Holubice Posted April 17, 2023 Author Report Posted April 17, 2023 (edited) It took him very little to travel from the Côte d'Azur to Tuscany . This will surely be a panacea for the next Italian tourist season. But in my opinion, dear #Northern, we will not have another tourist season. We will think of everything, except the holidays. Now they are fighting this insect with abundant pesticide. But what are we going to do when those mosquito larvae from Cambodia arrive, which are immune to any pesticide? Look, I venture a #Northern prediction: after the masks, we will cover our faces with petroleum, or other stinky and repellent substance, because we are terrified of these insects ...A case of Dengue in Pietrasanta, off to disinfestation"... Following of a case of Dengue fever reported on the territory of Pietrasanta (Lucca) by the north-west Tuscany ASL, the mayor Alberto Stefano Giovannetti has ordered the disinfestation, on the basis of the indications given by the Ministry of Health. The intervention, explains a note, will be carried out from 4 am on 13 October, within a radius of 100 meters from the area of the manifest case. Interested citizens will be contacted during these hours via the municipal alert system. With the disinfestation, any peri-domestic larval outbreaks will be searched for and eliminated, on public land and in private properties, with door-to-door inspections of the houses ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE) Original message here: https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849129-malattie-infettive-aumentando-post20833726.html#post20833726https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1797https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571609http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705156&viewfull=1#post8705156https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1587010https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 17, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 17, 2023 Author Report Posted April 17, 2023 (edited) The Famine . Do you remember #Northern those pages I pasted you, maybe thirty times? At some point there must also be famines. These jokes played on ships leaving Ukrainian ports, full of grain, combined with drought, hailstorms and late frosts, will do the rest. But you don't worry. Because you bought sacks full of lentils, beans, and so many cans of pickled onions, and canned fruit ...Borrell, Moscow blocks 50 ships loaded with grain"... "Russia is again blockading 50 ships in the Black Sea with urgently needed grain on board. The EU supports the efforts of the United Nations and will continue to facilitate exports through its fast lanes, which have brought 25 billion tons of wheat to the world". EU foreign policy high representative Josep Borrell wrote on Twitter, recalling that "the consequences of the war in Ukraine affect us all" and that "the G7 stands united in our support for the rules-based order and in our ambition to work closely with our partners around the world to this end". .. (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1798https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849145-mosca-blocca-50-navi-cariche-grano-post20833753.html#post20833753https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571629http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705161&viewfull=1#post8705161https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1587021https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 17, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 17, 2023 Author Report Posted April 17, 2023 (edited) Of course we've had some bad luck, dear #Northern, lately. Ah, the title is wrong: you, dear #Northern, know why ...Help, there is a devastating epidemic of fungi in the USA, and nobody knows why"... Blastomyces is a particular fungus, which it lurks in moist, decaying soils and has been unevenly reported in many areas of the U.S. When moved from its habitat, it raises spores that become dangerous if inhaled. Mortality Weekly Report recently reported an outbreak of very particular infections that led to the death of a person and which affected four individuals and four dogs (also very exposed to this type of contact) ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE) The original post was this: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1799https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849129-malattie-infettive-aumentando-post20833794.html#post20833794https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571643http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705173&viewfull=1#post8705173https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1587035https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 17, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 19, 2023 Author Report Posted April 19, 2023 Last night there was an earthquake both in the Campi Flegrei area and on the Vesuvius volcano . And this is not the first time that, on the same day, the subsoil from a blow in one place, and immediately after on the volcano. It is clear that the two things are connected.Naples earthquake today: new seismic swarm recorded at dawn, a shock on Vesuvius"... The Neapolitan earth has returned to shaking. A new seismic swarm was recorded by the Ingv at dawn in the Campi Flegrei, an area of greatest interest in recent months due to the lifting of the ground connected to bradyseism. The recorded shocks were 4 , of which the most intense was of magnitude 2.0 with its epicenter in the gulf of Pozzuoli and at a depth of 5 km.Always at the first light of dawn today, precisely at 5.37, the seismographs recorded another shock but with a magnitude 1.8, with its epicenter in the area close to Vesuvius. For both shocks, no damage to people or things was reported..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here:https://vivaibidelli.forumattiva.com ...ecipitate#1800https://forum.termometropolitico.it/...l#post20835891
Holubice Posted April 19, 2023 Author Report Posted April 19, 2023 (edited) The good Confucius always said: "If I listen I forget, if I see I remember, if I do I understand". This post is for you @ Attila621, and also for all the others, if they want to try their hand at this endeavor. That is, I ask you to take this post of mine, transform it into Japanese, and then insert it immediately below. If I see that you who, let's say, seem to me the least technically equipped, will be able to do everything without problems, it means that I have made an effective guide. And that all the others, when the champagne cork goes off, and from the bang we will all understand that it has gone off, at that point you are all able to help me. So #Attila621, check out the guide again below in this link, then, when you're done, let me know...How to translate a forum post into another language,The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p50-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1801https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847309-ruffiani-internazionali-padre-terno-post20835936.html#post20835936https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571963http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705758&viewfull=1#post8705758https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1587905https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 19, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 19, 2023 Author Report Posted April 19, 2023 (edited) When, a few days ago, I told you #Northern that Mexico would go to war with the USA, I put it as an exaggeration. But, right now, I wouldn't be surprised if Mexican politicians end up asking for help from the Chinese and Russians, so that they give them weapons, with which to defend themselves against a possible threat from the north. In short, if they did everything to repeat exactly what happened in Kiev in Mexico City...Mexico's AMLO Accuses Pentagon of Spying, Dialing Up Tensions With US“… Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador escalated political fights with the United States by saying Tuesday that his country has been a target of espionage by the Pentagon. AMLO, as the president is known, said the government Mexican must safeguard confidential information to protect its “national security and defend its sovereignty”, claiming without showing evidence that the country is subject to espionage by units of its northern neighbor…” (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE) The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1802https://forum.termometropolitico.it/848710-messico-u-s-minaccia-sovranita-chiede-aiuto-cina-post20835973.html#post20835973https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571971http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705768&viewfull=1#post8705768https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1587908https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 19, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 19, 2023 Author Report Posted April 19, 2023 (edited) Do you remember #Northern when, a few days ago, I told you that the explosion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline was not the work of the Russians (since they did it with their own money) and that, to return the courtesy, they too would have us the same joke...? What a mess, what a mess!"Russian ships disguised as fishing boats are preparing sabotage in the North Sea": investigation by Scandinavian TVs“…If you live on the east coast of Scotland and look out your window today you may see the Russian spy ship Admiral Vladimirsky sailing south.” Posted on Twitter complete with photos, the post by an espionage specialist confirms the alarm raised by an investigation by Scandinavian TVs: Moscow is using a fleet of "ghost ships" in the North Sea to gather intelligence information and for possible sabotage operations, particularly in the perspective that the war in Ukraine will trigger a wider conflict with the West ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1803https://forum.termometropolitico.it/844377-russia-notizia-guerra-ucraina-post20836053.html#post20836053https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#571982http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705793&viewfull=1#post8705793https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1587920https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 19, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 19, 2023 Author Report Posted April 19, 2023 (edited) Originally posted by attila621 ...how did I do..? ) That's already something... Only you missed the link , and the photo along the way . Only if you follow, step by step, the little guide that I have made for you, will you get a translation of a post (which also includes links and photos) without losing anything along the way. To do this, you have to open a second page of the forum (this forum is fine, because it uses vBulletin), paste the post, click preview, activate the button that does the translation, once the translation is done, you go and copy (in the part below) the translated text (with images), and then paste it where you want.Come on, tomorrow, with a clear mind, try again. In the meantime, take a nice walk tonight, walk home. Barefoot ...PSIf you pass the exam tomorrow, I'll give you Japan and Korea.The original post was here: https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847309-ruffiani-internazionali-padre-terno-post20836278.html#post20836278https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1804https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#572007http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8705854&viewfull=1#post8705854https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1587942https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 19, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 21, 2023 Author Report Posted April 21, 2023 (edited) If it's not a satellite, if it's not a Russian missile, then it's a meteorite. What a combination though, right above Kiev. And, dear #Northern, these pebbles are becoming quite frequent. And then there are the Dengue mosquitoes which, in Argentina, have already started killing dozens of people, and which will certainly be our next health nightmare. And he shouldn't be the only one, there will also be super bacteria that will make penicillin useless and mosquitoes that are invincible to pesticides (and therefore will carry all these tropical diseases, for which we have not prepared vaccines, because they did not affect our countries) . One of you asks me why the Catechists of Last Instance have to go around barefoot, but I have already explained this, or rather, I have underlined that passage of the Gospel in which, the same Son of the Carpenter, he wants us to go around like this, go find him. If you want it done this way, we'll do it this way. You will have to go around without any luggage, only with your clothes on. In the house where you will sleep, you ask to sleep in a haystack or in a garage, you ask for change, you give him the dirty laundry you are wearing, and you ask for more clean ones from your grandfather who died last year. And then walking around barefoot will be your identification badge. Those two Mormon missionary boys that I told you about, and that I met a month ago, they both had white shirts on, and ID cards. You too will ride in pairs, but your identification document will be your feet dirty with black, and full of calluses. The signal for everyone to leave is what I have already mentioned: a volcano that shoots so much ash into the atmosphere that it dwindles the light from the sun, thereby further damaging crops already compromised by drought and late frosts. The prelude to famines. Or a mega earthquake, and mega tsunami, far worse than any I've seen in Indonesia, or Japan. Remember, it all has to be over by this summer. Before the cold arrives. If I don't write you anything in the next few days, it's because I have commitments that I really can't put off. And not because I changed my mind. Remember, it all has to be over by this summer. Before the cold arrives. If I don't write you anything in the next few days, it's because I have commitments that I really can't put off. And not because I changed my mind. Remember, it all has to be over by this summer. Before the cold arrives. If I don't write you anything in the next few days, it's because I have commitments that I really can't put off. And not because I changed my mind.The flare then the explosion: it is a mystery about the flash in the sky over Kiev"... A mysterious flare lit up the sky above Kiev, triggering numerous speculations. Initially the cause of the flash was attributed to the possible fall of a NASA satellite, but in later the US space agency rejected the hypothesis. Therefore, a huge question mark remains: what was the lightning that ripped through the atmosphere of Ukraine?..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)Original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1805https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847309-ruffiani-internazionali-padre-terno-post20839654.html#post20839654https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#572460http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8706559&viewfull=1#post8706559https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1588827https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 21, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 22, 2023 Author Report Posted April 22, 2023 (edited) Originally posted by EUKINI Bien, c'est décidé tant qu'il y en a encore je file acheter une corde pour...Me pendre . Cela m'évitera de vivre cela.-- translated --Well, it's decided while I'm still at it, I'm going to buy a rope to... Hang me. It will save me from going through all this. No, you don't have to buy a rope. But you have to ingenuity to live the time we have left in the smartest way possible. That is, you have to spend it doing, not what I tell you, but what the Carpenter's Son has told you, and me, to do. Yesterday there was an earthquake in Sicily, tonight a stronger earthquake in the island of Malta, and Argentina is already seeing what will happen here in a few days. In addition to Dengue, other tropical diseases will surely arrive (carried by these mosquitoes that have become immune to pesticides). And then, surely, the fear of bacteria will come, which are invincible to penicillin. This is already enough for me to make me understand what is really happening. And because it's all happening at the same time.Dengue, Bassetti: "It's scary in South America and it's spreading in Europe""... "Dengue is scary in South America. In Argentina "over 40,000 cases and 39 deaths have been recorded since the beginning of the year. The Cosmopolitan serotype, typical of South-East Asia, has spread to America" and is "much faster in spreading, more aggressive and even more deadly". This was underlined by Matteo Bassetti, director of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the San Martino polyclinic of Genoa. "Dengue, also called bone-crushing" fever ", is unfortunately also spreading in Europe – recalls the expert on Twitter – with autochthonous cases in the south of France.The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1806https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849129-malattie-infettive-aumentando-post20840274.html#post20840274https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#572633http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8706659&viewfull=1#post8706659https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1589057https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 22, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 23, 2023 Author Report Posted April 23, 2023 I was wrong. I said the volcano in Colombia was going to erupt. Instead, this one in Costa Rica erupted. How many are we there, dear #Northern? Are you keeping count? Rincón de la Vieja volcano erupts in Costa Rica"...The Rincon de la Vieja volcano in northern Costa Rica erupted on Friday and authorities have called on the population to take extreme caution in the area in the coming days.The Volcanological and Seismological Observatory of Costa Rica (Ovsicori) reported that the eruption took place on Friday at 15.50 (local time) and caused a column of smoke that #232; raised 2,000 meters above the crater..." (CONTINUE IN LINK ABOVE) ùThe original post was here:
Holubice Posted April 24, 2023 Author Report Posted April 24, 2023 (edited) But look at the kind of titles these journalists are going to invent, dear #Northern. This is not yesterday's volcano, namely the one in Costa Rica, but another one. This is what I mentioned a few days ago, the one in Colombia . Remember what you promised me #Northern: if this volcano, or one of its colleagues, shoots so much ash into the atmosphere that it immediately drops temperatures worldwide, then you'll screw everything you're doing right now, and you'll commit just about what I'm telling you, OK?Okay, this scary volcano just came to life: "It's the end of the world""... Since the end of March, the daily tremors that moved the Nevado del Ruiz volcano have increased from 50 to 12,000. By that point it was already clear that the awakening was now imminent, and the smoke that subsequently rose from the crater was just further confirmation. The government has raised the alert level from yellow to orange and ordered the evacuation of 7,500 people who live at the foot and flanks of the volcano. The problem is that these men and women do not want to abandon their their homes ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was this: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1808https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846433-eruzioni-vulcaniche-aumentando-post20843237.html#post20843237https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573170http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8707459&viewfull=1#post8707459https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1589636https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 24, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 24, 2023 Author Report Posted April 24, 2023 (edited) One hundred meters deep, dear #Northern. The small earthquakes that, even last night, rumbled in the subsoil of Campi Flegrei had their epicenter only 100 meters deep. And all this, while the Napoli football team is about to win the championship, and could celebrate the victory next weekend as well. I don't add anything else. I don't dare add anything else. I just watch the events.Earthquake in Naples today: earthquake in Campi Flegrei of magnitude 2.1"... At 02:35, the seismographs of the Vesuvius Observatory recorded a seismic event of magnitude 2.1 in the area of the Campi Flegrei volcano and its epicenter located along the coast, near Via Napoli, at the height of the 'Academy of Aeronautics. The shock, accompanied by a roar and felt by the inhabitants of the area close to the epicenter, developed at a depth of just over 100 meters and was preceded by a sequence of seismic events ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1809https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20843417.html#post20843417https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573180http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8707479&viewfull=1#post8707479https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1589653https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&posterid=473277 Edited April 24, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 25, 2023 Author Report Posted April 25, 2023 (edited) Yesterday, dear #Northerner, there were some spectacular Northern Lights in the Channel Islands. They were images that left those who saw them speechless, but they should also give us a lot to think about. Mainly due to the fact that they occurred at such low latitudes i.e. so far from the North Pole…Spectacular Aurora Borealis over the Channel Islands”…The Northern Lights brought spectacular night skies bathed in pink and purplei n the Channel Islands. The phenomenon is often seen in the northern parts of the UK, but a rare combination of strong solar activity and an absence of cloud cover meant it could be seen as far south as Jersey. It is caused by the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetic field and upper atmosphere…»BBC: What are the Northern Lights... as I already explained to you in the very long summary post, the appearance of these events at such low latitudes is not a good sign. Because this may depend on the fact that the Sun is having very strong solar storms that launch many more positively charged particles towards the Earth, so strong that they manage to enter our atmosphere, or that the position of our North Magnetic Pole has moved further, and is now less effective at shielding us from this solar wind. Or both together. And since, dear #Northern, you and I have learned to give a not only scientific reading to these phenomena, these images must give us even more to think about ... (1)1) From my Sacred Reference Text: The Pharisees and Sadducees came up to test him and asked him to show them a sign from heaven. 2But he answered them: "When evening comes, you say: 'Good weather, because the sky is red '; 3e in the morning: "Today it's stormy, because the sky is dark red ". So you know how to interpret the appearance of the sky and you are not able to interpret the signs of the times? 4A wicked and adulterous generation demands a sign! But no sign will be given to it, except the sign of Jonah." He left them and walked away. The original post was here: https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846937-piovono-meteoriti-caduti-terra-piccoli-meteoriti-post20844452.html#post20844452 https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1810 https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573296 http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8707840&viewfull=1#post8707840 https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1590020 https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&page=4 Edited April 25, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 25, 2023 Author Report Posted April 25, 2023 (edited) Let's take a closer look at what the Earth's magnetic field is, and why it's so important for life on our planet. In those famous two chapters, which I copied you at least twenty times, at some point #Northern it says that the powers of heaven will be upset. In my opinion, these anomalies that geologists have noticed, and those words, are closely related ...The magnetic north pole is moving faster than in the past" ... The magnetic field terrestrial is essential for life on our planet, because it protects it from cosmic rays and lethal radiation from the Sun, which would otherwise sterilize it. It is produced a few thousand kilometers below our feet by the motions that take place inside the nucleus, in particular the external nucleus, composed above all of iron which - due to the extremely high pressure and temperatures, remains liquid: a metallic fluid in constant motion which creates electric currents which, in turn, generate the magnetic field. However, the phenomenon is not stable over time. It changes, and this has long been known to scientists, but currently there is something particular that has researchers apprehensive ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1811https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846937-piovono-meteoriti-caduti-terra-piccoli-meteoriti-post20844924.html#post20844924https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573350http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8707896&viewfull=1#post8707896https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1590103https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&page=4 Edited April 25, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 26, 2023 Author Report Posted April 26, 2023 (edited) Is it just my impression, dear #Northern, or has a real Pandora's Box been opened filled with, among other things, a lot of microbes, bacilli and viruses...?One more new threat before the COVID-19 crisis is over… with a maximum fatality rate of 88%! The Day Marburg Virus Strikes Japan“…A deadly disease threatens once again to plunge humanity into a pandemic. This is Marburg disease, which has caused a string of deaths in Africa since earlier this year. Kunio Yano, special consultant for infectious disease control at Hamamatsu Medical Center, explains. A deadly disease threatens once again to plunge humanity into a pandemic. This is Marburg disease, which has caused a string of deaths in Africa since earlier this year. Kunio Yano, special consultant for infectious disease control at Hamamatsu Medical Center, explains. Marburg disease is a really scary disease. It is an infectious disease caused by the Marburg virus, which causes a hemorrhagic disease very similar to Ebola hemorrhagic fever. The incubation period is very short, only a few days, and the maximum mortality rate is 88%. Right now, there is no cure or effective vaccine. And there are too few clinical trials because infected people die so quickly..."The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1812https://forum.termometropolitico.it/849129-malattie-infettive-aumentando-post20846352.html#post20846352https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573645http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8708292&viewfull=1#post8708292https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1590436https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&page=4 Edited April 26, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 26, 2023 Author Report Posted April 26, 2023 (edited) In the meantime, I must point out that, even this night, the land of the Campi Flegrei did not let those who live in those areas sleep. And all this, while the Napoli Calcio team could celebrate winning the championship, just next weekend. I don't make predictions. I don't make silly jokes. I just observe the events.Campi Flegrei earthquake, seven shocks during the night also felt in Naples: the strongest with a magnitude of 2.7"... Seven shocks during the night, but it was the one at 5 this morning that woke up the citizens of the Phlegraean area: the last recorded with a magnitude of 2.7 and an estimated depth of 1.8 kilometers.The cause? According to experts, there would be a major bulgeof the soil. In the Rione Terra di Pozzuoli, the center of the bradyseism phenomenon, in the last two months the uplift of the earth has doubled compared to what happened in the previous months, «going from 7 to 15 millimeters per month, a phenomenon that has led to the many tremors of earthquake warned in Campi Flegrei». Thus Francesca Bianco, former director of the Vesuvius Observatory in Naples and today head of the Volcanoes department of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, explains the swarm of tremors that has been felt in recent days in the Municipality in the center of Campi Flegrei, which has always marked by bradyseism..." (CONTINUE IN LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1813https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20846456.html#post20846456https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p450-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573660http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8708302&viewfull=1#post8708302https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1590451https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&postid=96968162#96968162 Edited April 26, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 26, 2023 Author Report Posted April 26, 2023 (edited) Excellent #Northern, in addition to earth earthquakes, financial ones are coming. Will we see a flight of all investors from Italian government bonds? Will we see millions of police officers, nurses, professors and retirees penniless by the end of the month? In an area near my house, a few months ago, there was a big flood, which also swept away several bridges. Six months have passed since those events but, every time I pass by, I haven't even seen the repair work begin. A sign that there isn't even a penny in the box. Or that the construction companies that are supposed to do those jobs are afraid of not seeing their bills paid.Moody's attacks Italy: "Btp at risk of junk. Debt and low growth""... Italy has ended up in the crosshairs of the major international banks. To the threat of Goldman Sachs: "Bets on the Spanish debt and not on the Italian one", was added that of Moody's, even heavier given the weight of the agency rating: "Btp at risk of rubbish". Yesterday it was learned that Italy has become - according to the newspaper - the only country among those followed by Moody's which risks losing the "investment grade" in the ratings of the company rating. Which means being downgraded from the current "Baa3" rating to the one immediately below it, "Ba1", leaving the last «non-speculative» investment sector to enter the open sea of so-called junk bonds: junk bonds, very risky .. ." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE) The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1814https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847501-btp-italia-inflazione-2-trappola-sorci-post20846503.html#post20846503https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p475-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573665http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8708313&viewfull=1#post8708313https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1590457https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&postid=96968410#96968410 Edited April 26, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 26, 2023 Author Report Posted April 26, 2023 (edited) I was able to strike up a conversation in a discussion forum frequented by Indians . Slowly, slowly, I'm gaining confidence with the visitors to that space. And after a while, as I did with you, I'll put that long summary post on the table, where I explain where we're at and, above all, why all this mess is happening, which shows no sign of ending. You know me a little by now, and you've learned to put up with me. They still don't, and if I'm too abrupt, they'll kick me out right away.... India has a culture very far from the European and Western one. And the population is mostly Hindu or Muslim. But that doesn't matter to me. My compass are the words of the Carpenter's Son: "My sheep will listenmy voice". All I care about is that many people start reading those words. Then they themselves will do the rest. Up to now, I have seen that by writing these posts in 6 different languages (the Germans, from what I understand, now they read the Canadian site) you are about a thousand people who read what I write every day. And I expect you all to become my matches, who will reach where these two hands, by themselves, just can't reach ... The post original was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1815https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847309-ruffiani-internazionali-padre-terno-post20846569.html#post20846569https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p475-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573677http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8708322&viewfull=1#post8708322https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1590467https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&postid=96968686#96968686 Edited April 26, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 27, 2023 Author Report Posted April 27, 2023 (edited) It's still not raining #Northern. In Lake Garda, here in Italy, there are islands that can now be reached on foot. And the perturbations, for some time now, once they have bypassed the Alps, have not rained anything on the Po Valley, as they have always done in the past. The problem is widespread, even Argentina complains of low rainfall and poor harvests. Let's not talk about what is happening in Africa. And while all this is happening, there is talk of a blockade of Ukrainian ships full of grain, which will not be able to go to deliver cereals at low prices to developing countries. This will trigger an exodus of millions of people, all headed for Europe. Remember #Northern: the arrival of famines is another signal. Which adds up to all the others.There are about 300,000 agricultural businesses located in the areas most affected by the drought emergency in the central north, with the most dramatic situation recorded in the Po Valley basin where almost 1/3 of Made in Italy agri-food is born and half of 'farming"... It is sos for the spring sowing of corn, soy, sunflower, rice and tomato transplants in arid lands due to the lack of water necessary for crops to grow, especially in the North, where rainfall is practically halved ( -45%).This is the alarm raised by Coldiretti on the basis of Isac Cnr data relating to the first quarter of 2023 which shows that the entire peninsula is actually in difficulty..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1817https://forum.termometropolitico.it/650361-pazzo-pazzo-meteo-post20847731.html#post20847731https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p475-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573953http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8708666&viewfull=1#post8708666https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1590812https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&page=5 Edited April 27, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 27, 2023 Author Report Posted April 27, 2023 (edited) After the bankruptcy of the Silicon Valley bank (in which poor Sharon Stone lost half of her money) and after the bailout of the Swiss bank Credit Swiss (which didn't save a damn thing, given the continuous bleeding of account holders from its branches) here comes the reckoning for this other American bank.First Republic Bank sinks on Wall Street. Fears of a new wave of banking crises"... Another tumble for the battered First Republic Bank which loses 26% on Wall Street, bringing the year-to-date drop to -95%. The bank is now worth less than a billion dollars on the stock market. Yesterday the bank released the quarterly accounts showing a flight of money from its $100 billion deposits Clients fear a repeat of what happened to Silicon Valley Bank which found itself short of cash due to losses accumulated in its investments in US government bonds, depreciated by the repeated rate hikes decided by the Federal Reserve ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)Credit Suisse, the outflow of money continues even after the rescue of Ubs. 61 billion francs “fled” in three monthsThe original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1818https://forum.termometropolitico.it/847929-crediti-suisse-sultano-laumento-capitale-metti-nellano-post20847780.html#post20847780https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p475-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#573961http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8708670&viewfull=1#post8708670https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1590816https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&postid=96979018#96979018 Edited April 27, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 29, 2023 Author Report Posted April 29, 2023 (edited) Will China, which is currently surrounding the island of Taiwan with 38 military aircraft, launch the definitive attack? And it will do so in concert with Russia, i.e. Russia will respond to the Ukrainian counter-offensive by breaking through from the north, i.e. from Belarus, by launching tactical atomic bombs, given that it is the only way to quickly encircle the enemy and interrupt the chain of supplies arriving from border with NATO countries? There's no getting bored #Northern. Only, if my guesses are correct, we (and everyone else reading this) have five left.months, before the cold returns. If one continent doesn't move away from another by a few tens of meters in one fell swoop, or if an eruption doesn't introduce so much ash that the sun doesn't filter well anymore, no one will do what we've been commanded to do.Taiwan, jet and super drone from China. It's the general rehearsal of the invasion"... The TB-001 has a range of about six thousand kilometers and flies at very high altitudes. Chieh Chung, a military researcher at the National Policy Foundation think tank in Taipei explains that in war the Chinese would use it not only to strike with its missiles and bombs, but also to identify targets on the ground in the eastern part of the island (which does not face the coast of mainland China) where reserves of the Taiwanese military are protected. "That unmanned aircraft would send target information to the Chinese naval air fleet off the Pacific coast, which could then unleash devastating precision fire on our most secure bases," he says. The 38 aircraft sent in a single day, together with 6 warships, they were therefore not just a show of force now "routine" in Beijing's intimidation strategy. The «Double-tailed scorpion» also means proof of offensive plans if the democratic island does not accept Xi Jinping's «reunification will»..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1819https://forum.termometropolitico.it/848785-cina-tensioni-taiwan-post20851017.html#post20851017https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p475-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#574521http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8709768&viewfull=1#post8709768https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1591652https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&page=5 Edited April 29, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 29, 2023 Author Report Posted April 29, 2023 (edited) In Spain, record temperatures were recorded yesterday, which touched 40 degrees Celsius, and in the month of April. Luckily, dear #Northerner, we won't be affected by those heat waves. We will only witness storms and hailstorms.Weather: Never so hot in April between Spain and Portugal"... The extreme heat wave for this period of the year that is affecting the Iberian Peninsula from Africa is shattering dozens of records in Spain and Portugal, also setting records at a European level: never so hot in April! In Spain Cordoba airport reaches +38.8°C; it is the highest temperature for April in Europe. And will this heat arrive in Italy? The answer is No! Our country will find itself in a sort of "convergence zone" in which masses air of different origins (cold polar air and warm African air).The greatest and most dangerous contrasts take place precisely in this "no man's land": the heat that accumulates in the lower layers of theatmosphere increases the risk of extreme weather events such as storms (watch out for flooding and flash floods) and dangerous hailstorms..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1820https://forum.termometropolitico.it/650361-pazzo-pazzo-meteo-post20851054.html#post20851054https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p475-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#574533http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8709775&viewfull=1#post8709775https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1591656https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&postid=96998671#96998671 Edited April 29, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 29, 2023 Author Report Posted April 29, 2023 (edited) But you think, dear #Northern, what kind of ideas people come up with.Scudetto Naples, Vesuvius crater armored: there is fear of an "eruption" of blue smoke bombs, there is the danger of fires"...In these hours - reads a statement - the Vesuvius National Park Authority has learned with deep concern for the intention of some members of the Napoli team fans to celebrate the imminent championship by organizing a simulation of the explosion of Vesuvius, with its invasion and the lighting of tricolor smoke bombs on the top of the crater. the note continues - consider this initiative dangerous and impracticable as it would take place in the heart of the nature reserve ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1821https://forum.termometropolitico.it/846656-mare-ritirato-napoli-succede-post20851144.html#post20851144https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p475-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#574552http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8709789&viewfull=1#post8709789https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1591669https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&postid=96998790#96998790 Edited April 29, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted April 29, 2023 Author Report Posted April 29, 2023 (edited) The first huge mushroom has appeared, in the Russian and Ukrainian battlefield. For now, it's huge, but it's not radioactive. Ukraine puts Crimea in its sights, drone makes hell. Medvedev: Kiev to be destroyed"... “According to preliminary information, the fire was caused by a drone strike" Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev announced on his Telegram account. Sevastopol, April 29 - A fuel depot in the port of Sevastopol, Crimea, went on fire following an alleged attack by a Ukrainian drone…” (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)Original post was here: https://vivaibidelli.forumattivo.com/t636p75-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-a-precipitare#1822https://forum.termometropolitico.it/843729-guerra-ucraina-notizie-fronte-post20851200.html#post20851200https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p475-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#574558http://forum.russianamerica.com/f/showthread.php?t=85306&p=8709809&viewfull=1#post8709809https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1591678https://huaren.us/showtopic.html?topicid=2906993&postid=96999109#96999109 Edited April 29, 2023 by Holubice
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