tucker's opinions are meant to be taken as not an accurate representation of the truth.

13 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Wow.... You got some balls trying to feed me that tripe. I'll give you that.

Yikes. We just met - leave my balls out of your tripe thank you very much :)

13 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Well I don't like to brag... But I have saved a few moronic alt-right zealots from being crushed by the weight of their own stupidity.

Testify brother!

13 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

But granted, those are few and far between.

Well - thats probably good. We all need our rest, you can't be staying up EVERY night.

Look, joking and rhetoric aside obviously you lean left and i'm more of  a center-right guy so there's going to be disagreements and such, but if we're keeping it real i think we both know that tucker's show isn't meant to be taken terribly seriously, That isn't to say he doesn't sometimes raise good points etc or subject worth discussing one way or another but most of the time it's feel good confirmation bias based infoainment of which there's many left wing examples as well.

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10 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Well as i noted if people are aware he's not telling the truth, then when he doesn't tell the truth it's not really propaganda :) If you're aware watching it that it's a lie then it can't be considered as such.


Pretty much all the media lies now.  And even when ones like cnn do is in many cases i'm reluctant to call it 'propaganda', which would imply they were attempting to promote a narrative, and more 'pandering to their demographic for clicks'.  Sure - some news stories are propaganda and some FEELS like it, like when NBC altered the tape on the trevon martin case for example,  but even there i think it was to generate outrage for the purpose of selling papers, not policy.

It's my contention that the legal opinion which you posted is correct and that the viewers know that the show "lies" and that tucker's opinions are meant to be taken as not an accurate representation of the truth.

Yikes. We just met - leave my balls out of your tripe thank you very much :)

Testify brother!

Well - thats probably good. We all need our rest, you can't be staying up EVERY night.

Look, joking and rhetoric aside obviously you lean left and i'm more of  a center-right guy so there's going to be disagreements and such, but if we're keeping it real i think we both know that tucker's show isn't meant to be taken terribly seriously, That isn't to say he doesn't sometimes raise good points etc or subject worth discussing one way or another but most of the time it's feel good confirmation bias based infoainment of which there's many left wing examples as well.

I like your gumption, but I dare say the only reason tuckers viewers frequent his show is because Tucker tells them what Tucker knows they want to hear..... Tucker knows he's spewing garbage... But his audience believes it with every iota of their moronic being. 

How do I know this?

Because everytime I share the article below, the alt-right zealots venomously deny it. 


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10 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

I like your gumption, but I dare say the only reason tuckers viewers frequent his show is because Tucker tells them what Tucker knows they want to hear..... Tucker knows he's spewing garbage... But his audience believes it with every iota of their moronic being. 

How do I know this?

Because everytime I share the article below, the alt-right zealots venomously deny it. 


Well,  in fairness you're complaining about tuckers's gross and partisan spin on the truth designed to appeal to the confirmation bias of his viewers by offering as an example an article which is a gross and partisan spin on the truth designed to appeal to the confirmation bias of it's viewers :)

I would argue that the article and tucker share a great deal in common. They're meant to leave their target audiences chuckling and saying to themselves 'it's funny because it's true', while leaving opponents sputtering in fury over the "Unfairness" of the exaggerated or ridiculous portions of the show/article.

Both are excellent examples of the art - inciting enough to get both sides reading with just enough truth to make it hard to dismiss entirely.

Infotainment - how to get people riled up for clicks and giggles. :) 


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2 hours ago, OftenWrong said:

I love how you guys disown your own kind when they are finally exposed as complete sociopathic fukups.

My point is, people are smart enough to reject wokism. Just another fad coming out of post- teenage identity crisis angst.

We are certainly smart enough to recognize YOUR BASTARDIZATION OF THE TERM.

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3 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Well,  in fairness you're complaining about tuckers's gross and partisan spin on the truth designed to appeal to the confirmation bias of his viewers by offering as an example an article which is a gross and partisan spin on the truth designed to appeal to the confirmation bias of it's viewers :)

I would argue that the article and tucker share a great deal in common. They're meant to leave their target audiences chuckling and saying to themselves 'it's funny because it's true', while leaving opponents sputtering in fury over the "Unfairness" of the exaggerated or ridiculous portions of the show/article.

Both are excellent examples of the art - inciting enough to get both sides reading with just enough truth to make it hard to dismiss entirely.

Infotainment - how to get people riled up for clicks and giggles. :) 


If you believe that discovery produced INTERNAL emails and texts FROM Fox HOSTS "is a gross and partisan spin on the truth designed to appeal to the confirmation bias of it's viewers," then you're not making any sense.

They are/were PRIVATE and never MEANT to be revealed to Fox viewers. 

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6 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Well,  in fairness you're complaining about tuckers's gross and partisan spin on the truth designed to appeal to the confirmation bias of his viewers by offering as an example an article which is a gross and partisan spin on the truth designed to appeal to the confirmation bias of it's viewers :)

I would argue that the article and tucker share a great deal in common. They're meant to leave their target audiences chuckling and saying to themselves 'it's funny because it's true', while leaving opponents sputtering in fury over the "Unfairness" of the exaggerated or ridiculous portions of the show/article.

Both are excellent examples of the art - inciting enough to get both sides reading with just enough truth to make it hard to dismiss entirely.

Infotainment - how to get people riled up for clicks and giggles. :) 


Well thank you for your explaining it to me. I was really getting worried that tuckers dimwitted audience actually believed his treasonous banter.

Boy am I relieved.

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6 hours ago, robosmith said:

If you believe that discovery produced INTERNAL emails and texts FROM Fox HOSTS "is a gross and partisan spin on the truth designed to appeal to the confirmation bias of it's viewers," then you're not making any sense.

That would be true, if i had said anything remotely close to that. Which i did not.

Go read it again. Slowly.

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6 hours ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Well thank you for your explaining it to me. I was really getting worried that tuckers dimwitted audience actually believed his treasonous banter.

Boy am I relieved.

Well lets put it this way - if they do then they did before tucker showed up.

Like i said, news today tends to be less about informing people and more about manipulating their confirmation bias.  Either postively by stroking the things they believe already in some manner or negatively by enraging they by refuting things they believe already in some manner - both get you clicks and both get you discussed around the web etc etc.

The article  you posted is no different, it uses emotionally charged language and really tries to press the buttons of those who dislike fox in an exaggerated and over-the-top manner that those who do will point to and say "not fair not true".  These days its all about pushing people's tribal buttons rather than actually informing.

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On 4/13/2023 at 3:24 PM, robosmith said:

Apparently you're not familiar with RESEARCH which SHOWS that when resumes are presented to hiring managers in which the ONLY difference is a black sounding name (AKA, not typical Biblical names of whites), the probability was that the black sounding name resume was REJECTED.

So there's a lesson in there robo-bot. The Melting Pot works.

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41 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Well lets put it this way - if they do then they did before tucker showed up.

Like i said, news today tends to be less about informing people and more about manipulating their confirmation bias.  Either postively by stroking the things they believe already in some manner or negatively by enraging they by refuting things they believe already in some manner - both get you clicks and both get you discussed around the web etc etc.

The article  you posted is no different, it uses emotionally charged language and really tries to press the buttons of those who dislike fox in an exaggerated and over-the-top manner that those who do will point to and say "not fair not true".  These days its all about pushing people's tribal buttons rather than actually informing.

You know, making excuses for the children's (fox) bad behavior will only lead to more naughty children.

Every now and then a good smack can work wonders.

That's what the dominion lawsuit is...... A good smack.

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12 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

You know, making excuses for the children's (fox) bad behavior will only lead to more naughty children.

Sure. That's the problem we face today. We're becoming more and more tribal and locked in our echo chambers. As you say- more naughty children. One only has to look at the last 15 years to see you're right.


12 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Every now and then a good smack can work wonders.

Er... well if you want to go give tucker a spanking then more power to you, but just the though of it would cost me a few nights sleep :)

And spanking one bad child while allowing all the others on both the left and right to go unpunished actually makes things worse. You have to be consistent. And our society isn't interested in holding the children to account right now.

12 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

That's what the dominion lawsuit is...... A good smack.

Nahhh. Its free publicity that will wind up benefiting all the bad children moving forward.

If a child acts out looking for attention, even if it's negative attention, and it gets attention... guess what? :)



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2 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

Sure. That's the problem we face today. We're becoming more and more tribal and locked in our echo chambers. As you say- more naughty children. One only has to look at the last 15 years to see you're right.


Er... well if you want to go give tucker a spanking then more power to you, but just the though of it would cost me a few nights sleep :)

And spanking one bad child while allowing all the others on both the left and right to go unpunished actually makes things worse. You have to be consistent. And our society isn't interested in holding the children to account right now.

Nahhh. Its free publicity that will wind up benefiting all the bad children moving forward.

If a child acts out looking for attention, even if it's negative attention, and it gets attention... guess what? :)



Sometimes If you take away the child's favorite toy, the child will fall in line.

But I'm open to suggestions if you have any novel thoughts on reeling the child in.

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40 minutes ago, CdnFox said:


And spanking one bad child while allowing all the others on both the left and right to go unpunished actually makes things worse. 



To be fair, Fox opened itself up to all this scrutiny by attacking Dominion. Fox brought this upon themselves. And I agree that any other network that indiscriminately spreads falsehoods about international corporations (etc) should earn the exact same fate.

Edited by CrakHoBarbie
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1 hour ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

Sometimes If you take away the child's favorite toy, the child will fall in line.

Not if what it really wants is attention. And that's what it really wants. Fox is going to make lots of money as long as it gets attention

1 hour ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

But I'm open to suggestions if you have any novel thoughts on reeling the child in.

There is no such suggestion. The problem isn't the child. The problem is the parents. Remember the left wing media is EVERY BIT JUST AS BAD. 

So the answer is we have to be better consumers. That's really the only thing that works.  And that's not terrribly likely to happen.  As evidenced by the fact you posted an article thats 'every bit as salty as fox news is as if it were a legit piece :)  Consumers like that kind of stuff and they're not likely to give it up anytime soon

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35 minutes ago, CrakHoBarbie said:

To be fair, Fox opened itself up to all this scrutiny by attacking Dominion. Fox brought this upon themselves. And I agree that any other network that indiscriminately spreads falsehoods about international corporations (etc) should earn the exact same fate.

Oh but they're free to lie about anything else? :)  Please.  You condone dishonesty and extremeism in media you like while condemning it at fox and that means this is going to continue.

Fox will wind up benefiting from this in the longer run. People don't care that they lie a little. if they did then neither trump no biden would ever have been president.

I dislike seeing lies or excessive partisan rhetoric in any media period - with the possible exception of those who bill themselves specifically that way so people know up front.  But the fact is that it sells papers as the saying goes.

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Just now, CrakHoBarbie said:

But Fox's unethical reporting has generated a hugh lawsuit against them.

And you can't buy that kind of advertising.

Just now, CrakHoBarbie said:

I would hope that if other network screw the pooch as bad as Fox dud with this Dominion mess, they will receive the same fate.


They probably do as well.  The fact is that if they wanted this solved it would have been solved already out of court by the insurance people.

Instead this will drag on for years and fox will wind up benefitting. Even if they do have to pay something eventually it'll be a decade from now and in the meantime they'll have had earnings of about 25 billion dollars.

Take a look at the viewership -  fox VASTLY outnumbered everyone else in feb


And they've been going up for years now.

So this kind of thing is worth every penny to them. Their viewership isn't suffering for it - it got better for it.

I'm sure they don't want to pay any cash if they can avoid it but if you think this is going to convince them to do business differently you're sadly mistaken.

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Just now, CdnFox said:

And you can't buy that kind of advertising.

They probably do as well.  The fact is that if they wanted this solved it would have been solved already out of court by the insurance people.

Instead this will drag on for years and fox will wind up benefitting. Even if they do have to pay something eventually it'll be a decade from now and in the meantime they'll have had earnings of about 25 billion dollars.

Take a look at the viewership -  fox VASTLY outnumbered everyone else in feb


And they've been going up for years now.

So this kind of thing is worth every penny to them. Their viewership isn't suffering for it - it got better for it.

I'm sure they don't want to pay any cash if they can avoid it but if you think this is going to convince them to do business differently you're sadly mistaken.

If what you say is true, then, regardless of how the lawsuit pans out, we can count on Fox to continue defaming others and spreading falsehoods with impunity. I hope that is not the case. But you may be right.

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I always like how wokesters rhymes with Jokesters.   'cept jokesters is a real word.

A lot can be gleaned from words. So we should consider a more etymological approach.

Woke is a word in the past tense. Woke already happened a while ago. But to say one is "woke", meaning a state of being in the present tense, is not a word. Better to say, they have awoken. They are awake.

The whole thing infers to reaching the end of childhood, and the shock of discovering what the adult world is all about. No more mommy and daddy to hold you tight, and clean up after you.

No. Now, when you go out into the world, like to the grocery store, you must do so alone. And then you will encounter me. I might not look at you very nicely. I might even be a little rude. Oh the angst of it, to be awoked.

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3 hours ago, CdnFox said:

Well lets put it this way - if they do then they did before tucker showed up.

Like i said, news today tends to be less about informing people and more about manipulating their confirmation bias.  Either postively by stroking the things they believe already in some manner or negatively by enraging they by refuting things they believe already in some manner - both get you clicks and both get you discussed around the web etc etc.

The article  you posted is no different, it uses emotionally charged language and really tries to press the buttons of those who dislike fox in an exaggerated and over-the-top manner that those who do will point to and say "not fair not true".  These days its all about pushing people's tribal buttons rather than actually informing.

Sorry, but ^this OPINION about the article which reports on the internal emails and texts FROM FOX HOSTS does NOT make your case. IF YOU could cite actual passages which are FACTUAL EVIDENCE, you MIGHT have a case.

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35 minutes ago, CdnFox said:

There is no such suggestion. The problem isn't the child. The problem is the parents. Remember the left wing media is EVERY BIT JUST AS BAD. 


How would YOU KNOW that? Seems like you ONLY consume right wing media and you are just biased against "left wing media" trying to justify your prejudice.

No $1.6B lawsuits showing LYING against any but Fox.

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2 minutes ago, robosmith said:

Sorry, but ^this OPINION about the article which reports on the internal emails and texts FROM FOX HOSTS does NOT make your case. IF YOU could cite actual passages which are FACTUAL EVIDENCE, you MIGHT have a case.

SORRY but making EVERY few WORDS use caps DOESN'T actually change ANYTHING either.  :)

And logic and reason is in fact valid evidence.  Of course - you being a leftie you might not have ever heard that before :)

And lets face it - you know i'm right or you would have made a counterargument and presented your own facts.

I mean seriously - how thick do you have to be to make an assertion that an assertion without providing facts is meaningless without providing facts?

(yes - the previous sentace does in fact make sense. Read it again. Deep breaths, take a break part way through if you need to).

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