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Rental Crisis in Canada.

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Because if they use gov't money to build 'affordable housing' they're competing against developers. If you own a building and lose tenants to it, you're gonna sue.

If you own a home and are paying thru the nose, you'd lose money to sell and buy one of those instead. If you're not allowed to buy or rent one because you're already housed it 'proves' you can afford it even if you're feeding your kids sawdust and telling them it's oatmeal.

I have no problem with them building housing to get people out of tent cities, hell I think it's time to march down Hastings Street with flame throwers, but for working people all they can do is open up land, and that's not available in the cities you mentioned. Plenty of room for suburbs on the Prairies, in the Cariboo, the Peace and Nechako regions.

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44 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Communism is a hell lot more than government building things. Get educated. 

In all countries even the most capitalist ones governments are building things. Certain projects like public roads, bridges, certain massive industries (infrastructure as a whole), even public libraries and universities (like State universities in the God of capitalism in the US) are all being built by governments. Why not affordable public housing?

Because it would cost billions to build the number of houses that are needed.  Socialism is one of the biggest threats the western world faces.  Everyone wants free stuff but nobody wants to pay for it.


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30 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Because it would cost billions to build the number of houses that are needed.  Socialism is one of the biggest threats the western world faces.  Everyone wants free stuff but nobody wants to pay for it.


Religious fanatism is one of the biggest threats to Western democracy especially Islamists not socialism.

We are all ready to pay for housing for those who cannot afford. Tax the wealthy and pay the bills.

I am not sure how people can sleep comfortably in their luxury warm bedrooms when they know many fellow citizens,  children in particular are deprived from the very basics of proper housing which is a human right, 

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2 hours ago, herbie said:

Because if they use gov't money to build 'affordable housing' they're competing against developers. If you own a building and lose tenants to it, you're gonna sue.

If you own a home and are paying thru the nose, you'd lose money to sell and buy one of those instead. If you're not allowed to buy or rent one because you're already housed it 'proves' you can afford it even if you're feeding your kids sawdust and telling them it's oatmeal.

I have no problem with them building housing to get people out of tent cities, hell I think it's time to march down Hastings Street with flame throwers, but for working people all they can do is open up land, and that's not available in the cities you mentioned. Plenty of room for suburbs on the Prairies, in the Cariboo, the Peace and Nechako regions.

Protecting the rich, the landlords, the wealthy at the expense of the poor, creating homelessness and poverty is not the society I wish to see.

Housing should be about people not investors. Governments should proyect people not investors.

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9 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

the very basics of proper housing which is a human right, 

"The Bible tells us that Socialism is slavery and thievery. And anybody who has lived under Socialism can confirm it. Socialism destroys the Biblical work ethic and confiscates assets earned by producers and gives them to non-producers. This de-motivates producers and creates a cycle of sloth, poverty and dependence."

What Does the Bible Say About Socialism? – Faith Founded on Fact

Couples should not be living together unless they are married and shouldn't be having kids unless they have a job that can support them.  Instead of expecting government and taxpayers to support you, get a skill, trade, and a proper job.  There is no "right" to a free home.  We should not be bringing in immigrants who think government owes them everything.

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12 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Protecting the rich, the landlords, the wealthy at the expense of the poor, creating homeless and poverty is not the society I wish to see.

Then stop thinking government should provide everything.  Defend a proper work ethic and stand up for freedom, not government control and Socialism.  Wealthy people do not create poverty for other people.  That is one of the biggest lies of the NDP.   Wealth is not the big bad boogy man.  Wealth and investors is what creates good-paying jobs for everyone.  Why do you think the west is more prosperous than than Asia, Africa, and South America.  It is because people with wealth invest it in corporations that create more jobs and generate more wealth.  Stop believing the lying NDP and left.  Socialism has failed where it has been tried.  Leftism is wrecking the west.

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31 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Housing should be about people not investors

Sounds good, but the fact is somebody has to pay for building housing and apartments and it cannot be the taxpayers.  It has to be investors.  The problem now is caused entirely by useless, corrupt, interventionist governments that have made it very difficult for housing to get built.   Municipal governments have also created huge problems with endless regulations, red tape with additional costs for builders trying to get building permits.  Land has been locked up around many town and cities creating extremely expensive real estate.  Canada has one of the largest land masses and smallest populations in the world.  There is no excuse for the high cost of real estate.  It is government that have driven up the cost of building homes and apartments.  They don't accept responsibility but they are the main problem.   Then we also have environmental radicals that don't want land to be used to build on and oppose development every step of the way.  That is happening right now around the Toronto area where groups, including the NDP, are opposing making the green spaces available to develop for homes.  No end of whiners and obstructionists.

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58 minutes ago, blackbird said:

"The Bible tells us that Socialism is slavery and thievery. And anybody who has lived under Socialism can confirm it. Socialism destroys the Biblical work ethic and confiscates assets earned by producers and gives them to non-producers. This de-motivates producers and creates a cycle of sloth, poverty and dependence."

What Does the Bible Say About Socialism? – Faith Founded on Fact

Couples should not be living together unless they are married and shouldn't be having kids unless they have a job that can support them.  Instead of expecting government and taxpayers to support you, get a skill, trade, and a proper job.  There is no "right" to a free home.  We should not be bringing in immigrants who think government owes them everything.


Bible talks about socialism?I didn't know Carl Marx was born at the time that  Bible was written!!!!!

As I said religious fanatism is a real danger to our society.


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54 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Then stop thinking government should provide everything.  Defend a proper work ethic and stand up for freedom, not government control and Socialism.  Wealthy people do not create poverty for other people.  That is one of the biggest lies of the NDP.   Wealth is not the big bad boogy man.  Wealth and investors is what creates good-paying jobs for everyone.  Why do you think the west is more prosperous than than Asia, Africa, and South America.  It is because people with wealth invest it in corporations that create more jobs and generate more wealth.  Stop believing the lying NDP and left.  Socialism has failed where it has been tried.  Leftism is wrecking the west.

Resources are limited on the planet. There is however enough resources for everyone if the top 1% of population don't grab over half the resources to themselves and make the other 50% poor.

The West is more prosperous because they don't have Islam or too many religious fanatics to make them miserable and poor. They have social programs in a more just society where most people pay their share to have universal social programs for everyone.

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38 minutes ago, blackbird said:

Sounds good, but the fact is somebody has to pay for building housing and apartments and it cannot be the taxpayers.  It has to be investors. 

No investors only think about their own interests at the expense of the poor however, democratic righteous governments are after the interests of their citizens. Yes the wealthy with higher taxes should pay for the hungry and the homeless. 

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2 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

As I said religious fanatism is a real danger to our society.

The Bible is not religious fanatic


1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

No investors only think about their own interests at the expense of the poor however, democratic righteous governments are after the interests of their citizens. Yes the wealthy with higher taxes should pay for the hungry and the homeless. 

 The Bible defends the freedom to own private property and that means freedom to work and keep what you earn.  Why would you want to give the government what you earn and let them control your life.  That is not freedom.   Freedom and free enterprise are not fanaticism.  Keeping what one earns is just common sense and taking from others is theft.

You think politicians are in it for the good of the people rather than themselves?  That is fiction.  

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3 hours ago, Nationalist said:

Why not? A person wants to be in Canada...requires social assistance...and can have it if they reside in certain places

Well again - the constitution (or more accurately the charter) forbids it.' I'm sure you recall the challenges that came up during covid when provinces wanted to prevent people from travel between provinces. Everyone in Canada is subject to the charter, immigrant or not.

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3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The Bible is not religious fanatic


 The Bible defends the freedom to own private property and that means freedom to work and keep what you earn.  Why would you want to give the government what you earn and let them control your life.  That is not freedom.   Freedom and free enterprise are not fanaticism.  Keeping what one earns is just common sense and taking from others is theft.

You think politicians are in it for the good of the people rather than themselves?  That is fiction.  

I am not an expert in bible but I do know bible encourages the wealthy help the poor though does not force it. Unfortunately most humans do not give up their wealth voluntarily so we need a government to force them for the better of the majority of population.

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3 minutes ago, blackbird said:

You have a very naive view of the world.  Socialism has always failed.  Communist leaders have always been in it for themselves.  You need to wake up.

The hell to communism. I am advocating a fairer distribution of wealth so that we have less poor people. If you really believe in Christ then you must be concerned about the poor, homeless, hungry and kids living in hazardous conditions in sub-standard housing but your solution is to misrepresent bible by saying that bible supported the wealthy and did not care about the poor by unconditionally supporting free enterprise.

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31 minutes ago, blackbird said:

The Bible is not religious fanatic


 The Bible defends the freedom to own private property and that means freedom to work and keep what you earn.  Why would you want to give the government what you earn and let them control your life.  That is not freedom.   Freedom and free enterprise are not fanaticism.  Keeping what one earns is just common sense and taking from others is theft.

You think politicians are in it for the good of the people rather than themselves?  That is fiction.  

ou have a very naive view of the bible. Bible also says we are all God's children and equal tin God's eyes. Don't brothers and sisters help each other at the time of need in your family?

If you believe in Christianity and love of neighbor then you must strongly support the redistribution of wealth to support your neighbors. Worshipping God is not words in the church on Sundays but your actions in life to make it better for God's children. al of them.

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2 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

I was suggesting Federal as well as Provincial tax increases for the wealthy (all over Canada).

And I was putting myself in the shoes of a top 1% business owner. I run a business, personally, and my wife owns one. We're just not in the top 1%, but can relate to red tape, making it harder for us to do business. We ultimately decided to invest in real estate elsewhere, as a result.

If my taxes were going way up, I would move to another province that had my best interests at heart.

I also painted the picture of mass exoduses of people due to such tax and staggering cost of living increases, like NYC.

The beauty of freedom, is you can either vote bad policies out, or simply move to another province or state where polices protect your dollars, which incentivizes job creation and investment.

Running a business, you're essentially heavily taxed simply on payroll, alone. Add to that property taxes, and many other expenses a business owner must worry about, so to try to play Robin Hood and tell such people, that massive tax increases will help people at the bottom--the very people they created jobs for, won't really sit well.

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1 minute ago, Perspektiv said:


If my taxes were going way up, I would move to another province that had my best interests at heart.

All provinces must tax the top 1% to improve the life for bottom 20%. This is a fair way of living. It will fight poverty, hopelessness, crimes, etc. The reason we have significantly lower crimes rates compared to US is because we have relatively better social programs. But we can do better.

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26 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Yes the wealthy with higher taxes should pay for the hungry and the homeless. 

Again--how are you going to enforce this in a free society? There's a reason why socialism doesn't work.

It gives the illusion of distribution of wealth, but in fact has the government run your lives, vs running the country.



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4 minutes ago, Perspektiv said:

Again--how are you going to enforce this in a free society? There's a reason why socialism doesn't work.

It gives the illusion of distribution of wealth, but in fact has the government run your lives, vs running the country.



Not sure what you mean. Imposition of 50% tax rate (combined Federal and Provincial) on incomes over $150,000 and 40% rate on whatever is over $100,000) and 60^ over $200,000.

Get the billions and invest them on housing and food banks and health service.

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23 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

your solution is to misrepresent bible by saying that bible supported the wealthy and did not care about the poor by unconditionally supporting free enterprise.

Appears you don't know much about the Bible.  The Bible advocates personal, voluntary charity, not state Socialism, which is what you are advocating.  That would result in everyone losing their freedom.  Why would any company or investors want to invest in a country where the government took what they earn?  It doesn't make sense.  That is one reason it doesn't work.  You end up with a very poor country and no freedom, much like the third world.

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7 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

All provinces must tax the top 1%

Its a flawed approach. If you tax say, Warren Buffet an additional 10% a year in Saskatchewan. What do you think someone who has the money and capacity to uproot themselves will do?

This is a good idea on paper, but in actual practice, makes absolutely no sense.

If you think governments actually care about people, vs their hold on power, I don't know what to tell you.

I grew up incredibly poor. I learned that relying on government help, just kept me poor. Like a mouse in a running wheel. Getting myself out of poverty via sacrifice and a plan, was my only legit way out.

Anyone that sells me victim-hood and not solutions, isn't after my best interests.

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1 minute ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Imposition of 50% tax rate (combined Federal and Provincial) on incomes over $150,000 and 40% rate on whatever is over $100,000) and 60^ over $200,000.

That would destroy the country.  No investor or company would invest in a place like that.  They would go elsewhere and there would be no jobs here. That's the Socialist mentality.  

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2 hours ago, blackbird said:

Because it would cost billions to build the number of houses that are needed.  Socialism is one of the biggest threats the western world faces.  Everyone wants free stuff but nobody wants to pay for it.


they estimate we're about 1,8 million homes short of where we need to be right now, so if we assume about 300k to build a unit even if they get the land cheap and even if we cut that back to 1.5 million that would be 450 billion dollars the gov't would have to come up with.

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