Holubice Posted April 12, 2023 Author Report Posted April 12, 2023 Concerned as we are about what is happening in Ukraine and Taiwan, dear #Northern, we risk not realizing that another country is ending in a civil war. "People against People, Nation against Nation" ...Myanmar, village bombed by military junta: at least 100 dead" ... About 100 people, including women and children, were killed after the Myanmar military juntayesterday bombed the town of Kant Balu, in the Sagaing region, according to reports from the shadow government of the ousted administration. The attack, as reported by CNN, caused "the loss of dozens of innocent civilians and the injury of many others, including children and pregnant women," the National Unity Government's Ministry of Labor said in a statement, calling it an "atrocious act" which constitutes "a war crime..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivi.com...ecipitare#1774https://forum.termometropolitico .it/...l#post20826475
Holubice Posted April 12, 2023 Author Report Posted April 12, 2023 (edited) Originally Posted by Indra88 Are you saying we're on our last legs? I aimed to have plenty of time before decisions From a certain point on, there will also be too many, what the Catechists of Last Instance, Almost Out of Time Maximum, will want to do. Because it will be clear to everyone what is happening. But by then, it will be too late... (1)1) From my Sacred Reference Text: Parable of the ten virgins[1] The kingdom of heaven is like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. [2] Five of them were foolish and five wise; [3] the foolish took the lamps, but took no oil with them; [4] but the wise ones, together with the lamps, also took oil in small vessels. [5] As the bridegroom delayed, they all fell asleep and slept. [6] At midnight a cry went up: Here is the bridegroomgo meet him! [7] Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. [8] And the foolish said to the wise: Give us your oil, because our lamps are going out. [9] But the wise ones answered: No, that he may not fail for us and for you; rather go to the sellers and buy some. [10] Now, while they went to buy oil, the bridegroom arrived and the virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding, and the door was closed . [11] Later the other virgins also arrived and began to say: Lord, Lord, open to us! [12] But he answered, Truly I tell you, I do not know you. [13] Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. ... those two chapters of Matthew's Gospel I have copied for you dozens of times, by now you know them by heart. The Carpenter's Son essentially says two things: that everything must be finished by the summer , because most likely something will drastically lower the temperatures, and if all this happened in winter, it would add drama to the drama. And then he says that all these events have to happen quicklyotherwise no human would survive. No one should dare to predict the future, it is something that is considered an abomination in the words of the prophets and in Scripture. But it is the Carpenter's Son himself who predicted these things to us, and also in a very precise way. And he exhorted us to be vigilant, in understanding what would be the events which, by happening, would have announced his return ... (2)2) From my Sacred Reference Text: Parable of the fig tree[28] From the fig tree learn this parable: when its branch is already tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near; [29] so you also, when you see these things happening, know that he is near at the gates . [30] I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place. [31] Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. [32] As for that day or hour, no one knows them, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. ... I too had other plans for my life. Just to give you an idea, I did the sacrament of Confirmation when I was over 30, using a colleague of mine as godfather at work, because I had skipped it before, and I wasn't interested in doing it at all. I was completely an atheist. Not to mention what a fool I've been for a long time. But what John the Baptist said is really true: if he wants, he can transform anyone, even stones. He has recommended to us that he wants many workers for the harvest, and we will have to do all we can to make this happen.... "The sun will go dark ," he told us. Keep in mind that in the 19th century, only one major eruption in Indonesia upset the entire planet's climate, creating famines everywhere. Imagine if many volcanoes started, all at the same time, making the mess that the one above just made. In my opinion, that big volcano in Colombia, and those two volcanoes in Alaska that I mentioned in another post, will be next.The original post was here: http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703064&viewfull=1#post8703064https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585278https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847309-ruffiani-internazionali-padre-terno-post20827146.html#post20827146https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p25-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1775https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p400-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570291 Edited April 12, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 13, 2023 Author Report Posted April 13, 2023 (edited) Right move, at the right time, dear #Northern...Japan buys 400 Tomahawk missiles"... Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida confirmed to Parliament the Executive's intention to proceed with the purchase of at least 400 American Tomahawk missiles in a single solution and in advance to "contain the threat of an increasingly assertive China".The Ministry of Defense had set aside around 1.46 billion francs to complete the operation by fiscal 2023, rather than breaking the budget down more years. The conservative government led by Kishida intends to significantly increase the nation's defense capabilities in the face of fears of growing Chinese military influence and North Korean missile tests. ..."(CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p25-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1776https://forum.termometropolitico.it/848989-giappone-compra-400-missili-tomahawk-post20827902.html#post20827902https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p400-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570476http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703382&viewfull=1#post8703382https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585550 Edited April 13, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 13, 2023 Author Report Posted April 13, 2023 (edited) There was a small earthquake north of San Francisco last night. In your opinion #Northern, does everything end here, or will it be the prelude to something else...?Magnitude 4.4 quake hits Lake County, several smaller quakes follow”… A magnitude 4.4 quake, followed by at least four other quakes — the strongest of which measured magnitude 3.3 — shook parts of the North Bay Tuesday night, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. There have been no reports of any damage or reports of injuries. The epicenter of the first quake, which struck about 10:40 p.m., was just under 5 miles west-northwest of the small town of Cobb in Lake County, or about 16 miles north-northeast of Healdsburg, officials said..." (CONTINUE LINK ABOVE)The original message was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1777https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20827973.html#post20827973https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p400-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570482http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703386&viewfull=1#post8703386https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585554 Edited April 13, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 13, 2023 Author Report Posted April 13, 2023 (edited) The death of animals that lose their compass continues . How do you explain this #Northern fact? There are some scientists who are convinced that the Earth's core has stopped moving. In any case, they are convinced that something has happened to the way in which the enormous incandescent liquid mass moves in the bowels of our planet. And this will have two consequences: it will further shift the position of our North Magnetic Pole , further confusing our animals in their migrations. And the volcanoes , which communicate directly with what is under our feet, will have a sudden change...Cetaceans beached in Italy, 192 in 15 months"... Cetaceans beachedon the Italian coasts: there are 162 specimens found stranded along the coasts of Italy in 2022, while the count for the first three months of 2023 already amounts to 30 units. The data emerge from the 'Beach Data Bank', managed by Cibra of the University of Pavia and the Natural History Museum of Milan, and confirm the trend of recent years (---) A significant quantity of stranded cetaceans is classified by experts among the 'not determined' (34 in 2022) or cases in which it is not possible to trace the species due to the state of decomposition. But the data clearly shows that the cetaceans most involved in strandings are dolphins: in 2022, 71 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and 48 dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) were found in Italy.The original post was here: https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20828046.html#post20828046https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1778https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570494http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703391&viewfull=1#post8703391https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585559 Edited April 13, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 13, 2023 Author Report Posted April 13, 2023 (edited) Originally Posted by WalterA Serafino but how is it that you mention Nordista with every post? Because I adopted him as a sidekick ... There was a time, let's talk about a few months ago, that I would start writing these sermons to you in the middle of the night and, since he lives in North Dakota (or Montana, I don't I never remember exactly...) he was the only one, thanks to the time zone, who replied to my posts, after a few minutes, even at four in the morning. And ever since then, I've pretended to talk to him all the time. Except that, despite the fact that I write to him, up to now, in 6 different languages, he has stopped answering me.Because he hid in that sarcophagus refrigerator, which he has downstairs, in the cellar ...The original post was here: https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277https://forum.termometropolitico.it/848989-giappone-compra-400-missili-tomahawk-post20828093.html#post20828093https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1779https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570499http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703394&viewfull=1#post8703394https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585571 Edited April 13, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 13, 2023 Author Report Posted April 13, 2023 (edited) "The sun will be darkened , the moon will no longer give its light, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of the heavens will be shaken."Live Report Weather: (Video) Russia, the eruption of the Shiveluch volcano could affect the world climate https://www.youtube.com/embed/8SbJbHlQ0TM"The terrible eruption of Shiveluch volcano that began on April 10, 2023 in Russia, on the Kamchatka peninsula, is causing particular concern to climatologists. The volcano has in fact emitted huge volumes of gas and ash. The height of the ash ejection from Shiveluch volcano is currently 20 km (12.4 miles), the size of the plume is about 400 km by 250 km (248 by 155 miles).A huge volume of volcanic gases and with a lot of ash released into the atmosphere that is likely to inevitably affect the entire planet. According to the latest data, in some cities the ash deposits on the ground reaches more than 8-10 cm, while volcanic activity continues. Previous eruptions of this magnitude are remembered in the distant 1991 in the Philippines with the Pinatubo volcanoas well as in 1980 the Saint Helens volcano in the USA (known as Mount Saint Helena) and again the terrifying eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883 in Indonesia. We remind you that eruptions of this magnitude could lower the global temperature of the Earth as the sun would struggle to warm the planet precisely because of the volcanic dust suspended in the atmosphere ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... listen guys, we've known each other for a while now, I'm sure that, in the next ten days, that Colombian volcano, and those two Alaskan volcanoes, will do the same thing that this Kamchatka volcano did. Or, the famous Big One will arrive in California, or one of the Italian volcanoes will do something huge. In short, there is very little time left. And we need to turn fear into action. Which of you, when this happens, will drop whatever he is doing, and use his time to do those things that the Carpenter's Son has asked us to do…?The original post was this: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1780https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846433-eruzioni-vulcaniche-aumentando-post20828439.html#post20828439https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570577http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703465&viewfull=1#post8703465https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585606https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 13, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 13, 2023 Author Report Posted April 13, 2023 (edited) The almighty dollar , dear #Northern, is fast becoming a thing of the past. If the BRICS, all together, convert all their reserves into their currencies, suddenly making a good part of the billions of dollars lent around disappear, the American giant will instantly collapse. And it's a colossus that has $32,000,000,000 in debt. Plus, if I remember correctly, $90,000,000,000,000 of financial instruments, including derivatives, and other fancy stuff, which are always denominated in dollars. This is why, even if it produces almost nothing, the USA has still continued to spend and spread ...BRICS, Dilma Rousseff at the head of the new Development Bank"... Dilma Rousseff assumes the helm of the new Bank for the development of the so-called BRICS, a group of countries that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The former Brazilian head of state, who took office on 13 April after Long advocated the creation of the new institute, he indicated a precise objective, shared with the current president of the South American nation, Ignacio Lula da Silva: "To free emerging economies from submission to traditional financial institutions". "I ask myself every night: why Are all countries obliged to use the dollar for trade? Why can't we use our own currencies? Why don't we commit to innovating?” Rousseff explained. According to which forecasts indicate that the gross domestic product of the BRICS could exceed that of the G7 countries. Therefore, in his opinion, the Chinese yuan should be considered at the same level as the dollar and the euro..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849011-nuova-banca-mondiale-brics-post20828618.html#post20828618https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1781https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570598http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703481&viewfull=1#post8703481https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585639 Edited April 13, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 14, 2023 Author Report Posted April 14, 2023 (edited) After the storming of the Bastille, dear #Northern, it was inevitable that it would happen at the seizure of the Louis Vuitton purse...Pension protests in France: Protesters storm luxury giant LVMH"... Protesters in Paris raided the headquarters of luxury giant LVMH, the day shares of the company – which owns brands such as Louis Vuitton and Moët – jumped to a record high: 'If Macron is to find money to fund the pension system, he should come here to see him,” said Fabien Villedieu, a union leader, CNN affiliate BFMTV outside the LVMH building…” (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... if they go on like this, they will set up some guillotine again in some square. Yeah, a while back, they tried to storm the Elysée. I note that, at the time of writing, none of the major Italian newspapers has reported the news. Yet, the fact happened yesterday ...The original post was here: https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1782https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849031-parigi-manifestanti-prendono-assalto-colosso-lusso-luis-vitton-post20829237.html#post20829237https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570708http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703737&viewfull=1#post8703737https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585893 Edited April 14, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 14, 2023 Author Report Posted April 14, 2023 (edited) And now #Northern, what happens...?Taiwan, China's grip. After the stop in the sky, the sea is also blocked"... Precision attacks, reconnaissance, and anti-missile operations. China's exercises around the island of Taiwan do not stop, with the findings released Thursday that refer to 26 military aircraft and 7 warships of the Army of Xi Jinping in the area. After the 27-minute no-fly zone scheduled for Sunday 16, north of Taiwan, Beijing launched yesterday, for the same day, but for the duration of six hours, from 9 to 15 local time, also the ban on navigation in the East China Sea area, 160 kilometers north of the island, due - he explains - to the risk of "falling rocket debris", linked to aerospace activities. The Chinese maritime authority did not provide other details.What is certain is that from Sunday until April 18, the G7 foreign ministers will meet in Karuizawa, Japan and, according to Japanese diplomatic sources, will issue a "silent warning" against China's attempts to alter the status quo in the 'Indo-Pacific with the use of force..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... one is not good, one that is one ...The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1783https://forum.termometropolitico.it/848785-cina-tensioni-taiwan-post20829251.html#post20829251https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570709http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703744&viewfull=1#post8703744https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585899https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 14, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 14, 2023 Author Report Posted April 14, 2023 (edited) Look at these folks, what kind of ideas they're coming up with, dear #Northerner...Experts warn of mega-earthquake off US due to hole in tectonic fault line“…Scientists fear a hole in a 600-mile-long fault in the Pacific could trigger a cataclysmic earthquake that would decimate cities along the northwestern United States. Hot liquid-emitting hole is 50 miles off the coast of Oregon, on the edge of the dipping fault known as the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which extends from northern California to Canada.This geological feature is capable of triggering a magnitude 9 earthquake in the Pacific Northwest - and the hole could be the fuel it needs. The leak was first observed in 2015, but a new analysis led by the University of Washington (UW) suggests that the chemically distinct liquid is "fault lubricant"..." (MORE IN THE LINK ABOVE)...but I could also be wrong #Northern, it could be even worse. Ah, there was just a Canadian earthquake, right next to this hole…No tsunami threat to PNW after a 6.0 magnitude quake rumbles off the Canadian coastOriginal message here: https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1784https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20829603.html#post20829603https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570752http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703760&viewfull=1#post8703760https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585919 Edited April 14, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 14, 2023 Author Report Posted April 14, 2023 (edited) I report the news as I find it, without putting any |diotic comment on it ...Campi Flegrei earthquake, ten tremors in 30 hours: two with epicenter in Naples (in the Coroglio and Bagnoli area)"... Ten earthquake tremors in just a few more than thirty hours in the Campi Flegrei area, where 612 seismic events were recorded in the last month. The most intense, in this swarm between midnight on April 13 and dawn the following day, was of magnitude 1.5. But this time the telluric movements were characterized by the epicenters, very distant from each other in some cases, confirming how extensive the bradyseism area is. The depth of the earthquake also varies: on one occasion even more than 5 kilometers underground, when on average it is between one and 2.5 km. Everything is part of the normality of the phenomenon, as confirmed by the experts. But still within a major bulge phaseof the subsoil. Caused by the contraction and expansion of fluid-sensitive porous rocks found just above the magmatic belt..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1785https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20830046.html#post20830046https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570786http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8703872&viewfull=1#post8703872https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1585956https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993 Edited April 14, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 14, 2023 Author Report Posted April 14, 2023 (edited) Sorry, I had a mistake, I have insered here a post in a wrong language... 给本论坛版主的消息:请让我在名为 Off Topic 的子论坛上重新打开我的帖子。 Edited April 14, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 14, 2023 Author Report Posted April 14, 2023 "The roar of the waves", do you remember this #Northern phrase...? Australia has just been hit by a hurricane, and American meteorologists say they expect a cyclone season much earlier than in previous years ...Storm Noa hits Great Britain: images of a frightening wave in Cornwall“… Huge waves slammed into the Cornish coast as Storm Noa set in. Coastal areas in south-west England were hardest hit, with the National Grid reporting hundreds of homes were left without electricity. The storm brought winds of over 60 mph to the region..." (CONTINUE IN LINK ABOVE)... the funny #Northern thing is that Noa (I don't remember in which language) means Noah. And what did the Carpenter's Son tell us about Noah? ... (1)1) From my Sacred Reference Text: As it was in the days of Noah , so will be the coming of the Son of man. [38] For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until Noah entered the ark, [39] and they knew nothing until the flood came and swallowed them all up, so it will be also at the coming of the Son of man. [40] Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. [41] Two women will grind at the millstone: one will be taken and the other left.[42] Watch therefore, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. [43] Consider this: if the landlord knew at what time of the night the thief was coming, he would stay awake and not let his house be broken into. [44] Therefore you too be ready, because in the hour you do not imagine, the Son of man will come. The original post was here: https://forum.termometropolitico.it/...l#post20830123https://vivaibidelli.forumattivi.com...ecipitare#1786
Holubice Posted April 14, 2023 Author Report Posted April 14, 2023 (edited) If you want to take a trip to Italy to greet relatives, dear #Northern, do it now. Because in a while, you'll only be able to do it by ocean liner...Shiveluch volcano erupting. Inconvenience for flights over the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka"... An ash column that reached 15 kilometers in height and thick smoke in many areas of the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka. The Shiveluch volcano is back in activity with an eruption that has lasted for days. Hardships and fear in the surrounding villages, but the alarm is also for flights. A red code has in fact been issued, in practice planes cannot cross or approach the area of the cloud which has already moved hundreds of kilometers due to the winds. According to Mike Burton, volcanologist at the University of Manchester "When a plane flies through an ash cloud, forfeits it and it melts. It gets so hot that it turns into a liquid which collects in the cooler parts of the jet engine. This accumulation can block the engine and if the engine fails, the plane can also crash" ... (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1787https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846433-eruzioni-vulcaniche-aumentando-post20830381.html#post20830381https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570818http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8704019&viewfull=1#post8704019https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586026 Edited April 14, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 15, 2023 Author Report Posted April 15, 2023 (edited) Do not take this plane ticket from the #North. Your loved ones here in Italy greet them with a video call...Earthquake in Naples today, hit by Campi Flegrei of magnitude 2.8"... Earthquake of magnitude 2.8 shortly before 8 am on April 15, the Campi Flegrei earthquake struck again. Epicenter in Bagnoli, in the municipality of Naples. The earthquake was clearly felt in the region of Pozzuoli and neighboring regions.But also in some regions of Naples, as far as Fuorigrotta.And before dawn, a seismic swarm with six other aftershocks recorded by the Observatory of Vesuvius, affected the Campi Flegrei: two of them with an intensity of 1.4".. (CONTINUED FROM THE LINK ABOVE)The original message was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1788https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20830941.html#post20830941https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570989http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8704279&viewfull=1#post8704279https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586314https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993 Edited April 15, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 15, 2023 Author Report Posted April 15, 2023 (edited) Listen to me #Northern, he bought those bags of lentils and dried beans, and you bought those jars of canned fruit I recommended...?After the great drought comes hail. There is a risk of damages for millions of euros"... Damages for millions of euros have been caused in the countryside by the latest wave of bad weather which with violent storms, tornadoes and hail , has struck a patchwork along the entire Peninsula , from Lombardy to Veneto, from Liguria to Emilia up to Lazio in the capital and beyond: this is the analysis by Coldiretti after the weather alert in 7 regions with bad weather, cold and even the return of snow. In the affected farms there is heavy damage to crops such as wheat, corn, rapeseed, beets, fruit (apricots, pears, apples, peaches, kiwis and strawberries) and vegetables from courgettes to broad beans, from asparagus to artichokes but also to vineyards and olive groves ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1789https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849059-alluvioni-tornado-uragani-aumentando-post20830971.html#post20830971https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#570994http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8704289&viewfull=1#post8704289https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586315https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 15, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 15, 2023 Author Report Posted April 15, 2023 (edited) Quote Darbut ha scritto:Nous pouvons espérer que cette multiplication de secousses de faibles amplitudes évitent à cette région une secousse dévastatrice , c'est , en générale , ce qui se passe dans cette région ! ... which translated, means ... We can hope that this multiplication of low amplitude shocks will prevent a devastating shock in this region, that is, in general, what happens in this region! No, dear #Darbut, you need to better inform yourself of what that ground is where those tremors are taking place. And why these continuous small earthquakes are not beneficial, that is, they do not release energy little by little, preventing a much stronger earthquake from being triggered. The problem is that that area is the mouth of an immense volcano which, exploding many years ago, collapsed on itself. But the lava is still very close to the surface. And those who have built a house in that area, have always lived like that fakir who walks over the burning embers…One of the most dangerous supervolcanoes on Earth is rumbling. Campi Flegrei in Italy could wake up from a long sleep, scientists warn.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1id...ature=youtu.be"...A long-quiet but huge supervolcano sitting under 500,000 people in Italy could wake up and approach one" critical state,” the scientists report this week in the journal Nature Communications. Based on physical measurements and computer modeling, “we propose that magma could be approaching CDP [critical degassing pressure] at Campi Flegrei, a volcano in the Naples metropolitan area , one of the most densely populated areas in the world, and where accelerated deformation and heating are currently observed," wrote the scientists, led by Giovanni Chiodini of the National Institute of Geophysics in Rome..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE) The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1790https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20831035.html#post20831035https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571011http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8704300&viewfull=1#post8704300https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586323https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 15, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 15, 2023 Author Report Posted April 15, 2023 (edited) Dear @Tiresia, @Ciddo and @Triangolo nero,You are three small Italian entrepreneurs. That is, you have a small shop, and some employees. I need to give a small salary to many people, and I don't have time to open my own company. As I already told you, my friend @Jessica, who I've known for 13 years (although I've never met her in person) will be the person who will physically collect the donations to pay all these people, but even she couldn't start a small company in such a short time. My request is this: in a very short time, you will have to hire 72 people, classified as workers, in North America, 72 people hired as workers in Germany, 72 workers hired in France, another 72 workers hired in Russia, another 72 workers hired in China. And others will follow, always in groups of 72 people, who move, in pairs, within a country.Of course, I know full well that keeping an employee's accounts comes at a cost. You have to tell me what your accountant asks you to do for a worker's paychecks, plus a fair fee for the service you will do. And my friend @Jessica will pay you enough money to pay for everything. Including compensation for you. The money, you will see, will be the least of the problems. Our @Jessica will have to fight for no funding. I repeat the thing once again, and I do it now, that you are reading (all in all) very few people: 98% of your money you have to give to Non Governmental Organizations, which you trust. Only the rest, you have to turn over to @Jessica, with which she will give a livelihood to the families of these people who, after having disposed of all their wealth, they will begin to be Catechists of Last Resort, Almost Out of Time. Call your accountant immediately, and tell him that your small company has expanded, and you need to hire people who live abroad.The original post was here: https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847309-ruffiani-internazionali-padre-terno-post20831138.html#post20831138https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1791https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571039http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8704311&viewfull=1#post8704311https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586331https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 15, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 16, 2023 Author Report Posted April 16, 2023 (edited) Where did you plan your vacation in the #North? On the Côte d'Azur? And always think that it's only the middle of April. Where can they come next July? And then, since you have been reading these articles for a long time, you know very well that the larvae of these Cambodian mosquitoes travel inside some container ships that still carry all kinds of tropical diseases today (which we do not have). everything' is now a vaccine) and we can throw a ton of pesticides at them, and DDT, but they survive 90% of the time like nothing happened. Because they have already become invincible...Dengue, infections in France: "bone fever" is spreading in Europe"... With climate change, more and more regions of dengue fever, an infectious disease transmitted by the bite of the Aedes mosquito and also known for the severe pain it causes. Confirmation of its spread to hitherto untouched areas of the globe was the case of a Briton infected in September 2022 in Nice, in southern France, while on vacation. A 44-year-old woman presented with fever, headache behind the eyes, body aches, and a generalized whitening erythematous rash (which can occur with a number of infections). The British tourist returned to the UK the day before her symptoms began and had not traveled anywhere other than the French Riviera. Other family members also experienced the same symptoms, albeit in a milder form...” (CONTINUED FROM ABOVE)The original message was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1792https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849129-malattie-infettive-aumentando-post20832369.html#post20832369https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571336http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8704599&viewfull=1#post8704599https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586625https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 16, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 16, 2023 Author Report Posted April 16, 2023 (edited) In your opinion, dear #Northern, is it just a small meteor , as we have seen many in the past, or the appetizer of something approaching? Keep in mind that, just a few days ago, 3 meteorites fell within 24 hours: one over Paris, in Basilicata (a region of Italy) and another in the United States. And industry insiders said at the time that it was a very unique event…Unusually bright meteor seen over Israel as some report hearing an explosion”… Israeli experts said an unusual meteorThe bright meteor was visible over the country on Saturday afternoon, with some observers reporting hearing a large explosion afterward, traveling northeastward. Several residents of central Israel reported hearing a loud bang shortly after..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1793https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846937-piovono-meteoriti-caduti-terra-piccoli-meteoriti-post20832437.html#post20832437https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571354http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8704609&viewfull=1#post8704609https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586648https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 16, 2023 by Holubice
OftenWrong Posted April 16, 2023 Report Posted April 16, 2023 6 minutes ago, Holubice said: In your opinion, dear #Northern, is it just a small meteor , as we have seen many in the past, or the appetizer of something approaching? Keep in mind that, just a few days ago, 3 meteorites fell within 24 hours: one over Paris, in Basilicata (a region of Italy) and another in the United States. And industry insiders said at the time that it was a very unique event…Unusually bright meteor seen over Israel as some report hearing an explosion”… Israeli experts said an unusual meteorThe bright meteor was visible over the country on Saturday afternoon, with some observers reporting hearing a large explosion afterward, traveling northeastward. Several residents of central Israel reported hearing a loud bang shortly after..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1793https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846937-piovono-meteoriti-caduti-terra-piccoli-meteoriti-post20832437.html#post20832437https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571354http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8704609&viewfull=1#post8704609https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586648https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 What's an opinion worth, in a topic like this? Several tons of meteor fall on this planet every day. The modern use of cell phones and all-sky cameras means that a lot more of these are being seen and recorded than even twenty years ago. No need to hide under the bed yet.
Holubice Posted April 17, 2023 Author Report Posted April 17, 2023 (edited) 21 hours ago, OftenWrong said: OftenWrong: What's an opinion worth, in a topic like this? Several tons of meteor fall on this planet every day. The modern use of cell phones and all-sky cameras means that a lot more of these are being seen and recorded than even twenty years ago. No need to hide under the bed yet. If you have also read the posts I wrote some time ago, you should have understood that my intention is to place a whole series of events, which happen in the economy, in politics, in meteorology, in medicine, in geology, in astronomy, and highlight how, day after day, and ever faster, all these facts outline exactly the scenario that the Son of the Carpenter had described, and announced, in those famous two chapters of the Gospel. These facts, taken individually, say nothing. It is only if you collect all the news of the last few months that you understand the exceptional nature of these days. And how they fit perfectly with the scenario that has been described to us.I'm going to ask you a direct and personal question: a huge volcano explodes and releases so much ash into the atmosphere that temperatures immediately drop. Or a mega earthquake, somewhere in the world, releases so much energy, as has never happened in human history. At that point, what do you do? Do you stay there, in front of your computer, or your phone, waiting for further confirmation? Or will you start taking action right away ? Remember that repenting, but doing it when it's too late, is useless, because the door will be closed in your face ... (1)1) From my Sacred Reference Text: Parable of the ten virgins[1] The kingdom of heaven is like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. [2] Five of them were foolish and five wise; [3] the foolish took the lamps, but took no oil with them; [4] but the wise ones, together with the lamps, also took oil in small vessels. [5] As the bridegroom delayed, they all fell asleep and slept. [6] At midnight a cry went up: Here is the bridegroom, go to meet him! [7] Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. [8] And the foolish said to the wise: Give us your oil, because our lamps are going out. [9] But the wise ones answered: No, that he may not fail for us and for you; rather go to the sellers and buy some. [10] While they went to buy oil, the bridegroom arrived, and the virgins who were ready went with him to the wedding,closed . [11] Later the other virgins also arrived and began to say: Lord, Lord, open to us! [12] But he answered, Truly I tell you, I do not know you. [13] Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour. The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1794https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847309-ruffiani-internazionali-padre-terno-post20833500.html#post20833500https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p425-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571535http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705113&viewfull=1#post8705113https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/page/7/#elControls_1586968_menuhttps://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 17, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 17, 2023 Author Report Posted April 17, 2023 (edited) But you and I, dear #Northern, let's go back to the daily press review ...Alarm in Spain, superbug contaminates 40% of the meat sold. I risk serious infections"... More than 40% of the meat sold in Spain contaminated by a superbug. These are the results of the latest study by the University of Santiago de Compostela. It was discovered after evaluating 100 products strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Klebsiella pneumoniae — two superbugs capable of causing serious infections in humans — were found in 40% of chickens, turkeys, cattle and pigs tested (40 of the 100 products tested "contained multidrug-resistant 'E. coli'" ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1795https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849129-malattie-infettive-aumentando-post20833549.html#post20833549https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571546http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705122&viewfull=1#post8705122https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1586972https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 17, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 17, 2023 Author Report Posted April 17, 2023 The Ocean has begun to leak, dear #Northern. Maybe it's getting old ...Earthquakes, mysterious liquid leaks from the seabed. "Perhaps a signal of incoming powerful tremors""... A phenomenon never observed before. This is how researchers at the University of Washington define the unusual leakage of liquidon the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, about 80 kilometers from the coast of Oregon (United States). Scientists have identified mysterious plumes of hot fluid chemically distinct from water that, it is feared, could signal new earthquakes to come. But what is it about? According to the researchers, the mysterious liquid could be a sort of lubricant released by strike-slip faults in the Cascadia subduction zone. The release of this fluid would be an indication of the stress to which the layers of rock are subjected by sliding on each other. Experts believe that seismic activity in this area of the Pacific could generate earthquakes of a very high magnitude, up to 9 on the Richter scale..." Originale message here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivi.com...ecipitare#1796https://forum.termometropolitico.it/...l#post20833594
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