Holubice Posted March 26, 2023 Author Report Posted March 26, 2023 I didn't know that this forum could be used as a means of proselytism for retarded bulbs like you!!!It's so easy to copy and paste hundreds of texts!!!You could do it with recipes from all over the world!!That would be smarter!!I remember my questions which (obviously) you never answered,I reassure you with your words, I understand that you are a fundamentalist, a Christian fundamentalist with a scary dose of fanaticism!!but don't worry, you just have to answer specific questions, you will calm down by yourself!!!Already the first,(1) did you know that millenarianism was not of Christian origin,(2) and that there were these hundreds of fanatics, who liked you, who all found themselves embarrassed in front of reality?and (3) finally did you see at least the monumental mistake you made regarding the “infamous carpenter's son!!?Even the ECR (the Roman Catholic Church), dare not say they would put all dogma on the floor!! Thanksfriendlyin advance we will have fun, if you answer all my religious questions !! the 3 of this message for example to start Iadd a simple question, let's make JC say in the Gospel of Mathieu, not a generation will pass before the kingdom of god!!It's been 1900 years!! and still nothing!!and you still believe it!!reassure me your credulity wouldn't have reached at least this abysmal level? ... there must be many people who will not realize anything. And they won't realize anything until the end . And many of you will ask yourself: how is it possible that these people have not yet understood what is happening ...? This will happen because God blinds those whom he wants to cause to lose ... (1)1) From my Sacred Reference Text: The disciples then came to him and said to him, "Why do you speak to them in parables?"[11] He answered, "Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. [12] So to whoever has, it will be given, and there will be plenty; and from those who do not have, even what they have will be taken away. [13] Therefore I speak to them in parables: because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear and do not understand. [14] And thus is fulfilled for them the prophecy of Isaiah which says:You shall hear , but shall not understand ,shall look , but shall not see .[15] For the heart of this peopleis hardened, they are hard of hearing,and they have closed their eyes,lest they see with their eyes,do not hear with your earsand do not understand with your heart and convert ,and I heal them .[16] But blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear. [17] Truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it!________________Although he performed many signs before them, they did not believe in him; [38] that the word spoken by the prophet Isaiah might be fulfilled: Lord, who has believed our word?And to whom was the arm of the Lord revealed?[39] And they could not believe, because Isaiah had said again:[40] He has blinded their eyesand hardened their hearts,so that they do not see with their eyesand do not understand with their hearts, and they repentand I heal them ![41] This said Isaiah when she saw his glory and spoke of him. [42] Nevertheless, even among the leaders, many believed in him, but did not openly acknowledge him because of the Pharisees, lest they be expelled from the synagogue; [43] for they loved the glory of men more than the glory of God.... I have given you the answers. But if you don't understand them , it's not my fault. The blame for all this, I already told you a few days ago, you have to go look for within your conscience . And you know full well that's the problem. Because whoever does evil hates the light, because the light unmasks his wrongdoings. Behind, the unacknowledged and unmentionable reason, is always (and only) that ... (2)2) From my Sacred Reference Text: Indeed, God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. [17] God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world, but for the world to be saved through him. [18] Whoever believes in him is not condemned; but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. [19] And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, but men preferred the darkness to the light, because the their deeds were evil. [20] For whoever does evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds be revealed .. [21] But whoever does the truth comes to the light, so that it may clearly appear that his works were done in God. He post original era who:https://politique.forum-actif.net/t3...-la-fin#565152
Holubice Posted March 26, 2023 Author Report Posted March 26, 2023 41 minutes ago, Michael Hardner said: You are answering questions now? Fine with me but I didn't ask anything. I just wanted let you know that I find a way to make my copy and paste of my text (translated to english). So I don't need anybody help anymore. By the way: what's your opinion about my key to reading the present worldwide situation...?
blackbird Posted March 26, 2023 Report Posted March 26, 2023 On 3/23/2023 at 8:48 AM, Holubice said: "These are facts. And in this world there is nothing more obstinate than a fact" It's not all doom and gloom. There is one persistent truth missed by most on here. "16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " John 3:16 KJV
Holubice Posted March 27, 2023 Author Report Posted March 27, 2023 t does not stop the growing civil war in Israel ...Chaos Israel. Netanyahu fires rebel minister, squares in revolt"... "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to remove Defense Minister Yoav Gallant". An official note from the government was enough to inflame - again and with even more vehemence - the squares of protest (...) Yair Lapid, one of the opposition leaders, attacked Netanyahu, arguing that "the prime minister can fire the minister, but he cannot dismiss the reality of the Israeli people who resist the madness of the majority. Netanyahu is a danger to the State of Israel". Pieces of the state are added to the protest: Israeli universities announce indefinite strikes, as do middle and high school students. Many mayors and public officials join the protest against what they define as a " judicial coup d'état” ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... the riots don't stop. Everyone goes further and further. But above all: why do they all do it together ...?The original post was here:https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristian...html#post44054
Holubice Posted March 27, 2023 Author Report Posted March 27, 2023 We are getting closer and closer to the Kremlin wall ...Ukrainian drone crashes 200 kilometers from Moscow. Three injured"... The Russian authorities have denounced the explosion caused by a Ukrainian drone in the town of Kireevsk, located just over 200 kilometers south of Moscow and over 350 from the Ukrainian border. The Russian news agency Tass reported that Russian authorities have identified the drone as a Tupolev Tu-14, an aircraft that Ukraine went back to manufacturing in 2014 and was used in Soviet times..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE). .. and now, dear #Northern, we just have to wait for the foreseeable Russian response ... The original post was here:https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristian...html#post44054
Holubice Posted March 27, 2023 Author Report Posted March 27, 2023 Now that's clear talk ... dear #Northern ...Trump: "Elections 2024 will be the final battle""... "And 2024 will be the final battle , the most important: if you bring me back to the White House, the States United will be a free nation again", added Trump, assuring that he will be able to respond to the accusations against him, while arguing that "the greatest threat" to Washington is not China or Russia, but American leaders, including some his party comrades, Republicans Mitch McConnell or Ron DeSantis "I'm a bigger threat because with China we can deal with China", argued the former president ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... this too, if you pay attention dear #Northern, is another right man, in the right place, at the right time ... The original post was here:https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristian... html#post44054
Holubice Posted March 27, 2023 Author Report Posted March 27, 2023 11 hours ago, blackbird said: It's not all doom and gloom. There is one persistent truth missed by most on here. "16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. " John 3:16 KJV What you report is true. Only there is a problem: who is the one who believes ...? ... (1)1) From my Sacred Reference Text: SPOILER: If you love me, you will keep my commandments . [16] I will ask the Father and he will give you another Counselor to remain with you forever, [17] the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see and does not know him. You know him, because he dwells with you and will be in you. [18] he I will not leave you orphans, he will return to you. [19] Just a little while and the world will no longer see me; but you will see me, because I live and you will live. [20] In that day you will know that I am in the Father and you in me and I in you. [21] Whoever welcomes my commandments and keeps them, he loves me. Whoever loves me will be loved by my Father and I too will love him and reveal myself to him."[22] Judas, not the Iscariot, said to him, "Lord, how did it happen that you are to reveal yourself to us and not to the world?" [23] Jesus answered him, " Whoever loves me will keep my word , and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him . [24] Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; the word you hear is not mine, but the Father's who sent me._____________The fulfillment of the law[17] Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. [18] Truly I tell you, until heaven and earth have passed, not one jot or sign of the law will pass, without everything being accomplished. [19 ] Whoever therefore transgresses even one of these precepts, even the least , and teaches men to do likewise, will be considered least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever observes them and teaches them to men will be considered great in the kingdom of heaven._________The final judgment[31] When the Son of man comes in his glory with all his angels, he will sit on the throne of his glory. [32] And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, [33] and he will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. [34] Then the king will say to those on his right hand, Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. [35] For I was hungry and you gave me food , I was thirsty and you gave me drink ; I was a stranger and you welcomed me , [36] naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me. [37] Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink ? [38] When did we see you a stranger and welcome you , or naked and clothe you? [39] And when we saw you sick or in prison and came to visit you? [40] In answer, the king will say to them, Verily I say to you, whenever you did these things to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me . [41] Then he will say to those on his left, Away from me, you cursed , into everlasting fire., prepared for the devil and his angels. [42] Because I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink; [43] I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me. [44] Then they too will answer: Lord, when have we ever seen you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or incarcerated and we have not assisted you? [45] But he will answer, I tell you the truth, whenever you did not do these things to one of the least of these my brethren, you did not do it to me . [46] And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the righteous to eternal life." ... and now, dear @blackbird, I have to go into some personal matters, which can be unpleasant: what is your credit balance on your bank account ? What is the market value of your home ? Would it be possible for you to sell it immediately, and with the proceeds move into an apartment that is half the size of the one you have now, but which would still be sufficient for your whole family to live on, and with the difference that you will have obtained a morning that go around (anonymously) at the Post Office counters? Words mean very little. In fact, they don't matter at all. Those who have faith put into practice what they have asked us to do.Put it all into practice . Even the smallest details. And all this happens while thousands now, every day now, sink on a sort of raft between Africa and Europe, or die with their little son on their backs , while they try to carry him by swimming across the river that separates Mexico and the United States. And all this is happening while Someone, right now, knows how much hair you have on your head, and how much hair I have on your head ...Image of dead father, daughter at US-Mexico border draws reactions from around the worldEnlarge this imageClick here to view it at its original size.Il post originale era qui:https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1578414
Holubice Posted March 27, 2023 Author Report Posted March 27, 2023 Dédé 2B a écrit:Je demande à la modération d'expulser ce radoteur qui n'est là que pour copier-coller, donc pour spamer! Merci. Signé: Dédé modérateur de ce forum ... which translated, means ... I ask the moderation to expel this |diot who is only there to copy-paste, so spam!Thank you. Signed: Dédé moderator of this forum You have to stop looking for that hammer, to throw it at ...... Jiminy Cricket who is explaining the situation you are in. It won't do you any good to do that. And it won't even shut me up. Because, I've already explained it to you, a moment after I'm kicked out, I'll reopen a user account, identical to this one, in another forum. And all those who, unlike you, are interested in what I want to tell you, will all follow me en bloc. And, even in this, I will scrupulously follow the instructions that have been given to me. Although, I update them every year, and at the times, we're living. And as long as we are allowed to live them ... (1)1) From my Sacred Reference Text: SPOILER: The missionaries will be persecuted[16] Behold: I am sending you as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves. [17] Beware of men, for they will hand you over to their courts and scourge you in their synagogues; [18] and you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, as a testimony before them and the pagans. [19] And when they deliver you into their hands, do not worry about how or what you will have to say, because at that moment it will be suggested to you what you must say: [20] for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of the Father yours that speaks in you.[21] Brother will deliver brother to death, and father his son, and children will rise up against their parents and have them killed. [22] And you will be hated by all because of my name; but whoever endures to the end will be saved. [23] When they persecute you in one city, flee to another ; Truly I say to you, you will not have finished going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.[24] A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master; [25] it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and for the servant like his master. If they called the landlord Beelzebul, how much more his family! He post original era who:https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p225-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565450
Holubice Posted March 27, 2023 Author Report Posted March 27, 2023 (edited) And after the state of Mississippi, a little while ago it was the turn of the state of Georgia . Good thing you #Northern stay in South Dakota…Usa, strong tornado also in Georgia”… Tornadoes that wreaked havoc in Mississippi, USA, killing at least 26 confirmed people, also struck neighbor state of Georgia on Sunday, March 26. These are the images of the damage reported to Troup county, which includes the city of LaGrange, just over 100 kilometers from Atlanta ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... and, from what I overheard on the radio, more tornadoes are expected tomorrow, no one knows exactly where. Let's hope not in South Dakota, because our #Northern is there, and we need it in one piece ... #Northern, I'm sick of making you this endless press review of bad luck. The others have just started, but you've been reading for a long time ...TP: What if things started to go downhill?... not to mention my friends King John the Landless, and his trusted aide Sir Hissssss, who have been reading these things (in vain) since the distant year 2010 ... AI: "If God doesn't exist, then everything is permitted" - Ivan Karamazov... it's time for all of you to get your behinds off the wall, and to start helping me, for this"Catechism of Last Instance, Almost Out of Time" ... Edited March 27, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 27, 2023 Author Report Posted March 27, 2023 But exactly #Nordista, what risks are we running with this race towards the abyss...? SGS developed a new simulation for a plausible escalating war between the United States and Russia using realistic nuclear force postures, targets and fatality estimates. It is estimated that there would be more than 90 million people dead and injured within the first few hours of the conflict.... qui la simulazione in video ...[youtube]2jy3JU-ORpo[/youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jy3...ature=youtu.be"... This four-minute audio-visual piece is based on independent assessments of current U.S. and Russian force postures, nuclear war plans, and nuclear weapons targets. It uses extensive data sets of the nuclear weapons currently deployed, weapon yields, and possible targets for particular weapons , as well as the order of battle estimating which weapons go to which targets in which order in which phase of the war to show the evolution of the nuclear conflict from tactical, to strategic to city-targeting phases ... " (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... thank goodness you and I #Northern, we know that this is not what we will have to die of. Of much more, and perhaps, even worse. But not of this. Because that is not how the Son of the Carpenter told us that things will go many years ago ...The original post was here:https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristian...html#post44062
Holubice Posted March 27, 2023 Author Report Posted March 27, 2023 Jean-Louis de Toqueville ha scritto:C'est exactement ce que fait volog depuis toujours ici, ton compère de classe, et tu ne t'es jamais élevé contre ses pratiques. Quand on exerce une fonction arbitrale, les exigences premières de l'arbitre et des arbitrés sont l'impartialité, la neutralité et la justice. En ma qualité de simple justiciable de ce forum, j'aimerais être convaincu que ces qualités essentielles font partie intégrante de ta démarche arbitrale. ... which translated, means ... This is exactly what Volog has always done here, your classmate, and you have never spoken out against his practices. In the exercise of an arbitral function, the primary requirements of the arbitrator and arbitrators are impartiality, neutrality and justice. As a simple litigant on this forum, I'd like to be convinced that these essential qualities are an integral part of your arbitration process. Thank you @Jean-Louis de Toqueville for standing up for me. I just don't know what to do, at least with this French-language forum. Because I have to invent a way in which the readers of these explanations that I am making, and which I have been making in different languages for some time, rapidly increase in number. If you have noticed, I have no gain in doing what I do, at least of an economic nature, and here on this Earth ... (1)1) From my Sacred Reference Text: SPOILER: The fulfillment of the law[17] Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish, but to fulfill. [18] Truly I tell you, until heaven and earth have passed, not one jot or sign of the law will pass, without everything being accomplished. [19] Whoever therefore transgresses one of these precepts, even the least, and teaches men to do likewise, will be considered least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever keeps them and teaches them to men will be considered great in the kingdom of heaven . ... if you have a good command of the English language, and if you listen to this BBC documentary ...BBC: Early Martyrs of Christianity... these English historians review the first centuries of Christianity and, in particular, one of them cannot understand how it was possible that a new religion, advocated by a group of illiterate fishermen and shepherds , could have expanded so much across the Earth. The speaker, in my opinion, is not a believer, and evaluates only the elements that were available at the beginning. Just as the considerations made by a Latin author of Ancient Rome are illuminating, always regarding this new religion that arrived from the East: - The blood of Christians is manure for the appearance of other Christians ... -... that is, the more we kill , the more they appear in our cities. That writer didn't know it, but that's the mechanism behind it... (2)2) From my Sacred Reference Text: SPOILER: Jesus announces his glorification through death[20] Among those who had gone up to worship during the feast, there were also some Greeks. [21] They approached Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, "Lord, we want to see Jesus." [22] Philip went and told Andrew, and then Andrew and Philip went and told Jesus. [23] Jesus answered, "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified. [24] Truly, truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies , it remains alone ; but if it dies , it produces much fruit. [25] Whoever loves her life loses it, and whoever hates her life in this world will keep it for eternal life. [26] Whoever wants to serve me should follow me, and where I am, there will also be my servant. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. [27] Now my soul is troubled; and what should I say? Father, save me from this hour? But that's why I've come to this hour! [28] Father, glorify your name." Then a voice came from heaven: "I have glorified it and will glorify it again!"[29] The crowd that was present and heard said it was thunder. Others said, "An angel spoke to him." [30] he Jesus answered: «This voice did not come for me, but for you. [31] Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be thrown out. [32] When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself." [33] This he said to indicate the kind of death he was to die. [34] Then the crowd answered him, "We have learned from the law that the Christ remains forever; how then do you say that the Son of man is to be lifted up? Who is this Son of man?». [35] Jesus said to them, "The light is with you a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, lest the darkness overtake you; whoever walks in darkness does not know where he is going. [36] While you have the light, believe in the light, that you may become children of the light."Jesus said these things, then went away and hid from them. ... in a (only apparently) joking way, if you go to reread the posts of the past, I called this thing ...Enlarge this imageClick here to view it at its original size.... the Jackpot . That is, the only thing that ensures, not that many read you, but that multitudes convert . And be saved . Because that's the goal. Your sacrifice, your blood, is the only counterpart with which you can emerge from the Designer of the whole Universe who has mercy on the many you see around you. And make him understand, what he said through the Carpenter's Son. And, why not, let him understand what's happening now. That's the only thing you can be sure will work. Because we are dealing with a deity who demands human sacrifices. Your . _When the Carpenter's Son spoke of manure, to be given around a plant that did not bear fruit, and which had a little more time available, he meant that type of manure. As I understand it, this World would have ended much sooner, if someone hadn't offered to end up hanging on two boards ... (3)3) From my Sacred Reference Text: SPOILER: Parable of the barren fig tree[6] He also told this parable: "A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came looking for fruit on it, but found none . [7] Then he said to the vinedresser: Behold, I have been coming for three years to seek fruit on this fig tree, but I find none. Cut it . Why does he have to exploit the land? [8] But he replied: Master, leave it again this year until I hoe around it and put manure [9] and we will see if it will bear fruit for the future; if not, you will cut it." ... that's why, dear #Northern, I told you that losing all your money, i.e. remaining financially with one hand in front, and one hand in the back, was a no-brainer, and only the starter, I respect what we would have to be done later. But still, we're lucky #Northern: the facts, and events, will give us a big boost, and will make us find the courage . As the good Confucius said ..."Even a rabbit, once trapped, is ready to fight ..."The original post was here:https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se- things-began-to-fall-post44063.html
Holubice Posted March 28, 2023 Author Report Posted March 28, 2023 (edited) This one here, in terms of scaremongering, has given me three or four rounds as well ...Trump restarts from Waco: «Re-elect me, and you will be avenged. America risks death and destruction""... Donald Trump has warned that America risks «death and destruction» if he is indicted, and has attacked the magistrates («corrupt», «animals») starting with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg. In this climate, yesterday, at Waco airport, the former president called his followers to rally. "Re-elect me and you will be avenged," he promised in a contemptuous and at times apocalyptic rally. Thousands, burned by the sun on the shadeless runway, they waited for him for hours, some with small children in strollers. "No one talks about greatness anymore, it's one witch hunt after another. I'm being persecuted by prosecutors and the Department of Injustice, in the pay of Democrats and Hillary Clinton." Trump said, comparing the investigations against him to those of Stalinist Russia.«If we don't destroy the Deep State, the Deep State will destroy America» ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... more than a risk, with such a candidate, America has the certainty of death, and of destruction. And you, dear #Northern, know very well that all of the supporters have shopped at the supermarket, i.e. they all have a machine gun each, and maybe a few bazookas ...The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-post44065.html https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579010 https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p225-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565722 https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564240&viewfull=1#post11564240 Edited March 28, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 28, 2023 Author Report Posted March 28, 2023 (edited) Here, dear #Northern, the only question is whether Putin or Kim will launch it first ...North Korea, Kim orders ever more powerful nuclear weapons: fears about the seventh atomic test"... The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has ordered an increase in the "production of military-grade nuclear materials" in order to accelerate the development of ever more powerful weapons. During an inspection made Monday at the Nuclear Weapons Institute, Kim, reiterating fears of an upcoming seventh atomic test, reinforced the promise of " exponential " growth of arsenals when the attack group of the US aircraft carrier Nimitzarrived in South Korea. After being briefed by officials on the evolution of activities, Kim, according to the official KCNA agency, observed that North Korea should prepare to use weapons "always and everywhere", urging "to continue the production of nuclear weapons" to instill fear in the enemies. The photos published by Rodong Sinmun, a voice of the Workers' Party, showed Kim surrounded by uniformed officers, inspecting the alleged row of tactical nuclear warheads identified as "Hwasan-31" ("volcano" in Korean), usable on various missiles , according to graphs and diagrams visible on the walls of the rooms ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-4.html#post44067 https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565730 https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564262&viewfull=1#post11564262 https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579017 Edited March 28, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 28, 2023 Author Report Posted March 28, 2023 (edited) In my opinion, dear #Northern, between Kim and Putin, the one who presses that famous big red button will be Putin. By now he has made his decision about him. Some think he will do a demonstration nuclear test, to intimidate his NATO enemies. In my opinion he will, but not on a remote islet in the North Pole, but among the ears of corn in the Ukraine. Because, with all those loads of latest generation weapons that Western countries are supplying, the only way out they have left is only that. And at that point, no one will dare to do anything anymore. Ukraine will have lost its independence, losing millions of men and women in this year of war. But the American, Italian, French and German arms industry will have gotten what it needed: a reason to empty their warehouses, and then be able to fill them again. Have you noticed #Northern...? The price per raw cubic meter of methane is lower than when the war had not yet started, but if you go to fill up, a cubic meter no longer costs 0.95 euros, but still 1.699 euros. The difference between those two prices goes to finance the war effort. A war effort that, after a while, can only lead to an atomic explosion, according to the opinion (also) of many NATO generals ...Russia launches supersonic anti-ship missiles against dummy target in Sea of"...Japan Japan, Pacific Fleet missile boats fired Moskit cruise missiles at a mock enemy sea target," the ministry said in a statement on its Telegram account. "The target, located at a distance of about 100 kilometers, was successfully hit by the direct impact of two Moskit cruise missiles", the note reads..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... the good Kennedy who, not a minor detail, was about 40 years old, and a son who played with him and crawled under his desk in the White House, with his close friends, about the Cuban Missile Crisis, said : - Better red, than dead ... - To have statesmen like this, dear #Northern. But why are our lot only dumb and manipulable old men, or fanatics and naive people ...?The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-4.html#post44067https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565745https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564301&viewfull=1#post11564301https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579022 Edited March 28, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 28, 2023 Author Report Posted March 28, 2023 (edited) We have a new #Northern problem, as if, until yesterday, they are in short supply…Bird flu kills Peru's sea lions”… About 3,500 sea lions have died in Peru from H5N1 bird flu . The possibility that the virus is transmitted from mammal to mammalbegins to worry scholars. Here is the latest news - The H5N1 variant of avian flu is devastating the South American sea lion population, which numbers around 105,000 in Peru. This month, the National Parks Service of the South American country, Sernanp, recorded the deaths of 3,487 sea lions, 3.29% of the total number, and five far less common fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) in seven areas protected along the coast. But scientists estimate that the real number of deaths from bird flu is probably much higher ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... waiting for the Brain Eating Amoebas , the Snow Mosquitoes, to appear, which survive even in the middle of winter, and which can carry tropical infectious diseases, of which our pharmaceutical companies have never dreamed of producing vaccines, because, until now, they had always affected the countries of South East Asia, whose hospitals would never have enough money to buy such medicines. Business is business, dear #Northern. You, as an American by the way, should know this well. In short, this tour we will stay at home, not for fear of running into a Chinese on a trip to Florence with a camera (and Covid carrier), but we will stay at home, and with the windows closed, for fear that we will get to the window some sparrows ...The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-4.html#post44067https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579028https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565749https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564330&viewfull=1#post11564330 Edited March 28, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 28, 2023 Author Report Posted March 28, 2023 (edited) Edouard de Montmonrency ha scritto:... "N'ayez pas peur" ... Le Pape a dit. ... which translated, means ... ... "Do not be afraid" ... Said the Pope. ... Edoardo, believe me, I'm not afraid. Hurry, yes. But fear not. Now that I know the reason why I came into the world, what I have to do, and what will happen next, I have great peace of mind inside me. I'm sure, soon, I'll see a lot of people fussing, and screaming, all around me.Many years ago, I took a trip to the island of Ibiza. The hotel we ended up in was a receptacle of frantic kids, all stoned, day and night, and making a big mess. The only slightly elderly gentlemen of all that group were my wife and I, plus another Italian gentleman, who was there with his wife and a small son, and who spent all day playing in the hotel swimming pool with the child. When our plane took off from the Balearic Islands and was flying to Italy, at one point a girl from the hostesses started yelling (in Spanish): - Doctor, doctor, there's a doctor here on the plane.. .!?!? -... a passenger had a heart attack, and everyone was shocked by that fact. At that point, that gentleman who had been playing with the little girl all the time, said that he was a doctor and, very calmly, began to do everything there was to do. But he did it with a calmness, and a naturalness that clashed incredibly with the agitation that everyone else had. It looked like he was dressing his salad, or watering his roses. And that's because, unlike everyone else, in that dangerous situation, he knew exactly what had to be done ...... I got the idea (and I have hope) that, precisely because what we are going to encounter will be something that Man has never seen in all of his history, for this very reason, he will give us a big hand. Or he will send his Spirit of him, with both hands, as has never happened in the past. But we, as always, will have to help him help us . That is, we will have to be the famous branches, on which the vine is then able to climb and grow.The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-4.html#post44067https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565753https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564350&viewfull=1#post11564350https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579033 Edited March 28, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 28, 2023 Author Report Posted March 28, 2023 (edited) There is never peace, nor truce, between these pages of the newspaper ...Covid is not over, the Arturo variant overwhelms India"... Covid is not over. Indeed, in some areas of the world it is giving its best India knows something about it, with its +251% of cases in 28 days and a variant, the XBB.1.16, called Arturo , which seems unstoppable and worries the authorities. The government leaders do not believe their eyes : “The virus is far from being defeated,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi commented…” (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)… #Northern, then, that walk around the house, barefoot, you did ...?The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/44071-post61.htmlhttps://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565759https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564372&viewfull=1#post11564372https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579040 Edited March 28, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 28, 2023 Author Report Posted March 28, 2023 (edited) Explain to me #Northern what the heck are we going to eat this summer? ...The great agony: The glaciers of the Alps thinner than 5 meters and the valleys with basins never so dry. Journey to the North East already hostage to drought. With the first municipalities served by tankers. And where the landscape has already changed and the economy risks collapse"... On the bottom of Lake Resia, the source of the Adige river at an altitude of 1,500 metres, the dried mud is covered with pink, crunchy algae. At the end of March, it is almost twenty degrees: the rare snowflakes that fell in autumn melt into distant white spots that climb the sunny, parched and uncovered ridges up to an altitude of 3,000..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE) The original post was here: https Originale message: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-5.html#post44071https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565767https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564379&viewfull=1#post11564379https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579044 Edited March 28, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 28, 2023 Author Report Posted March 28, 2023 (edited) The pot of beans is boiling ...Earthquake in Naples today, seismic swarm with roars in the Campi Flegrei - The director of the Vesuvius Observatory: «It shook even a hundred meters below the houses» "...- I'll be direct right away. How much are the Campi Flegrei worried? - "I am an active volcano with phenomena well felt by the population. The signals we record are much more than those that are warned. There is even a retreat of the coastlinewhich occurs at the rate of fifteen millimeters per month. The areas most affected are those of the Rione Terra and the seafront of via Napoli». - In the last week there have been several events felt strongly by the residents. Does this mean that there is a progressive increase in seismic activity? - «The events are of low energy but very superficial so they are amplified precisely by the proximity and are more felt by the population. It is a very superficial seismicity, some phenomena even occur a hundred meters below the houses . This certainly generates greater perception» ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE) Biggest eruption in 500 years IMMINENT? Deadly supervolcano in ‘critical stage’ - A SUPERVOLCANO that threatens the lives of more than 360,000 people in Europe is on the brink of blowing, scientists have warned. ... I don't want to make predictions #Northern. Partly because, then they run after me with pitchforks. And partly because all the forecasts that are needed have already been made. Below ...Matthew (chapter 24)Matthew (chapter 25)The original post was here:https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-5.html#post44071https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#565781https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564453&viewfull=1#post11564453https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579058 Edited March 28, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 29, 2023 Author Report Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) Dear #Northern, this choice, in my opinion, as well as not going unnoticed in Beijing, will not go unnoticed in Tibet . That is, the Tibetan minority will stop setting themselves on fire sporadically, and will begin to rebel. The same thing will be done by the Muslim minorities of Xinjiang , incarcerated en masse in real concentration camps of the third millennium. "People against People, Nation against Nation" ...Like the little Buddha, the Dalai Lama chooses an American child. And he still challenges Beijing"... he is eight years old, he was born in the United States into the family of a wealthy businessman Mongolian and is already making China nervous, which also claims rights to metempsychosis. The battle over the Dalai Lama 's succession flares up over the head of a child recognized by the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism as the tenth reincarnation of Mongolia's last great venerable master Khalkha Jetsun Dhampa. He has already been consecrated in the Gandan monastery, in the capital Ulan Bator. And although it's not a designation, Beijing's nerves are skipping ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... when, more or less, you already know the plot of the film, it becomes very easy to make predictions, dear #Northern ...The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-post44077.htmlhttps://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#566068https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579457 Edited March 29, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 29, 2023 Author Report Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) The former vice president of the United States must testify about the story of the assault on the American Parliament. In a statement a few weeks ago, he had already expressed his disappointment with the conduct of his former boss. And now, moreover, he is one of the contenders for the office of the next president. In your opinion #Northern, how will this matter end...? ..."Pence must testify." Now Trump risks the assault on Capitol Hill"... Breakthrough in the investigation of the events on Capitol Hill. Former US vice president Mike Pence will have to testifybefore the grand jury on the talks held with then US President Donald Trump in the days before the storming of the Capitol. This was approved by James Boasberg, a federal court judge in Washington Dc (...) His old ally Mike Pence, considered one of the probable candidates vying for his party's nomination in the primaries, intervened on the tycoon's numerous judicial problems presidential elections of 2024. In the last two years, the former vice president, chosen in 2016 to consolidate the consensus of the GOP in Indiana (his state) and in the Midwest, has commented on various occasions on Trump's behavior after the 2020 elections. deny the four years spent together at the helm of the country, Pence has repeatedly distanced himself, participating in thepublicly attack the tycoon's behavior ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... it's a really nice #Northern mess. A mess that gets more and more tangled ...The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-5.html#post44077https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#566071https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579459 Edited March 29, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 29, 2023 Author Report Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) And in your opinion, will this matter of the separatists of Catalonia, who want to detach themselves from Spain, end in stalemate, or will there also be insurrections in Barcelona and its surroundings ...? ...Arrested Catalan MEP Clara Ponsati"... Clara Ponsati, MEP, former Member of the Catalan Parliament elected with Junts, the movement of Puigdemont, former minister of culture, in exile in Brussels after being indicted for sedition, following the holding of the referendum for the independence of Catalonia, she was arrestedyesterday in Barcelona. Ponsati, elected to the European Parliament together with the Catalan president Carles Puigdemont and Toni Comin, enjoys parliamentary immunity like all the other MEPs, a status this has recently been restored after a long dispute. Puigdemont was also stopped by the Algher-Ponsatio airport police, but then the arrest warrant was canceled ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... here, dear #Northern, it has become a very easy game to guess. It is a bit like when you do those weekly quizzes, but you also have the last page at hand, the one where there are already all the quiz solutions ...The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-5.html#post44077https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#566077https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579460 Edited March 29, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 29, 2023 Author Report Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) Enlarge this imageClick here to view it at its original size. da du nicht auf den Chef hören willst/kannst gebe ich dir jetzt mal eine Pause , für deine Queerbeetthemen gibt es für alles Threads, dass scheint aber zu hoch für dich zu sein ... which translated, means ... Since you don't want / can't listen to the boss, now I give you a break, there are discussions for everything for your queer bed topics, but it seems to be too high for you ... in other words, I've been stuck in my sister thread, in the German language. Or rather, from what I understand, I can no longer put my posts in a single discussion, but I should spread them in a myriad of small discussions. As I have already had the opportunity to explain, these discussion forum software always, very often, have tens of thousands of open discussions on the most disparate topics. Provided you don't violate any law, the more one writes, and the more one creates content in the forum, the more the site remains alive, and the more accesses and readings of advertising banners increase. There is nothing illegal in my posts. There is nothing that justifies a censorship of the contents that I am writing, if not the fact that they clash, like nails scratching a blackboard, on many of the consciences of those who read. But never mind, the internet is full of thousands of discussion forums which, over time, have seen their users decrease (or disappear), but which have nevertheless remained perfectly active and functional. If you see me disappearing from a forum, in any language, and if you are still interested in reading what I am writing, you just have to open your search engine, and look for these phrases ... FORUM + HOLUBICEFORUM + SERPHONICFORUM + QUELO ... because the utilities: Holubice, Serafino and Quelo, are the ones I've used, for 13 years now, for my second work of 'Catechism of the Last Instance, Almost Out of Maximum Time". #Northern, as he said to be the Son of the Carpenter ...? If they kick you out of a village, then go to another nearby village. And this also applies to Village 2.0 ... (1) 1) From my Sacred Reference Text: SPOILER: The missionaries will be persecuted[16] Behold: I am sending you as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves. [17] Beware of men, for they will hand you over to their courts and scourge you in their synagogues; [18] and you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, as a testimony before them and the pagans. [19] And when they deliver you into their hands, do not worry about how or what you will have to say, because at that moment it will be suggested to you what you must say: [20] for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of the Father yours that speaks in you.[21] Brother will deliver brother to death, and father his son, and children will rise up against their parents and have them killed. [22] And you will be hated by all because of my name; but whoever endures to the end will be saved. [23] When they persecute you in one city, flee to another; Truly I say to you, you will not have finished going through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.[24] A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master; [25] it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and for the servant like his master. If they called the landlord Beelzebul, how much more his family! ... and if you see people getting pissed at you #Northern, now you know it, it must be a comfort to you, because it means you're doing the job you've been given well. It is something that has been repeated, always the same, since the dawn of time ... (2)2) From my Sacred Reference Text: SPOILER: [17] He went down with them and stopped on a level place. There was a great crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all Judea and Jerusalem and from the coast of Tire and Sidon, [18] who had come to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; even those who were tormented by unclean spirits were healed. [19] All the crowd tried to touch him, because a power came out of him that healed everyone.Inaugural speech. The Beatitudes[20] Looking up at his disciples, Jesus said:«Blessed are you poor,for yours is the kingdom of God.[21]Blessed are you who are hungry now,for you will be satisfied.Blessed are you who cry now,because you will laugh.[22] Blessed are you when men hate youand when they banish you and reproach you and reject your name as wicked , because of the Son of man. [23] Rejoice in that day and be glad , for, behold, your reward is great in heaven. For their fathers treated the prophets in the same way .Curses[24] But woe to you, rich people,for you already have your consolation.[25] Woe to you who are full now,for you will be hungry.Woe to you who laugh now,for you will mourn and weep.[26] Woe to you when all men speak wellof you.For their fathers treated the false prophets in the same way . ... eh, I know #Northern, it's a lot of stuff. By the way, how was your long walk barefoot ... ?The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-5.html#post44077https://politikforen-hpf.net/showthread.php?194638-Dies-ist-der-Anfang-vom-Ende&p=11564480&viewfull=1#post11564480https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#566091https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579462 Edited March 29, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 29, 2023 Author Report Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) In the meantime, dear #Northern, I'm happy and understand what the next global and interplanetary financial crisis will be ...LOANS WRITE, BLACKMAIL IS READ - CHINA HAS GUARANTEED 240 BILLION DOLLARS OF LOANS TO 22 COUNTRIES WITH THE SILK ROAD NEED FOR LIQUIDITY: IT IS A WAY TO LIMIT DEPENDENCE ON THE DOLLAR AS A GLOBAL CURRENCY, AND TO TIGHTEN A SILK NOOSE AROUND THE NECK OF THE POOREST STATES. THE INTEREST RATE IS 5% (THE IMF IS AT 2%) – XI IS ALSO TRYING TO SAVE HIS OWN BANKS: THAT'S WHY HE GOT INTO THE RISKY INTERNATIONAL LENDING BUSINESS (BUT IT'S A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD)" ... He has invested mountains of yuan for yearsin developing countries embarked on its Silk Road, strategic due to their geographical position or because they are rich in natural resources, for pharaonic projects which later turned out to be often unsustainable or too expensive for those governments that had welcomed them with enthusiasm (...) Beijing yes is transforming into one of the largest emergency lenders in the world, competing with the International Monetary Fund. A double-edged strategy for Xi, who must also try to save the coffers of his banks. Between 2000 and 2021 - reveals a study by the World Bank, the Harvard Kennedy School, Aid-Data and the Kiel Institute - China guaranteed 240 billion dollars in loans going to the rescue of 22 countries such as Argentina, Mongolia, Pakistan, Egypt, Sri Lanka: many of which are beneficiaries of the investments of the "Belt & Road Initiative" launched ten years ago by the Chinese leader: a mammoth project that is now paying for itself in Beijing ..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE )... among the various beneficiaries of these loans, dear #Northern, there are also we Italians who, for example, have sold (or sold off) several of our ports, essential for the docking of goods from China. Because we, although many voters don't want to realize it, are already a technically, and financially, failed state...The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-post44082.htmlhttps://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#566099https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579464 Edited March 29, 2023 by Holubice
Holubice Posted March 29, 2023 Author Report Posted March 29, 2023 (edited) The chaos in France, dear #Northern, doesn't stop ...THE FRENCH WON'T GIVE UP MACRON - YESTERDAY ANOTHER DAY OF CHAOS IN PARIS AND OTHER CITIES, BETWEEN BURNT DUMPERS, LOOTING IN DEPARTMENT STORES AND FIERCE CLASHES WITH THE POLICE. FOR SAFETY, THE EIFFEL TOUR HAS ALSO BEEN CLOSED – THE PRESIDENT IS PLAYING THE OSTRICH, BUT THE PREMIER, ELISABETH BORNE, OPENS TO DIALOGUE WITH THE UNIONS TO FIND MEDIATION ON PENSION REFORM - VIDEO - "..."... The new day of mobilization in France, the tenth, which involved hundreds of thousands of people across the country to protest against the pension reform wanted by the government.The numbers of membership fluctuate between the 740,000 protesters registered by the Ministry of the Interior, and the more than 2 million reported by the Cgt union..." (CONTINUE IN THE LINK ABOVE)... for the series, who will live, will see ...The original post was here: https://www.scuolaforum.org/cristianesimo/6385-e-se-le-cose-cominciassero-precipitare-5.html#post44082https://politique.forum-actif.net/t37857p250-c-est-le-debut-de-la-fin#566110https://repolitics.com/forums/topic/43845-this-is-the-beginning-of-the-end/?do=findComment&comment=1579468 Edited March 29, 2023 by Holubice
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